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Realistic or Modern The Lucky Ones

Lindy's eyes cast downward, she was trying to be optimistic about this new experience; but so far they were offto a shaky start. She retreated to the sanctity of her mind, wondering absently if Marcello would've even noticed if she and Lee had skipped this breakfast. Actually, in the time they'd been waiting the breakfast had just become a prop to make them seem normal. No one was eating, not like anyone had much appetite anyways, and there was a unbearable discomfort lingering in the air. In the she'd been sitting here she could've showered, gotten dressed, and done some morning yoga or meditation. Mildly irritated by the disturbing misuse of time, she began to tap her foot impatiently; but it was quiet enough that it was practically inaudible.

Leroy was about as awkward-looking as Lindy, his lips drawn into a grim thin line; but he was rather focused on the situation before them. Shifting his weight just slightly, he looked more to his foster mother than father; because he already felt mistrust from the first second he stepped into the house. He seemed to have a general hatred of father figures, even though he was male himself. It was a power-control thing as much as it was his past, and it brought up Lindy's pondering as to why Lee didn't seem to settle down in any houses for too long. She also couldn't help but wonder if Lee was gay or not, he never answered her directly about any subtle questions she dropped; but either way she'd never seen him shown genuine interest in romance, and if he did he was very skilled in hiding it.

Leighton Garrison-Mathers

Leighton gave a smirk at her brothers who were bustling around the house in full action. She caught a fragment of Adrian's words to Ryan and slouched for a moment. College. Honestly, it wasn't something she wanted to think about, especially when she made that promise to Adrian about boozing it up by the poolside. The brunette shook her head and flipped her sunglasses on before leaving through the front door. Nothing was going to come between her and that pool.

She made her way towards the glistening black Porsche that was parked in the driveway. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Leighton muttered to herself. The car was a work of art, and the years of hard work she put into that thing paid off. With a smile, Leighton hopped in and put the key into ignition. The purr of the car was music to the girl's ears. In the corner of her eye she watched Adrian slide into the passenger seat. Not long after, Aki came up around the back of the car and hopped in the backseat. She nodded her head slightly when she heard something about texting Sam. "I'm sure Sam will be happy to see her partner in crime." she stated as she gave a smirk over at Adrian. There wasn't a family gathering that didn't consist of an argument started up from the two of them. But, hey, that was the only way those damn things were even close to being interesting. Leighton backed out of the driveway, "Hold on to something," she said without even an explanation, and by the time she would have thought of one, it would have been far too late. The car shifted into drive and they bucked it down the rode towards the Zocchi estate.

Honestly, Leighton loved driving. It was a relaxing experience all on its own. With a half smile, Leighton pulled up into the curved drive in front of the Zocchi residence. The look of the mansion seemed to get pretty old in her opinion. It was extravagent, yes, but you could only take so much fancy until it became too much. The brunette grabbed her purse from the front seat and placed the keys on the belt loop of her jean shorts. Reluctantly, she knocked on the massive front door. "If I die, Adrian gets the Porsche." she said with a humorous tone.

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Aki had just sent his text before Leighton sped out from the driveway. Aki literally was smashed into the side. "Ouch, Leighhhhhh," he whined, feeling a sting on his cheek. "You messed up my good side," he said with a goofy smile, obviously trying to forget the pain. Aki sat in silence on the way over after that. He checked his tumblr, art blog you know, he smiled looking at his hard work and all the reblogs and stuff. Aki was glad his artwork appealed to other people. Especially his fan art.

He finally looked up as they entered the driveway. Aki rolled his eyes, hopping to not deal with his aunt and uncle. "Okay, it's either die or swim, I hope it's swim," he mumbled under his breath getting out of the car. Aki looked up, forgetting just how big the Zocchi house was. Sure the size was big, but the house reminded him of something old. He shuddered a little, walking to the door, but shook it off. "If I die, Adrian gets the Porsche," Leighton said humorously.

