• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone: Sign-up Thread!~


Sad Shroom

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;">Character Sign Up</span></span></p></div>




<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">
Have you read all the other tabs? Hold your horses, eager writer! Before you check out this thread, ensure you've read everything else! Otherwise you're likely to come in with wrong expectations and without knowing vital details! Do it, or I'll get angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry! Similarly, whilst the RP will be starting on </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Sunday 26th July, </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">I will </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>still be accepting for a while, </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">so don't be afraid to join late!


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Ah, the character sheet! As of late, I've seen quite a few people rip on detailed character sheets for being 'too restrictive' and forcing them to religiously stick to certain traits, saying they'd rather discover what characters are like in RP. I think these people are completely missing the point. Your Character Sheet should not be the be all and end all of your character, and nor should you feel pressured into remembering every little detail you put down until writing feels stagnant and a drag. The function of the CS is two things; that I can assess your writing to see if you are suitable to join, and that I can assess your character to make sure they too are suitable!! Stupid, tricksy, moaning hobbitses! *rantily pants* </span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

... Nevertheless, I've decided to trial something and give an alternative option for these people; there is an optional writing sample category. If you choose to fill this out, then your personality section does not need to be as detailed, but I ask for at least three solid paragraphs of a solid scene that really shows off your character's personality. This section is optional though, and you don't need it if you just wanna fill in your form as normal </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

Remember too that character development is the central point of any story, so don't enter with 'complete' characters, characters who are unlikely to develop over the RP; come into things having planned ahead your character development, but similarly don't be afraid to deviate from it! Adaptability is a vital trait in a good RPer!</span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

You are allowed to play </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>two characters</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">, but if you choose to do so, please don't neglect one; treat them both to reasonably equal amounts of your attention. Once you have submitted your form, </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>I will PM you with any edits I need.</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> Then, when all is fine, </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>I'll like your post</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> so that you know you're definitely in! I'm a lover of data and hence will be compiling </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>a funky character database,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> which is why I'm asking for some specific details in the form </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

An Update!Due to the popularity of the RP and the number of submissions, the characters have been split into two separate groups; one in the eastern deserts, and one on the western cliffs. You must specify which group you want to be a part of in your form, and if you've already applied, edit to reflect these changes!

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

Here I've compiled some elaboration on what I want from each of the forms categories. Ensure you have read it before writing your form! Most of all though, enjoy creating you character, and make sure you're playing a character who you'll enjoy!</span></p>




<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Your </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>character's age</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> should be </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>between 16 and 40,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> unless you have something completely different planned. The Universities of Magic first accept applicants aged 16, so bear this into account when considering your character's magic aptitude.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">I have asked for </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>an appearance picture and appearance details</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">. The picture can be any format (realistic, anime, art, whatever) and can be best fit, but the details must be written to the extent that we'd grasp what your character looks like without the picture; </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>a good paragraph at least, including height.</strong></span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Character personalities should be balanced,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> and </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>at least two paragraphs long.</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> I will not be accepting 'cookie cutter characters' - one-sided archetypes with very little additional thought put into them. Make sure you have </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>a good mix of positive and negative traits,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> and bear into account </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>the affect of the apocalypse</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> on your character.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">For the </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Most Defining Personality Traits,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> I want you to just list </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>the three traits that best describe </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">your character, for purposes of data alone </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> The </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Tagline </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">category fits into this two; basically, </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>how would your character describe themselves in five or less words? </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">It's like a snappy slogan thing for your character; for example, 'The Restless Warrior', 'The Dangerous Doctor', 'The Woman of the Shadows', etc.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Your Background</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> should be </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>at least two paragraphs long,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> and should cover how they managed to escape the apocalypse. However, please </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>don't be mega detailed,</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> as nothing bores me more than having to slog through endless backstories with very little content actually there; this in my opinion is more likely to 'stagnate and regulate' character forms as in my starting rant! You are also free to keep things secret and reveal them through backstory dreams, though please be sensible and PM stuff to me if you're planning anything crazy.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Your Weapon can be anything medievalish!</strong></span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">In the </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Magic section</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">, describe briefly your character's magic ability. For the sake of being OP, </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>nobody should be a 'master'. </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Be creative, and ensure you have carefully studied the</span><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/the-lords-of-the-magistone-the-impossible-liberation-mechanics.133137/" rel=""><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> magic details!</span></a><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Everybody has </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>a Goal. </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Whether it's a small desire like simply surviving the wildness, a loftier ambition such as avenge a fallen sibling, or maybe even something long-standing and sub-conscious such as desiring a romantic relationship. Hence you should have </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>at least one goal </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">written down in this section; it will help you to get into your character's mindset.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Anything else, such as </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>interests, fears, hobbies and anything else </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">you might want to include can be included in the </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Other category.</strong></span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Due to popularity</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"> and number of submissions, the characters will be split into two groups: an </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>East Group </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">and a </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>West Group. The Prefferred Group </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">section is there for you to specify which you would prefer, although you may not necessarily get it as we will be having roughly even groups.</span><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">As a Brit, and in order to co-ordinate stuff, I will need your </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Timezone, and your Country, </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">the later simply because I love cultural diversity </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=" :D " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><br /></li>


<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>Just to confirm, this is only human characters. </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Other than the Shadow King's monsters, the Kingdom does not have any 'fantasy races' such as dragons, vampires, elves, ect. Some exist in the folklore, but go off the presumption that they do not exist.</span><br /></li>



<span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">If your character is really nowhere near my expectations then </span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><strong>I will be forced to reject you straight up. </strong></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">I have been let down by RPers far too many times and plan on being harsh; that was part of what made the first version of this RP so successful.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

You are free to format your form as prettily as you want. Most of all, enjoy creating the form, but remember the main show should be starting the RP itself! </span><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=" :D " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

The Start of the RP!Yes, the RP has just started, but we're still recruiting, and will be until this message changes!

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">




<div style="text-align:center;">

<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Username:</strong></span></span></p>

<br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>(insert details here)</em></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Name:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Age:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;">Tagline:</span></span></strong><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>(insert details here)</em></span></span><br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;">Appearance Picture:</span></span></strong><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Appearance Details:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Personality:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Defining Personality Traits:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Background:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Weapons:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Magic:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Goals:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Other:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Preferred Group:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>(insert details here)</em></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Country and Timezone:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Optional Sections:</span></strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Writing Sample:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Theme Tune:</strong></span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">(insert details here)</span></em></span>






<p><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">
Looking to Stand Out?Currently, we have more than double the amount of male characters than</span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong> female characters, </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">so you might wanna show the ladies some love! We especially need some new joiners for the </span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>western group too. </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">In addition, we're lacking in really </span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>extroverted characters</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">, so these kind of people would really lighten up the show. We don't have any </span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>axe-wielding </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">characters. And finally, we are lacking in </span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#663300;">Earth</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong> and </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#0000b3;">Water</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong> Mages</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">, whilst we already have more than enough </span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Fire Mages!</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;">
</span></span><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"></span></p>
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Last edited by a moderator:
Username: Effervescent

Name: Rederik Valan


Tagline: The Quiet Afterthought

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

Rederik is a pale young man, but it is not a conventional sort of pale. His Albinism gives him a fair complexion and platinum blond hair that rests in a shaggy mess atop his head. His eyes do hold a red hue, but from a distance they could appear more normal. He is fit and athletic, though any physical note of it would be covered under a combination of cloth and leather armor dyed in earth tones. Due to his appearance, he'll often throw up his hood in or around more crowded areas. His face is angular and often shaved.

Due to the nature of current life, however, he often doesn't find too much time to shave. Having been on the run to survive in such trying times, he neglects such practices. His five o'clock shadow, when evident, looks more like he left shaving cream upon his face in patches. He's never let it grow into a beard, however. He personally feels his facial hair is too patchy.


Rederik is a compassionate individual, and looks to find the good in someone before judging them to be anything else. Everyone is worth his time, and he lends his ear to those who need someone to listen. He tends to befriend the outcasts if they'll have him, because he feels that everyone deserves someone. While he's worked mostly alone, he has a natural sense of teamwork and comradery.

When it comes to teamwork, he is definitely more of a follower. He will offer suggestions and give input when he feels perhaps he could give guidance, but will ultimately follow the command of someone deemed the leader. He puts others before himself, almost to an unhealthy degree, but justifies it with logic. He rarely acts without consulting those he may be traveling with. The only time he would do so is if the situation were dire.

Naraya, his feline companion, is his comfort. Without her he feels anxious and lacks a clear focus.

Rederik can be a quick thinker, especially when he knows Naraya is alright. In fights he plans ahead, thinking strategically and working methodically through his moves to which his training had taught him.

Defining Personality Traits:

  • Quick thinker - this doesn't just apply to a fight. In any situation, he can study his surroundings and create solutions to problems within minutes. This does not apply to social interactions
  • Compassionate - while he is aloof at times, he enjoys the company of others and places their wants and needs before his own to insure some semblance of happiness can be sustained in such dark times
  • Follower - even if he could be best suited to lead a given situation, he'd rather not, and will never jump at the chance to do so. Advising is the greatest extent.


Rederik grew up in a small town where his father owned a business as a bowyer. His parents loved him, but were incredibly protective of him and confined him to either the house or the workshop. He and his four older brothers would help his father at the shop wherever and however they could, but Rederik was the only one out of the bunch who couldn't shoot a bow to save his life. His family soon found out that part of his condition also limited his eyesight.

One of his father's friends, Jnar, took Rederik under his wing not soon after his poor sight was determined. He was a warrior who had been well outside the town limits and not only told Rederik fantastical stories of his adventures, but taught him how to fend for himself without needing to see far. Through Jnar, the boy became a capable man, and sought to find his own life and his own adventures.

The night King Lyram was assassinated, Rederik was blissfully unaware. His village being so remote, the news would take days to reach them, and at that point it would be too late. Even then, he was off on his own learning to survive and make it. He returned to his village one night to find it overrun with Shadow Warriors and burning. Jnar told him to run and survive rather than fight and die, and so he did.

Being on the run and directionless led Rederik and Naraya to wander for some time alone. Just when he began to consider there might not be any survivors, he came across a group not so dissimilar than him. Together they traveled through Valia overcoming obstacles and hardships finding their survival stronger together. Recent events, however, have split him from the group.


Dual katar daggers are Rederik's weapon of choice. These particular daggers have two long side bars as the hilt that run along his forearms when held at the grip. The blade protrudes just after his knuckles, the steel holding an ornate floral pattern at the base.


Rederik has never received any training in magic, though he has an affinity towards thunder. He can only create sparks, and tends to not dabble in the magic.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

In close combat, Rederik feels at ease. He knows what to do and how to do it well enough to survive and carry on. His nearsightedness is a hindrance for obvious reasons and has resulted in a recent injury. He carries no weapons or abilities to combat at a distance and must close in the gap between himself and his opponent. Often, he and Naraya will work together at close range.


To find his lost companions or any other wanderers to continue the mission to take down the evil plaguing the lands.


In his travels, Rederik came upon the rejected cub of a feline beast who also has Albinism. Amazed that other beings out there were like him, he took care of the cub and raised it to its adolescence thinking it would return to the wild when ready. The beast has never left his side, and he calls her Naraya.

Now fully grown, Naraya is quite a large feline. When standing on all fours, the tips of her ears come to about shoulder height to Rederik (the picture above is her upon a rock). While the two have learned to survive and work independently, recent events have had them more concerned with the other. This often affects their focus, but Rederik moreso. Naraya will still wander off from time to time to hunt on her own, though before she leaves she makes sure Rederik is aware somehow.

Naraya is friendly to less threatening types. She likes wisps and climbing trees and rabbits.

Preferred Group:


Country and Timezone:

USA EST (GMT-4:00)
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Skyre Eraldus






'The Ineffectual Enigma'

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

At 6'1'', Skyre's height is the only thing that betrays his otherwise youthful complexion. Although he is only 19 anyway, his face is remarkable youthful; long chinned, long (but not big) noses, and almost always wearing a gentle smile, a smile that never leaves him apart from when in battle or in very deep thought. Most distinctive of all, however, are his eyes and hair. His vibrant ginger hair is styled into the pattern of a wild, dancing flame, with an almighty quiff at the front. It does look rather cool, though it does make you wonder just how exactly hair can defy gravity so well. His second distinctive feature is his narrow eyes. A remarkable emerald green, they hold an impossible depth and air of experience far past his years, giving him an immensely calm and composed complexion. His youthful face is very expressionate, and you can almost always tell what he's like from his expression. Skyre is slim, and whilst he isn't stick thin/skin and bones, he's not terribly muscular.

His choice of attire (though now he has little choice) is a simple brown tunic over thin under armour, and simple black trousers, alongside a jade-green jacket complete with a cape, and finished off by large black boots. And on his forehead, a pair of goggles that he slips on when using intense wind magic.


Skyre always strives to be selfless, and puts others before him. Although he fails to realise it, he is a natural born leader, his liking of control means that he naturally assumes leadership, and his constant calmness allows him to lead well and confidently. Intelligent, though not to great levels, he is quick witted and capable of making quick decisions, alongside strategically planning stuff out. However, more prominent is his hardworking determination. Supportive, caring, he tries his best to look out for everybody.

The trouble is, selflessness does not come naturally to Skyre. Usually the strong silent type, whilst he is capable of conversation, he tends to keep to himself and remain in his own thoughts. Though he'll gladly help with another's problems, he suffers from never sharing his own. Skyre's fall back power technique is remaining enigmatic where possible; he loves to be cryptic and mysterious, and whilst this can make him 'cool', he fails to recognise the problems this can cause, although meeting Desiree has changed him to be slightly more open. The problem is, he is very bad at remaining enigmatic when it counts, and because he thinks so much, tends to over-think things, which can then confuse him, making him very easy to read.

Additionally, for someone so hardworking and smart, he can often be really simple. He is naive and far too quick to trust, and draws emotional connections to people a little hastily. Skyre's is especially quick to develop romantically interest, which can then consume in in spite of other priorities. Though he does have a sense of humour, he can sometimes come off as too serious, and his sarcasm can sometimes be unintentionally scathing. It is quite easy to forget how young Skyre is, and whilst he is very good at 'playing adult', he still has the idealism and hope of a child. Similarly, his love of knowledge makes him both studious and sometimes dangerously curious.

Patient, calm, Skyre functions best in the harshest of circumstances; when he knows how important a moment is, he'll be calm and collected in spite of the danger and emotional torments. Perhaps this is what makes him such a good leader; he is always a good emotional anchor.

Defining Personality Traits:

Calm, Idealistic, Enigmatic


Skyre was born and raised in the rural seclusion of a small village in the north of southern Valia. The scenery was immense, and had quite the impact on the young Skyre. Whilst other kids played 'knights' and 'magicians', Skyre could often been found alone on the hillside, staring up at the clouds. Thinking: what would it be like to fly? As a result, he was teased by the other village children for being a loner. The young Skyre was strangely compassionate towards his oppressors, and whilst it hurt him a little, he did not let it define him, and even went as far to forgive them when he was a little older. Instead, Skyre became an avid reader, and whilst there wasn't must literature in his little village, the young dreamer studied what little he could, fascinated by the world.

At age 16, he enrolled like many others at the University of Wind Magic, where he was finally able to be as studious as he'd always desired. He became a bit of a teacher's pet, but avoided the bullying of his earlier years, and this time actually attempted to make friends. The best of which was a girl by the name of Liza. And so Skyre's relatively uneventful life continued as standardly as many, his hard-working attitude progressing him well through the university.

Somehow, it came to be that Skyre's residence was actually right next to the Castle of Light, meaning he had access to the Grand Library. It also meant that, on occasion, he would walk past royal officials and maybe even the king himself! Until one night, Skyre found himself summoned to the throne room. Confused, Skyre's perplexity only increased when the king told him to run without explanation. Reluctantly, Skyre obeyed, and left immediately. That was the night the island fell.

Since then, Skyre has been surviving in the wild. He sneaked into Aliak itself to assess the damage when his curiosity drew him back, just in time to see one final resistance group slaughtered at the hands of Shadow Warriors. It was too dangerous to stick around, and he fled south to the valleys, pursued by shadow creatures. It was there that he met and formed a small group of survivors. With nothing to do but attempt, against all odds, to defeat the Shadow King, they pressed east to try and find a mythical hideout on one of the desert mountains. They had just reached the desert when they were attacked, and scattered.

Weapons: Sword

Skyre's weapon of choice is a winged sword named Cloud. A winged sword, you say inexplicably, That sounds terribly impractical! Well, it's not. The wings are like extra extendable blades, making it far wider than a normal sword, and they are designed to fold back into his sheath when needed. It was in fact a weapon designed by one of his favourite teachers, Oslar, and was made to be especially light to compensate for Skyre's lacking physical strength. The hilt is a bright green, and decorated with runes. Rune which serve no magical purpose of course, but a merely a design flair. Otherwise, Skyre isn't particularly talented with any other weapons.

Magic: Wind

Skyre is an adapt user of Wind Magic, and whilst he is no master, he is certainly very competent. Skyre uses magic in a number of different creative ways, but mainly for spacing and mobility. He is very good at carefully manipulating wind, though not as much at launching powerful wind attacks. He constantly has various currents of wind flowing around him in order to help him with basic movement and fighting, compensating for his poor physical capabilities. If in a tight spot in battle, he is liable to fire a quick blast of wind to knock an enemy away, whilst Skyre can also fly briefly and carefully manipulate currents to accentuate his hearing. Skyre is creative and adaptable with his magic, though obviously using too much will tire him out, etc.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Skyre's main battle strength is his quick wits, his creativity and his adaptability. His ability to keep himself calm on the battlefield means he is perceptive and intelligent in combat. This can make him quite a tricky enemy as he does not make many mistakes. However, his idealism can make him prone to using somewhat dangerous tactics at times. He also can't deal particularly well with pain, and can find himself distracted sometimes by emotional problems.


Keeping hope is very important to Skyre, and as a result, his main goal is to succeed in defeating the Shadow King and restoring peace to the kingdom. That said, he also has enough survival instinct to make basic survival another goal. Finally, subconsciously, Skyre has always very strongly desired a romantic relationship; and this can often become his main priority.


Skyre has long felt a remarkable connection with nature and outdoors; he can even get a bit uncomfortable and fidgity when forced to be indoors. He plays a woodwind instrument called the Herthuin, and has a good sense of musicality. In terms of speech, he's prone to making sweeping, semi-wise proverbial statements. Skyre has a pack which he carries around, containing his sleeping equipment, a number of wooden bowls that he ransacked from a house, and various supplies for his group. He did have a pair of Magic Potions, but has since used both of them in dire situations. Also in this pack: a mysterious stone he salvaged from an enemy encounter, and the charred, ancient journals of a old group of Fire Mages, written in an ancient tongue.

When his group first met up, Skyre rescued a young woman called Desiree, who kissed him in thanks. Overcome by his romantic longings, Skyre immediately fell in love with her. However, she is yet to fully recipricate, and whilst the pair have had numerous meaningful conversations, Desiree has only just really accepted the level of Skyre's care for her, and does not feel ready to 'love' as a result of past experiences. Though he often fails to understand her, his genuine care has rung true.

As I'm a Brit, I imagine everybody's characters speaking in British accents, so I'd like you to try and 'hear' Skyre's voice as British
:) His speaking voice is also remarkably powerful given his youthful appearance; a deep and attractive baritone.

Preferred Group:


Country and Timezone:

United Kingdom, BST +1

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Rone Valladhon


  • Age: 23

    Tagline: The Shadow Spark

    Appearance Details

    At 5'9'', Rone is a stocky and broad-shouldered young man, with shoulder-length coppery-brown hair and dark gray eyes interspersed with flashes of gold when the light hits them. His hands are large and smooth, fingers tapered from sculpting magic and playing handheld instruments. He is in better physical shape than he was a month ago when the apocalypse struck, but due to a relaxed lifestyle he's not particularly athletic. His dirty, exhausted and disheveled state indicates the serious toll his recent unprecedented hardships have taken on him. Normally, he wears a cheerful and somewhat vacant expression. He's fairly conventionally handsome, which has only served to exacerbate his unsavory vanity. His rigidly straight back while sitting and walking, flashy formal duelling style, polite table manners and lack of calluses point to his noble background.

    Defining Personality Traits: extroverted, self-absorbed, happy-go-lucky


    An outgoing and eloquent young man, Rone loves jovial company and tends to judge quiet and reserved types as pasty and dimwitted. He is a light-hearted optimist, confident that if it hasn't turned out all right, it's because it's not over yet. Unfortunately, his upbringing has led him to be excessively self-absorbed, and he is often indifferent towards the plight of others while pursuing his own interests as though the universe revolved around the fulfillment of his wishes. A passionate and impulsive character, Rone has strong opinions about everything, but often finds himself confused and overwhelmed by them. The resulting confusion has saved him from potentially fatal recklessness on several occasions. He isn't the sharpest tool in the box, but has accumulated a fearsome supply of vanity thanks to a legion of servants and private tutors who enhanced their salary by appealing to his weakness for flattery.

