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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~! ]

@Cold Coffee

Happy's already mentioned earlier that other players were free to control NPCs like that. So you should be good
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One question, if I may:

I read the first few posts of the ooc, the rp and checked out the character sign-up, but what does 'walk in' rp mean? If this is quite the stupid question, please enlighten me. I don't enjoy others thinking that I'm ignorant.
Not really, happy might say it more for a formality but unless your character is OP or something you're already in.
Ok, just checking before I break through a rule I wasn't aware of. I tried to give my spirits hindering weaknesses, and they're not very strong anyway.

When you said 'blind', you didn't mean Reiko, did you? If you did, he's only blind in one eye. He can see perfectly with the other.
@Retro109 no no Rehiem didn't meet the half angel yet and there is a total of two totally blind people one a angel and another is a human I think Rehiem never get to know the second
@Daniel reaving

Please keep all OoC in the OoC thread. It's really distracting.

That said, you didn't miss any major events. Characters made their introductions and some others developed their character further. I'd recommend reading through it just to be up to speed.
Hahaha sorry, but I couldn't exactly go against what she had done in the earlier post

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