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Realistic or Modern the Losers ~ character creation



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Deadline is Thursday, September 5th @ 7 p.m.(Central Time) so show off your best characters!

age [18-30]:
classification: (hero? villain? anti-hero?)
d.o.b & zodiac:

distinguishing features?:
face-claim [Realistic face-claims only]:

personality [1-2 paragraphs or 4 virtues/vices]:

ability [ This is their superpower. OP powers are highly suggested, for they will be monitored and grown into. Any questions? Ask me or Kassandra Kassandra ]:
strengths [1-3 for power]:
weakness [2-3 for power]:​
❝ savior. ❞
Give me reason to stay here
Cause I don't wanna live in fear​
❝ basics. ❞

【full name】— Leoric Adam Victrel.
【nickname(s)】— Ric.
【gender】— cis male.
【age】— twenty-four.
【sexuality】— closeted homosexual.
【d.o.b. & zodiac】— december twenty-first. sagittarius/capricorn cusp.
【classification】— hero.
【alias】— Flicker.
【alignment】— Chaotic Good.

❝ background. ❞

Leoric was born, seven lbs. and four oz., ten minutes after his sister. It seemed like all he ever did was chase Ria in the end. The twins lived in a family filled with heroes. Their great-grandfather was the legendary Victor Victrel, who helped attack and secure wins against the National Socialist German Workers' Party--otherwise known as the Nazi Party--during the events of the Second World War. And, for a long time, the twins were held in high regard. You see, they were special and their seemingly shared power was one of a kind. They could do whatever their minds could think of. Healing scraped knees when they fell off their bikes...nimbly climbing their Greek Revival home to avoid being caught by their parents. Nothing seemed to be beyond their limit of will and the power seemed to work stronger if they were of one mind. Ric was the more reserved one of the two, though he laughed and smiled just as much as any other kid. It was his sister who was better than him at everything, including her variant of the power.

The massacre was completely unanticipated. It happened so systematically it was almost as if it were planned...

At the age of 18, at a time where no one would be the wiser, all the members of the Victrel family were ripped apart, torn limb by limb, and scattered in their respective homes. Leoric may not remember it but he was supposed to be a part of the death toll. But, something strange happened when he was right on the edge of dying. He felt his power within start to knit his entire being back together. It was a miracle within himself. He was whole again and caught the sight of his sister, bloody and wolfishly grinning like a maniac before he passed out into a black abyss. Upon awaking he was left with nothing but the knowledge that something truly wicked was coming--and only he could stop it.

❝ relationships. ❞

【one】— info.
【two】— info.
【three】— info.
【four】— info.
【five】— info.

❝ abilities. ❞

ability: Absolute Will - "To summarize, this power is capable of manipulating creation as a whole without becoming one with it,"
strengths [1-3 for power]:
1.)The user would have to charge themselves for years at a time to change or bend anything truly drastic.
2.) Leoric does not alter the past for fear of changing the very future that is unfurling before him, nor can he truly create anything. He can bend and shape only himself and the present around him.
3.) If Leoric and Valoria were to come together now or even be in each other's presence for too long, one's force would try to overpower the other. The resulting battle would leave one dead and the other with the remainder of their powers.

❝ psyche. ❞

naturally altruistic.
【fatal flaw】— Loving someone enough to martyr himself for them.
【happiest memory】— His fiftheenth birthday, when he and Ria got interlocking tattoos on the inside of their wrists. It was one of the last times everything felt okay to him.
【a secret】— Leoric prefers a lot of Chaos over perfect order.

❝ visage. ❞

hair: copper blonde
eyes: blue hazel with an almost backlit quality
skin: light with pink/neutral undertones
height: 5"10
weight: 170 lbs.
distinguishing features?: His eyes go a completely silvery-white when his powers are in use.
face-claim: Dacre Montgomery.

&&β€” ❝ the brother. ❞

❝ traitor. ❞
You'll never learn how to love
As your world disassembles​
❝ basics. ❞

【full name】— Valoria Alice Victrel.
【nickname(s)】— Ria.
【gender】— cis female.
【age】— twenty-four.
【sexuality】— bisexual.
【d.o.b. & zodiac】— december twenty-first. sagittarius/capricorn cusp.
【classification】— villain.
【alias】— Entropy.
【alignment】— Chaotic Evil.