    Unlike many of his high-born peers, he has never been particularly interested in power or glory, as long as he is free and able to live luxuriously. He believes the world is just as is, and it's every man's privilege and duty to play the cards he was dealt to his advantage. Above all others, he values the liberty of self-determination most dearly; thus his dependency on the wisdom of a more experienced mage to help him control his Dark powers is deeply embarrassing for him, and he does not like to admit relying on others and benefitting from others' aid. He likes to think that fortune favors the brave, and the poor and unfortunate have an attitude problem or simply didn't put in the effort, causing him to frequently underestimate the role of pure luck – particularly its role in his own accomplishments. Because of his sheltered upbringing, he is naïve about the true hardships of destitution and struggle for survival, and foolishly believes himself essentially invincible.

    His elite background did not influence his character in purely negative ways. His natural sensitivity and fondness for pretty things has developed into a love of fine art, including music, literature, and brewing. He has been rather happy for most of his privileged life, giving him a positive and often humorous outlook on life; he was known amongst his fellow students as a wonderful drinking buddy. Rone also enjoyed a first-class education, so even though his intellect is unimpressive, he's memorized a lot about history, lore, and military strategy theory (although his own stratagems are poor). Upper-class etiquette and small talk comes naturally to him and he is a skilled debater. Throughout his life, he's enjoyed loads of free time, and devoted much of it to artistry. He's actually a halfway decent poet and an excellent sculptor, but no one ever dared tell him his singing sounds like a parrot echoing a strangling bear, and the less said about his paintings (especially the numerous self-portraits), the better. (Incidentally, he happens to be a fantastic dancer, but pretends to be horrible at it because it clashes with his self-image of a tough, intimidating badass.)

Timezone & Country:


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(Acro) Shadowstalker




The Wandering Dark Shaman

Appearance Picture:

Appearance Details:

An imposing man at 6ft, he has broad shoulders and a build suited for a balance between movement and strength. Raised with nature, his body is rough and not used to comfort or luxury. His black hair is dread-locked with braids, slightly greying already from the burden of dark magic. Has tattoos and scars as seen in the image, including a runic scar made on his shoulder to show him as a shaman. His eye pupils have greyed and have no black, becoming almost translucent. He wears a thick black leather cloak with a large hood and feathers, which is neatly designed, along with a staff that he uses to store dark magic inside and release in bursts for ease. To complement his large frame, he has a deep voice which is firm but not unnecessarily loud, speaking only as loud as necessary to be heard.


Acronomicon thinks not quite as most do. Secluded in the wasteland of the East, his contact with other humans is little to none. As such, he thinks almost on a primal level, that of how nature would function over emotion, in practicality. His mind is rigorous and fully capable, just not in that of typical human mannerism or connotations.

As such, he can come across as also emotionally blind and cold to others, having little regard for their feelings. In the end though, he values the true cycle nature as and when it should happen. Thus the corruption of dark magic struck him differently to most people, who would have thoughts based on the desires forged by their more normal lives. The darkness robbed him of most facial expression change, not being able to show a great array of facial emotions. It also robbed of what he held most dear, his early past and origin and of any desire to find out himself. As such he walks alone, willingly unknowing of himself, serving nature as one of its legislators.

Defining Personality Traits:

  • Ruthless, will enact what he deems necessary when need be.
  • Sees things from an outside perspective.
  • Absent of seen emotion. Incredibly hard to read due to the lack of anything he shows.


Born in the small clan villages of the East where there are only wastelands since as long anyone could remember, it was one of the regions of Valia mostly unchanged by the destruction by the Shadow King since well...there was nothing much to destroy at a wasteland. The clan (one of next to none in the region) he grew up in were from times from even the Dark Days, practising magic in hiding. Most of these were versed in earth magic based on their habitat, so were incredibly difficult to track.

Acronomicon was born in a clan somewhat differing to others, even an outsider to the outlying clans of the region. They embraced the concept that darkness accompanied the natural balance of the world and that expunging all dark magic was not how to go about with things.

Thus, since as of a small age Acronomicon was raised in the ways of dark. An incredibly harsh, almost Spartan, approach to childhood, he went through rigorous training in both strengthening his own body to become someone who could deal with the darkness, along with training in dark magic and survival in fighting. He knew nothing of 'love' and such, as that had no focus at all in their clan. His daily schedule was that of food, fighting with others within the clan for training, manipulating the dark arts and rest.

At the age of 30, he was put into a cave as a final test of his training, a do or die. Closed into the cave by a giant boulder, he would have to survive in the pitch black caverns he was placed in and become one with the darkness. And that it did. Feeding only what lived inside the cave and killing it with dark magic, he was crash coursed into an adept at the magic, which kills many in the clan due to the harshness of it. Some survived but were driven mad, others came out very changed people.

As he infused himself with darkness, along with in darkness for so long, he lost all visual sensories. The darkness also consumed all of his past of his childhood, not knowing even the warmth of his mother or his own birth name. He did however also become incredibly attuned to his remaining senses, especially that of the shadow to 'see' the darkness contained in everything, from shadows cast by darkness, to the greed of a rat to go for opportunities. Among that his smell, hearing, touch and and general sense of magic as a whole became stronger, to fill the void lost through visual impairment. He also came to learn efficient use of the darkness to survive in the harsh condition he was in.

Acronomicon came out as the man he is still is now, given the name of Acronomicon Shadowstalker, along with given by the village craftsman a staff to use to help him attune his magic in concentration and the weapons he carries to survive in the outer worlds. Deemed suitably strong enough to leave and deal the justice of nature rather than stay in hid home village, Acronomicon wanders the great plains of the East Valia to this day, enforcing the will of nature.


As seen in the picture, a decorated dagger and short rapier for melee combat. Standard high quality steel weapons with nothing particular about them. He also has a staff as seen in the Appearance picture, however this serves for use with his dark magic.



An adept and in training of dark magic since a young child, Acronomicon is incredibly flexible in his manipulation of the dark. He generally does not 'create', but manipulates existing darkness in the form of umbrakinesis. He will use nearby shadow to move the darkness and create a semi-viscous darkness that he can manipulate freely. In itself it is about as durable (and acts awfully like) something like custard, however attempting to break a thick of barrier of even that would see one struggle. It can also be also be changed in any form by varying levels of complexity, from the powerful force that is a gelatinous mass hitting as a blunt force, to brittle but sharp needle-like tendrils.

He can also fire simple bursts of dark magic, though while these are powerful they cost also a lot of energy to fire, since they cause both intense physical and emotional pain to a target.

Due to the corruption of the dark magic that cost him his vision, he sees the darkness of everything. This ranges from shadows cast in a half mile radius of him, to any sort of darkness where lighting changes. He will not generally take great attention to any of it though, much like one wouldn't unless they saw or heard a great change Thus focusing on an area has him 'see' in more detail. Also as any magician is aware of magic in the close natural area, he is more attuned to 'seeing' it due to his blindness avoiding him from drawing an image based on appearance.

His ultimate weakness is Light magic, which can further weaken his dark magic and have it lose its strengths. It is also more tiring for him to move darkness that is shone by bright light.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

  • Powerful.. Dark magic is known as one of the most dangerous of magic, hurting in more ways than one.
  • Flexible. He can bend his magic to his will for a variety of roles.
  • Subject to time of day and conditions. The more darkness there is, the more he can use his magic. Conversely, in daylight he is limited to the shadows cast by objects. Worst at midday, where the shadows cast are rather small and thus lacking in use.
  • Blind. While he can guess to a great extent the movement of objects based on the change of their movement in correlation to darkness or various other multiple hints, he outright cannot see and thus cannot read or see things that his other senses cannot compensate for. Don't give him a book.


To restore the natural balance of the elements, currently being torn asunder by the Shadow King.


Seriously, don't give him a book.

Starting Group:



GMT, +1 in Summer time from UK residence.

Writing Sample:

Just search my username in the old thread ;)

Theme Tune:


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User: The Wizard

The Enlightened Alchemist

  • Age: 23

    Appearance: Ethan is a young light tanned man with medium lengthen light brown hair that is tapered yet clean at the nape of the neck. His eyes are a light blue like the sky on an early morning. Being five foot eight Ethan is not always considered the most manly of men. His baby face and small frame often gets him mistaken for a child and lacks the ability to grow any facial hair. His normal attire consists of a sand brown leather trench coat left open exposing his blue shirt his mother gifted to him. His pants where of a dark black as ebony night tied down with a brown leather belt made of boar skin. He is often carrying a satchel with brass rings and his master's trademark upon its clasp around his chest resting on his side.

    Personality Strengths: Ethan is calculative and detailed, able to analyze and subject his theory to real life goals. Always a positive thinker he finds the aspect of helping others easy, like his father he can never turn down someone in need of treatment or injured. Always showing kindness and a warm smile it is hard to see nothing more then a gentle young man.

    Personality Weaknesses: Due to his way of thinking Ethan lacks instincts like a warrior or hunter, a proof from the deaths of his family. This also causes him to feel heavy guilt as his knowledge was worthless in the onslaught of his loved ones and the aspect of his future. He fears loss and avoids tragedy forcing his work to try and save all he can even at the risk of himself. His shame of not acting in the past keeps him hiding behind a facade of courage.

    Most Defining Personality Traits:

    • Perspicacious
    • Amiable
    • Vigilant

Preferred Group: Eastern Group.

Country and Timezone:
Canada - CST

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Xaus Feratolas

The Basics



Country and Timezone:

USA - PDT (UTC - 7)




The Sorrowful Wanderer

Preferred Group:

Western Valia


Appearance Details:

"Me in all my glory"

The things that catches most people off guard when they meet Xaus is his eyes. Although it's hard to tell in the picture, his eyes are a dark shade of blue. The blue color feels like a well into infinity, that traps an incredible amount of sadness in them. Once a person is finally able to move past his eyes, they will notice the lean status of his body, the tense way he stands, and the azure lightning bolts he has tattooed on his arms. Xaus comes in at an impressive height of 6'8", which can be intimidating to some. On the top of his head is unruly, black, curly hair, trimmed so it's not flying all over the place. Xaus' skin is fairly pale, although you wouldn't mistake him as a ghost. His usual attire consists of a plain and black leather cloak with light clothes underneath, a jeweled belt that contains a few various important things, his long yew bow by his side, a quiver slung on his back, and thin sandals that have seen better days. Sometimes, he'll simply go barefoot. Lastly, he has an azurite necklace on a silver chain, which was passed down from his family and one of the last things he has from them besides memories. He usually hides it underneath his clothing, but when he gets really emotional or depressed, he will fiddle with it until he feels better.



"Why can't I ever connect?"

Xaus is different from the rest. He feels immense amounts of emotions, so much he can barely take it all, although he tries to hide it. Sadness can come very quickly to him. For some reason, Xaus all his life can never genuinely connect or love another person besides his family members. He can make friends, but it always feels strained and Xaus can never get close. There is always a barrier in his mind between him and allowing the other person in. Xaus can surprisingly read people fairly decently, although he is terrible at empathizing, being caught up with all the emotions inside of him that makes it feel like he is drowning inside. It's almost like with all the feeling that happens inside, he can't express it out into the world. Despite all this, Xaus is ever so determined not to be a pitiful soul, burdening other people. He carries his own weight, and wants to see the next day as much as any other person. His determination pushes him past all the emotions and forces him to improve on his current situation, not lay around feeling sad or pathetic.

Now that his village is burned, most of his family gone, Xaus feels lost on his path of life. He is not academically smart, but he thinks a lot about things. He struggles to not simply see things in a black and white fashion. Morals, fate, and why things end up the way they do. There must be some meaning to it all. His whole life he never believed in any religions, even when it did seem appealing during his darkest times. Of course, he's mainly focused on surviving another year, but he definitely has a lot to think about before he feels like he has found his place in this world.

One of his strengths is even among the turmoil inside him, he doesn't feel anxious or get stressed often. Admittedly, he does have a hard time trying to regulate his feelings, but he still manages to keep a clear mind when absolutely necessary. Xaus isn't one to be stupid and stick his nose in an unknown territory. No, he tries to always plan ahead about his survival. Generally, Xaus is remarkably curious about the world and likes to learn any sort of knowledge about anything. A few last things to note is that Xaus loves the feeling of adrenaline, it making him feel like he's alive and has a place in the world. Xaus is not afraid to get his hands dirty and fight until the death, although he has a strong fear of pain. Despite the fact he has only drunk a negligible amount of alcohol, he is highly susceptible to becoming an addict rather quickly.

Defining Personality Traits:

Lost, Determined, Emotional



"It all goes by rather quickly doesn't it?"

Xaus was born and raised among two sisters in a minuscule village in Southern Valia located near the edge of Western Valia. His father worked as a builder, while his sweet mother worked at her personal herbal store. From the time he was six, he was expected to do things that would be beneficial for the family: gathering, occasionally hunting, and fixing things around the cabin. His sisters (Lia and Myrasistid) did more of the gentler tasks around the house that were "proper" for young ladies. Although he wasn't the most observant child, he did notice from when he walked around town how superstitious and judging the other villagers were. People were fearful of anything they didn't fully understand. Most of them believed that magic will only ever breed more and more trouble for the kingdom, that they would be fine if nobody was ever foolish enough to try to control the chaotic energy. The general consensus was that if your child wanted to enroll in the academy or was being taught magic in any way, bad luck would befall your family and perhaps the entire village. Needless to say, any mention of putting magic in a positive or even simply a neutral light in this village would make you an outsider. Xaus being too young at that time to understand much of anything, went along with what his parents and villagers said, although deep in his heart he harbored a strong curiosity for magic.

When he was 10, his father — better known to the villagers as Tentas — taught him how to hunt with a real bow. It was one of Xaus fondest memories, running around the woods, and catching his first buck with his father. Hunting was a necessity, although his family made some money, they really didn't have enough to live happily with full bellies unless somebody hunted every now and then. Without there being a need, Xaus would never want to hunt simply for sport. It felt wrong taking another creature's life that was trying to survive, just for fun. Xaus spent much of his teenage years roaming around the woods, practicing his archery skills and exploring the area around him, when he wasn't helping out his family with other things. He tried to make a few friends around the village, but he never felt like he really got along with them. His mind and spirit never seemed to click with your average teenage boy. The boys always wanted to be the tough ones and hide their emotions, while Xaus seemed to be full of them, not afraid to cry when he felt hurt. And another thing that was different about him compared to other people was his inability to truly fall in love. Sure, he found a few girls pretty and he flirted from time to time, but he never felt like he truly cared; never feeling that connection.

By the time he was fifteen, he yearned for something more than your standard small village life. A few wizards have passed through his small unnamed village, trying to spread the importance of using magic for good and trying to change people's superstitious views in across Valia. Of course, hardly anybody listened, but Xaus always was interested in travelers telling tales outside of the isolated place he was stuck at. He was getting sick of all the uncreative, scared, and boring people that he had to interact with. It was time for him to take a leap of courage, by himself, and enroll in the academy on his own. Usually, the staff of the academy would want parental approval, but he fixed that problem by carefully forging his parent's signature and wrote as them, saying that Xaus would just show up by himself, reasoning that they were extremely busy with everything around town. Luckily, they accepted him, as long as he was willing to work extra hard to learn magic along with becoming literate. The academy was always interested in spreading magic all throughout the nation.

The day he turned sixteen, his mother, Fierral, gave him a stunning azurite necklace in the shape of a diamond, passed down from generations back, all the way to him. Carrying the necklace is like carrying the history of his family on his neck. He felt a pang of guilt that he was living his family that very night, yet the should be able to survive without him, right? After he spent three or seven years with his training, he would come back, and although they might not be pleased, he would get them to be understand. His parents disapproved of magic like the other villagers, but not extremely so. No need to worry.

He packed a few of his belongings, including his lovely bow that his father specially bought for him from the capital, and headed off to the grand academy. There, he spent his time learning thunder magic, along with being able to read and write. The other students bullied him for being a loner and being a cry baby. He was sadden from all the hatred directed towards him, but he pulled himself together, adamant to learn the magic. Xaus knew that magic would be able to transform his life forever, a life with adventure and excitement that would open up bigger horizons that he could ever imagine. Although definitely not the brightest kid, he was one of the most determined to learn, so he progressed along with the other students throughout the years perfectly fine.

One girl took a particular interest in him, and while she was one of the most wonderful girls she had ever meet, he still could find no love or deep liking for this person. Xaus pushed her away every time she got close, knowing that he could never make her happy. The girl became furious at Xaus, leading up to a day where she finally confronted him about this problem. She couldn't see why there was any reason for them to be apart; they got along well, and she felt as if he was his soulmate. Xaus simply stated the truth: he didn't feel it. She found him ridiculous, and teased him for weeks following that. He felt empty inside, wondering what was the point of living if he could never love or connect to anybody. Nihilism was quite appealing to him at this point. Depression lingered with him on and off for the rest of his time at the academy. It ended up following Xaus onto the next part of his life, when he earned good enough grades through his hard work to continue onto his secondary magic, which he decided to be mystic magic. He did make some strange and unique friends when he advanced to the mystic school, giving more hope to press forward, and promoting the study of magic his meaning to life for now.

Hours before the attack, and his third year into mystic magic he felt something was wrong... terribly wrong. Before he went to bed, he practiced utilizing his mystic magic to hone better instincts by waving an alarm system around the area that would alert him if anything bad was going to happen. Feeling quite alarmed, he listened to his screaming instincts that told him to escape the academy now and travel to his family as soon as possible. He packed a few things, then sneakily stole a horse from the academy and rode at an intense speed, trying to get to his village before it was too late. Xaus arrived to see his village in flames, with shadowy creatures roaming about, looking for survivors. A couple spotted him, and Xaus barely managed to batter them off with flashes of lightning radiating from his palms. Knowing that it would be hopeless and fatal to search for his parents now, he took his stolen horse deep into the wilderness, hoping to find refuge from the terrible tragedy.

After camping out on his own for a while, he decided to head back to his small village and search for any signs of survival. On his way there, he came across Lia. She yelled, screamed, and said abhorrent things about him. If he hadn't gone off on his own to study magic, they would have never found their secluded village. Magic merely brings bad things to us all. She was the sole remainder of their family. Before she left, she reluctantly handed him a letter that was written by his parents only a few days before the attack happened.

Xaus, I hope you realize that we still and always will love you. Although we believe that magic is not the way to living a more happy and fulfilled life, we would never shun you as suggested by our neighbors. We wish you the best in your way of life, and we would always welcome you back home with open arms. Your sisters might not be as forgiving (especially Lia), but I'm certain they still love you and would welcome the sight of your face once again. You are different from other people Xaus, but don't let that bring it down; instead you should embrace who you are. Xaus, you are amazing. No matter what our love is with you, wherever you go. We're sure you will make something spectacular of your life.

~Tentas and Fierral

Xaus felt horrendous knowing that they died three days later. He logically knew that magic couldn't spontaneously cause bad luck to befall people, but he felt guilty nonetheless. He wandered the forest for a while, in a dazed state of overwhelming emotions and thoughts. The shadows finally caught up to him. He was chased out of Southern Valia, and as they begun to burn every single village around him, he continued to the grand cliffs of Western Valia, where he clings to survival, wandering the lands and searching for any kind of answers or meaning to it all.

Battle Info


"Magic doesn't always cut it"

His main weapon is his handy bow that he is quite experienced with from all his years hunting during his childhood, along with a tad bit of practice during his free time at the academy. It was given to him as a gift from his father, specially bought from proficient weapon makers located at the capital. The bow is long, sleek, and made out of high quality yew wood. The string is made out of fine silk that Xaus is careful not to tear. It doesn't look like much, but it's lightweight and easy for Xaus to use. To go along with the bow, he has a sturdy leather quiver, with only a few standard arrows he had left over from practicing at the academy.

One day when he was out searching for supplies in the brush, he came across an interesting metal weapon among all the leaves. He discovered it to be a plain metal claw that you clip onto the top of your hands, over your fingers. Xaus has little experience fighting up close with a weapon, but he's eager to learn and thinks of it as good back up. It might be interesting combining the claws with his magic in combat.


"Magic... I love how it flows through my veins."


Xaus' specialty with thunder is creating bolts of powerful electricity to smite down anything in front of him. (Not literally of course, he's not Zeus) The longer he charges it up through twisting his palms in circles, the more powerful it will be, though he does have his limits. Other than that, he has been able to create orbs of lightning around him that he can control and a small shield out of pure lightning around him. He's been experimenting with the idea of using electricity on a person's brain and seeing how it affects them, which he has only reluctantly tested on animals a few times so far.