Aki rolled his eyes and said, "Adrian always gets the car. Well, I have to agree that I would mess it up so. Eh, we're getting off topic, let's just get this over with."
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Adrian Carrington-Mathers

Adrian rolled his eyes when Leighton made her comment about Sam. His cousin was impossible, her sarcasm always managing to tip him over that fine line. He faked a loud laugh, nudging Leighton in the shoulder. "That's cute, Leigh. Now imagine if you could use that sense of humor to land yourself a boyfriend." Adrian's grin widened, as he rolled down his window and gripped the frame of the car as Leighton sped off down the driveway.

Adrian had his hand dangling out of the window the entire way there allowing the wind whipping through the window to be his song of choice. He was half surprised that Aki had little to say, but he wasn't one to complain. He wouldn't be surprised if the kid had passed out -- he was basically a six year-old at heart and they tended to tucker themselves out whenever they were functioning at 110% like Aki tended too.

As they pulled up to the Zocchi estate, Adrian straightened up in his chair and rolled up the window. He'd always been a fan of the house -- it having enough space to give everyone some privacy. The Mathers were close and Adrian loved that, but he was a teenage guy who just needed some time to himself -- a task that was made really hard with the constant family gathering and him sharing a room with Ryan.

"Just let Aki do the talking."
Adrian suggested with a sideways smirk at Leighton and Ryan, as he climbed out of the car and walked to the front door. "He'll say five words and Uncle Marc will get frustrated and probably walk off." He shot a soft punch at Aki's back, showing that he was only kidding.


Marcello Zocchi

Marc watched as Toni joined them back at the table and uttered some words as if nothing had happened. He simply stared at his son with an unimpressed, perturbed look on his face, Toni's belittlement of the situation killing the last of his patience. "I try to have a nice family breakfast for a change and look how you all act." Marc stated his voice calm and level as he looked around the table meeting each set of eyes in turn. "Sam's dressed as she's working the streets. Toni and Evie are disillusioned into thinking the world runs on their time. Hell, the only ones that seem to have any sense are Lindy and Jane." Marc voice had risen without him knowing, but the second the caught himself he made a visible attempt at constraining his emotions.

He pushed his chair back from the table, rising from it and running a hand over his suit jacket to straighten himself.
"We have a family photo shoot for the campaign tomorrow morning. Look presentable." He said without making eye contact with anymore of his family for fear that he'd loss control again. Without another word, he left the kitchen to gather his things so that he could get out of the house and back into the his element -- his career.

"Just let Aki do the talking," Adrian started when he got out of the car. "He'll say five words and Uncle Marc will get frustrated and probably walk off." Adrian punched his back in an endearing way. Well, by his standards.

Aki snorted a little and said, "That might be true if he isn't already pissed. Let's hope the other fosters haven't done anything to make Uncle Marc go insaaane. I mean Toni could have too, probably Sam." Aki smiled as he knocked again after Leighton. He wasn't the type to sit around long, he practically had the mentality of a boy half his age. "Heeeeeellllllooo!" He shouted, getting more impatient by the minute, they had been standing there for a full five minutes or something. He didn't really know, time travels fast in Aki's mind.


"I try to have a nice family breakfast for a change and look how you all act," he said with a dangerous calm. His eyes met each and everyone of the people at the table. Toni looked back into his father's eyes void of emotion,

Toni's smirked dropped and his face kept an unmistakeable dangerous calm. "That's a lie. The only reason you want us here is to discuss some of your campaign shenanigans," Toni thought, obviously hating to be here.

"Sam's dressed as she's working the streets. Toni and Evie are disillusioned into thinking the world runs on their time. Hell, the only ones that seem to have any sense are Lindy and Jane," Marcello said, his voice raising past it's normal tone.