❝ background. ❞

She always wanted to be the one to lose control. Never has the urge to completely come undone be yearned as much by any other. You see, from Ria's perspective, the twins were held underneath the surface with the expectation to be the best. Be better, be the best, eclipse the rest. This was the Victrel motto, their creed. Leoric wasn't happy with this lifestyle but not as much as Valoria. She secretly crumbled beneath the weight of being extra special, which drove her mad in the end.

She didn't want to kill Leoric--he was the only one who understood--but she had to.

She needed to release the stress and power within her and destroying the family legacy completely was just the icing on the cake. She went to all their homes and killed them all. Of course, they fought back but she was relentless. The only real surprise amid the blood and bones was the fact that Leoric brought himself back from the brink of death, his body responding to its trauma. She laughed darkly, her blood-matted hair blowing in the wind behind her. Their showdown would come, whether they liked it or not. That day marked a war between the twins and their counterparts. As Valoria's eyes shifted from green to a full eyed black, she knew that the world needed to change or end and it would take one of the Victrel twins to lead the way in the end.

❝ relationships. ❞

【one】— info.
【two】— info.
【three】— info.
【four】— info.
【five】— info.

❝ abilities. ❞

ability: Absolute Will - "To summarize, this power is capable of manipulating creation as a whole without becoming one with it,"
strengths [1-3 for power]:
1.)The user would have to charge themselves for years at a time to change or bend anything truly drastic.
2.) Valoria does not alter the past for fear of changing the very future that is unfurling before her, nor can she truly create anything. He can bend and shape only herself and the present around him.
3.) If Leoric and Valoria were to come together now or even be in each other's presence for too long, one's force would try to overpower the other. The resulting battle would leave one dead and the other with the remainder of their powers.

❝ psyche. ❞

【fatal flaw】— The need to be understood by anyone.
【happiest memory】— When Leoric held Mike Fowler in a Darth Vader Choke for groping her, at the age of 17.
【a secret】— She collects Legos and build-sets to do in her spare time.

❝ visage. ❞

hair: honey blonde
eyes: green
skin: fair
height: 5"7
weight:126 lbs.
distinguishing features?: Her eyes darken into an endless black when she's using her powers
face-claim: Chloe Grace Moretz
&&β€” ❝ the sister. ❞
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tatiana reynolds

  • NAME. Tatiana Marie Reynolds.

    NICKNAME. Tati, Tiana.

    AGE. 21 years old.

    GENDER. Cis female.

    SEXUALITY. Pansexual.

    CLASSIFICATION. Hero? Maybe.

    ALIAS. Tba.

    BIRTHDAY. November 23rd.

    ZODIAC. Sagittarius.

    HAIR. Currently styled in honey blonde box braids, they stop just below her mid back. Her hair is permed, the waves are thick and wavy. Tatiana has black hair, though she’s prone to dying it.

    EYES. Dark brown, often times mistaken as black. Almond shaped and surrounded by natural full lashes.

    SKIN. Warm brown, with gold/yellow undertones.

    HEIGHT. 5’6”.

    WEIGHT. 132 lbs.


    FACE CLAIM. Diamond White.

lauryn hill
everything is everything

coded by weldherwings.
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name: christelle holt
nicknames: chris, holt
age: 27
gender: female
sexuality: homosexual
classification: (super)-villain(ess)
alias: the glass queen
d.o.b & zodiac: march 19th, pisces
hair: bald (check distinguishing features.)
eyes: green
skin: mocha
height: 6'0"
weight: 153 lbs
distinguishing features: crystalline glass in place of hair and eyebrows
face-claim: rihanna (sorry for being basic, i start with an fc and work backwards.)
personality: in many ways, christelle is like an animal. primal, acting on instinct rather than higher, careful thinking. unlike a conventional villain, her process is based entirely around survival, rather than the acquisition of wealth or power, and nothing about that methodology equates with the expectations of a modern society. a villain out of what she feels is necessity, a monster because she was born to be one.
alignment: neutral evil
fears: a theoretical loss of her powers.
secrets: she is responsible for the deaths of three other Sirens.
background: TBA
relationships: none relevant
ability: glass spawning/manipulation
- crystal spawn: emergence of glass from any surface within range, usually in crystalline formation
- shard projection: ranged between long-range sharpshooting and close-burst shrapnel
- traversal capabilities: instant hand/footholds and launching herself from glass figures below her feet
- fragility: regardless of formation size, the density of her glass is constant, and thus capable of being broken
- sub-par physical resistance: much like the substance under her control, her physique is easily injured by offensive forces if not protected