Sadly, his training of mystic magic was interrupted near the end of his third year, but he learned a couple things during that time. His teacher had him focusing on the concept that magic is everywhere and apart of anything, and how Xaus can use that to his advantage. Xaus firstly learned to "see" magic in the area around him by focusing on letting all the energy easily flow through the palms of his hands for a duration of time, until he was really able to map out the magical energies of the area around him. After that, Xaus could employ his magic to his full extent. Xaus was taught how to shift masses of energy into a little portal that could drain a person's magical energy. This requires an immense amount of energy, time, and a tranquil state of mind. Xaus can also set up a small barrier of mystic energy that will alert his instincts if anything bad is coming. This doesn't always work the best, and it really drains him, so if an attack was coming, he wouldn't necessarily be ready to get into a huge fight or run like the wind. Lastly, he can summons a burst of pure energy into his palms that can knock an enemy back.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

"Always working on improving."

Xaus main weakness is that he runs out of energy too quickly. He always wants to use more of his magic in fights, yet he finds himself to drained to ever use much of it. His strongest magic is his thunder magic, although he can use his mystic magic quickly if he's ever in a tight situation. He prides himself on his quick reflexes, especially with using his bow. Xaus is nimble and able to navigate rough terrain fairly easily. If an enemy gets really close to him, he may fumble and become flustered, as he's best skilled at attacks from afar. When he's fighting, he is extremely focused and usually in the right frame of mind to win the battle. Despite this, his fear of pain could limit Xaus from going all in when it's necessary.



(Order = Priority)

1. Surviving would be nice...

2. Experience falling in love.

3. Find some sort of meaning to life, something that he can hold onto.

4. Find out where magic originally came from, along with learning the different ways he can utilize it for.


  • His name is pronounced like axis, but with more of an emphasis on the a sound.
  • Has a strong connection to animals and nature.

Theme Tune:



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Avalon Rylan




Avalon Rylan




The Blazing Archer

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

Avalon is about 5'7" with long straight light brown hair that goes to her chest. She has light olive skin, hazel green eyes, and soft thin pink lips. She is slim with an athletic build, making her wiry and agile. She has a ragged appearance, usually having dirt somewhere on her body or clothes as a result of her current living style after the apocalypse. She usually wears a serious unapproachable facial expression, giving the impression that she is cold and aloof, which is not far from the truth. She is usually seen with her precious bow slung loosely over her shoulder and carrying her arrow pouch, which has a section to hold her supplies as well. In addition, she is often clad in dark brown boots and wears a dark hood to conceal her identity. On her back is a tattoo of an arrow with her family crest in the center.

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Avalon gives off a cold and reserved impression, often coming off as aloof. She is distrustful and suspicious of others with a cynical outlook on life, as a result of the apocalypse. It is hard for her to open up to others because of the built rigid walls she has built between herself and those around her. However, underneath her cold exterior lies a very warm and kindhearted woman. Very few have broken down her walls but the ones who have are rewarded with unconditional loyalty and care as she can become quite protective of them.

Avalon has a soft side for the weak and the defenseless, and she cannot stand those who gain happiness from bullying the meek. After watching her mother heal others for most of her childhood, she cannot stand by and let a person die when she is able to help.

Furthermore, she is independent, direct, and stubborn, always willing to stand up for what she believes in and refusing to rely on anyone else but herself. She is spontaneous and has a strong intuition, often following her heart rather than her mind, but this impulsivity can sometimes get her into a lot of trouble. She is also able to make quick decisions and remain calm in emergencies or stressful situations.

Defining Personality Traits:

Independent, Passionate, Skeptical


Avalon had a happy childhood and grew up in a small village just south of the capital city of Aliak near the valleys and the dense forestry. Her father was a renowned archer, as almost everyone in the city and in the south had heard of his name in some way, shape, or form. Her mother was a very gentle and kindhearted woman, as she was also very skilled in light magic and the arts of healing. As a result, the people in their village would often come to their home whenever they had an injury or fell ill. Therefore, her family was very well-known in the surrounding lands for her father's archery skills and her mother's healing skills. Because her father knew that her mother would want Avalon to attend the Universities of Magic, he began to teach her everything he knew about archery before she turned 16. By the time she left for school, she could shoot an arrow in a bullseye almost as well as she knew how to run. Avalon knew that her mother wanted her to learn the secondary magic of light, so she had the freedom to choose her primary magic, finally deciding on fire. There was something about fire that she saw reflected in herself as she has a very ardent spirit.

At the University of Fire magic, she realized her love for magic and spent a lot of time and effort into training. A fire's power and light was similar to her passionate heart. She eventually graduated to be one of the top fire magicians in her class 3 years later and she fell in love with magic in general. After her primary education, she fulfilled her mother's wishes of attending the Secondary School of Light. Although it is the most difficult art to learn, after watching her mother heal others her whole life, she had already been exposed to the basics.

However, she was halfway through her 4 years at the University of Light Magic when one night, the Shadow Warriors surged the kingdom, slaughtering everyone in their paths. Avalon and a few of the others were able to find a hiding place in a cellar in the basement and together, they created a strong light shield for defense. When they finally came out of their hiding spot, they found that the majority of the students and teachers were murdered, to their alarm. However, they were able to heal a few others with their combined light magic and save them.

Avalon and the survivors journeyed back to their homes together and separated off to their respective hometowns. However, when she returned to her village, she was horrified to find that everyone had been murdered, including her parents. Heartbroken and angry, she decided to head to Central Valia first to look for survivors, then made her way East after finding none. She now travels by herself and survives off of her formidable archery skills and her knowledge of fire and light magic.


Bow and Arrows, Throwing Knives

Avalon carries her bow and arrows where ever she goes, as they are one of her main sources of defense. She is a very skilled and experienced archer, having been raised by a renowned archer for a father. She usually uses her fire magic to light her arrows on fire before shooting them. In addition, she also hides throwing knives in her clothes, including her boots, inner jacket pockets, belt pouches, and arrow pouch. She is very lethal with her knives as she has an incredible ability to aim as a result of her archery training. Although her first choice of weapon will always be her bow and arrows, she uses her throwing knives as backup.





Avalon is very skilled in fire magic, having graduated at the top of her class at the University of Fire Magic. She is able to launch powerful and precise fireballs, as her archery training helps her accurate aim. She can also create a fire wall to block off enemies and absorb the warmth of another being, lowering their body temperature. However, she is still unable to fully absorb their temperature to the point of freezing them to death. She is also never cold, as she is able to keep her body temperature warm- this ability is what kept her alive in the cold nights in the wilderness. Overall, she is very competent in her ability to control, shape, and manipulate fire.


Because the fall of the kingdom occurred during her second year at the University of Light Magic, she had only finished half of her training. She is only able to heal minor/medium wounds and injuries, including cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, etc. Although she can significantly speed up the healing of a broken bone, she is unable to fully heal it right away nor is she able to heal fatal wounds. However, the healing of wounds takes up a lot of energy for her, usually only able to heal a few minor wounds in a day and the increased healing of a broken bone would drain her for the entire day. Avalon can also create a light shield and a buff zone, but the range is still limited, only able to be extended to her and a few other people. In terms of offensive abilities, she is only able to make consistent small light blasts. She can launch the occasional light beam, but it would take up her entire magic energy supply, so she saves it as a counter against dark magic or Shadow Warriors.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:


- Very skilled with long ranged weapons such as her bow and arrow and her throwing knives

- Very quick and agile because of her thin figure, allowing her to dodge attacks more easily

- High endurance and stamina

- Experienced and formidable with fire magic

- Good at creating light shields/buffs for defense

- Battles with her heart, giving her a passionate fighting spirit


- Clumsy and inexperienced with wielding large weapons such as maces, flails, nun chucks, etc.

- Unskilled with close hand-to-hand combat

- Not physically strong, so she can be easily overpowered

- Battles with her heart, so she can be blinded by strong emotions


- Survive

- Avenge her parents and her village

- Experience the same love that she witnessed between her parents

Preferred Group:



- Her bow was made by her father, so she treasures it dearly

- She wears a ring given to her by her mother before she left for school


- Bites her lower lip when nervous

- Enjoys stargazing and watching the sunset/sunrise

- Her tagline, "The Blazing Archer", not only refers to her incredible skill in fire magic, but also her passionate heart and spirit

- Secretly wanted to attend the Secondary School of Nature, but decided to make her mother happy and attend the School of Light instead.

- Therefore, she loves animals and enjoys observing them

Country and Timezone:

USA, EST (GMT -4:00)


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Vane Airindrak

The Whisperer of Flames





Appearance Picture:

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Appearance Details:

A man who stands at 5'11"- a fair stature to go about his well-structured form, Vane is someone whose build allows him to pack power behind his blows while also moving about in a nimble sort of fashion, without being too stocky to maneuver through places flexibly or too skinny to be able to put force into his attacks. It's impressive enough, but what's really supposed to catch the eyes of people are the details of his face. He sports a fair complexion for his skin, and has straight hair that's colored a light shade of brown. His eyebrows are a little thick and they naturally curve downward at the edges, and he normally has light stubble present around his chin, jawline and above his upper lip that he never allows to grow into a full-fledged beard. His irises are an almost entrancing shade of emerald green, and he has a long, curved scar that runs along his forehead, marked on his skin from a particularly harrowing first encounter with a Shadow Warrior.

In regards to the attire he's seen wearing, it is comprised of a plain black shirt, a dark blue trench coat overtop of that outlined by a burgundy shade of red, and a pair of brown leather boots and fingerless gloves. He favors the overall garb due to the reason that it was a gift to him from the instructor who was teaching him in the ways of fire magic, not too long before Valia fell prey to the devastating attack. It's Vane's fondest memory of him, something that he doesn't feel he'd willingly admit to anyone.


Vane is not at all a person that you'd classify as quiet; the one thing he thrives off of when he isn't busy fighting is conversation with others, wanting to communicate as much as he can with people in a friendly sort of manner. He's not a fan of quiet and tense atmospheres; he prefers when things are more lively in just about any situation, and he tries his best to make things stay that way whenever possible, even if that's not what the people around him need. On top of that, he's also a very eager person particularly when it comes to partaking in combat, often unwilling to take the time to come up with a plan and feeling more like he should just 'go with the flow' and do things as they happen. This can put him at odds with people sometimes, since this kind of attitude is subject to label him as a rebel.

He can also be quite ill-tempered at times, prone to lashing out at people or starting fights with them if they provoke him even a little bit. If there's one thing he doesn't like, it's strict enforcement of rules, and he has a supposedly good reason for it. What that reason is, he doesn't have the desire to explain. Though, this trait of his wasn't something that was attributed to him since he was a young kid; this was only developed after the destruction of his home, which brought about the more rugged characteristics of him in contrast to the brighter ones that the people who knew him were so accustomed to back before the catastrophe.

Defining Personality Traits:



-Protective (a trait he doesn't usually show openly)


Born and raised as a second child in a small village in the Southern part of Valia, Vane grew up as a bright and energetic young boy who soon became very fascinated by the world around him. He was almost always wondering about what was out there beyond his village, and was curious to know what exactly there was to do in a land so spacious and diverse. All through this, he bonded very closely with his parents and his older brother, living life with his family like any boy should.

There was nothing particularly intriguing about his childhood... It was when he got older that things were more interesting. After many years of studying all the various types of magic through the text recorded in books, Vane finally had the chance to enroll in one of the Universities of Magic when he was 18 years old, eventually deciding that he wanted to learn everything taught under the category of fire. It was there that he met his assigned instructor, one who believed more in the discipline of patience rather than the assertiveness one would expect to have when learning such an art. This, of course, made him a troubled student for quite some time; he wasn't willing to sit around for ages to be taught various skills and was more about getting straight into the action. Yet, through all this, his teacher was willing to be tolerant of him and kept training him (though not without a near untold number of scoldings) in the ways of fire magic.

At a later point in time, said teacher eventually decided to educate Vane in being able to use melee weapons in an attempt to give him a way to let out his excess energy, and it was through this time that the two of them began to bond more closely to each other. The young man felt as though he were relapsing back into his childhood; he began to look up to his instructor as a great man who had a lot to teach him. He was more in control of himself as the years started to go by, and when he was 20 years old, he was offered the chance to look into light magic as a secondary practice. He was seen as someone capable of helping and protecting others in a more direct way when a situation called for it, and so he had the option of being able to learn two different categories at once. Vane thought it over a little, though eventually of course, he accepted the offer, making his teacher proud of all the progress he'd made ever since he first joined with the University of Fire Magic.

It was at that same time that he received the outfit that he now wears today.

For the next two years, everything seemed to have been going along so perfectly for Vane... And then the day came where he lost everything that mattered the most to him. He had been going through his fourth year of fire and his second year of light when he was abruptly called in the middle of the night to the university by his instructor, and was told to get out of the village with his family as soon as he possibly could. Baffled by why he would be requested to do such a thing, he was initially reluctant to leave- especially if it was possible that his mentor could be in danger- but was ultimately persuaded to when the concern of his family's well-being was brought up. The last few words he ever heard from him were "Don't look back."

On his way back to his home, he looked on in utter horror as he discovered the ruins of the place where he'd grown up in for so long. Lingering concern turned into a full-blown panic as he rushed back to his house... Only to find the remains of his family resting there. He wasn't even able to say goodbye to any of them. Overcome by grief and sorrow, he immediately sought to seek out the people who'd done such a horrible deed, only to discover that the assailants weren't even human. Nevertheless, he tried striking at the creatures he'd stumbled across, and he inevitably failed in his attempts to take them out. The bloodied scar on his forehead was a permanent reminder of that as he was forced to flee into the wilderness, bitter from the terrors he'd witnessed and losing a part of himself along the way.

And now...? He travels through the cliffs of Western Valia, hoping to find others who may have survived the events of that horrible and tragic-filled day.


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While he has also displayed a fair amount of expertise when wielding a spear, Vane's preferred weapons of choice are a set of curved twin daggers fashioned with an intricate design for the metal blades. While they normally wouldn't deal as much damage as a weapon likewise to a broadsword, his proficiency with the lightweight weapons has proved to be very effective with only a few swiftly timed strikes to be put at play; Vane didn't like using swords in the short time of which he trained with them because he felt that their weight and length would withhold him from attacking quickly enough to put an enemy down without the need for excessive counter-attacks first.


Most notably, as suggested by his tagline, Vane specializes in being able to utilise the magic associated with fire. But he certainly doesn't whisper it; he's been trained in the art long enough that he's able to employ its use with a very decent amount of control and a number of different applications to use while in the midst of a battle. Perhaps his most impressive feat thus far is to be able to charge up his energy so that he can produce a sizable fireball, launch it in the air and then separate it into several smaller versions to send raining down on his foes. Useful as both a distraction and as a way of wearing enemies down physically, but as would be expected, it does serve to tire him out more than it would for him to use other more 'standard' techniques. If there's one thing he currently has difficulty with when it comes to using fire more than anything, it's that he isn't capable of managing patterns with it without them very literally spiralling out of control.

However, Vane has also been trained for a little while in being able to use light magic, which would come as a surprise to people given how his personality is certainly more attributed to fire, and maybe even a little bit to darkness if one considers it for a moment. His experience in this field of magic is significantly less than what he has going for his primary abilities; he's able to heal minor wounds over a little bit of time and can produce a shield for either himself or another ally to use for a limited time, but he is not yet able to perform those feats on a larger scale or use the magic for any offensive methods.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

-As mentioned before, Vane is very lethal when he puts his daggers to work.

-The above point is accompanied by his ability to quickly analyze battlefield opportunities and move just as fast; some could mistake him for using wind magic to assist him due to how fast he can move.

-While he is able to move and attack quickly, the downside to this is that it can exhaust him just about as fast as repeatedly using an ability with his magic; he is still human after all, and while he may be well-built, such physical exertion can still make him tired pretty fast if he doesn't moderate his movements.

-Vane's inner desire to protect those he can trust often ends up with him putting himself with harm's way, which is a weakness that is just as dangerous as his restlessness.


Simply put, his current number one goal is to seek out the beings who laid waste to his village and the rest of Valia and take them out. He has quickly grown tired of their existence being allowed to remain for so long, and is more than eager to have the chance to eliminate every last one of them. But aside from that, he's honestly been fairly curious about what it's like to be in a relationship with someone else. To have someone to really care about. In his younger years, that thought hadn't come to mind much, but ever since the loss of his family that was brought about by the invasion of the Shadow Warriors, he finds that he's been asking himself about that topic quite a bit.


-He likes to talk to people. Despite spending so much time in it for the past month, he still doesn't quite like the sound of silence to ring in his ears.

-His voice is similar sounding to (real-life actor) Jensen Ackles'.

Country and Timezone:

Canada, EST (GMT - 4:00)



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Holland Campbell




The Tactful Ex-Captain.

Appearance Picture:

Appearance Details:

At first glance, Holland could easily seem intimidating. Standing at 6’3 and maintaining a superbly athletic build, he has a commanding presence in most situations. Holland’s body is marred with several scars, most notably on his face. His left cheek sports two scars intersecting each other in an “X” shape and another scar crosses his right eye. Even after the land fell to the dark power of the Druids, Holland still tries to keep a reasonably clean and kempt appearance by shaving and washing whenever the chance arises. Behind his iron front is a warm smile, soft and compassionate blue eyes, and a calm yet commanding baritone voice. Holland has moderately tan skin that accents his neck length dirty blonde hair.

His clothing and armor is lightweight and exclusively earth-toned. He wears a well-fitted brown leather chest plate over his earth-toned undershirt and trousers. He also carries around a small backpack with assorted medical supplies, medicinal herbs, tourniquets, etc. In short, Holland has an air of experience around him but at the same time his soft eyes and smile make his seem aproachable.

FIGHTING STYLE APPEARANCE. As a lancer, Holland fights with his lance much differently than the typical "thrust and parry" style taught in most schools of defense. Holland wields his lance in much the same fashion as one would wield a Bo or quarterstaff with grandiose and flashy movements meant to disorient and confuse opponents. However, with extensive training and an engrained sense of the pike end of the lance, he can side strike or thrust at any point in time. His style is nearly impossible to read or parry for untrained opponents and it makes him an undeniably lethal force in mid-close range combat.​


Holland, on the outside, is an optimistic individual with a heart of gold, a tongue of tact, and spirit of steel. As such, his disposition tends to positively attract people. However, on the inside he is still human and subject to the same insecurities as all humans are. He is able to regulate those insecurities into words well though and often partakes in deep philosophical or emotional conversations. In fact, he enjoys picking people's minds to find out what they are thinking behind their outer shell. Because of this, with more uptight individuals, Holland can sometimes come across as nosy and inconsiderate, which is of course not his intention.

Although Holland is a compassionate individual, he will not hesitate to lash out at anyone who unreasonably puts their own safety or the safety of the group at risk. After all, he is a career guardsman and will become militant provoked. At his core, Holland is a well-developed and well-grounded man who gets along well with people and tends to be the icebreaker into conversations. He genuinely cares about the people he surrounds himself with and will lay his life down on the line for anyone who he calls friend. Holland is also very patriotic and it sickens him to see the once proud nation of Valia in udder shambles.

Holland is very open minded and liberal when it comes to social issues and although he may not agree with someone's opinion, he recognizes that opinions are self subjective and that his own opinions are no more valid than that of others. Holland views everyone as incomplete versions of themselves who, with each trial and tribulation they face, become stronger and wiser men and women. In short, Holland is on a perpetual journey to help others become stronger, and in the process, become the strongest version of himself as well.

Defining Personality Traits:

Tactful, Courageous, Genuine


Holland Campbell was borne and raised in the capital city of Aliak, the only child of Dax and Laetra Campbell. Holland's parents were fundamentalist conservatives on their views of magic, and did not trust anyone who wielded it other than the royal family. In contrast, Holland was enthralled by the concept of light magic and wanted to use magic to help the wounded and hospitalized, which obviously led to conflict with his family. After landing a paid apprenticeship with one of the city herbalists at age 12, holland had saved enough money

to enroll in an earth primary course at the Universities of magic by the time he was 16.

After a heated debate with his parents, they reluctantly agreed to support Holland under the false assumption that He would be learning learning only things pertaining to the medical field at the college. Although in truth, earth magic was simply a gateway for him to access the secondary class of Light Magic, which he did believe would greatly aid him in finding a position in the competitive medical field.

