• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Madisonian Forensics Team

I'm gonna reach through this screen and punch you in your damn mouth. NO. I needed to get up at 7 to get a shower so my hair would have time to dry so I could straighten it for that meeting but I woke up late.
I should have a reply up soon, I was in the hospital all day Tuesday and didn't get home until yesterday. Yesterday I was pretty tired and didn't reply, but I'm all good today!
sorry I've been absent, been really busy these past few days and only have my phone. I'll try to have a post up soon
Starting today around 2pm. Eastern Time, I'll be visiting Mexico, I should have Wi-Fi but anything can happen you know, so my replies may be limited.
Alright so I'm kinda figuring that at this point we should all post in the general IC tab about what our characters do when they aren't on the job... does that sound good?
Hopefully I should have a post up soon the Wifi at the resort I've been at hasn't been working too well lately, but they had the handyman fix it yesterday night.

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