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hair: naturally brown|currently white
eyes: blue w/ gray undertones| neon blue when using large amounts of power
skin: espresso
distinguishing features: Wren has lightening markings on both her arms and on her back, this happened when she used her abilities at near maximum power and it caused her to almost scorch her entire body. When she uses her full power the markings light up neon blue.
face-claim: @melvnin

full name
Wren Hannigan





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Voicemail From rory

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Missed Call From rory

new notification

rory: can we get ramen for dinner tonight?

new notification

: let's go out to eat

wren is a very calm person, a trait unshared by anyone she has been around. soft-spoken and clear-headed, she has a tendency to think things through and formulate plans before taking any sort of action. she tries to see the good in all people but knows it is not possible, and often acts as the voice of reason amongst her friends, who were rarelyβ€”if everβ€”as cool-headed as she was. she enjoys being clean and seeing things like her home be tidy, she starts to get annoyed when she is around an unkempt and messy room. wren wouldn't consider herself as a shy female but someone who is very observant and would rather think before acting. although she carries herself with respect she also has flaws like everyone else. she tends to speak her mind which gets her in trouble but she can't control what she says at times. she will be blunt in both a positive and negative way it was how she was raised. she can have little to no sense of humor at times and can be silent for long periods of time. although wren is fighting for the good she rarely shows emotion towards people. wren doesn't feel a persons pain she just does what she thinks is right for the person and rarely shows comfort in situations. she believes showing emotions all the times can make a person vulnerable. wren feels like having her emotions in the way of her vigilante work and her life will make her unstable.

alignment: Chaotic Good
fears: Maggots| Losing Rory| Dying a shitty death
secrets: n/a at the moment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

Β© pasta
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

full name
Laird Enrique Alejo





April 15th
scroll β–Ό
new notification

Voicemail From mami

new notification

Missed Call From mami

new notification

mami: Eu disse para vocΓͺ pegar alface, nΓ£o repolho!!

new notification

notice me senpai: hey did you do problem 5 on the math hmwk?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

Β© pasta
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Ultra Violet
Violet M.

Violet was born the daughter of two B-class villains which meant there were a few things different then normal about her upbringing. While most ten year old girls are having fun at sleepovers, playing with their toys, and learning how to fit into school...Violet was training how to use her supernatural gift, learning how to be the behind the scenes help for her parents, and learning how to lie so well she could sometimes even decive herself. Trick herself into thinking all of this was normal. Living the double life of your average child, and the sidekick of robbers. That was most of their gigs, robberies of people, banks, corporations. They stole money, information and tech. Anything they could get their hands on and then they sold it to the highest bidders. Their business front was that of being realtors, so hiding the transactions were fairly easy. Her mother was the one with abilities like her own. Her mother was able to control sound and sound waves, while her father was a master martial artist. He knew several deadly arts, and together while they weren't the biggest names, they were well known.

They were able to keep their identities a secret and avoid capture for years. During this time of Violet helping them and training under then, all she could think about was being a "normal" girl. She wanted to spend her weekends with friends not get away cars. She joined clubs like a gaming club at her school to try and make friends, but it usually fell apart and it was hard to keep lasting friends when you always have to last minuet bail on plans because your parents need you. To everyone else she just was a girl with overly strict parents that never let her go anywhere.

One faithful night when she was twelve it finally happened, her parents were caught and thrown in jail. Their secret identities were revealed and she was picked up by CPS because she was in school when it happened. She will grilled for days about her parents but all that training paid off, she acted none the wiser. Just a scared innocent little girl who had no idea what was going on. It worked and while her parents were sentenced she was put into foster care. Sure she could've tried harder to help her parents out, but the way she saw it this was her first real taste of freedom. What were the odds any foster parent could control her? With power like hers she could do whatever she wanted.