Holland managed to float through more than two years at the university, riding on several scholarships he qualified for, but eventually the financial noose tightened around his neck and he was forced to drop out due to lack of funds. Instead of going back to his previous life, Holland opted to join the Valia Royal Guard at age 18 after discovering that the military would pay for a full ride through the university providing he completed at least 4 years of service. The royal guard did well for Holland. After basic training, he assigned his military occupational specialty to Paramedicine. His humble yet grounded personality also boded well in the guard and he rose through the ranks fairly quickly. After his 4 year term had concluded, he had changed his mind and decided to re-enlist and make a career out of the military.​

Fast forward 10 years, Holland had made the esteemed rank of captain. The military life was all that he could ask for. everything was pre-paid. nearly everyone respected him, and he had free reign to practice what he loved. Life was good...During this time he had even met a girl named Chloe Fay. Although Chloe had retired from service several years before, they were now expecting a child and planned on getting married next time Holland was granted leave….Then the assassination occurred, crumbling Hollands perfect world to dust.

several days before the assassination of King Lyram. Holland and his platoon were sent to eastern central Valia. their orders were to investigate rumors of alleged Druid activity…ever since the genocide of the Dark Druids 40 years prior, King Lyram had made a serious effort to explore any post rumors with blood and cold steel...One night during the investigation while Hollands men were sleeping, the platoon was ambushed by several creatures clad in black armor and oozing shadow. They could move faster than any mortal could possibly move and their magic was far superior to any being Holland had encountered. The entire platoon was massacred, Holland was himself was stabbed through the chest and left for dead…by the grace of luck the blade had missed his heart. Suffering soft tissue damage and a collapsed lung, Holland made his way to the closest town to receive more advanced light magic medical attention from the local shaman…after spending nearly a week rehabilitating, news reached Holland that King Lyram had been assassinated, everyone in the capital had been slaughtered, and that dark armies were spreading all over Valia, Killing indiscriminately. Armed with this information, Holland fled the town. It wouldn't be until the coming weeks would he discover the full extent of Genocide. During this time he also came to the realization that, mysteriously, he could no longer control any sort of magic. As though he had been completely stripped of the ability to harness mana. His only conclusion was that the shadowy demon that attacked his platoon had placed some kind of mystic curse on him. Outnumbered and outclassed, Holland slowly made his way east.

Weapon: Lance

Holland's Weapon of choice is a large black and gold lance standing at 6'4" tall He has undergone extensive training with this weapon and can wield it with masterful speed and precision. The weapon its self is not particularly ornate, but both the blade and shaft were forged from a rare type of metal thats composition is much lighter weight than iron or steel but comparably strong. It is also oxidation resistant. This weapon was presented to him by the royal guard as a ceremonial reward for achieving the rank of captain

He also carries a standard iron dagger strapped to his right leg. While it is mostly used for skinning, it can also be used for a secondary line of defense.

Magic: None

Holland was once an accomplished earth magic user with aspirations to learn light magic. In a combat scenario, his specialty was utilizing earth manipulation to enhance his lancemanship. For example, he could disrupt the ground below an opponents feet to make them loose balance and create an opening for him to capitalize on. But due to the events listed in the background section, his body is currently in a magically impermeable state. One of Holland’s primary goals is to reverse the effects of the mystic curse brought about When he was ambushed..

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:


1. Holland's primary strength lies within his proficiency with the lance. His Parents were both proprietors of a Lancers Guild within Aliak, and being a fundamentalist household, Holland was required to learn Lancemanship…At 32, Holland is now frighteningly skilled with the lance and has created his own unique art with the weapon utilizing his parents teachings as a base.

2. Further, He is extremely athletic and acrobatic, wielding the lance in the same fashion as most would wield a Staff.

3. Lastly, He is skilled in paramedicine and although he is not a light mage, Holland is an effective Field Medic.


1. Holland is unable to use magic , Thus if Holland faces a skilled mage of any element, he would need to get in close to be effective.

2. Long range projectile users are also a problem for Holland for similar reasons

3. Because he wears light armor, he cannot take much punishment without bleeding out and can more easily sustain damage.​


Holland's Primary goal is of course to retake Valia From The Dark Druids and the Shadowking. He is willing to do anything and everything, no matter the time it takes, to accomplish this goal.

His secondary goal would be to reverse the Mystic curse placed on him by the Shadowy figures that ambushed him .

Country and Timezone:

USA Central Time

Theme Tune:

(A good theme for the role-play as a whole too haha)


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Jvala Qathor


  • Age: 39

    Tagline: The Turning Leaf

    Appearance Details

    At 5'11'', Jvala is tall and lean, with an agile figure. Her jet-black hair, which she keeps in a neat braid, reaches down to her hips. She has large, earthy brown eyes and usually wears a calm and collected expression, giving her an air of patience. Her hands are callused and she carries several small scars, evidence of her uphill struggle to make a living. Some loose skin on her arms and face, especially the bags under her eyes, and her tendency to tire faster than she did a decade ago indicates her advancement past her prime. Though her face would not be considered conventionally beautiful,* she carries herself with cool confidence. She's always dressed practically and spurns cosmetics, jewelry and fashionable clothing as frivolous. Her voice is low and throaty, and she has a rich baritone singing voice.

    *OOC: I know that conflicts with the picture, but it's awfully sad how hard it is to find a picture of a dark-skinned female character, let alone one with (*gasp!*) average looks.

    Defining Personality Traits: curious, reflective, wanderlustig


    Jvala is an observant and reflective type. A good listener, she enjoys interesting conversation but has little patience for small talk. Her most conspicuous feature is her intense curiosity. A voracious reader, she is eager to consume any kind of knowledge as long as it has practical applications. She loves math and science, but doesn't see the point of art, music, or fashion, and always tries to exploit her knowledge in useful and innovative ways. Her dream since childhood has been to see the world, but due to her low socioeconomic status, she could never afford to leave her home city of Aliak and felt chronically trapped there. She was expecting to spend most of the rest of her life working hard to pay back her debts for pursuing an ambitious education, so ironically, in certain ways she feels liberated by the destruction of the old world order.

    Jvala has a deep-seated belief in the importance of meritocracy and equal opportunity, but sees the world as a fundamentally unfair place and is thus not above opportunism and sometimes even ruthlessness to achieve justice. She tends to be somewhat distant and judgy towards people who strike her as entitled or superficial, but forms deep bonds with people she does like and is loyal to a fault to her close friends. The loss of her "brothers" and "sisters" in the attack on central Valia was a traumatizing experience for her, and she still irrationally hopes to encounter them safely hidden away somewhere. Eventually, she hopes to found a blood family of her own. She doesn't care much for material wealth, but learning and friendship are very valuable to her. Thoughtful and self-disciplined, she is careful not to be overly self-indulgent and is disturbed and nettled by conspicuous consumption and grandiloquence.

    Jvala is intensely (perhaps perilously) curious about how exactly the apocalypse transpired. Having grown up experiencing social injustice firsthand, she's always been cynical about the establishment and suspicious of the genuineness of reform efforts from the top. She believes somewhat conspiratorially that a specific group coordinated the invasion by the Shadow King's forces (although their plans perhaps went awry) and sometimes speculates that the government cooperated with him for an unclear purpose. In any case, now that the old infrastructure has collapsed, Jvala intends to spend the rest of her life traveling and making new experiences; predictable routines bore her. She judges people who settle down as as narrow-minded and uninspired.

Timezone & Country:


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Joachim Crowe






'The Comedic Criminal'

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

At 5'7'', Joachim is a lot smaller than he'd like to admit. His reddy-brown hair sits in an unruly mop atop his angular head, with well-chiseled jawlines, and well-shaven facial hair. With thick bushy eyebrows and narrow chestnut eyes, complimenting his smallish nose, Joachim is a picture of rougish charm and handsomeness. With a frequent glimmering grin that can open doors, hearts and purses, Joachim comes off as an attractive dangerman style character.

In terms of posture, Joachim is stooped and slightly crooked, often with his hand in the pockets of his simple beige trousers. He wears a simple leather waistcoat over a simple shirt; hardly a man of dainty styling, even before the apocalypse. He is decently muscular, though not to body-builder extremes, and
hates being called small; his black boots are even especially built to make him look taller! With bands on both forearms, and a handy belt full of knives and tools, Joachim is lightly packed with only a few essentials.


Joachim comes across very much as a laid-back, rebellious rogue-type, and that's a fairly accurate description of his surface persona. Talkative, bubbly, and laddishly wild, he's an outgoing, jovial persona who always has something or other to talk about. He's got quite the positive, energetic countenance and takes literally nothing seriously; he's always cracking jokes about something or the other. However, carefree he is not; he's always fidgitting, and can be impatient, short-tempered and volatile.

Unfortunately, his light-heartedness often extends too far, and he doesn't really know how to take situations seriously. His normal reaction to deathly danger is to try and joke his way out of things, as if by cracking cringeworthy one-liners, he can somehow mitigate the seriousness of a situation and reduce it to a comedic, harmless performance. This is obviously false, so he normally resorts to his favourite, individualistic survival technique; running and hiding. On the positive, his survival instinct is remarkable, and when his person is threatoned, he'll often execute these crazy-genius schemes to get himself out of danger. It's just a pity he never can be bother to put enough thought into planning things out beforehand. Aside from his inability to whisper, Joachim is light-footed, stealthy, and not abject to lying and manipulating people under his veil of comedy. That said, he's certainly not malicious, and he doesn't particularly like getting people in trouble. Similarly, his jokes can often be brutally honest, and he lacks that certain filter to stop him from being overly offensive, or overly honest; he's prone to being flirtatious at times.

Joachim has this thing where he completely disregards any authority. He thinks that leaders and people of power are only in their because of things like politics and social class, and that leaders are self-entitled people who steal other people's self-control and rob them of their freedom. He sees leadership and control as oppression to his being. However, whilst he is cowardly and often selfish, he's certainly not arrogant; he acknowledges and genuinely believes that he's a 'bad person' for being a criminal, even though he won't take any steps to break the criminal mold. Instead, he embraces his criminality often as an excuse for laziness, cheekiness and slight amorality.

On the subject of morality, Joachim's set of morals is an interesting one, interestingly inconsistent. Whilst he sees no problem in robbing anybody blind and ransacking people's properties and possessions, he's incredibly squeamish and strangely pacifistic; though he carries weapons around, he's very reluctant to use them. In spite of the laddish image he tries to emit, he's fairly insecure and incredibly empathetic; only he struggles to express himself and find social confidence without acting like a joker. To those he considers friends and allies, he's protective and respectful, even if his cowardice and survival instinct does often override this. Even the seriousness of the apocalypse is yet to get to him; but perhaps the time for that pivotal realisation is fast approaching!

Defining Personality Traits:

Comic, Rebellious, Cowardly.


Joachim grew up in a village in central Valia, but a few day's walk of the capital Aliak, and hence he was always close by to any trends, and free from the magic-sceptical superstition of the very rural west. His village was on the main road to Aliak, and as such, numerous tradesmen and merchants would drive their carts through the village square. It was lively, for a village.

Unfortunately, his parents were less lively. Strict, harsh and generally not particularly nice, Joachim's home life was difficult, and hence his desire to rebel was instated in him from an early age. His parents were only interested in his reputation and good behavior, not his actual wellbeing (or so he thought), so why should he care about what they wanted if it wasn't the best for him? Instead, Joachim got involved with a local group of troublemakers.

Eventually tired of their disappointment of a son, they packed the seventeen year-old Joachim off and sent him to the University of Ice Magic. As one might imagine, he wasn't a particularly good student. He took arms with every tutor who tried to tell him what to do, even going as far as purposefully making mockeries of assignments just to make a point. Whilst he wasn't bad at magic, his lack of effort, combined with a general lack of interest, lead to him slipping further and further back. His exploits got more and more infamous, and whilst he was ever popular with the other students, by the end of his second year, the teachers had had enough and he was forced to leave.

From there, Joachim spent a good year wondering what to do with himself, until his mind inevitably turned to what he knew best; rebellion. Joachim decided he didn't want to live in what he deemed to be a needlessly regulated society, and became a criminal, making a living off of robbery and lawlessness, a trade he was shamelessly talented at. Over his two years in the business, he rose to quite a wanted figure. Until the day of the apocalypse.

Joachim had built for himself a secret hideout in the abandoned cellar of a particularly oblivious landlord's pub and, whilst the night of the apocalypse was heralding screams and terror outside, he was asleep, drunk, blissfully unaware. That was, until he began to hear the sound of something moving around upstairs. A single person, his well-trained ears confirmed. The perfect opportunity for a robbery! So, Joachim crept upstairs, grabbing his bow, to threaton the man who dared to step on his turf!

That man was the young Skyre Eraldus, who quickly pointed out to Joachim that the society was ending, and he would do much better running for his life than threatening a fellow survivor. Joachim was perplexed, but not for long, as the pair found themselves under attack by a pack of shadow wolves. Working together, they escaped to the wilderness, where they travelled for a few days until Skyre decided to head back to the capital. Joachim saw this as a good idea only for those who wished for a sudden and painful death, and so parted ways to travel west, wherein he has lived off of stealth and foraging ever since.


Like many Valian non-upper class teens, Joachim learnt how to hunt both for sport and necessity. He learnt how to use both hunting and throwing knives in particular, but was also reasonably talented with a bow. However, he preferred knives because they matched his liking of stealth and mobility. Though his aim is impeccable, Joachim's squeamishness and general reluctance to kill means he's actually only really practiced on targets, not living, fighting enemies. Additionally, whilst he carries around numerous knives and daggers that he has scavenged from villages and corpses, he lost his bow in the original scrap.

Magic: Ice

As mentioned, Joachim studied for just under two years at the University of Ice Magic, where he learnt more about snogging and drinking than he did about magic and its practical applications. That said, his limited magic has come in handy on numerous occasions since. He is remarkably conservative with his magic, and particularly likes freezing the ground just behind people so that they step back and slide over. Though he can only manage very limited attacks, his control is actually not that bad. He treats his magic as if it is an entity and often blames it for being temperamental and hormonal despite the fact it is completely in his control.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Though not a trained fighter, Joachim has remarkable survival instinct. He is a quick-footed and stealthy fighter, capable of complex and often showy moves. That said, he treats fighting far too artistically, and is prone to being needlessly dramatic and graceful, oft at the detriment to actually fighting. In addition, he's really not that good with his magic other than for stealth techniques, and his armor is so light that he's also always at the risk of serious injury.


Though he professes to be care-free and goalless, deep inside, Joachim is running. Running from the truth of each day, hoping that, if he can only survive the night, he'll wake up and it'll all have been a dream. And, perhaps more secretly, he'd like to rid the world of the Shadow King so that there'll be no greater authority and he can live his life how he wants.


His name is pronounced 'Joe-a-kim'. Silence makes him nervy, hence his constant need to talk. In spite of his stealthiness, he is completely incapable of whispering. He is adapt at lock picking, pick-pocketing, and worming his way into claustrophobic spaces; he claims he's actually more cosier in these tight situations.

As ever, you should try to 'hear' his voice as a British accent!

Preferred Group:


Country and Timezone:



The Penitent Traitor





Appearance Picture:
Appearance Details:

In better days, Rue was a well-shaped girl, about 5'7" and full-figured. Her dark hair fell to her waist, her skin was a flawless marble and her grey eyes twinkled like moonlight. After the devastation wrought by the Shadow King, though, her figure's grown slim. Her hair was cut back to her shoulders and now hangs lank and unkempt. As for her eyes, they look more like the clouds off the shores of Valia's west shore just before they unleash a lethal storm.

Rue's presence is mixed, at times subtle and other times striking. Her face seems etched with the horrors that have befallen Valia but there's a weight there, a tension at the corner of her eyes that suggests she carries a personal pain tied up in her homeland's tragedy. Her speech is surprisingly well enunciated for someone from a western village and she speaks with a thoughtful, polite and at times a wry amusement in her tone. There's a real humor buried beneath her pain as well as a certain resignation to her situation.

In dress, Rue's outfit is a mismatch of salvaged clothing. A merchant's tunic, a farmer's breeches and a soldier's overcoat which she rarely removes. It's definitely a noble's sword she wears at her waist, a simple efficient steel blade whose pommel is engraved with the letters 'VH', the scabbard bearing a stylized embossing of those same letters.


On good days, Rue is a joy to be around. She's intelligent, passionate and well spoken, deeply interested in those around her and possessed of a rare compassion. There's something almost magical about her way with small children, able to soothe their fears and quell their tears with the smallest kind smile. Her speech is precise but soft-spoken, gently hypnotic the way a mother learns when managing a number of youths. The way she tends to the comfort of her friends, the way she looks to the situation of a stranger speaks to a deeply caring woman. At least on good days.

On bad days, Rue's soft-spoken tone turns sharp. Her eyes cloud over, her face grows still and she withdraws from those around her. There's a flatness in her affect, as if emoting on any level takes something she simply doesn't have. The only feeling that emerges during these times is a cutting anger that flares up hotly, only to be just as swiftly suppressed. Her humor grows more pronounced but it turns much darker, turning to mockery of fools, of her situation and of herself. When stressed or provoked, she turns blackly hostile and only visible effort on her part restrains her from lashing out at the deserving and undeserving alike.

No matter what the day is like, though, Rue retains a fundamental sorrow. A quiet wistfulness for what's been lost, the permanent markings of tragedy wrought into her soul. It tempers her joy but steals strength from her rage alike, putting a ceiling on her radiant personality but a floor as well on how low she might sink. That melancholy lifts a little when she has occasion to heal with her Light magic. As for her skill with the Dark, Rue holds back, reluctant to deploy her full strength. It's too easy, too strong, too seductive.

Defining Personality Traits:

Amused, bitter, melancholy


Honeysuckle and Bryony Rue were twin sisters, born into a line of rural mystics in the wild outskirts of western Valia. Their mother was something of a priestess, shaman and healer, talented in the Light arts of magic, renowned as a healer. With their father a remote hermit, the girls grew up learning to care for the sick, the wounded and the dying. Dozens of villages in the miles around the small temple that housed their order came to them and Mother made sure her children followed in her footsteps. Known as the Order of the Wise Ones, they were shunned as much as reluctantly appreciated but the opinion of the villages mattered little to the almost monastic order. Their service to the world was healing.

By their teens, Honeysuckle and Bryony found themselves on very different paths. Honeysuckle was the dutiful daughter, an unfailingly dedicated healer with a knack for handling and caring for children. Bryony, though, found little success with Light magic and lacked the patience or interest for sacrificing herself on behalf of others. After growing increasingly rebellious, Bryony at last ran off in her 17th year, leaving Honeysuckle alone to carry on their family legacy.

Over the years, Honeysuckle's talents grew until she was as well regarded as her mother. Her pace slowed, though, when she met a handsome man named Thomas and married him, eventually bearing him three children. Their lives were happy ones, with Thomas farming and his wife caring for their family and for the medical needs of those who sought her out. Like many lives before the Shadow King came, life was good.

For Honeysuckle, the end came not from the Shadow Warriors but from something else. She went to sleep one night only to wake up in a cave, bound up with her three small children. Bryony stood over her, wreathed in the terrifying legendary robes of the Dark Druids. Honeysuckle's sister laughed at her fate and mockingly spoke of a final victory over her do-gooder sister and a final night of reckoning.

At the last minute, it all went wrong. Honeysuckle fought free of her bindings and grappled with Bryony as her sister bent over the children. Green-black lightning shattered the cave. And when Rue woke, the three children had vanished along with every object in the cave, including her clothes. Her sister was gone as well...only she couldn't quite remember which sister. Most of her memories were of Honeysuckle's life, of her three girls and their home. But she remembered flickers of dark things, impossible things. Of black orders from dark men and a terrible purpose she was to accomplish. Matters grew worse when Rue left the cave and found she knew the path back to the Wise Ones' temple, only to find it savagely destroyed by the Shadow Warriors. A single Warrior remained but when it raised its hideous black blade against her, she found herself conjuring up a lethal fog that drove it off. Something Honeysuckle could never do.

In the wreckage of the temple, Rue found enough clothes to dress herself and supplies enough to leave. She took the sword of a slain nobleman who'd come for services, discovering that though Honeysuckle had never laid hands on a weapon in her life, Bryony had been trained in its use. She lingered only to bury the bodies of the fallen...including their mother and Honeysuckle's beloved husband, Thomas. And then she set out, to look for survivors, to look for her children/nieces, and to find an answer to a question that may have no answer; which Rue is she?


Whichever sister Rue is, she seems to have Bryony's fighting ability. Rue doesn't have clear memories on what she's learned or where she learned it but from the moment she found the nobleman's sword, she hefted it in her hand and knew how to use it. To an expert, Rue's stance and technique is reminiscent of the Valian Knights from the Castle of Light, complete with the kind of muscle memory that comes from practicing in chain and platemail, though Rue herself doesn't wear armor. She's also a passable shot with the bow but doesn't carry one and it's plain Bryony used hers to hunt animals rather than wage war.


Rue's abilities with magic are unusual, given she learned her powers outside of the University system. Honeysuckle's Light magic abilities are highly developed when it comes to handling wounds and diseases, making her capable of saving someone critically injured before running out of energy. The Order of the Wise Ones were a reclusive group in the rural West Valia, however, without the educational resources, tools or experimentation to fully develop a Light Magician's range. As a result, Rue lacks any skill at creating light shields, firing light beams or blasts or imbuing others with strength, stamina and faster healing. It's likely that any attempt to do such things would affect her much as any novice to Light Magic; success would swiftly result in extreme sudden fatigue, wiping her out for the day.

