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Fantasy The long night characters


One Thousand Club
Welcome to the Long Night. Who might you be?

Character sheet.
Name (your name)
Age (As some creatures aren't bound by mortality or age slowly compared to man. The age limit will be atleast two thousand years. )
Species (Human, or a monster of your choosing. Wether it be some werekin or a type of vampire (as long as it doesn't sparkle) or some slime creature whatever you want.)

Appearance (either describe or picture)

Abilities (What they can do)

Bio (optional)


Name Alexander of clan Helingard
Age 28
Sex Male
Species Human
Apperance: A tall man with dark blonde hair that goes down to his shoulders. Stands at five eleven, Athletic body, bright blue eyes with a scar going down his cheek.

Abilities: Great sword skills, hand to hand combat, Leadership, weapon crafting

Bio Alexander grew up in a noble home. His family had been members of TOOL for generations. That all came to an end when his farther disobeyed orders and protected a horde of goblins that were minding their own buisness.

His family was stripped of their titles and sent to live with the peasants. His farther showed no regret in his actions.

A week later his family was attacked in the dead of night by beasts in the form of men. His farther gave everything to get him and his mother to safety.

Now twenty years later Alexander works as a local black Smith. Making ends meet and bartering what he has left over to get a good drink at the local tavern and maybe just maybe somewhere to sleep that isn't the floor of his workshop.
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✦ Aeress ✦


  • ✦ Name: Princess Aeress

    ✦ Nickname(s): Aeri

    ✦ Age: 26

    ✦ Sex: female

    ✦ Species: Naga

✷ Kaidryn ✷

  • ✷ Name: Prince Kaidryn of Althueban

    ✷ Nickname(s): Kai

    ✷ Age: 27

    ✷ Sex: male

    ✷ Species: Naga
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Name: Vicar Octavian (full name Octavian Griswold)
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Appearance: Octavian is a dishevelled looking man, around 5'8 to 5'9, and is somewhat skinny. His disaster of a hairstyle is a dark red, and his green eyes always have bags under them. He wears a warm, itchy large coat over his worn down robes. His expression is usually either a scraggly smirk or a tired frown.

Abilities: As a man in a religious position, Octavian is able to be soothing and charming when he needs to be. People are probably a little more predisposed to like him. He is capable with the small blackjack he carries with him for self-defense, and he fights with a brawling, improvised style. He's also somewhat dextrous, and could pick a mildly complicated lock if given time.

Personality: Octavian is somewhat of a rogue type. He isn't afraid of subterfuge if it benefits him and his friends. He tends to be a little headstrong, however. If he wants something, he won't let it rest. This makes him somewhat of a perfectionist, too. He's hard on himself when he messes up.

Bio: Octavian was the only preacher in a smalll town in the countryside. The people there looked up to him, and he enjoyed what he did for them. Sadly, things turned when monsters took an opportunity to siege a small village for easy supplies. The people were captured and put into confinement in the church as the monsters ransacked the rest of the buildings. Octavian was able to escape by picking the lock to his shackles, but was unable to free anyone else before he was spotted. In a split second decision, he threw a candelabra on the rug, and in minutes the church was up in flames. He was able to escape, but is deeply ashamed of his actions, and feels like he has to atone for what he did to the people who believed in him.
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  • Name: Lady Tenoto
    Nicknames: Ten
    Age: 25 years old (250 years really)
    Sex: Female
    Species: Kitsune

    Appearance (either describe or picture):

    Abilities (What they can do): She has dream manifestation and can generate lightning.

    Tenoto is kind of invisible. She’s very serious until she finds someone that she can talk to. She has a short fuse when she starts to get irritated. She’s goal driven and doesn’t like to be a leader. She’s a gentle person in all actuality. She likes to be around animals more than anyone.

    Bio (optional)
NAME: Anika Rusu Nor

AGE: 21

SEX: Female



ABILITIES: Anika is a Druid of the Nor tribe. As such, she is far better suited to living in the wilderness than most if not all “civilized” humans, and enjoys a more diplomatic relationship with certain non-human creatures that might otherwise want her dead. Despite what the prevailing stereotypes about Druids would have you believe, Anika is not any sort of spellcaster, instead specializing mainly in crafting a wide range of medicines, poisons, and other concoctions that harness the natural properties of the plants and creatures around her. This has also carried over into similar talents, such as cooking and caring for animals, albeit to lesser degrees.