She was excited to start her new slate, but sadly not everyone else was willing to give her that chance. She was immediately labeled a rebel, a wild child, the bad kid because even if the cops found her innocent that didn't mean her peers would. It would be easy if it were just a few to use her hypnotic voice to change their minds, but it was too many and she wasn't that strong yet. Soon they stared bullying her, and so she decided if they wanted a bad girl...then they'd get one. She started fighting back both physically and emotionally. She found it an accomplishment if she could get at least three people to cry that day. She'd use her ability to replicate voices to get both students and teachers alike that crossed her into trouble. Soon the whole school was afraid of her and for good reason. She never used her powers outright in front of people so they didn't even know how she always got what she wanted or how the revenge on people who'd mocked her got served so quickly they just knew she'd done it.

As she moved into high school she was finally put with foster parents that weren't afraid of her parentage because the father actually had abilities himself. Nothing major he could fly, but being aware made him able to see through her tricks. Once he discovered her abilities he urged her to use them for good because look where doing bad things got her parents. To which she replied doing good hasn't helped out too many heroes either considering they were a dying breed too. After that however she decided to give it a shot. She dawned a ridiculous super suit and went out on patrol. She stopped a few baddies, but it wasn't really exciting for her. It did however peck her curiosity in doing things on a bigger scale. Maybe getting what she wants not just in school?

She began using her powers more and more for personal gain. It wasn't always bad, but it wasn't always good either. She loves animals so she advocated for, and pulled some string for helping animals, but she was still a teenager and the idea of getting the latest iphone for a five finger discount sounded nice too. She became known in the papers as "the voice" and no one could pin-point her motives. The only ones who knew the truth were her parents, and her foster father due to the descriptions. He wasn't proud of her, but he did tell her that this was her life to live. When she was 18 and graduated high school she decided to go pay her parents a visit. It was the first time since she was twelve that she'd seen them. They expressed that they were proud she was finally using her powers herself, but wished she'd be more bold with it considering even they knew she'd only scratched the surface of the potential of her powers.

She left the prison feeling a bit lost. she had no idea what she wanted to do next. Did she wanna be a villain like her parents? No...she'd always hated doing evil things just because she could. She didn't really see herself as evil anyways. She didn't steal from people who needed it, or priceless artifacts from peoples culture. She just stole things she wanted and needed, but were in mass quantity. She didn't force people to do things they didn't want to, just the occasional encouragement to let her off with a warning if caught. She was just a kid after all. She wasn't mean or rude to everyone, in fact she was actually decently nice unless you screwed her over first. She actually stood up for the little people at her school who didn't have the power to stand up for themselves. She hated bullies. Bullies pick on people weaker then them because they can't fight back. She was a firm believer if you're willing to dish out cruelty you better be bale to take it. To her revenge was justice.

Unsure of her next move she went to university majoring in information systems. Tinkering with computers had been something she enjoyed even when she was little and helping out her parents. It was a way for her to be a part of the experience without needing to get physical. Technology was the future, it was the power any human could technically have. Even at the university her name preceded her but instead of trying to bully her people just instead kept their distance. It was lonely, but it was preferred to having to deal with peoples judgment. Little did they know she deserved it now, but not due to her parents but her own misdeeds.

Over the course of the next four years she tried to expand her abilities power, while still being a local vigilante of sorts. While in college since she was no longer being treated as terribly she tended to do more good when she was under the mask then bad just because her mood was better now. She helped more people then she hurt and her image in the papers seemed to be improving. She decided that maybe she could be a hero? She certainly had the capacity. Before she could really walk down that path her and her father were in a car accident during her junior year. Sadly he didn't survive, and when she cried it let out for the first time ever her sonic scream. She'd not been able to do it again since, but it was enough to bring attention to her. It didn't take long for the public and media to connect the dots and suddenly once again she was labeled a villain. She was blamed for the wreak even though that wasn't true, and became the public enemy as the villainess who murdered her own father.

Unable to deal with the loss she broke into her parents prison at first to break them out, but then midway she decided against it. She decided this time she wasn't going to let the world define her again. She hadn't changed and maybe one day they will see her for who she is like her foster father did. Form that point on she dropped out of college and moved across the country to start over and flee the police. She took up a new mantel and called herself Ultra Violet. To much of the public she is still seen as a villainess, but she honestly just does whatever she wants, good, bad, anything in between. She works for hire now to pay the bills and uses her natural and technical skills to get the job done. Most of her for hire gigs are to get information or spread it. Influence some big shots to say or do certain things. It's mostly politics, and she's fine with it. She'd never been one to want to be in the thick of physical fighting. She'd prefer to handle things from a distance, make her moves from the shadows. She's become an expert hacker over the last few years, and knows a thing or two about avoiding being tracked. In memory of her father she tries to keep her ledger balanced or slightly in favor of good, but honestly so long as she's free and happy whatever pops into her head is fair game. She's got a moral code even if it's loose compared to most, and would label herself an anti-hero. She knows she'll never be a "hero" now it's just not in her, but she hopes to one day not be seen as a "villain" either.