As for Dark Magic, Bryony appears to have been well trained in the arts by the Dark Druids. Rue's talents include the creation and manipulation of shadow for the purpose of camouflaging herself from adversaries or blinding the senses of her opponents. She's also created a deadly kind of black billowing darkness that eats away at anything inside of it. She also knows a technique that inflicts exquisite agony on anyone she points at. Utilizing any of these techniques is exhausting, though terror at what she can do holds her back as much as the toll Dark Magic exacts from her physically. To employ this magic requires her embrace her dark side, only in her case it means drawing on the memories and identity of the sister who was part of the Dark Druid plot to overthrow Valia and murder all its people. As a result, even Rue doesn't know what she's really capable of because of how reluctant she is to delve into the memories of how to use this magic.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Rue's real strengths in battle lie in her Dark Magic and her swordsmanship. As mentioned in the Magic section, she's capable of a wide range of effects which get progressively more lethal depending on how angry she gets. Whether it's hiding herself, blinding others, throwing Dark blasts, unleashing killing fog or inflicting pain with a gesture, she's quite lethal. Using Dark Magic carries two risks, though. The first is fatigue, for channeling such destructive energies can swiftly exhaust even the University-trained and her skills were never learned at the capital. The second is the same weakness every Dark Mage has; using these powers means tapping into your dark side, making her angrier, more willing to hurt, more willing to kill, less able to stop herself.

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Rue is remarkably good with a sword. She fights with experience, skill, even art, able to innovate tactics on the fly in battle and adapt or even use her environment to her advantage. Should she wear armor into combat, she seems to suffer no impairment to her skill and obvious trained in armor in the first place. Rue's actual battle technique tends to be aggressive and lethal; she fights to kill.

Her most obvious weakness in battle is her lack of range with conventional weapons. She's entirely dependent on utilizing Dark Magic to hit anything at a distance. More subtly, Rue's memories are mostly Honeysuckle's and not Bryony's. This means her fighting reflexes aren't really conscious. She lacks a killing instinct. A cunning opponent may find her an experienced fighter at first but then find her to be unusually easy to surprise or outthink, since Rue's memories of actual battles are hazy and her mind mostly belongs to a healer who has never thrown a punch much less swung a sword in her life.


1. First and foremost, Rue wants to find out who she really is. Which sister she is. And what happened to the other sister...did she die? Where did her body go? Was this the plan? Is she a Light Mage who broke a Dark Druid plot and wrested their powers for herself? Or is she a Dark Mage who stole a Light Mage's powers as part of a grander, secret Dark Druid plot, perhaps for the Shadow King himself?

2. Speaking of, what was Bryony's plan? Why did she kidnap her sister and her three nieces? Did it have anything to do with the Shadow Warrior army? Or was there another nefarious purpose?

3. Where are her three children/nieces? They were there in the cave with Honeysuckle but, after the struggle and the strange green light, they were gone. Are they still alive somewhere?

4. In the meantime, Rue wants to save and heal anyone she can as a way to not only do the right thing but to make up for any evil she's caused.


It's Rue. One word, like Madonna.

She's an amazing cook. You wouldn't believe how good her pies are, oh my God.

Rue also has real skill with a needle and thread. Rip your clothes? She can fix that!

The sight of a bee makes her scream like a little girl.

Rue is the queen of run-on sentences. She's also easily embarrassed about it and blushes when she catches herself rambling.

She also speaks with what sounds like a British accent. This may or may not be due to the player's lifelong adoration of Doctor Who and Blakes 7.

Preferred Group:

West please!

Country and Timezone:

The not terribly United States lately. On Pacific Standard Time.

Theme Tune:

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Mrs Poppernickle


Tagline:The Extravagant Dancer

Age: 25

Appearance Details:

Harper is five foot six with dark tan skin and ebony hair. Her hair is wrapped tightly into a single tail that rises from the back then flows downwards to below her buttocks. This is actually her pride and joy as she tends and combs it almost religiously. Her eyes are amber brown colored with a hint of golden hue. She wears green harem pants (think poncho like pants) made of basic cloth, her top is black tightly wrapped around her chest but exposing her stomach. Above this she is wearing a purplish pink vest gifted to her from a merchant in the city. For jewelry she has two golden earrings one on each ear, a golden necklace band, and a single arm band made of gold designed by her father.


  • Strengths: Harper is overly energetic to the point of being hyper. She is clever facing the life she had as a game more then it should be. Always positive and straight forward she finds humor to be a great shield for her hidden emotions. As such she can be trusting to a point and eager to please if it benefits her. This style of thinking is like any merchant being raised around a traveling caravan has led her to be intuitive and flirtatious to strangers usually leading to easy pickings. In the end it leaves Harper flexible and forthright in her endeavors.
  • Weaknesses: Her over excitement and humor is used as a shield to keep her personal history and turmoil hidden. She suffers from greed and strong curiosity which can get her into trouble easily. Due to her extensive hyper emotions when you do push her buttons it can cause her to erupt in anger or hot headiness. Due to her pendulum of emotional balance when faced with difficult situations it will not be uncommon for her to find a way to avoid the situation entirely. Overall Harper will do all she can to keep up her facades and can fall to temptation easily.

Defining Personality Traits:

  • Eager
  • Energetic
  • Coquette


Harper was and has always been part of a traveling merchant guild. Her father was a jeweler while her mother sold flowers to the locals they passed. For most her life it was pleasant with little for a child to do but enjoy the open world and all its glory. As she got older she found a knack to entertain potential customers with her dancing. Soon it became a professional career and no matter what village or town they stopped people would gather to watch her performance.

At the age of seventeen her parents caravan had stopped at the great city Aliak. There she was awaken to the wonders of riches that the nobles flaunted. Amazing carriages, large castle estates, sights, sounds, and smells flooded the girl and she wanted it all. When her father was preparing the caravan to leave she spoke out seeking to stay. When told that they could not she searched for any excuse when looking to her mother's flower shop an idea had popped into her head.

She stated a desire to learn magic and not just any but of nature. She boasted on the goods it would do for the flower shop and the wonders she could perform with her dance. Soon the little girl's silver tongue won over her parents and though it pained them to leave her they enrolled her into the academy. For most of her years she spent frolicking the school grounds and markets always eager to find her fortune. She dated and entranced many student males out of their coin purses and though at first it was a trick she even eventually learned the art of nature. She found the skill pleasing and beautiful like herself.

At the age of twenty one she had graduated from the academy and awarded high marks in her studies. Though whether these marks where earned or not remained the secret of her and her alone. With a small fortune in hand and feeling homesick Harper decided to travel in search of her parents. Finding the caravan however seemed near impossible taking nearly four years before finally she had caught up with her parents who had traveled west to a fisherman's village.

The first few days was celebration of their daughters return, with tall tales and rumors of the city their nights where spent with much laughter and joy. Her father so proud of his daughter removed a small box from under his bed. When she opened the wooden chest she was amazed to find a gold arm locket designed like vines and flowers. Her eyes watered as she hugged both of them tightly.

Months past and soon Harper was eager to return to the great city. When she finally convinced her parents the caravan had made it way to the great pillars of the city. It was peaceful and for the most part profitable event...though it was not to last. Soon the breaking of screams and the smell of burning timber rose from the city. Harper was awoken by her father who immediately covered her mouth. Holding her mother and her in hand he tugged them to the horses. Sleep in her eyes she attempted to figure what was going on when before long a black arrow fell through her father's chest. A blood curling scream escaped her as her father cut the harness on the horses to the carriage. The mother slapped both forcing them into a fast gallop as Harper weeped and fought to save her father. Her mother holding her tightly close as they rushed to the bridges.

The visage of shadow figures and the clambering of iron echoed through the streets. Reaching the bridge the two had found a small group of blacken armored soldiers standing guard. As the started to charge her mother smiles at her daughter "Live..." as she kissed her upon the forehead. Using a simple wooden stick from the ground she charged at the soldiers attempting to use the horses speed against them. Harper's voice was rasp as she tried to scream for her not to go but soon her mother's sight was lost as her and the soldiers fell from the side of the bridge into the moat below. Calling out to the dark waters there was no answer back. Harper's eyes where no longer able to cry and her voice was no longer able to break more then a whisper. When the sound of metal feet echoed ever closer to her she pulled and mustered all she had left to climb back unto the horse and ride away.

Exhausted and tired Harper fell to slumber as the horse continued to gallop into the forest. When she awoken she found herself deep in the forest of the west near the great mountains. The horse was silent and looked to her with gray eyes. Hugging the horse tightly the mare simply took one last deep breath before falling to an eternal sleep. Now alone in an unknown forest Harper is unsure of what has become of her life or what lays before her. With no direction or thought she now suffers a deep guilt for surviving the harsh reality that had transpired.

Weeks passed and Harper had discovered a group of survivors. Attempting to use their supplies and added protection she sought comfort in the group. Sadly though the recent fight with an enemy had forced the group to split leaving Harper once more alone and bewildered at the chaos this land has fallen to. Attempting to search for the others she now heads further pass the mountains in hope of seeking somewhere she can be safe.

Weapons: Wire strings - Tough metal like strings mainly used for side shows during aerobatic performances. Their strong tinsel strength and nimble use are only limited by their length and ingenuity.

Magic: Nature - Able to manipulate forms of living plants but is unable to communicate with creatures Harper's magic is often times rushed or unorganized. Though she graduated with high marks her actual battle use of the gift was never truly tested and due to her attitude she often seeks to run versus fighting. After all she is but a delicate flower.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Harper is able to wield nature at a semi-advanced level. She can't commune with animals who are not naturally willing. She cancall forth vines or manipulate the small trees. Larger vegetation and animals though are strictly beyond her and require to much focus to accomplish any worth while use. Due to her years as a dancer she is very agile allowing her to be quick and light footed. However, she is not physically strong leaving her direct attacks weak. Like her life her fighting style aims for high risk and high rewards whether that happens though all depends on her quick thinking...and luck.


Return to a normal life...and maybe a little richer.


Harper carries an ivory comb to brush her hair and finds it her most treasured item due to her past.

(emotional trigger should you mess with it!)

Preferred Group:


Country and Timezone:


Theme Tune: (Dont hate me!)


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Darius Kell






The Heretical Hero

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

Clocking in at 5'9'', it isn't uncommon for people to be unsure of Darius' gender at first glance due to his very androgynous appearance. His jet black hair lightly cascades over his shoulder as small strands linger in front of his vision, with a youthful complexion that seems completely incapable of growing any facial hair of any sort. All of this combined with a tiny flat nose and thin eyebrows, and it's easy to see why he's often mistaken for a young women. Despite this, his narrow, striking grey eyes give off a sense of confidence and duty that indicates he is both approachable and, despite his age, willing to do anything to get the job done.

Darius has a very average body build that, once again, doesn't give too many hints that he is indeed a man. His attire is nothing special either, consisting of a simple T-shirt and black pants accompanied by light brown boots, favoring a lighter get-up to allow for more maneuverability. The only thing of note is a choker necklace wrapped around his neck. On it is a small piece of metal with his name engraved on it; a memento given to all the people of his village.


Darius strives to be a hero and a person to look up to, hence his normally calm and composed state. His priorities are the safety of himself and the group above all else, and will do his damnedest to make sure everyone is at their peak. This isn't necessarily a result of his kindness though, as anyone who is more trouble than they are worth may as well be dead to him. Efficiency is probably the most important aspect of a team to Darius and he will absolutely NOT tolerate anyone that gets in the way of this. It's all risk versus reward, and the more profit he believes he can get out of a situation the more effort he'll invest into achieving the reward. There are times, however, when his emotions get in the way of things, and when such a situation occurs he will attempt to mend the bridges burned.

This logical mind lends him to being quite the realist, always viewing things how they are and have to be. Even heinous acts that he'd prefer not to do will be swiftly done without hesitation if he feels it's the best course of action. As such, immorality is no existent in Darius' mind and will steal and murder without a second thought. His idea of being a hero means destroying evil, instead of the common belief of protecting the good. Often thinking things thoroughly through, he always likes having firm control over a situation and how things develop. His voyages into what-ifs and possibilities lead to the boy being lost in thought more often than not. As such, he often thrust himself into the position of leader, partially because of his need to be a hero. However, even as a leader his decisions are not absolute as his mind can easily be swayed by hard facts and logical suggestions, though in the end he will take the reigns of directing the flow of events. All the responsibility of the group he places on himself, and as such takes all the pressure along with it. Failure devastates him as he is always putting all the blame on himself and often going into deep thought for extended periods of time.

Of course, his seriousness has its time to be prevalent, as when the situation calls for it Darius has no problems relaxing and letting the load fall off his shoulders. He's very personable and calm, enjoying even the simplest of conversations about trivial matters. He carries himself with an air of confidence in his accomplishments while still being humble about what he can do. Still, while he will listen to a persons woes and worries, Darius will seldom spill his own. His persona of a strong and calculating leader is extremely important to him, with his confidence hoping to live up to the extreme pressures shoved upon him. In truth, his selfishness and need to get what he wants threatens to interfere with his appearance of a hero. In fact, he is constantly debating with himself whether what he is doing is right and find himself second guessing his actions when things are at their worst. Basic instincts such as jealousy, lust, and anger well up inside of him, and it is when he feels desperate or defeated when these emotions spill over and show themselves. His emotional outbursts often lead to rash and dangerous decisions for everyone involved, with no discrimination against friend or foe.

Defining Personality Traits:

Pensive, Realist, Controlling


Born in Southern Valia in a village that followed old traditions, Darius was practically made different from the group at birth. Not only were his mother and father mayors of their small establishment, but as soon as he exited the womb he was prophesized as being a hero that would protect Valia in its time of need. Because of this he was put into heavy training and preparation for the duties that awaited him, giving him little time to have to himself. Despite the pressure put on him to be perfect, Darius tried his best to measure up to these expectations, never giving any hint of the constant doubt that circled his thoughts. After every failure he'd make he'd begin to question exactly what he was supposed to be striving towards and if he could achieve it. What did it mean to be a hero? Was he really cut out for it? These uncertainties built inside him for many years, all while he hid them under his mask of perfection.

As his 18th birthday approached, signifying when he'd finally be allowed out of the village and pushed into studying magic, Darius found himself spending more and more time with his older sister, Naria. She was one of the few people he felt he could feel close too, with her comforting and supportive nature lending her to be the only one he could open up his worries to and feel safe. However, when he found himself developing feeling for her things took a turn for the worse. When he was seventeen Darius tried to express his feelings to his sister, telling her how important she was to him and how much he loved her. She did not have the same feelings as he did, causing the boy to lash out violently and aggressively, eventually forcing himself upon her no matter how much she struggled.

Once his actions were swiftly discovered, Darius was banished from the village and told to never return. Despite this, Darius felt he had done no wrong and was still forced to walk the path of a hero. Thus, he enrolled in the university of ice magic when he was 18, giving it his all to be the perfect person he was destined to be. For the most part everything was normal; he made many friends, did well in his studies, and managed to contain his temper excluding the odd outburst.

However, it was during his final year of studying ice magic when the shadow warriors surfaced, massacring everyone and everything without discrimination. Trying to be what he thought was a hero, Darius made every attempt to save everyone, but in the end there was nothing he could do. Through sheer luck he managed to escape with all on his lonesome while he left the rest to be slaughtered like cattle. Witnessing such carnage sparked a realization in Darius; there was no way he could save everyone. That wasn't the duty of a hero, but the duty of a fool. The only thing he could do was defeat the evil, and if that meant sacrificing lives for the greater good than so be it.


Despite all his training to become a hero, Darius has never mastered a single weapon. He is decently skilled with many, but if put up against someone who is trained he will likely fall. However, his current armament of choice is a bow he picked up off of a fallen soldier after the shadow warriors attacked. His aptitude with it is far below that of a master, with the best use for it being to combine an arrow with his ice magic to create an accurate freezing shot. He also carries around a carving knife used for skinning animals, but has little combat use.

Magic: Ice

Studying for a little over two years, Darius has become quite skilled at the use of ice magic, yet use it rather simplistically. His most used tactic consist of creating and launching a constant barrage of ice spears to overwhelm the foe. He can keep this up for a shocking amount of time until exhaustion hits, and can even create ice shields without much magical energy usage. He can also launch blasts of cold air that freeze a large area of whatever they hit, and combining this with his bow makes for a deadly combination. Lastly, his control over the cold has lent him the ability to last in freezing temperatures for an extended period of time, though his mastery isn't enough to last him indefinitely.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Darius plays a very offensive game of keep away with his magic, often using a barrage to keep his foes at bay while swiftly moving to maintain a strategical advantage. Likewise, he is always planning and adapting to situations that arise, thus making prolonged battles lean in his favor as he can suss out the most logical solution in due time. However, his close ranged arsenal relies solely on take downs and creating space, so decreasing distance is the best strategy to utilize. Also, due to the fact that he overthinks situations, it is very possible for erratic and unusual actions to throw him completely off guard.


Due to his destiny being thrust upon him, Darius longs to discover exactly what it means to be a hero. He wants to live up to the expectations put on him, and thus strives to destroy all the evil that plagues Valia. He also wants to either find his sister again or relive the love he felt for her.

Preferred Group:


Country and Timezone:

Canada, EST​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Deisree_new.jpg.b7d3d4e4c8b78621dfd91b5a46c06883.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Deisree_new.jpg.b7d3d4e4c8b78621dfd91b5a46c06883.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Username: Kharmin

Name: Desiree Tanner

Age: 25

Tagline: Desiree doesn't really have a tagline although she is becoming the Avatar of the Wind, so I guess she could use that although she would be too modest to admit such.

Appearance Details: Desiree is a slender young woman who stands a modest 5' 7" tall with long, straight blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders almost to her waist. She will wear her hair either loose or in a long pony-tail depending on her whim which can change with no apparent reason. Deep, blue eyes draw the observers' focus as they can seem to penetrate with a gaze when angered. Desiree is a casual person, who prefers to dress in loose-fitting trousers and comfortable, cotton spun shirts. She wears comfortable high-top style leather shoes. Typically, she accentuates her form with a bright-colored vest and completes the ensemble with a woolen cloak.

Personality: Personality strengths and weaknesses are a matter of perspective. What one deems a boon, others might find detrimental. Desiree is a cunning, mischievous and impulsive soul. She is constantly on the move to find something new or fascinating. Decisions come easily to her because she doesn't waste a lot of time trying to weigh every single option. Where others might bog down on making choices, Desiree is quick to analyze and select a course of action.

As such, Desiree constantly finds trouble well before it finds her. This is what led to her "voluntary expulsion" from the university.

Desiree can get along with just about anyone. She has a knack of seeing many sides of things, be it a personality or an argument. She tolerates aggression and insults with witty retorts as she laughs them off. Although she is not a knock-out, stunning beauty, Desiree is attractive and has been known to bat a few eyelashes to get things she wants.

Defining Personality Traits:

Impulsive – Desiree will oft times act on instinct without regard or concern for the repercussions of her actions.

Mischievous – Her humor is both subtle and overt in that she loves to be impish in her interactions with others. She enjoys a small level of schadenfreude, more so when she feels that it is well deserved.

Vengeful – Desiree can hold a serious grudge against those whom she believes have wronged her. If forced to ally with such people, she will not actively work to their demise but she will not go out of her way to make them feel welcome around her.

Background: Desiree was found to be adept at air magic at a very early age. She was an ideal student and prodigy in her early years. Adolescence and the influence of some of those less than studious at the university changed all of that. Not even her younger brother Stephen, who was a year behind her in his studies, could dissuade her from following in with the riff-raff. Desiree found freedom from the constraints of rules and order and enjoyed the more chaotic nature of her element. The phrase "as fickle as the wind" was virtually her mantra.

In her third year at the university, the faculty had had enough of her impulsive behavior and strongly suggested that she leave to follow a path more suited to her personality as she no longer fit in with the structure and order of the school.

Six months later, the Shadow King and his forces swept the land. She returned home to find her parents' fate the same as just about everyone else; however, to this day, Desiree does not know if her brother escaped the university alive or not.


Quarterstaff – Desiree prefers the use of a staff, more for its comfort in her grip than as an actual weapon. She is woefully lacking in proficiency when made to rely upon it for combat; rather, she uses it as a focus item when she is concentrating on a problem or a puzzle. Sadly, though, her quarterstaff was lost during her flight from the Shadow Warriors – shattered when she was in the throes of her element. It has been a gift from her brother and the last personal possession that she had owned.

Magic: Wind (IV perhaps?) – Desiree never finished her studies at the university; however, she is quite adept with air using it for enhancing her combat (see battle strength/weakness section for more detail). Additionally, with great concentration, she can use the air around her to bend light and render herself invisible. In this way, she must remain still and fully concentrate on this talent. She can remain invisible for a maximum of two minutes, and is completely drained, both physically and magically, when it ends. Should she end the invisibility sooner, she is proportionally less drained.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses: Desiree prefers not to fight at all if she can avoid doing so. As quick as she is to make decisions, the choice to fight is one that actually doesn't come so easily to her. Once committed, she will look for any opportunity to end the fight as quickly as possible, even if it means retreating.

