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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~! ]

With Reiko gone, Falin's attention had mainly been to the smoke. There had been no clues or glimpses of the future like there normally would have been. All she could see was what had already happened. Somewhat annoyed as the pipe extinguished, she set it aside and rubbed her eyes. It was worth a try and if anything was good for relaxing and gathering her thoughts. She glanced over at Marguerite who still seemed a little distracted. The two of them needed to talk, perhaps once she was ready. The angel had left her rather shaken after all.

Before she could get up to begin working on her armor, the young mage returned. After apologizing for leaving, he showed he was curious about the smoke. "You could consider it a kind of foresight, yes. Bosmer can meditate and look into the images as a kind of divination. Though, it wasn't revealing anything about what could happened, only what already has."

A low chuckle escaped her at Eikai's outburst. Could he already have some kind of infatuation with her? Or perhaps they were misinterpreting his curiosity?

Reiko leaned in slightly closer, eager to hear more. Anything from other lands easily intrigued him, since it was usually out of the norm from what he was used to. "So, does it come in handy? Or is it just a pastime?" He asked curiously.
"Sometimes it comes in handy," she gave a slight shrug. "Other times it's just useful to slow down and gather your thoughts." A small smile played on the Bosmer's lips. "You're certainly curious, nothing wrong with that." Falin studied him for a moment, debating whether or not she should look for answers of her own. Perhaps there's no harm in it. "You had mentioned that someone's spirit is given an element and then awaits summoning, correct? Do you know if this applies to all worlds or just your own?"


Reiko's curious look slowly melted away into a sorrowful face. He looked up at her with remorse, knowing the core reason for such a question immediately. Every person he had ever talked to had asked him this, and every time he answered the same way.

"I'm sorry, but whoever you lost cannot be brought back in that way... Yes, Spirits are part of a Being and keep their memories, but they're not the same... I tried that once with my- my best friend, Kirei. She was a Dark Spirit, which was expected, but she wasn't the same. She was almost the opposite... Only Ancient Spirits recover their memories, since - at whatever time they are summoned - their most important person in their life is long gone. It's Desir's way of keeping the balance. The cruelest way possible..." He looked up Falin promptly, continuing "Yes, it applies to every realm, but only Dier - where I am from - has mastered it, creating technology to assist and weaponise them further."

||I wish he was lying, but it's the truth... I recovered my memories very recently, and I still cry at the thought of them. My power had increased tremendously, but it was in exchange for some of my happiness...||
She waved him off, eyes guarded and distant. "It's fine, I was only curious." A small, sad smile played on her face. "Part of me just hoped to be able to fight alongside of someone I once trusted with my life and he trusted me with his." A small spectral fox appeared on her shoulder. "Besides calling a spirit I could communicate with would have its uses."

"How long ago was that? More than 100 years and we could summon their Ancient Spirit, memories and all" Reiko asked hopefully. If there was anyone you can trust in this world, it's the ones you share a life-force with.
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Falin was silent in thought for awhile. Just how long had it been? She had long since lost track of the flow of time since she was named an Immortal. So even trying to pinpoint how much time had gone by since his passing was difficult to say the least. It's not like I can just ask him what year it is, there's no way they count the years the same as we do. "I can't give you an exact number," she said finally, eyes still closed in thought, "But it has been well over a hundred years."

||It has been 2 cycles of the Beam Point since I was reformed. I've seen a lot over that time...|| Eikai said driftily. Reiko rolled his eyes, explaining

"She meant 2,000 years. All my Spirits count every 250 years using either the Shadow Point - the pure black spot in the light sky - every 500 years using White Star - the largest object in the night sky - every 1,000 years using the Beam Point - the bright spot in the night sky - and every 10,000 years using the Black Star - the distorted point in the light sky." He then stood up and clapped his hands together, announcing "We can bring them back if it's over that long! Do you want to?" He waited innocently for an answer, realising that he had taken a little long to explain all that.
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"Well you certainly count the passing of time differently than where I'm from. Though Eras just make everything confusing." She shook her head, not wanting to explain it. As the mage asked her whether or not she wanted to summon the spirit, her crimson eyes looked back up at him. "As..." The Bosmer hesitated slightly, "As long as this isn't disturbing their rest." She struggled with that when calling upon the Champions of the Hunt to aid her. Ending their earned rest felt wrong to her.

Reiko shook his head. Not any of the people he had met had problems with any of the techniques he used to summon Spirits, but he never was sure. "No, the Spirit is separate, remember? That's how all cultures can be applied to this. Shall we?" He asked, holding his hand out.
The Bosmer let out a sigh and accepted the mage's hand, standing. "It's worth a try if anything." She couldn't deny a faint excitement for the chance of fighting alongside her beloved once more. "What needs to be done then?"


"Firstly: Did you have any... Intimate relationship with this person? It will assist you in the summoning He asked, leading her out into the open air.