Full name: Violet Manning
Alias(s): The voice (When she was a teen), Ultra violet
D.O.B: May 27th
Zodiac: Gemini
Hair: Really dense long curly dark brown to her mid back. Usually worn in some sort of braids/twists
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Chocolate Melanin poppin, blemish free
Height: 5 ft. 4in.
Weight: 110 lb.
Distinguishing features: Her hair being big and fluffed out, if her voice counts even her natural speaking voice get's compliments all the time.
face-claim: Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Theme song: Trouble by P!nk


  • Resourceful: Due to her ever changing living situations, and needing to adapt to others around her and their treatment (often mistreatment) she has become very resourceful. She's yet to let anything that's happened in her life stop her from doing what she needs to do. She's never gone hungry or wanted for anything because she knows how to get whatever she needs. This also has bread a sense of independence in her because she'd felt she has to fend for herself most of her life.
  • Sensitive: While no one ever would've believed you if you said it, she's actually very sensitive and her heart is pretty fragile. The soft spot she still has for her parents despite everything is the reason she still tries to help get them out even if she knows they were wrong. Everyone in her life who she has ever genuinely cared for has and will always have a place in her heart and she can't ever deny that or them. While she acts like others words and actions don't affect her that's untrue or else her revenge wouldn't come so swift and hard. If she didn't care she'd brush it off.
  • Open- minded: Because everyone was so quick to judge her because of her parents she makes it a point to not be so judgmental of others she comes across no matter how different they are from her she keeps an open blank slate for who they are until they show her who they are. She never wants to be like the masses who pre-determine who you will be before you ever got to choose. Who knows she could've been a hero from the beginning if the world hadn't been so cruel and decided for her.
  • Spontaneous: She is always up for whatever whenever. If an idea pops into her head she's just got to go for it and try it out. She's not completely impulsive because she does put some thought into it before she does it, but for the most part once she figures out how, it's a done deal that it's gonna happen.
  • Indecisive- It takes quite a bit of time for her to decide on anything. Ranging from food to eat, to clothes to wear, to what job she wants to pick up. Especially when more than one option looks good she can take a long time to decide. She's not stubborn though so if something is decided but it needs to change she's enough of a go with the flow that she can adapt. However this bouncing back and forth attitude is also what prevents her from ever being a hero status because one minuet it sounds like a good idea, but then the next it sounds like too much effort when she can just be herself...whoever that turns out to be since she's still figuring that out.
  • Vengeful- She only does bad things to people who have personally wronger her or if she's paid to. The difference is she usually goes easy on clients because she doesn't particularly care about it she just wants her money for getting the job done. When it's personal however? She will go to the ends of the earth and back to make sure ever piece of your life goes up in flames. It's usually swift, and in unequal measure for whatever crime you pulled against her. She has no sense of balance in this regard. She'd rather leave you in ruins than kill you because then she gets to watch and enjoy your misery rather than you getting the easy way out.
  • Selfish- She's at a point in her life where she doesn't really have ties to anyone. Sure her parents who are in jail, but she stopped talking with her foster mother after her foster fathers death due to the woman believing the media that she was to blame for it. She's never really had lasting friends so the only person she's ever really looked out for is herself. She's honestly not sure if she would even know how to properly put someone above herself and self preservation.
  • Manipulative- Due to her power not really being combative (at the moment) she's always had to use sly or sneaky tactics to get what she wants. She's had to learn how to move and talk to people that puts her powers in the best situation to be used. Her Hypnotic voice helps a lot, but even it has limitations, so she does her best to put the pieces where they belong best first. She's never been one for brute force, being closer to a con-artists is more her style.
* In a nutshell she is number one in her life and that's what matters most to her. The world can burn or somehow be in perfect order (she doubts this will happen) and she doesn't care which way it flows so long as she can still discover whoever she is and wants to be. She will do whatever she pleases in the meantime as she tries to figure out who that is.*

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Fears: Being trapped and unable to get out, drowning,
Secrets: Despite cutting ties, she has been the behind the scenes cause of a few break out attempts for her parents & she killed the truck driver that was responsible for the accident that killed her foster father.