Her strength lies in her ability to manipulate her air magic. She will use it to brush her foes aside, deflect missile attacks or enhance her own strikes by increasing the force behind her quarterstaff, since she really isn't very proficient with the weapon.

Her weakness lies in her ability to manipulate her air magic. When using her abilities in combat, her actions sap her magic rapidly, which is the main reason for her trying to end fights so quickly. Although she is well aware of her limitations, she ignores them and frequently exhausts herself.

Goals: Desiree would like to find out what happened to her brother. Beyond this, and basic survival, she is easily fascinated by new things, people and places (but just as easily bored by them – she's fickle, remember?).

Other: After her talent was temporarily stripped from her, Desiree now has an internal voice that speaks to her which she believes is the voice of her element. She has come into a seemingly symbiotic relationship with the wind. Also, she is able to “taste” various talents of others in the air with each person having a unique taste except for earth mages which have a violently strong taste of death and decay to her due to her life-affecting contact with that element.

Preferred Group: East – or wherever Skyre is ;)

Country and Timezone: US East Coast (GMT -5)

Optional Sections:

Writing Sample:

Desiree's bright blue eyes narrowed as her focus zeroed in on the waif that straddled the center-most bear creature. The taste of this woman's magic cloyed about Desiree as the currents of steam-heated water from the springs cycled the cooler, external air toward her. Unlike the earth mages she had encountered, with their corpse-decaying flavor, their new adversary spewed an odor of rotten fish.

"You have no idea," Desiree spoke lowly in answer to Skyre's query on tasting magic. Her gaze never wavered from the assembled ursine group. A quick calculation brought their number to a few over a dozen and she thought that she recognized the one she had intimidated earlier as she sought Ethan in the forest.

"I'll leave her to whomever you feel is best to deal with her," she said to Skyre, and then added with a sly grin, "however, it might be best not to kill her if we can avoid it."

As the charge commenced, Desiree called out, "I've got our left flank!" and she immediately raised a wall of air to meet the attackers from that side. Four of the beasts slammed head-long into the invisible barrier and fell back, stunned from the impact. Incensed at the arrogance of Vernain's words, Desiree did not allow these four any opportunity to recover from their plight. Without motion, razor-sharp blades of air rained down on the dazed bears with malice and abandon.

Desiree's thin-pressed lips slightly curled at the corner as her blue eyes blazed with an internal fire. The smirk was one of mild exhilaration at the scene while the bears scrambled and tried in vain to escape the merciless torrent of scything air. There would be no quarter; Desiree would personally see to it.

Theme Tune:

Like the Air - Nemesea (quite appropriate, actually)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c38aaa645_Stephen_75.jpg.48e3e1c2d6c00b3e4e6f45d3665cbac3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c38aaa645_Stephen_75.jpg.48e3e1c2d6c00b3e4e6f45d3665cbac3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Username: Kharmin

Name: Stephen Tanner

Age: 23


The Realist

Appearance Details: Stephen is a well-built young man, due to his extensive sword and other martial training. Standing at 5' 10” , he is not necessarily an oppressive looking fellow, but his toned body fills out his clothes well enough for anyone to notice the strength within his frame. Stephen has straight, blonde, shoulder-length hair and sky blue eyes, just like the rest of his family. He proudly sports several cuts and scars from his training. He wears brown, leather armor that shows a good amount of use that could use some tending or repair. His bastard sword is held in a worn scabbard across his back and his carries a small dagger sheathed in one of his hard leather boots. Otherwise, Stephen wears no jewelry or other accoutrements as he prefers a more simplistic appearance.

Personality: Stephen is fairly good-natured and easy to get along with. His realistic outlook on life and survival can be a turn-off to those whom he hasn't let get to know him all that well, but he simply shrugs his shoulders as if to say, “This is who I am, like it or not.”

He is angry at what the Shadow King stole from him – the university where he honestly wanted to learn his elemental magic so that he could, once and for all, do something better than his older sister Desiree. This anger is worn on his sleeve which can make him appear to be unapproachable; however, he is not so lost in his ire as to not find comrades and allies.

Defining Personality Traits: Short-Tempered – Stephen can easily be goaded. He has a difficult time differentiating jokes from actual taunts and treats all such assaults the same … with force.

Realist – Stephen is not jaded by illusion. He witnessed first hand the purge at the university and barely escaped with his life. He sees survival as the only goal in his life at the moment. When faced with decisions, Stephen will not hold back to voice the ugly, un-popular choice if it means the greatest chance for survival.

Stubborn – Stephen's mind is not easily changed. He is not afraid to speak his opinions on any matter and is determined that his words should be heeded for the best chance of survival.

Background: Stephen was sent to the university as soon as he was old enough, for his parents were certain that he held some talent because his sister Desiree was so enraptured with her own magic. At first, Stephen refused to go but after he caused an eruption of earth in a fit of anger that tore a hole in the ground below the family's home there was no more denying his talent.

His studies as an earth mage were difficult and harsh. Other students in his term easily mastered the simple, basic techniques of their element whereas Stephen struggled with his. Working his magic on the earth was a constant battle of wills between him and his element as if the very earth adamantly refused his attempts. Being the stubborn sot, Stephen found ways to force the element to his calling, but his control was tenuous and lacking in refinement.

To take his mind and frustrations away from his studies, Stephen learned how to wield a sword. His talent in this regard was among the highest in his class. He never defeated the top students but he often gave them much more of a workout than they had anticipated due to Stephen's inability to simply quit when he could.

When the university was attacked, Stephen clearly saw the writing on the walls – everyone that remained to fight the Shadow forces would die. Stephen gathered his few belongings, which included his sword, and fled for his life unconcerned for those few friends he had managed to make that he now left behind.

Weapons: Bastard Sword – To make up for his lack of talent with his element, Stephen has become very adept at melee combat with his sword. While not a master wielder by anyone's standards, he can very easily hold his own against matched opponents and will use his attunement to the earth to enhance his position during a fight.

Magic: Earth II – Stephen had only entered his second term at the university when it was destroyed by the Shadow King and his forces. Stephen often struggled with anything more than the basic control of his element. His talent with his earth magic is chaotic, unfocused and sometimes unpredictable. While the theory behind his talent is strong in Stephen, he wrestles with his control.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses: Once engaged, Stephen will use whatever is available to win. His preference is to use his bastard sword, with which he is quite adept; however, he is not afraid to use fists, clubs, table legs, bar stools, whatever he can get his hands on to win. His strength is in his resolution to fight to the bitter end – as long as he is breathing, Stephen believes he has a chance to win. Conversely, Stephen often misses the opportunity to withdraw and fight another day.

His weakness is not only the same resolve to win, but his singular focus on melee combat. Stephen can be vulnerable to range fighters and with his weak control and knowledge of his magic, Stephen can make a juicy target as the bruises and scars easily attest.

Goals: Survival, pure and simple. As a realist, there really isn't much else. Stephen believes that the Shadow Kings forces will inevitably find and slay him and everyone else, so his goal is to delay that moment for as long as possible.

Other: Stephen was at the university when his older sister, Desiree, was forced to leave. He has no idea of her whereabouts and isn't actively searching for her; however, despite all of his other feelings, Stephen would be overly-protective of Desiree should they ever meet again.

Preferred Group: West

Country and Timezone: US East Coast (GMT -5)

Optional Sections:Writing Sample:


Theme Tune:




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Sincerely Me


Laenara Avenue @ Nara




The Azure Mage

Appearance Picture:

Appearance Details:

Standing proudly at a monumental height of 5 feet 5, Laenara's long silvery-blonde hair falls to the small of her back when let lose. However, she usually keeps it neatly pinned or braided in whatever style suits her fancy (which isn't much, since she lost her vanity box somewhere along the way... dammit!). Her eyes, are a vivid sapphire and her milk-white skin contrasts with her full pink lips. She has the slim but toned body of one not attributed to physical strength but neither is she as weak as one who spends her entire life living under shelter despite her family's status. Though she's probably seen better days when food was aplenty, Laenara still manages to retain a fair amount of curves in the right places. Under a greyish blue traveling cloak, she still dons her University's ceremonial robes, an azure leather and durable silk ensemble with some major alterations of her own. A traveling pack, skinning blade, ornate dagger and jeweled quarterstaff (which she 'borrowed' from her University) completes her usual attire.

Pre-apocalypse - Despite her ice-cold looks, Laenara by no means embodies her chosen element of study; at least on the outside. Friendly and observant, she would rather use charm instead of intimidation to resolve situations diplomatically. As such, her fellow students often looked to her for advice even if she wasn't one to take up a leading role. Easily interested in almost any topic, her quick and excitable responses to conversation coupled with the faint smile ever present on her lips makes for a very approachable persona. Nara was known as 'the Spellbook' by her fellow classmates, her natural talent and knack for studying the art of ice magic made her the 'go-to' whenever a student needed help with assignments; as long as they had something to teach/gift her in return of course.

Which brings us to a particularly odd fact about her early years as well as the years after the apocalypse. Nara never really had any close friends. It wasn't as if the girl was shunned by social circles but rather she seemed to keep herself at an emotional distance, something which she did moreso after a particular incident at the end of her first year of study. Relationships were often forged in convenience and solely on mutual benefit. She saw no need to associate herself in groups, and often preferred to pave her own way solely on her own effort; unless she had no choice. This wasn't to say that when the situation required it, she was uncooperative. In a group, she does hold more than her own weight in tasks, and can toe the line of compliance, albeit with terms and conditions known only to herself.

Virtue: Has a burning passion to help those with a strong will; especially the oppressed underdog who will fight a losing battle.

Flaw: The opposite of her virtue. Laenara despises meekness and the weak willed. Unlike the martyr-like people who would stand up for anyone and everyone, Nara will refuse to help the 'weak'. It is not uncommon for her to extend this same disgust to those who are strong but willing to sacrifice themselves for the helpless. Selflessness is simply a trait that allows for the continuity of weakness.

Post-apocalypse - Those who might've known Nara before the apocalypse struck might say that the girl changed, probably for the worse. In actuality, the apocalypse probably allowed the colder and more calculative side of the young ice-mage to flourish. In her escape from the fallen city of Aliak, she'd heard more than her fair share of screams for help and looked at scores of pleading eyes only to turn away without missing a step. Those who lacked the will to survive didn't deserve to live.

Nevertheless, Nara occasionally worked with total strangers in their bid to survive, as long as the situation and destination justified it.
Stragglers and survivors would often tell tales of the young 'blue' mage whom they chanced upon, aiding them with her uncommonly skillful use of magic only to disappear without a word before dawn broke on the next morn.

Though some survivors would eventually form bonds and emotional ties, Nara only saw practicality and potential unnecessary baggage; a trait which some would label as disloyalty. Once past the usual formalities, greetings and small talks, many who seek a deeper relationship with the her would find the diminutive mage more of a stoic wall of impassiveness; avoiding or shying away from any attempt to get to know the ice witch.

Defining Personality Traits:

Inquisitive, quick-study, contemptuous


Laenara Avenue was born as the youngest of only two children to minor self-made nobles. Sebastian Avenue and his wife were both dye merchants and enterprising from a very young age, quickly working their way up the wealth and social ladder. Their sheer will and drive to make it big and be successful played a big part in moulding the base principles upon which their son and daughter was brought up with.

"If you can't even help yourself, no one will help you."

From an early age, her parents taught Laenara that while life is unfair with some people being born more privileged than others, everyone has the innate power to break the cycle of lowliness and decide how he wants to spend the latter years of his life; including the kind of legacy he wishes to leave behind. Anyone who settled for mediocrity or simply rolled over and gave in to 'fate' are better off where they are anyway, if not dead.

While the relationship between parents and children could hardly be called intimate, Sebastian showed no gender partiality between his son and youngest daughter; unlike most other families of similar social standing. As it were, he was brought up in a more common upbringing and believed his daughter should be given equal opportunity to prove herself. In fact, as they grew older, it was Laenara who seemed more driven to attain some level of success than her older brother Jarvale. Despite that, the siblings were the closest of friends, with Laenara looking up to her older brother with a bucket load of respect while he simply adored his younger sister.

It was Jarvale who taught the girl to appreciate the finer things in life, to take a moment or two to watch the last morning dew slip from a leaf, or to pause for a moment, climb the nearest tree and settle in to catch the fading sunset. As a result, at the age of 10, Laenara found that she had a hidden love for the arts. She picked up dancing, and learned to sing by listening to the birds whenever her brother found the time to take her outside the walls of the city. Most of all, she loved to paint and sew. Her parents entertained her sudden interests as she was still performing remarkably well in the learning institutions she was enrolled in.

At the age of 16, upon her request, her parents sent her to the University of Ice Magic where Laenara found her second love. Magic to her seemed like another form of art, coupled with her ability and drive to study and succeed, she quickly carved her name upon the hearts of her teachers as one of the brightest and sharpest students they ever met.

Everything seemed to be working out perfectly, until an incident at the end of her first year which took the life of her older brother. The once bright, energetic and cheerful girl withdrew herself. A steely coldness crept into the deep blue of her eyes which seemed to chill the hearts of those who tried to ask if she was alright. One side effect of her reclusiveness was that she devoted herself even more to her study of magic, eventually passing top of her class by many margins.

Although Laenara eventually opened up again over the months, the hurt seemed to have changed a part of her completely. Though she still makes the effort to be within social circles, the young girl often refuses any attempt by others to get to know the person within. Those who used to know her would say that the young mage blamed herself for her brother's death.

Nevertheless, she diligently pursued her studies and after graduating from her study of primary magic, continued on into the secondary school of Water magic.

The day King Lyram was assassinated, Laenara was preparing for her final examinations in one of the high towers of her school. While the school authorities encouraged students to remain calm and stay put, Laenara knew better. She could feel the tension in the instructors voice that something really wrong had happened, so she decided to trust her gut feelings. Just before chaos ensued, she managed to slip away and head back home. But it was for naught, as she arrived only to find that her house had been broken into and her parents was nowhere to be found. Surmising the worse, she decided to make her way out of the city before it was too late.


Laenara mostly relies on her magic to both attack and defend herself, though she is starting to get the hang of using her quarterstaff for more than just a channel and storage of her magical aura. Nevertheless, her slight physique isn't of much help when physical strength is required.

An ornate long dagger as a last resort.


As was implied, six and a half years of her life was spent in an avid study of the magical arts of ice and water elements. Her teachers and mentors often made praiseworthy remarks about how Laenara's spellcasting seemed so artistically intricate and mesmerizing, it made her seem like she was dancing. As it turned out, she developed her own unique spellcasting technique which involved the use of her feet to aid her hand gestures. A move which she employs when attempting to cast more complicated spells.

Born with a naturally creative, inquisitive and intuitive mind she often sought to push the boundaries of tradition and age-old rituals. Finding more efficient techniques to utilize the magical auras, she has taught herself to use shortcuts to simplify more complex spells otherwise beyond her abilities or add strengthening aura threads to make simpler spells more powerful or behave differently.

Though her grasp on ice magic is beyond her peers, having just graduated from the University of Elemental Water, her mastery of Water magic had not the luxury of time to be properly tested on the field. More often than not, situations demanded she give her best in order to survive. She is however, itching for the chance to try out her new abilities and often does so whenever the circumstances allow for it.

Laenara is well versed with a wide array of ice magic spells besides being adept at controlling her body temperatures. However, she does have a few favourites on which she relies upon more frequently. You might want to take a look at her spell book to see her latest experiments and inventions!

  • e54f8036-9bd7-46a3-94b9-fff78e488e35.jpg

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Laenara's main strength obviously comes from her mastery at ice magic and proficiency with water magic. As most of her time is spent traveling alone, she either fights at a comfortable distance, or doesn't fight at all. Though she severely lacks physical strength, she makes up for it for being nimble and quick on her feet, something that comes naturally to her as she used to spend her spare time dancing and traversing the wilds surrounding Aliak. Despite resembling the stereotypical mage, she does possess a healthy dose of stamina courtesy of her constant effort at keeping fit (A healthy body benefits the healthy mind! =D) However, given the opportunity she wouldn't mind learning to be more graceful or some new melee moves to further hone herself.

Her battle tactics often involves lots of planning, intelligence gathering and preparation. The general goal is to come up with two dozen attack plans to counter every anticipated defensive manuevers her opponent may put up. Nevertheless she is capable enough to improvise on the fly and can put up a number of creative defenses for all the two dozen anticipated attack moves the enemy might make.

If all else fails, the battle probably wasn't worth her time anyways. She would have about a dozen escape plans to choose from.


Simply to be the best ice mage in all of Valia, duh! Nara also has an almost subconscious wish to be able to create the biggest most beautiful art masterpiece and be remembered for it for all time. Whether this art piece involves a spell or a painting remains to be seen. Somewhere within her, she does long for companionship, although such feelings have been buried for so long they have been all but forgotten.


Though she might not admit it, Laenara is a pretty vain creature and is a sucker for vanity gifts and accessories such as mirrors, pins, combs and the like.

As you might have noticed, there's a little journal like thing in the 'magic' section above. That's Laenara's privy thoughts ;) though I'll shut one eye if you'd like to take a look from time to time. She keeps it chained around her waist most of the time, but you might be able to sneak a peak if you're careful!


Malaysia! South east Asia. GMT +8

Hello from the next day :D !

Optional Sections:

Writing Sample:


Theme Tune:

I imagine this song captures the fluidity of Laenara's spellcasting pretty well. If you get my drift :)


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Adara Featherhaven


Basic Details


Adara Featherhaven

Her sister calls her Ara affectionately, but don't try calling her that.




The responsible one

Appearance Details

Appearance Details:

Adara, or Ara, as her sister affectionately calls her, stands around 5'6" without her boots, and 5'8" with her boots on.

Her skin is a slightly tanned color that is creamy enough not to burn easily in the sun light, but seems to have

few visible blemishes thus far. The only blemishes that can be seen are a small scar that is on the

left side of her bottom lip, and stretches down a half an inch, and a small one inch scar

under her ear. She has a cup size of C, and she weighs roughly around 135 pounds.

Her stature is mostly athletic, and she has longer legs than she does a

torso. She is more strait that curvaceous, and she keeps her chopped

hair in a large ponytail behind her head with a gold and red braided band to hold it back.

Her eyes are almond shaped and a rich deep brown that is almost black in

the eyes of some.

Ara's hair is chin length, which seems to be roughly cut and singed in some places, due to minor accidents with her

sibling's clashing temper. Her clothing is made of lightweight cloth that is very breathable. Her outfit

is very traditional of a mage, and though it is somewhat revealing of her chest, she chooses

to wear it due to sentimental value. It is white and red with gold accents. She has a silver belt around her waist to accentuate

her feminine stature, though the low cut top was probably enough to reveal that. The last items are her leather gloves

that cover everything but her palms so she can use her magic. The fingertips are also left




Ara was born in the large mountains of the South in one of the small communities.

Her mother, a fire mage, had married a Nature/Earth mage from their small colony. They had both been wandering

mages, and they had ended up settling in the west, where they could be safe from many things. Their first child

was a healthy baby girl, one with pretty brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was everything her parents could have

wanted. For four years, they were content with their only daughter, but on the fourth year,

Ara's mother became pregnant again, and in came the little sister Ara had always wanted.

However, Ara began to notice things were starting to change. Ara spent a lot of time around the village,

and she would see many travelers pass though, but none of them stayed. Her parents had tried

hard to introduce them to magic slowly, and Ara was often fascinated by the swirling

invisible magic she could only perceive as the wind. Her parents had agreed

that when Ara turned 16, they would let her go to the university.

Ara worked hard for that day, protecting her sister

from the other bullies around the neighborhood.

When Ara turned 16, she kissed her sister and parents goodbye to study magic.

She hated leaving her sister behind, and her parents most of all, but she pressed forward with all

her strength. The magic school never liked her much, all of the kids loved to tease her and taunt her like she was

some form of game. But it didn't matter to her, so long as she was learning and her family was safe. Well, they were safe.

Around her second year of nature mage training, news came in that her mother had passed in her sleep a week before. While overcome by grief,

Ara however, did not choose to stop her studies, considering that her mother would have wanted her to chase her dreams. After finishing her last

year of magic training, Ara went back home to wait for her sister. But by the time she returned, her village was almost gone. Ransacked by

bandits, there was hardly a livable place left. Searching her old house, her father was nowhere to be found, only his wolf

left and a note from him. The only thing she could do is break down and cry about it. Eventually, she got over

it as much, and on her sister's third year of mystic training, she was evacuated due to the

dark king taking over the lands. She managed to return home, and found the rest of the family

dead. Deciding that sitting around and waiting wasn't a solution

and they headed for the kingdom's center to help. Unfortunately, they were

separated, leaving Ara in the East.