Toni stood up, his face contorted with anger. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Going against his father was not easy for one. Plus, he knew he didn't have the guts. He sat back down, face returning to normal. His father then stood up, about to discuss the whole reason they were there. "We have a family photo shoot for the campaign tomorrow morning. Look presentable," Marcello said, before walking out of the dining room. Toni frowned in return and just grabbed a piece of bacon.

"I'm not really hungry. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me," he said, nodding at Sam and the fosters. He gave a quick smile to his mother before stuffing the bacon in his mouth and headed upstairs. He opened the door, slammed it, and sat down on the stool near his keyboard. Toni powered it up and started to warm up his fingers. He felt calmer with his music, so it helped a lot. He started warming his voice up too. Finally he had finished after a few minutes or so. His fingers found their places and he started to play. This tune you'd probably know, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.

"I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

It goes like this

The fourth, the fifth

The minor fall, the major lift

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah"

Toni was really getting into the song, having to release all those emotions out somewhere.
Leroy and Lindy both noticed Marcello didn't bother to mention Lee, as though the very presence of him was a punishment in itself. Excusing himself, Lee stood and went upstairs; he went straight to his bedroom, grabbing clothing suitable for the day so he could shower and get rid of his god-awful bedhead. Leroy noted the boy's bathroom was empty, and he heard the familiar tune of Hallelujah as he crept into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, as much as he liked hot baths he didn't have time for it, and getting in after briefly observing himself in the mirror. Of course, he never liked what he saw. While to everyone else he looked perfectly fine, he had his thoughts against himself. He wasn't necessarily scrawny, just small-framed; and he had a runner's body. His scars were almost stand-outish and he brutally reminded himself that suffering had been his least favorite teacher, but the one there for more of his life.

Back at the table, Lindy was uncomfortably waiting to excuse herself as well. She cleaned up her plate, just as her brother had, and then came back to where Marcello sat. Bowing her head slightly, she thanked him "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Zocchi." Lindy wasn't stupid, she saw Marcello's ploy to have foster children for the public eye; but she was playing into it purposely to make things easier for herself. Making friends with her alleged and potential enemies always eradicated situations before they arose, and she just wished her brother could do the same. It wasn't like he couldn't manipulate people, or act like he cared- It was that he deliberately chose not to, and something stunted his gentle personality after the passing of their mom that just accumulated into this bitter, hateful, and anxious person. She knew he always had something off, as their mother did the same skittish and twitchy things, but they were both strong; and even though she knew Lee thought he was stronger for skipping his medication or refraining conversation from the therapists, it was only worsening his habits because he wasn't in the position to self-help.

Her mind wandered as she went upstairs after hearing whatever Marcello had to say, immediately going into her room to put makeup on. In her thoughts she pondered healthy alternatives that could help her brother; they'd both tried to get into sports, but both of them got fiercely competitive. Her brother was always better in the motivation-based sports, like running and martial arts. She always thought yoga or meditation would help him if he found the time and opportunity to give the patience for it. They never stuck with any of those unless it was expected of them, and most foster parents already were too busy with their own lives to really expect much other than the kids don't go crazy. Lindy usually wore a sparse amount of makeup, it was thick and dark enough to make her rather pretty and alive-looking; but not enough to give off the wrong impression. Putting on her clothes, she settled for khaki shorts, a cute black tank top, and a small red knapsack to carry around her stuff conveniently during summer.
Stef Zocchi

Stef watches her husband leave the room and she sigh. She had always hated the family photo shoots. She turns to her kids and rolls her eyes before standing and going into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and some Jack Daniels and heading out into the living room. She pours some of the JD into her glass and quickly takes a big gulp, sighing happily as the slow familiar burn makes it's way down her throat. Just as she's about to take another gulp, she hears knocking at the door and the sounds of Aki's voice. She groans in frustration and set her drink down on a table and gets up walking over to the door. She opens it, her face conveying how frustrated she was. "Sam's still in the kitchen.... I think. If she's not their then she's probably with Toni in his room." She states before quickly turning around and going back to her glass and bottle of JD.