Ability: Supernatural Voice- The user can cause various effects through their own voice. At first she thought it was just voice manipulation, but as she has grown she's developed and discovered more effects that she is capable of, and is still unsure how many she truly has.
Known uses:
  • Zoolingualism - Can talk to and understand animals
  • Hypnotic voice- Can use their voice to affect or directly influence (Hypnotize) other people's minds to their commands.
  • Omnitone & Vocal replication- The user has the ability to speak, sing, whisper, yell, hum, etc. in any pitch or tone & to mimic any sound one hears using one's voice
  • Persuasion- The power to control people with the power of one's voice.
  • Siren song- is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful/enchanting singing voice that summons/lures anyone who hears it to come towards her.
  • Ballistic & Sonic scream- Release sound waves of such a high amplitude that objects will shatter, crumble, and explode.
  • Empathetic Voice- The ability to manipulate the emotions of other sentient beings through one's voice
  • Death song- Cause death by emitting sound.
  • Vocal creation- The power to create anything through speech [This would be her last/ultimate power, so it'll never happen anytime soon since she's got to learn all the above first.]
Weakness :
  • She must be able to speak for her powers to activate so if she is unconscious or gaged she is completely vulnerable
  • For abilities that affect others like hypnosis they must be able to hear her for it to be effective, so if her opponent is deaf, has sound blocking ear buds, or ect. then she will have no affect on them
  • Her voice will get strained after too much usage, and if completely strained she will lose the ability to talk for a while. Depending on how much strain was applied it can be from a few hours, to a few weeks.
Β© pasta
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donte warren|rodent

accessing military database://loading.., access granted.

  • name: donte cornelius warren.
    nicknames?: donnie (not preferred).
    alias: the rodent (lab name, common alias)

    corporal donte warren (formerly)

    elias sinclaire (a new york gangster. donte assumed the deceased gangster's identity in order to carry out a manhattan assasination)

    matches malone (identity created from scratch by donte. matches is situated in los angeles, is an lapd associate)

    age: twenty-seven.
    gender: cismale.
    sexuality: heterosexual.
    classification: anti-hero.
    occupation: paid gun/hit-man.
    d.o.b & zodiac: born january 27, aquarius.

    hair colour: dark brown.
    hair: dreadlocks.
    eyes: dark brown.
    skin: dark.
    height: 6 feet 2 inches.
    weight: approx. 200lbs.
    distinguishing features?: small-scaled prominence erected all over the patient's skin, appears as miniature dots. absent only on sexual organs, face, armpits, and pads of the hands/feet.
    face-claim: michael b. jordan's killmonger.

coded by weldherwings.
  • the firebrand
    "your favorite worst nightmare!"
code by valen t.
  • Basics
    Iryne Vaughn

    Name: Iryne (pronounced like Irene) Elisabeth Vaughn

    Nicknames?: "I get a lot of names, some of them have been 'man-eater', 'soul-snatcher', 'death', and the list can go on. But people closest to me call me, Ellie, Elisa or Beth."

    Age [18-30]: "Never ask a woman her age, but people have said I look 25 years old, so I will take it."

    Gender: "Last time I checked, I was female unless you want to check yourself?"

    Sexuality: "I see that love has no gender, though I have been leaning towards my male preys....ah, sorry I meant towards men. Leaning towards men a lot."