Battle Info

Weapons: Staff

Ara's weapon is a staff,

a gift from her father when he passed.

It is a long 1 1/2 inch thick pole painted red with gold paint in

swirled designs on the ends.

Magic: Wind+Nature

Ara started learning magic at the age of 15, when she went to the

academy. She chose the branch of Wind, and studied for 3 years before she was sent on to the North

to study Nature magic. Her wind magic is powerful, and she is known mostly for tag teaming with

her sister and creating some dangerous storms. Most stand out of her way when she

battles and she uses her staff to help her jump around and hit enemies and keep them at a

distance. She thinks out of the box with her powers, and though she has a good control

of them, when her and her sister get into fights, they tend to start whipping out

of control.

Ara's second power is the ability to sense nature.

She followed in her fathers footsteps and started exploring nature. She loves plants

and animals, though she stays with animals most of the time. She has a large black cat

which she got from her father as a gift. Her favorite plant is roses because the blooms are large and sweet smelling,

but she can bend the vines to attack people and she often carries some to throw at people.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:


-Speed- Due to being experienced in wind magic, she tends to be light

on her feet.

-Reflexes- From training long and hard training in magic, she has honed in on using faster


-Long Weapons- Ara is trained to use long weapons, such as a staff or longsword, but her staff is her favorite

-Experienced- Ara has experience using magic so her winds tend to be controlled but strong,

which leaves many people wondering how she is so strong since she doesn't look too



-Physical Strength- Because Ara spent so much time working on magic, she never

spent much time working on her strength and her Wind magic focused on speed rather than


-Short weapons- Anything that keeps others close to her body frightened her.

-WAAY to Selfless- She often jumps in front of weapons for her friends/family.



1-Find her sister

2-Settle the balance of light and dark

3-Exact her vengeance on the shadow king

-Find someone who understands her




Despite loving nature, she know's the cycle of life includes animals

being eaten, but she generally avoids eating much meat.

She can't eat any sort of small baby animals

or exotic meats, only beef and pork.

Ara has a black large wolf, named Echo. The wolf stands to her waist on all fours, and on it's hid legs

is taller than Ara herself. Echo is loyal, but often get's aggressive when people touch his owner

or her sister. When he is around the two of them, he is like a little puppy.


Fierra Featherhaven


Basic Info


Fierra Featherhaven




The Girl with a Temper


Appearance Details:

Fierra stands about 5'4", which is average for human females. She has pale skin and a heart

shaped face with freckles dotting her cheeks and nose. She has a natural red coloration to her cheeks

which seems to be enhanced when it is cold outside. Her stature is fairly muscular, though

she does have more curves than her sister. Her most striking features are her amber eyes and

untamed red hair that has a few braids thrown in it to try and tame it. Generally, her hair

is thick and uncombed, but a quick run though water will reveal that it reaches

the small of her back. Her bust is quite small, like her stature,

and the one thing she hates the most is people pointing out her chest size.

Her clothing is somewhat singed in placed, but mostly in tact. She wears robes that were a parting

gift from her mother. There is a neck piece connecting by a strip of fabric to the top which has swirled designs on

the chest. The rest is a simple sleeveless light weight cloth with a white piece at the front.

There are swirled paters at the edges are all in a metallic gold color, which seems to have

lost it's shine over years of use.She seems to have a slightly smoky camp fire

smell to her, and her red rope belt carries a pocket on it. One side has a

water flask that she keeps, the other has a small set of

throwing knifes for emergencies.


Fierra is quite different than her sister. She has quite a temper, and is quick to anger, and

unlike her sister, patience is not her virtue. She has a tenancy to jump to conclusions

and be very accusing, which causes her to clash with her sister. She

hates being bossed around all the time, and often picks fights

with her sister when they get rubbed the wrong way.

Those who know Fierra well, know that when her temper isn't raging, she is quite a hyperactive

child, who tends to bounce around from place to place. Her energy is limitless, and she often irritates others

with how energetic she is.

Defining Personality Traits:



(insert details here)


{slide=Battle Info}


(insert details here)


Her Mystic power is somewhat interesting. She can enhance the skills of a specific being or person for a small amount of time.

Things like reflexes, speed and strength are her specialty. She can only enhance skills that are weaker on

others such as on herself she can not increase her strength, but she can increase speed.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

(insert details here)



(insert details here)


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Leandra Sinciato




Leandra Sinciato


20 years old


The Phoenix

Appearance Picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/twins__by_cookiestruck-d6dv8vq.png.2fa5d944788148e0ba770375f00f6c86.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/twins__by_cookiestruck-d6dv8vq.png.2fa5d944788148e0ba770375f00f6c86.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Do note that Leandra is the female pictured above with the haircut below)

Appearance Details:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Headphones_.jpg.a6f6885232424d1ccaf0eded2274c5cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Headphones_.jpg.a6f6885232424d1ccaf0eded2274c5cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leandra has sky blue eyes and her hair is still the bright blue in her original picture, only now it has been cut short like the spoiler picture. Not caring much for her appearance, Leandra hardly ever does anything to her hair so it basically looks exactly as it's pictured in the short style. Always having been a bit on the short side, Leandra is around 5'5" and weighs about 115Ibs, which is mostly just lean muscle. She's got a naturally athletic build and often can be seen with a grin on her face. She does have a rather notable scar on the right side of her face, which is a single jagged line trailing from just above her eyebrow, over her eye, and then all the way down to the edge of her chin. Also, both of the twins dye their hair bright blue, as their natural hair color is more of a red-brown hair color. Leandra still has a bit of hair dye in her inventory and so she's been able to maintain her bright blue hair color.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/808436.jpg.81ff4e294ce398d562c8d6fc8d16abc6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/808436.jpg.81ff4e294ce398d562c8d6fc8d16abc6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Despite her blue hair and eyes, Leandra can be seen sporting this red-tinted attire and she'll usually have her hood down unless she's being sneaky (more like trying to and mostly failing to) or if she is merely using it to protect herself against the elements.


Leandra is an extrovert at heart and is not at all afraid to show her true colors, which are very bright and sometimes rather obnoxious. She's very outgoing and bold in her actions on top of being probably one of the most rebellious people you'd ever meet. Basically, good luck getting her to follow any orders unless she actually thinks they're good orders (though she'll probably deny this and just claim that she was going to do that anyways). Leandra inherently defends the weak, as she has somewhat of a 'hero complex', especially so if she feels as if they are being bullied or attacked in any form or fashion. She also can be very trusting of people, which is a major downfall, as she can often trust people too much and end up getting hurt in the process or possibly even trusting someone who's a bad guy. Well, she was trusting anyways. After an incident with trusting one person too much and it ending in a fatal mistake she can never fix, Leandra has become very adamant about trusting no one. She will follow and listen to anyone she deems worthy enough to earn her respect (which is very hard to earn, trust me), but she refuses to confide in anyone or talk about her past at all beyond her studies, magic and pet.

One more thing is that Leandra can be very flirty with any guy she finds to be very attractive. Problem is, after what happened to her parents, Leandra feels like she can't keep anyone safe and so she refuses to get into any close relationship with anyone and instead enjoys having a ton of acquaintances and nothing more. The last thing is that Leandra's way of dealing with all of the darkness she's faced is a faked optimism and a really fake smile. She hides how dark her inner thoughts can get by continuing to shine with her bright personality, even though her dreams are often nightmares and she's struggled to get a good night's rest for weeks on end now.

Defining Personality Traits:

Extrovert, Rebellious, Flirty


Leandra grew up with her parents and twin brother in Central Valia. Their parents had been Earth and Water mages, though both the twins had grown up in and around nature even alongside many animals in their farm-like home. Spending so much time around nature quickly brought both the twins to want to delve into the Nature aspect of magic right away. Yet, they quickly realized how difficult that would be without any prior magic knowledge and so they both venture into their own primary magic practices until they felt adept enough to finally begin to learn Nature as well.

One fateful day, Leandra decided to visit her parents for the evening and let's just say, things did not turn out the way she had planned. Not too long after the trio had settled down for dinner, the Shadow Warriors descended on their village and chaos ensued. Amidst the chaos, Leandra and her parents managed to escape, though the fire coming from their village being burned down was impossible not to smell on top of hearing the screams resonating from it. Leandra will never, ever forget the screaming she heard that night. Nor will she forget the fleeting images of what she saw in the village before they'd escaped.

After escaping their village and certain death, Leandra and her parents eventually felt like they were a safe enough distance away from the village and settled down for the night. While her parents were sleeping, Leandra was watching over the campfire and their meager camp. Soon enough, someone approached Leandra and instead of telling them to go away or trying to scare them off, Leandra welcomed the person to the campfire. What Leandra didn't know was that a small group had formed up around them and suddenly Leandra and her parents were ambushed! Leandra's father shouted at Leandra to run and so she ran like never before. In her desperation to escape the men running after her, especially after hearing one threatening to do things to her, Leandra suddenly lit the forest on fire and thus, a forest fire began. Hearing the men screaming in agony behind her, Leandra never looked back, as she continued to run away and left behind her parents. Just like before in her village, Leandra will never forget the screams from the men, as they literally burned alive along with possibly her own parents if they'd managed to survive the initial ambush.

Her pet, Falarion, had stuck by her side the whole time, as Leandra had commanded him to never leave her side unless she was desperate for aid and Falarion had to leave her side to protect her. After this, Leandra found herself hiding from the Shadow Warriors, as they became ever so common to be seen around. On top of this, Leandra avoided any and all people after her experience with that ambush group. Problem was, Leandra knew she couldn't survive on her own forever. But who could she possibly trust? And could she ever trust anyone again? Also, during her wanderings, Leandra always found herself wondering if her twin brother was still alive or if he had been killed while still studying.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2pc-black-stainless-steel-ninja-assassin-twin-swords-set-272.jpg.0632585232ce911e1c158df7385c30ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/2pc-black-stainless-steel-ninja-assassin-twin-swords-set-272.jpg.0632585232ce911e1c158df7385c30ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leandra's weapons consist of these twin swords, which constantly remind her of her lost twin brother, whom she hopes to find again one day if he is still alive out there. They're essentially as effective as samurai swords and Leandra is adept with them in being able to wield both at the same time or just one if she feels it necessary to only use one.

Magic: Fire and Nature

Leandra's primary magic is Fire, which she is far more skilled in than her secondary magic, which is Nature. While she is strong enough in her Nature magic to keep her pet at her side and have it willingly follow her orders, Leandra never truly was skilled in controlling plant life and so her Nature magic mostly focuses on her ability to call animals to her side and aid her, though she mostly just likes to work with her personal pet. Essentially, Leandra only was able to spend one year learning about Nature magic before the apocalypse began and so she's not nearly as adept in it, as she is with her Fire magic, which she's completed her training and education for entirely.

With her Fire magic, Leandra is more than capable, as she can create fireballs and even small fire tornados, though they look more like dust devils than anything else when summoned. Leandra has other creative methods of using her Fire magic, but one of her favorites is creating animal-like figures made purely out of fire. While the most prominent danger from these forms is the contact of their fire bodies against someone's skin, Leandra toys with the idea of even making these forms act like their animal counterparts before sending them after someone. Problem is, Leandra isn't nearly as skilled enough as she needs to be to control the fire forms like this and so they usually just end up looking like the animal before turning into a fireball and being launched at her enemies. On top of this, this kind of practice typically drains Leandra of most of her magic endurance, which puts her at a big disadvantage in a fight. Thus, she tries to avoid doing this too much until her magic endurance gets stronger.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Leandra can be very rash in battle sometimes and isn't much of a team player in working well with others. She tends to do her own thing and this often ends up with her accidentally harming a teammate with the crossfire. Though she'd immediately blame them for being in the way. While not too levelheaded in a fight, Leandra does truly excel at being offensive and so she can be a great firebomb to throw at a strong enemy, even if she can't defeat it then she can at least keep it distracted for a good while before someone comes up with a plan of action to actually defeat said enemy. That being said, Leandra doesn't really comprehend the idea of losing a fight and so if she ever were to lose one, which she has in the past, she tends to fall into a bit of a depression for a while. Leandra also suffers a bit from PTSD from her parents' death and so if she were to encounter a Shadow Warrior in person, she'd freak and most likely be useless in the fight unless someone could find out how to break her out of her stupor.


Leandra obviously suffered quite a bit from her parents' death and so she definitely wants to one day kill the very Shadow Warrior who killed them. Problem is, they all are a bit alike and Leandra has no idea how to even find that specific Shadow Warrior. With revenge on her mind, Leandra vows to kill any and all Shadow Warriors she encounters, but she has yet to encounter one so she has no idea how she'll actually react upon seeing one again.

Beyond this, Leandra also hopes to one day find her twin brother again. Even if she found his body, she'd at least be able to finally know his fate as opposed to it being an open-ended question of where he is now and if he's even okay.

Leandra also hopes to one day be able to settle in a peaceful home out in the middle of a forest where she can raise some animals and take care of the wildlife around her. Surprisingly enough, this goal is probably more unrealistic than her first one considering the circumstances.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/phoenix_by_guillaume_phoenix-d7k11t2.jpg.be28d5da5e9bb158b68a45f9d8628cfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/phoenix_by_guillaume_phoenix-d7k11t2.jpg.be28d5da5e9bb158b68a45f9d8628cfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leandra found Falarion abandoned in a bird's nest as a fledgling, starving and clearly on death row. After raising Falarion herself, Leandra soon was able to call Falarion her companion, as the bird was never far from her side. When she grew in strength with her Nature magic, Falarion became more attuned with Leandra in that the two began to learn how to fight as one. Do take note that Falarion is not in fact a phoenix with fire magic or the ability to be reborn. Instead, Falarion simply has the gift of long life in that he can live up to 90 years old before passing away due to old age.

Preferred Group:

Western Group

Country and Timezone:


Optional Sections:

Writing Sample:

I think you've gotten a good idea of my writing style from the character competition, but I could always make something up and put it here if you like.

Theme Tune:


Manjano Sinciato


Same as Listed Above


Manjano Sinciato


20 Years Old


Silent Death

Appearance Picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/twins__by_cookiestruck-d6dv8vq.png.2fa5d944788148e0ba770375f00f6c86.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/twins__by_cookiestruck-d6dv8vq.png.2fa5d944788148e0ba770375f00f6c86.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Do note that Manjano is the male in this case)

Appearance Details:

Unlike his twin sister, Manjano is 5'8" with a lean, athletic build. Like his twin sister though, Manjano has bright blue hair and sky blue eyes. He has a signature grin, which he usually sports when he's just teased someone or perhaps is even flirting with a girl (though he doesn't often do this). Not to be cliche or anything (it's cliche to some extent, trust me), Manjano has the same scar as Leandra, but on the left side of his face. Unlike Leandra's scar though, Manjano's left eye was damaged and thus, he is actually blind in his left eye, which is a solid grey color. His left eye also sports a small scar going straight down through the iris, though this can be hard to notice unless you look at his eye closely enough. With his hair, Manjano has actually run out of the hair dye that Leandra has and so his hair has lost most of its bright blue colors and his natural hair color is showing more. Essentially, about 1/4 of his hair is still bright blue while the rest of it is now this color:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Korean-style-hair-2012.jpg.393e62c53107bbeb48e65a7adf37ca5f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71067" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Korean-style-hair-2012.jpg.393e62c53107bbeb48e65a7adf37ca5f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/MaleAnimeAssassin.jpg.44f96d13911e066b48c21d1e4421f65b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/MaleAnimeAssassin.jpg.44f96d13911e066b48c21d1e4421f65b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manjano almost always has his scarf covering his mouth..


Manjano is quite literally the opposite in personality of Leandra for the most part. He's an introvert at heart and keeps to himself most of the time. In fact, he hardly speaks and also tends to keep a neutral expression so he can be very hard to read at times, though Leandra has no problem seeing through his tough act. He tends to deal with everything without any outside help and refrains from expressing any sad feelings or overly happy ones when anyone else is present. If you're lucky, or unlucky, you may catch him expressing one of those two kinds of emotions when he thinks he's alone. Manjano also has a terrifying way of killing anyone he determines to be an enemy with seemingly no regret or second thought. If you're in the way of his goals, he'll most likely just cut you down to continue on his merry way. Manjano is also a very typical kind of lone wolf, except he also knows when he really needs help from others even if he won't openly admit to it.

Essentially, after everything Manjano has been through, he's become somewhat of a husk of what he used to be. He's closed his mind and thoughts off to the world in a feeble attempt to protect what little of his true self is left. Instead of continuing to 'fake it 'till you make it' like Leandra is desperately trying to do, Manjano has accepted this darker side of himself and let it become his new face. Like, he's very depressed and doesn't exactly hide it from anyone. He tends to do his best to avoid speaking with anyone and if he really has to communicate then he'll probably just use hand gestures or shrug. You would basically think that he's a mute even though it's by choice and not like he had his tongue cut out and was forced to become a mute.

Defining Personality Traits:

Calculating, Introvert, Apathetic


His family history is the same as Leandra's except his story variates from hers, as he was still studying when everything happened. He was caught literally in the middle of a class when the Shadow Warriors and everyone, everything else began attacking everywhere. Manjano was able to cut down one of the Shadow Warriors with the aid of several other students nearby before another one got a lucky shot at his face and he immediately began running away from the enemies, using other students as bait to save himself by literally tripping the students around him and giving the Shadow Warriors other people to attack. After all, he'd been bleeding heavily in the moment and thought he was going to die for sure if he stayed to help the others. Since then, Manjano has been sticking to the shadows and keeping to himself. In the end, Manjano always thinks of himself first and foremost.

After what felt like hours, and actually was several hours, Manjano managed to escape from the city and evade the Shadow Warriors. Once he got out of the city, Manjano immediately headed for the forests and avoided all paths and any signs of civilization. Luckily, with his Nature magic knowledge, Manjano was more attuned with the nature around him and didn't find himself struggling too much to find resources to survive off of. He even managed to loot a few bodies here and there among the ravaged villages. Might not have been the morally correct thing to do, but hey, the dead won't complain. Not that they can anyways.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/assassins_creed.jpg.691e20bb1cccd176ac23a982ef59b9c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70973" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/assassins_creed.jpg.691e20bb1cccd176ac23a982ef59b9c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Chain_Blade_by_WilliamWu.jpg.8e30937b18004f31ee2457dd3eef74af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Chain_Blade_by_WilliamWu.jpg.8e30937b18004f31ee2457dd3eef74af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Manjano inherited the bow and arrows from his father while he actually crafted and designed the chain blade himself. The chain blade actually ties in with his Thunder magic in his ability to electrify the weapon itself while using it.

Magic: Thunder and Nature

With Thunder as his primary magic, Manjano is able to electrify weapons and send small thunderbolts at his enemies if his weapon isn't getting the job done. He can use the electricity on his weapon to temporarily paralyze his enemies before finishing them off with the weapon or sometimes even letting his own pet finish it. Yet, having been far more interested in Nature magic, Manjano was able to get his way into the Nature studies only a year after studying Thunder magic.

With his Nature magic, Manjano is a bit more advanced than Leandra since he studied more than she did. Thus, he is able to call one animal to his side beyond his own pet as well as being able to control plants enough to manipulate vines and plant life (minus trees, as those require a lot of concentration, even some natural metals won't listen to his call) to his own will or perhaps to even force a plant to offer the water stored inside of it if Manjano is desperate for water. The downside to this is that it will cause the plant to instantly die, but Manjano often values his own life over that of a plant.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Manjano is cold and calculating in a fight, not as rash or bold as his twin sister. Oftentimes though, this apathetic nature of his can cause him to kill enemies before thinking that maybe he should injure them and then ask questions. It is also very hard to stop Manjano from finishing the job unless you physically restrain him, as he won't listen to reason in the moment.


Uncertain of how his parents specifically died, Manjano has simply vowed to kill as many Shadow enemies as possible to exact revenge for his parents' deaths and possibly even his twin sister's, as he has no idea if she's even alive anymore.

Another goal for Manjano is to one day actually find a girl who he can safely confide in and truly express himself, as he finds it very difficult to do on his own. He hopes to one day find a way to bring some warmth into his heart, which is cold nearly all the time nowadays. Essentially, Manjano would truly love to find a 'happily ever after' kind of ending for himself, though he doesn't really believe it'll ever possibly happen.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ghost__game_of_thrones_direwolf__by_fintron-d8or2n5.png.78c34992320a1bc0f42a08281c187597.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ghost__game_of_thrones_direwolf__by_fintron-d8or2n5.png.78c34992320a1bc0f42a08281c187597.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...Yes, that is a GoT reference if you caught it. And Ghost is essentially a dire wolf in that he's as big as a horse and as tall as Manjano's upper chest. Manjano found Ghost as the runt of his litter and abandoned to die a low and painful death on his own. The fact that Ghost was an albino on top of being a runt only made Manjano love the wolf that much more so he took Ghost in and nurtured him back to life.