Sam Zocchi

Sam huffs angrily as her father yells that she's dressed like she works on the streets. She narrows her eyes and crosses her arms as he continues the rest of his little 'tirade'. Her eyes wander over to Toni as she sees him stand up, looking like he wanted to say something. When her father finished his little speech she watched Toni head up to his room. She quickly followed after him and gently knocked on his door. "Toni," She asks timidly, "can I come in?" She slowly opens the door without waiting for an answer and watches him play Hallelujah. She smiles and sits down on his bed, watching him play.

(Sorry. I never got the notifications that people were replying on this.)
Aki was about to shout again, but the door suddenly opened. Standing in front of him was a not-so-happy Aunt Steph. Her face conveyed such a frustrated emotion. Aki gulped a little. Aunt Steph scared him a little.....okay a lot. She was a force to be respected, but not reckoned with. She was probably drinking, Aki was thinking that at least. "Sam's still in the kitchen.... I think. If she's not there, then she's probably with Toni in his room," Aunt Steph said, turning around. Well that solved that problem.

"Ah, okay, umm thanks?" He said, looking pretty awkward. She was clearly not happy to see them. "Okay, guys, let's go. I think we can leave Toni and Sam alone. Unless you want to get Toni drunk off his butt. Let's just get to the pool, plus I gotta change," he stated looking over his shoulder at his siblings. He walked into the house, noticing Uncle Marc. "Oh hey!" He said, waving before continuing. Aki didn't say anything more, clearly noticing his look of discontentment. He walked swiftly into the Guest Bathroom.

Aki changed quickly into his bathing suit. He looked in the mirror quickly, fixing some of his hair. Bah, he gave up figuring it wasn't worth it anyways. Aki just messed his hair up and stuffed his clothes back into his bag. He walked back out, heading towards the poolside. He waited a bit, looking past his shoulder at his siblings. "Wait. I forgot the sunscreen. Eh, the Zocchis have to have some out there, they're rich," He thought and mentally slapped himself for forgetting.


Toni was into the song, a lot. He let his voice pour out like silk. His voice was truly beautiful, as said by his teacher. Toni shrugged it off, compliments could make your head grow too big. Well, to some. Other people would like to differ with his behavior. He continued to sing, unaware of Sam's sudden presence. The lyrics were really beautiful to him and the tune as well. Plus it was overall very well known and many had made covers of it, adding lyrics along the way.

"Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you

She tied you to a kitchen chair

She broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Baby I have been here before

I know this room, I've walked this floor

I used to live alone before I knew you.

I've seen your flag on the marble arch

Love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time when you let me know

What's really going on below-

Toni stopped singing, finally noticing Sam. "Oh, Sammy, do you need something? Sorry I didn't notice you," he said, smiling sheepishly. He stood up from his seat and sat down on his bed next to Sam. "Anyways, what Father said was totally uncalled for. I think you look fine," he added, frowning at the thought of Marcello. He could be a huge ass sometimes. It wasn't fair really. Toni would gladly say something, it was just he didn't have the guts to go against their father. He stretched a little and cracked his knuckles.
Sam smiles and shakes her head. "It's fine Toni. I just wanted to see if you were okay. And thank you. Though... I did kind of ask for what he said. I wore this to piss them off." She says sheepishly. "You we really good." She adds, talking about how well he played and sung. "You should play me something else." She states, smiling as she leans against him. "I love when you play." She runs her fingers through her hair and looks over at Toni.

(Sorry my replies are short. I don't feel very well.)
"It's fine Toni. I just wanted to see if you were okay. And thank you. Though... I did kind of ask for what he said. I wore this to piss them off," Sam said, with a sheepish smile.

Toni nodded and shrugged. He still didn't like it. Well perhaps she had it coming, but Sam was....well...Sam. "Okay then," he responded, smirking a little.

"You were really good," she added out of the blue.