    Classification: Anti-hero

    Alias: Temptress (by Men) & Dullahan (by women)

    D.O.B & Zodiac: May 24th and Gemini

Coded by VALEN T. VALEN T.
name: Jeanette Wilson
nicknames?: Jenny, Jean
age [18-30]: 18
gender: Female [Preferred Pronouns are Her, She]
sexuality: "No one will love me"
classification: (hero? villain? anti-hero?): Wants desperately to be a Hero but doesn't think she will do good as one.
alias: If referring to in fact her going out on hero stuff, you can forget it. She barely is strong enough to speak up for herself, much less try to protect others to give herself a Hero alias, even if she wants to.
d.o.b & zodiac: Taurus, April 20

hair: Blonde hair curled up in a neat bun
eyes: Olive coloration
skin: Peachy colored
height: 5'6
weight: [Yeah no]
distinguishing features?: She has notable marks all across her body which she attempts to hide by using hooded sweaters and things. They were not caused by her.
face-claim [Realistic face-claims only]:

personality [1-2 paragraphs or 4 virtues/vices]: She can be very much related to the Shrinking Violet trope. Without a shadow of a doubt, she is quite the timid individual and extremely lacking in anything regarding self-esteem. She always gives the aura of an deer caught in headlights, trembling, shaking, peering around as if anyone could jump out and hurt her. This is from years of trauam without the help she desperately needed. This has been done through years of abuse, ranging from her own family to her former boyfriend. Her sensitivity is shown quite a bit especially when scarred by such her mind has been trained to rather than seek help to just deal with whatever she's going through alone as to not bother anyone around her. This has also made her almost give up on anything happy going on in her life as of current. She has also developed a deep fear of people and especially men due to her many traumas, and if one touches her, well... She is very, very likely to freak out. And you generally don't want her freaking out too much. seriously, you don't
Alignment: Neutral [Too scared to be full on Good or Evil, although very much has the potential to be either]
fears?: Being alone, Being hurt by men anymore
secrets?: She accidentally killed her boyfriend, although even she is unaware of this and thinks it's an accident, so it's a secret even from her.

background: She doesn't remember a lot about how she once was, or even is, at least up until her twelfth birthday. It was due to the many traumas she was given that sort of blurred her earliest childhood memories, which unfortunately and unironically, were the only ever stages of her life where she wasn't completely miserable. During her twelth birthday, something made her snap, things and places started to disappear, and quite a few other things. Ever since then, she was placed in areas where they could actively test out her abilities and determine their ranges and what they are capable of. What she is capable of isn't the question the scientists were asking, it was more what couldn't she do that they were trying to find out. Every single theory, mathematical, using Cantor's Transfinite series, and any other theories based on science, mathematics, and even philosophical areas, none of them could describe the limit besides being the fact she was only a younger girl thusly her range and what she could affect was limited.

Years of Painful surgeries and abusive relationships later, the Young girl ended up in a very suspect group of people. Controlling her emotions was very difficult and she truly wanted to get to know someone and maybe even make friends, but her fear from what has happened truly got to her when one of them grabbed her by the shoulder unexpectedly. All of a sudden, that child was meagerly thrown away as if they were nothing but discarded trash. Her eyes blanked out and she roared at them. They barely had anytime to escape before yet again, another massacre. She proceeded to run away yet again. She was yet on the run again, without any signs of knowing when she would be really able to do anything , or even if this pain and destruction will eventually stop.
relationships: Has none. Everyone she has previously known has now been cut out of her life.
Ability: Reality Warping (Nigh-Omnipotence Potential & Raw Power if reaches her full potential, described to be akin to the Concept of Cantor's Absolute Infinite in terms of her raw latent powers)
Weaknesses [1-3 for power] [Due to the nature]:
  1. She is limited fully by what she is aware of what she can do with her gifts. For example, she currently knows onlny a select few things,s o unless taught she can only do those select few things
  2. Despite the range of her powers and their true strength being beyond any boundaries that any form of science, mathematic, and philosophical concepts can explain or describe , at her current stage she cannot truly use the full extent of her abilities. She can only manipulate things she is aware she can manipulate, which are very small. Her room to grow is rather an unlocked awareness of what she is capable of, It can grow stronger over time but as of now the maximum range of her abilities is an Big Room. Her powers grow in range and strength, and unlock themselves the longer she is in that state so it would be best to calm her down as quick as remotely possible.
  3. Her lack of control is lacking enough due to her scared composition, especially when something traumatzies her in which walls can start withering down and things start to truly go haywire. Saying her name loud enough will scare her out of that 'Deer in Daylights' Mode
  4. (If anyone suggest any greater Weaknesses please let me know)
All of her family is deceased due to the accident

Doesn't have any friends. You can let me know if you want to be

Doesn't have any Enemies. You can let me know if you want to be.

Doesn't have any interests as of now but htat can definitely change. You can let me know if you want to be

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