PERSONALITY: Anika is a scientist at heart and curious by nature, but she retains a strong moral compass and a very low tolerance for being pushed into going against her own ethics. She is deeply attached to the forests where she lives, and has no interest in leaving them to join "civilized" human society anytime soon. As Druid tribes go, the Nor tribe (from which Anika hails) tends to be relatively neutral in human/nonhuman conflicts, acknowledging the rights of both sides to live in peace, and only ever interfering if a particularly heinous atrocity is taking place.

Before the time of The Order Of Light (TOOL), some human settlements would forge alliances with their nonhuman neighbors. Most of these earlier alliances were purely pragmatic on the humans’ part, seeking to ensure their own survival by befriending the nonhumans or at least staying out of their way. Some villages even went as far as to offer up a prearranged sacrifice in exchange for sparing the rest of the village, or to help the nonhumans prey on passing travelers or other outsiders instead. Then as time went on, and ESPECIALLY in the wake of TOOL’s wholesale extermination campaign against nonhumans, a surprisingly fast-growing number of humans became more sympathetic toward nonhumans, and the resulting human/nonhuman alliances were decidedly more friendly and cooperative than those that came before.

But as diverse as these human/nonhuman alliances were, one shared circumstance inevitably united them all: TOOL’s absolute rejection of all such alliances. Allied humans were persecuted just as brutally as their nonhuman allies were, and nearly all of the earlier fear-based alliances swiftly crumbled as a result. But the surviving alliances, mainly those born of sincere friendship or at least a bare tolerance, led to humans and nonhumans alike protecting one another to a degree never before heard of in civilized human history. Before long, the humans in these alliances were driven deep into the wilderness, where they would learn to survive and coexist with their nonhuman counterparts to a much greater degree.

These humans became the first Druids.

The original Druid tribes were divided based on their places of origin and whatever nonhuman alliances they were part of. Some tribes with similar alliances or ideologies would later merge to form larger tribes. A few tribes, however, were divided further due to ideological differences, mostly differences in attitudes toward non-Druid humans and/or toward any nonhuman species not covered in a particular tribe’s alliances. Nevertheless, these divisions have historically remained relatively peaceful, provided that the prevailing alliances and beliefs of each tribe are respected within that tribe’s territory.

As for non-Druid human society, the Druids are either known to be real or dismissed as a myth, depending on who you ask. In either case, the most common stereotypes portray Druids as insane savages who worship their monstrous allies, indulge in the worst kinds of black magic, and love to consume the flesh of “civilized” humans.
The Nor are a relatively new Druid tribe, born from a growing ideological movement that seeks a more universal peace between humans and nonhumans. The concept itself is widely regarded as naïve and idealistic at best, but the idea attracted enough like-minded Druids to form their own tribe with this philosophy in mind. Though generally weaker than other tribes in terms of military might, the Nor are widely regarded as the best diplomats and mediators among all the Druid tribes, able to masterfully negotiate and resolve even the thorniest disputes between tribes and nonhumans alike. As such, the Nor are rarely called upon to take sides in political disputes, and Nor neutrality - which is only ever broken in the event of an extreme atrocity - is considered sacrosanct among the other tribes.

This was the kind of political climate Anika grew up in: a relatively sheltered druid life in a strongly pacifistic tribe. Not having much of a taste for politics, Anika chose instead to become an herbalist, later supplementing her talents further by researching in-depth the unique properties of whatever natural ingredients she could get ahold of. As the Nor were a decidedly diplomatic tribe, Anika had practically unlimited access to all of the ingredients she would ever need, and thus her research thrived from a very early age.

Aside from the healing arts and other purely benign applications, Anika has never seen any real need to put TOO much of her newfound knowledge into practice. But now, amid rumors of a possible return of the infamous Order Of Light, perhaps it just might pay to be prepared after all, just in case.

SIDE NOTE: Druid names traditionally consist of their first (”given“) name, their last (“family”) name, and the name of their tribe. Anika’s family surname is Rusu, which is then followed by the name of her tribe, “Nor”.
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Valius Draqul
Age; 1218 (though looks like he's in his mid twenties )
Sex Male
Species Vampire ,subspecies Valarian

Abilities like most Vampires of his kind he is fast and strong, his nails are like talons and sharp enough to cut a tree down,
He can walk in the sunlight but he is severely weak when compared to the night,
If he drinks someone's blood he is three times stronger than he usually is from anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.
Can regenerate though if he loses limbs they stay gone. Vital organs while they can heal it takes a long time

Silver it burns them and lowers their regeneration

Water, because of its life properties it severely weakens them please note it doesn't have to be holy water just plain none tainted water

Holy powers, because of the evil that spawned the Valarian Vampires they are weak to religious artifacts. This however depends on the person's faith. If some unbeliever uses a cross it does nothing for them like wise a hypocritical priest (like most were during this time) is weak to them.