Toni smiled and responded, "Thanks~"

"You should play me something else. I love when you play," Sam said, leaning towards him.

Toni smiled and lost it. "Aw, come here you!" He said, pulling her into his arms and giving her a noogie. He probably messed up her hair, but that was besides the point. "Okay, I'll play anything, just choose your choice!" He added, letting his death hold loose. He stood up and gestured to his many instruments. He was a man of many instruments, name anything and he'll play it.
"Oh, Toni!!" She exclaims loudly as he grabs her, giving her a noogie. She quickly fixes her hair as he lets go of her and shakes her head, smiling. "Surprise me." She states and lays down on his bed. "And remind me to never say anything nice to you again. If you're going to give me a noogie every time I do it, I won't do it ever again." She adds sarcastically, though she has a smile on her face. "I mean. I love you and everything, but I don't love you when you mess up my hair." She quickly adds and lays her head down on his pillows.
Toni listened to Sam and he just laughed. "Hah, sure, but don't expect any promises. You know me," he said, wiping the tears away. "Anyways, I'll play Stay With Me by Sam Smith then. I just like the song," he stated after he stood up and went back to his piano. He grabbed his water bottle nearby and drank all of its contents. He wiped his mouth and then tossed the water bottle into the room recycling bin near the door. He cleared his throat and started singing.

"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?

No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control

And deep down I know this never works

But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me
Sam smiles and listens to him play and sing. She watches him and crosses her arms on her stomach. "You are a-" She stops herself remember not moments before she had complimented him and she received a noogie. "You are... Awful..." She finishes lamely. She giggles and shakes her head. "Keep it up overly emotional boy. You should start making your own songs! I would so love that!" She exclaims excitedly.
Toni gave a laugh at Sam's sarcasm. "Of course, Sammy~ Thank you for the compliment," He mused, a big smile on his face. Smiling suited him, not frowning at all. He stretched again, looking at his sister's smile.

"Keep it up overly emotional boy. You should start making your own songs! I would so love that!" Sam said, out of the blue. Toni smiled and nodded. That would be awesome. He wanted to take his band to the life of a real, contracted, musical career. They deserved it. But, Toni mentally frowned, would his parents allow it? His mama and his father would never allow it. Never was overreacting, sure, but it was true. They expected him to be like them, something he was not. Toni was smart, but he hated being the center of attention. He wasn't good at sports, but an artist. All of his classmates said he was destined for great things, musically of course. His best friend even volunteered to help along the way, becoming the drummer of the band that he wanted to start, or started already. It was only the two of them, but he was going to ask Evie, even that Borland guy who seemed to know how to play guitar.

Toni snapped out of his thoughts and said, "You know Sammy, thanks for the support. I love you, ya know?" Toni grinned and stood, hearing the Mathers. So they had came over, well that was good. Toni wouldn't be able to handle a day without his sibs and cousins. "Anyways, Sam, I think our cousins are over. Let's go see what they want," He said, walking over to his closet and grabbing a pair of trunks, goggles, and a random bottle of sunscreen. "You should get changed, by the way, I feel like swimming, you wanna join right? If you want to, of course," Toni said, heading out the door and to the bathroom door. He knocked, being courteous, "Hey, Lee, you in here?"
Sam smiles and nods her head. "Of course I wanna swim!!" She exclaims and stands up, heading to her room. She goes through her drawers and finds a light blue bikini. She quickly changes into it and grabs a towel. "I'll just use Toni's sunscreen." She mutters to herself. Her eyes wander down her body and she puts her hair into a messy bun.
(SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING! I don't get notifications for this and my netbook has a busted keyboard so I only have my phone; which is tedious and about a hundred times slower to type on. I ordered a new keyboard so I should be able to reply soon)
(The sites been down like every other day. Well, at least for me. I've cometo check on it every now and then; and they're almost always out. My laptop didnt take well to a new keyboard so I have to use my oldest one- after we get a new screen for it. So idk how long ill be out)

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