The Bosmer gave a small sigh. "No sense in hiding it," she light touched the silver bands held by a simple chain around her neck. "But we were wed, yes." Though she couldn't help but wonder how it would help...
Rehiem grinning at his new puppet waved for Big ben to come over to him. Ben did as he was told as Rehiem laughed before putting a cloak on to the now completed female puppet. Walking out with both behind him as he headed towards the dining hall. Seeing both the bosmer female and the new half angel male he took a mental note of the male as he knew anyone who talked to her was against him. Going to a empty table Rehiem sat while the two puppets stood behind him guarding him Ben on high alert as he scanned the area. Ordering something from the menu he sat quietly before he smiled again still happy about getting closer to his goal.

Reiko gave a bitter smile. "My 4th Spirit: Altia, told me about how she was summoned back by her love, but at the time she didn't recognise him. He commited suicide so that his Soul would be with her... He said, now tracing the ground with a symbol, the lines glowing faintly. He stood back up, saying "Alright, you stand in the middle of this here, ok?" He lifted his head upwards at the sense of a familiar aura. "...Detzui?" He whispered in disbelief. What business could Detzui have here? The archangel, maybe, but Detzui's a Valkyrie, so he wouldn't attack another angel, even if he was forced to...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67c36b76_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_animeboywhitehair.jpg.cd5d4b3227e410a6ed85436019d55f19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67c36b76_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_animeboywhitehair.jpg.cd5d4b3227e410a6ed85436019d55f19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"...Another safe haven, it seems... What kind of evil could exist here that the Creed would need me to destroy? I suppose I shall find out..."

The silver-haired, topaz-eyed, black-cloaked man who stood on the hill overlooking the inn was named Detzui. After returning to his guild: Juror's Creed after investigating a demon city named Haven, Detzui was sent to seek and reprimand a summoner, or 'puppeteer', with deadly intentions. What he hadn't told him is that his cousin had came to the same place.

Detzui walked in and looked around. It was quaint, but homely. He approached the desk, looking around for anyone who may be a summoner. "Any rooms?" He asked promptly, but trying not to sound too rude.



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The Bosmer sighed, nodding. "I can only imagine that isn't too uncommon when summoning like this." Following the Mage's instructions, she stepped inside the circle. While aura sensing wasn't exactly in her repertoire, she picked up on the new sent that entered. "A friend of yours?" She asked, studying the mage closely.

"My cousin, actually. He joined a guild called Juror's Creed when he was 15. After that, he became a lot more disciplined. One thing I had never known was that he was a Valkyrie: A pure Archangel. His full potential had only been recently unlocked, since he was labelled a Steel Demon before. He's the Chain Meister I was talking about earlier..." He explained, a distant smile appearing on his face.
Falin nodded, "Oh? Seems like the two of you haven't seen each other in awhile." A smile played on her face, "I think you have some catching up to do today." She tilted her head slightly as she asked, "so what does this guild do?" Perhaps Detzui could be another ally... She had a feeling the help was going to be necessary for whatever was to come.

"Juror's Creed are a large and powerful guild, which take many different exorcism and purification tasks. They are also an official Avear War Guild. Reiko explained, handing her a staff.
Quietly listening to the conversation that was going on before seeing the power of what this new person of summoning creatures Rehiem smiled. Hearing about the "Juruor's creed". "Hmmm seems like a cult of priests and mages" He thought as he listened. Rehiem food arrived as he looked down at the plate as he ordered more food as the plates piled up Rehiem "ate" all of them feeding his new puppet, himself and ben fork and spoon feeding them like they was children
She accepted the staff with a slight nod. "I may have an idea what he's here for... I'll have to speak with him at some point." She would be surprised if Detzui hadn't been sent to track down Rehiem. Though it would mean she wouldn't have the pleasure of finishing off that rat herself.

"And another priest is coming" Rehiem thought his mouth filled with food. Rolling his eyes as he heard Falin "Dumb truly pathetic" He thought petting the Maleficent's blue hair.


Reiko finished drawing out the symbol. It's faint glow strengthened. He then continued explaining what to do, instructing

"Alright, now you must repeat his name over and over again. Imagine his face, his smile, how he laughed, how he held you. Block everything else except my voice..." Arca Arcari...

Necrir Necrirti...


Detzui felt the aura of two different summoners: One was the 'puppeteer' that he was here for but the other... Was a very familiar aura.

"...Reiko? It can't be... But maybe..." He pondered the thought for a moment. It was completely possible that Reiko would be here, him being a freelance Adventurer at the moment. Sometimes, Detzui always used to wish for the days when he was on his own, not tied down by guilds. He sighed wistfully.

Falin nodded as she took a slow breath, closing her eyes. Quietly murmuring Dereth's name it wasn't long before the only sounds she heard was Reiko's voice and her own. Recalling the memories had brought a small, sad smile across her lips. The Immortal remembered how safe she had felt in his arms. The few times she was ever truly at peace...


"Now, imagine him here, in front of you. What would he say? What would he do if he saw you right now? Picture that, I shall do the rest..."

||Gate that divides us,

Gate that unites us,

Unite the two that stand before thee...

And let them hold on until the end of time!||

The energy surged through Reiko's body, pulsating and growing. He held out his hand, the energy was transferred. It moved to Falin's staff, which now glowed and hummed."Let go of the staff! Keep that image in your mind!" Reiko cried, his voice barely audible over the roar of the power. This Spirit is an old one, which meant it was very strong...
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