(To be written)
Alias: The Jester
Age: Unknown
- (rumoured to have been born during the Classical Antiquity period)
Sex: Indeterminate
Species: Vampyre

A quiet presence, tall and slender, porcelain-white skin obscured beneath the drapery of a harlequin's motley and jester's 'tri-masque'*. Jester's attire consists of a robe featuring a diamond chequered pattern (a soporific combination of black and purple hues) and a sleek, sable cowl to match; with seemingly defunct yet polished golden bells. An apothecary satchel is situated with its single leather-bound strap perched over their left shoulder, a weathered utility belt fastened around their waist, an assortment of pouches, and a scabbard housed against their right hip which is, strangely, brimming with flowers that are all bundled neatly at their stems. Apparently, the Jester was in the midst of curing the ailment before contracting Sanguinaire Vampyris.
*A Greek-esque theatre mask displaying three uncertain expressions. It exudes an unsettling aura due to its enigmatic aesthetic and unorthodox convention, that is, exhibiting an anomalous phenomena where the mask will suddenly change its expressions in ictu oculi.

The Jester is quiet because they have no tongue, or maybe it's a vow of silence, thus communication is achieved through an array of gestures, sigils, scribed runes, and conjuration spells. Guile and wit seem to grace the majority of their encounters due to a seemingly innate capacity for charisma; telling of a former jester. Their demeanour is confident yet graceful, guise inobtrusive, and their manner polite, but this doesn't prevent from unwittingly provoking a deep-rooted termagant predisposition harboured against mortality itself. Despite an ambivalence towards life and the mortal realm, the Jester is inquisitive about culture, history, tradition, and literature, as within their downtime the Jester will engage in reading scripture, playing music, contemplating art, or honing their already masterful understanding of alchemy at the nearest enchanting table.

Accomplished Acrobat; nimble and lightfooted.
Alchemist; can craft potions and medicinal poultices.
Bard; knows how to play some instruments and recite poems.
Sorceries; the conjuration of illusion and destruction spells.
Telekinesis; influencing objects without physical interaction.
Vampyre; enhanced speed, endurance, cognition, and strength.

Holy Relics; blessed by a high-ranking priest.
Leprosy; has ravaged their body from prime.
Vampyric Hunger; must feast to sustain self.
Vampyre; solarphobic. Severely lethargic in the daytime.

- "I used to sell marionettes in Venezia, thrice I ate berries - and once a pear, a warrior, scholar, and devoted ... I wasn't missed or mourned."
- "HAAAAAA! Ha! The joke's on me, then?"

A merchant of modest repute who peddled their wares alongside a nomadic band of travelling artists and entertainers. During the carnivals and at festivities they would perform their acts and routines while the merchant beguiled unsuspecting commoners with esteemed tales from ancient and old, often accompanied by exotic melodies and foreign tangents. After garnering the interest of an established nobility is when the wandering minstrels settled down and amazed audiences with their trade in the castle. The merchant soon became the jester after some daring and prompt remarks to the aristocrats. The Jester would eventually take court at the king's palace and there they became fascinated with the arcane, even becoming an apprentice to the court wizard, until a physician concluded that their deteriorating health was a result of leprosy. Already with the ailement being rather advanced, the Jester wandered out into a meadow and laid on the mildew to die (after their studies failed to prevent further symptoms).

The Jester cannot ascertain as to what events transpired to cause their vampyrism, but that they awoke in a mortuary within the crypt of a chapel, and desiring a thirst seemingly insatiable. They fed on the stale graveblood before recuperation could afford them a chance to abscond far from civilization and contemplate on the beginnings of their new life. The years thereafter were spent travelling across Europe and liasing with underground wizards, witches, sorcerers, and warlocks - acquiring a vast wealth of knowledge along the way.

Summoning Staff; used to conjure more advanced or ranged spells.
Steel Sceptre; with a hidden blade - essentially making it a javelin.

the jester won't make sense sometimes (as a treat)
Valius Generals, This will be added to as more Generals are introduced
Not much is known of him. He choose to abandon his name when he was turned. What is currently known of his former life was that He was a member of TOOL who was excommunicated for his beliefs. And that he turned vampire to protect his family.

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