Preferred Group:

Eastern Group

Country and Timezone:

Likewise as Listed Above

Optional Sections:

Writing Sample:

Likewise as Listed Above

Theme Tune:




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Volund Alsdair




The Northern Forger

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

Volund stands at a full 6'2" (74 inches/1.8 meters) tall and is robustly built. He is noticeably muscled and toned from all of the years he has put into his craft of being a blacksmith. He has dark brown hair that has grown long since the end of days not too long ago. He also has a thick but cropped beard that cover his face which would usually be a hazard in his profession, he has little time to care for such thoughts of safety. His eyes are sharp and colored a dull green while various scuffs and the odd burn marks pockmarking his face, with an especially large scar running from his right eye and disappearing around his cheek. His skin is a tanned olive with other various scar along his arms and hands, though these are usually covered by the heavy wool, fur, and leather that Volund chooses to wear as his traveling clothing.


Volund can come across as blunt; perhaps there is some irony in that given his passion, but he knows enough about the world to know that one cannot solve all problems simply through blunt force. He is not one to mince words and has no real patience for it either due to the situation all of the survivors of the dark days find themselves in. He will offer advice if asked, and will answered if questioned, but he does not like to speak to things that he has no knowledge of; though this attitude sometimes leads to the thought that he is more 'simple' of the mind than he lets on. He enjoys learning and bettering himself, especially if the knowledge will help him toward his goals.

He will be as sociable as a gathering allows himself to be, but he will always be harboring thoughts about his best avenues of escape or who to attack first. This paranoid nature does not come lightly, and although he acknowledges the frugality of his thoughts most of the time, this attitude has allowed Volund to keep his life more than once. He also allows for his anger to direct his thoughts or actions if he is threatened personally or if his memories and experience is called into question.

If witness to the plight of others, Volund will most likely be partial to give aid if he believes it is needed, and should he benefit from such an act, that is certainly a nice bonus. He has never found himself in a situation to lead or even follow among others as his experiences have mostly been confined to himself, so he would not know how he might function in such an environment. In the ever growing harshness of the new world, Volund inspires himself to rise everyday with the memory of where he came from, to remind him that he must find a better place. This makes Volund linger over the past and to play over events in his head, trying to deconstruct everything and find new ways of how he could have done something better, or something more.

Defining Personality Traits:

Direct, Stalwart, Skeptical


Volund's life has always been one of harsh living; having grown up for most of his life within the foothills of northern Valia, not very far from Central Valia itself, but far enough in to have lived on the frontier of civilization as the people of the kingdom knew it. The village of Hill's End was about as large as an incremental settlement into Northern Valia would allow, and the people that settled there found it to be a point of pride in being able to survive, and by some definition thrive in such a harsh climate and that they were the far northern border of the kingdom. All of this boasting usually just came from the townspeople itself as a point of imagined pride, but the few people that traveled in that direction did not dispute them on it. This is the place that Volund called home for most of his life; he knew he was not born there as he was so told by his adoptive parents and how they found him, but he was comfortable enough with his life there.

Volund was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to study magic once he turned of age, and with the help of his community, was able to travel to the University of Magic in Aliak to study and hone his new found craft. He found himself drawn to the art of fire-weaving, due to his own temperament and how much the use of fire would be to his home of Hill's End. After his cursory years of study into the art of fire, Volund left the University with a backwards glance and made an eager return home. He was welcomed warmly and his tales of the city and demonstrations of his magical ability were awed at by the close knit people. His biggest advantage in utilizing fire was work with his father who was the only village blacksmith; Volund was able to continue to practice and improve his ability while becoming more involved with the knowledge of forge work. Only a few years after his arrival back home, Volund was granted ownership of the smithy after an accident took his father's hands away, stopping any possibility of working further. However, Volund's true aspirations lay beyond the village of Hill's End; he was determined to have the rest of the kingdom come to regard Hill's End steel work(and thus his family's steel work) as the most coveted blades and weapons to own.

As Volund began to reach out to merchants in central Valia to sell to, news then began to trickle in about the assassination of the good king Lyram in his own palace by shadowed figures. The news stung those in Hill's End, mostly due to how worried they were about how the flow of goods into their village from central Valia following the King's death. News was lax after this, but then the there was a noticeable drop in visitors to their village, no merchants delivering vital supplies, no random travelers; the road that lead into Hill's End was unused for a disparagingly long time. One exceedingly dark night, visitors finally did arrive again in the form of a long procession of torches and flames that stretched almost beyond the horizon. These new visitors were almost all strangers lead by a few merchants that had frequented Hill's End; these people told tales of horrors in shadow, screaming murder and had looks of maddened hermits as opposed to people from central Valia. The people thought they were being followed, but hoped they had lost whatever pursued them; the next night however, around the same time the refugees had arrived, various howls began to roll throughout the hills.

The village was soon torn apart as the strangers began to steal whatever food and weapons they could and began to flee deeper into Northern Valia towards the frost-capped mountains while many people of Hill's End simply locked themselves away in the hopes of surviving whatever was coming their way. Volund, and his family, were among the few of Hill's End to flee. Not northward, as they knew that to be a death trap, but instead southward in the hopes of being passed over by whatever was coming their way. Volund was separated from his family in the dark and found himself collapsed in a deep hole in his vain hope to hide. Somehow he survived whatever had come to pass upon the foothills, and with nothing but the items upon his back, he set off in a seemingly random direction with the vain hopes of figuring out exactly what had happened, while also surviving this new world.


Volund has kept three hammers that he brought along during his flight from Hill's End, being a large-two handed variety used in the process of forging plate and horse armor, a simple one-handed variant that is used for most general forge work, and a smaller more specialized hammer that was used in the forging of ceremonial or particularly sensitive armor or metal. Volund also has a simple re-curve bow that is used for hunting animals and a knife for general use, though he is not particularly skilled in the bows use and the knife has the tendency to blunt fairly quickly.


Volund has studied with and continuously practiced with the art of fire and its' various uses. While this mainly related to his work as a blacksmith, he has also enjoyed finding flashier ways to perform his magic in order to delight people with flare and shows during parties or festivals in Hill's End. He considers it a point to practice with magic and try to grow his level whenever he can in the hopes of making the effort of casting become less and less of a draw. Volund truly shines in his ability to maintain high degree of flame over a long period of time and his ability to control both his own temperature level and his resistance to flame itself. Volund has attempted to work with shaping metals in flames simply using his own fire magic. While he is not able to maintain the flames for the very long time in the actual forging process, he is able to maintain the flame through the various steps and thus is able to use blacksmith methods and techniques without the need for a proper forge area. Volund has also worked on his own resistance to flame itself while also allowing for an exponential increase in his own temperature to where it would be difficult for anyone to grapple him. He also has begun to experiment with applying flame to his hammers, firstly in an attempt to cut down on the flame he needed to use to forge, but further after he became aware of the effect of said flame on any opponents.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

Volund has found in his traveling since his flight that he is best up close and in the face of anything that could provide equal footing for a fight. While he leaves his bow and knife to take care of his food, he has fun across a few more nightmarish creatures that force his hand to fight toe to toe. He is partial to the use of his two handed hammer to deal with most foes, as most things he has faced do not usually stand up to a few shots to the heavy steel hammer for too long. He also has quicker reflexes than would appear, which allows him to dodge or step out of danger or into the right place to strike a foe. However, he is in danger if he is forced to close to target that is attacking him at range, as all of the dodging in the world won't stop him from being struck if his opponent is accurate enough. While his endurance is high and he is able to maintain a fight for a long period, he is rather slow in terms of actually striking due to the heft of his hammer and the build-up of his swings.


In the immediate term, it is to survive his surroundings and to find evidence of his family with the hope they traveled the same direction as he is(He leaves signs as he travels in the hope that his family will find them).

In the intermediate term, it is to find a place that is safe enough to settle down in and catch his breath/ to gather enough resources to be able to start a a forge in aforementioned safe place.

In the long term, it is to join and live in a community much like that of Hill's End once again, even with the new dangers that he and others would face in the world.


Secretly hopes to discover his true birth place due to his knowledge of being adopted by his current family.

Enjoys telling stories or coming up with songs of heroes and ages past during down times.

(Further WIP)

Preferred Group:

Eastern Group

Country and Timezone:

U.S.A, GMT -6, or U.S. CST
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Reyna Blackwood




The Indomitable Hunter

Appearance Picture:


Appearance Details:

Reyna stands 5,5, the heel of her, dark leather boots making her appear just an inch taller. She is of a slender but muscly build and attractive, her transition to womanhood having been inordinately generous. She keeps this fact hidden most times however, wearing a red and off-yellow cloth tunic over a leather cuirass and buckskin breeches. Crude iron armour lies on top of that over her chest, shoulders and guarding her shins. Reyna usually wears a man’s cloth shirt underneath so even without her armour her form is hard to see. A faded red hood oftentimes hides her flaxen hair and battle-hardened moss-green eyes.


Before the Shadow King’s blight Reyna was lighthearted and seldom serious, with a quick mind and a quicker tongue. A month’s hard travelling alone in a demon-filled world has stifled most of her good nature and it now lies buried under a deep layer of suspicion and practicality. Reyna is coming to terms with her new self even now, discovering her inextinguishable spirit and will to survive. She once had quite a loose temper, but it has been reigned now and is hard to draw out, just like her humour. Despite living through many hard lessons she is still comparably naïve when put against most others. Through it all she has maintained her dogged will to do good and she holds onto the hope that one day she will be part of making the world right again.

Reyna’s simple, isolated up-bringing has made her honest and hard-working. She respects honesty and has the cold disdain for idleness, born in those who work hard to barely make ends meet. Though initially she may come off as rough and aloof it is possible to bring out her witty and playful nature. Despite what the darkness in the world has made of her she yearns to be lighthearted again.

Defining Personality Traits:

Tenacious, quick-witted and idealistic


Reyna was raised in a small village in the Northern-most boundary of civilization. Her father bred horses, thick, sturdy Northern chargers for the king’s army. The breed was well-known for its intelligence and bravery in battle and Reyna grew up learning horsemanship. Oftentimes a caravan would only come to buy animals once a year so the small family made do the rest of the time by hunting game in the foothills.

When Reyna was too small to remember she lost her mother and older brother to a disease that spread in her small village. Her father kept their memories alive however and she grew up believing her brother a hero, and a model for all her self-improvement. At 16 her father surprised her by presenting her with enough money to study earth magic at the University in the center of the country. She went eagerly and enjoyed all her time there, making friends and excelling in her coursework. After a year however, when her father’s eyesight began to fail and he could no longer hunt she decided to return. She caught game alone most often after that, even in the winter when the weather was more likely to kill than a wild beast. It was succeed or die in many cases…and she didn’t die.

When she returned from the academy her father noted she no longer held the gangly form of youth he bought her the armour and took her out to teach her to hunt larger game, bear and wild pig.

“Bears aren’t the only animals you’ll have to contend with, being what you are, and what you look like.” Her father had once said. “And not all pigs run on four legs either.”

She hadn’t understood it at first but she soon did. Not long after that she had gotten into a fair bit of trouble for breaking the hand of the headman’s son with a maize mallet. When questioned she simply said that his hand had no business being where it was trying to go.

Then the attacks began, but they came to Reyna as drunkard’s tales or wild stories from strange folk up from the South. In the small villages freckling the base of the mountains it was waved off as nothing more than central country politicking, exaggerations of a very mortal coup.

When the first hellhounds came, they came under cover of darkness…and no one was prepared.

Reyna remembered the screams of the horses as they were pulled down and torn to pieces, she saw fire everywhere and friends dying. She remembered trying to save her father’s chargers, putting arrow after arrow in the dark, hellish creatures when he finally pulled her away and threw her onto the back of her own Farren, a pitch black stallion and the master sire of the herd. He promised her then that he would be right behind her, and to make for the coast. He had whispered something to the horse then and Farren had run like a bat out of Hell. Her father never followed, and after three days of waiting, running and hiding she was forced to press on without him.


Reyna made her first bow when she was nine. The bow she carries now was made by her father and is far too exquisite to have been crafted by a simple horse herder. Yet she watched him do it, marveling at its blue-tinted hue and sturdy metal finishings. The bow has never failed her and is now strung with black hair from Farren’s own tail. A set of six daggers, four at her hip and one in each boot are well-hidden and easy to reach. The blades are short and symmetrical, built for throwing but also well-made to skin and clean kills. Each is crafted of folded steel and etched with designs of running animals in the looping, Northern style. The handles are made of wood covered in hardened leather, the same leather for each patterned sheath.


Reyna did spend a year developing her powers, because she left before her training was complete however she has much room for improvement. She can cast from a range of twenty paces (about 60ft) and is well-practiced in using her gift (like her bow) from the back of a horse. The amount of earth she can move is small, so she has had to be quite creative with how she moves it. So far she is quite adept at creating small pebble-projectiles that fly as true and as hard as stones off a sling, she can also create shallow depressions in a track or a road, perfect for tripping pursuers or breaking wagons. This trick is also useful for scaling cliffs or stone buildings. She can reduce fist-sized stones to sand and reform them again. Her powers are growing, but slowly and since she has been out of the academy she has barely noticed improvement.

Battle Strengths

Reyna is a hunter by trade, and a horsewoman. She can pin a rabbit from fifty paces from the back of her running charger. She also carries a set of daggers which her father taught her to fight with in close quarters. Her greatest strength by far however is her quick-thinking in the heat of a fight. She knows her combat abilities well and can adjust her strategy for nearly any terrain.

Though it may sound a bit strange, her wit is also a powerful tool in battle. As she is used to fighting wild creatures, baiting her enemy into a rage makes them act more predictably to her. “Make a man angry enough and it’s just like fighting a wounded bear.” Her father had said once.

Battle Weaknesses:

Against a practiced swordsman at close range she has very little experience. She is used to fighting beasts, animals that one can goad into charging blindly. Her daggers or bow are also poor choices when fighting seasoned soldiers, who may also have thick armour. She is well-muscled but she is by no means strong enough to overcome most male opponents, or those larger than herself. Brute strength therefore is most definitely not in her corner and if a fight comes to a straight grapple she has no experience whatsoever.


Reyna holds out the hope that one day there will be a way to drive the Shadows away and though she has no idea where to look, she is eager to follow leads that would meet that end. Apart from that Reyna clings to another hope; that she might one day find her father…that he didn’t die in her village…that he is looking for her.


Farren is Reyna’s stallion and a more intelligent horse you are likely never to meet. He is midnight black from head to tail and braver in battle than most warriors. Reyna trained him herself and they have been fast friends since he was dropped into the world. Farren isn’t likely to cooperate with anyone else unless under specific instruction to do so. He is a horse that matches his master’s mind and sometimes mirrors her more prankish nature.


Preferred Group:

Western group

Country and Timezone:

1+UK time

Optional Sections:

Theme Tune:

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(Drake Rin)




(The Handsome Hero)

Appearance Picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2666593-guy.cecil.full.150661.jpg.4286dfd08cc6775549f8775d6dc1c00c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2666593-guy.cecil.full.150661.jpg.4286dfd08cc6775549f8775d6dc1c00c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Details:

A 6'2' tall ,normal build; Caucasian male with short; sleek blond hair and aqua blue eyes. He wears a yellow; maroon black trim vest with a pure white undershirt. His gloves are sleek, maroon with yellow trim. While his boots are also pretty sleek; maroon boots that have a yellow trim and black bottoms. Wears sleek black pants with a emerald green belt with maroon trim around his waste. He carries his maroon rapier carrier to the left side of him, and keep his maroon handle rapier inside of it.


A sly Casanova, Drake is known to be a trouble maker at all the bars and parties he's goes to. Always harassing women to have a date, drink, etc. 90% of the time he'll get a smack from the woman he's trying to impress. He's a bit of a show off at times as well, he'll always tries to be better than everyone else at something.When he was young, he had to help his tiny village (explained better in Background) his village would ask him for help on multiple things and usually being better at the multiple different thing than anyone else. It also started his Casanova ways when the tiny village had a bigger women to men ratio. So, thanks to doing a good deed and helping his village, he got those negative traits.. However, with those traits, he has been showed to be fearless in battle, more specially towards women. With this show-offness (This is a word now. © ) trait he will rush off to battle just to show how better he is compared to everyone else, and it's doubled if there is a woman involved.

When it comes to people less fortunate than him however, he actually rather kind and generous. He'll always try to take the extra step to help someone out, even if they lack the money. Once again, he gets this trait from his village. When someone is in need, he will rush in, trying to protect that's person's life at all cost even at the risk of his own.He's also pretty relaxed most of the time, and he'd rather try his best to avoid a conflict by trying to think on the bright side of the mountain. He's also pretty good at moral support, even though he had a terrible show off trait, he'll still be cheering everyone on in battle. Even when he's in the battle himself! But, he's not a tactician, he rarely thinks things through in battles and will rush in all guns blazing if it means protecting someone. Though, when he does think things over, he is rather patience and will always try to offer advice to anyone in need. He's not afraid to listen to anyone's problems and try to help said problems. While some people people prefer to keep things to themselves, he won't push them to admitting it unless he's just playfully annoying them. Finally, he's not afraid of death, he'd rather die a death in the mist of battle than rot away in a chair. But he wishes to do it while protecting someone. Regardless of his negative traits he has, he willing to throw them aside at a most crucial moment in a life or death situation.

Defining Personality Traits:

Casanova, showoff, kind-heart..


Drake was raised in a rather small village, so small that it wasn't on the map. with this being the case, a lot of effort was needed to make this town a beautiful small town. while Drake always had a huge interest in woman, he'd always been interested in helping people.Though snarky at times, he never gave up his goal to help anyone he met.He would help build the village with the best of his abilities, grabbing wood, farming, help cooking. He never said no to someone who asked for his help.But he also had an interest in learning a bit of magic. Magic that would help the village anyway he can. So, at age sixteen, with his parents approval, and money, he left to go to a magic academy.

He was a slow student at first, but a determined one and would never give up on any class assignment he was listed in doing. But finally, after his long hard work, he graduated from academy, but just barely. In his excitement, he rushed home to tell his family and friends the news, but after he got home, he was shocked with unbelievable sadness. His village was torn to shreds,corpses laid on the ground everywhere, blood oozing out of the victims bodies. It was so overwhelming, he vomited on the sight. He never got that image out of his mind, and left to make sure none of this ever happened again.


He carries around a sharped edge rapier, able to slash and stab his foes if need be. he also has a a couple fake roses with a retractable blade at the bottom of them to throw at his enemies.He usually carries about seven of them at a time, hidden in his vest for a surprise ranged attack. He doesn't have a surplus amount however, because material- while easy to make it are hard to come by.


Even though he doesn't use it often, he's a thunder/water user. Thunder: He is able to envelope his rapier in lighting, which he strikes his foes by thrusting his rapier forward with strong force. He dubs it the Lighting Impulse. Another trick he can do with his lighting magic is to envelope his entire body in lighting making his faster and more agile. However, this uses up tons and tons of his energy, so it's only used as a desperation attack. Water: One of his skills hes proud of is his water sneak move. As long there is was around, he can take the form of the water himself and sneak around to do a counter or sneak attack.Now, he doesn't turn into water, he just turns invisible with the water around by doing a tiny bit of light manipulation around the water. He needs to be completely still though; because a slight movement would cause a ripple in the water; thus giving away his position. He doesn't use it often because it's one of those attacks that needs something else to be effective by it. However an attack he does use a decent amount is the Aqua Slash. He can grab the moisture around him and channel it to his blade, then with a fast slash he and throw it to his enemies. It doesn't hurt anyone, just meant to daze someone so that he can run up to his foe and attack.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:

He is an quick and agile, able to rush up to his enemies and deliver fast but fatal blows. He enjoys being up close and personal with his enemies,feeling the intensity of the battle. He also at a better advantage in moist places. But really, that's about it. He's a glass cannon, wearing little to no armor, he has major weakness in the defense department so a strong blow and knock him out. Even though he has some ranged capabilities, it's not the best in the world so someone or something that is primarily range can make quick work on Drake


He wants to help anyone and everyone that has suffered from the shadows, he wishes to drive them away so that no one can feel their terror ever again. Obviously he knows this might be an impossible feat, but he doesn't care, he wants to help them no matter what.


He's a enjoys a good old glass of fine wine. His favorite food is bread, with a dash of mozzarella. He enjoys long walks on the beach, women, and more women. With the risk of sounding massively cliche, his biggest fear is losing those that are close to him.

Preferred Group:

Considering Western has a low number I'll go to them.

Country and Timezone:

America, Central

Optional Sections:

Theme Tune:


OOC: I feel like I did something wrong. Is it to short? Not enough info? Do I have wrong info? Regardless, I hope you tell me wither or not I did something wrong and I'll fix it no problem. Because this seems like an amazing RP that I wish to be apart of.



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