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Fantasy //the lives of many, the lives of few (persephone & sim)

  • After five godforsaken days spent far away from all the creature comforts Silyan is well and truly used to, he's entrenched deeply in a tremendously, unmistakably sour mood. Five days apart from his princely, somewhat volatile charge and he feels entirely entitled to (literally) bite off the head of the next caravan guard who so much as breathes in his direction. He's worried about Dez, he's worried about the whole damned kingdom falling apart while he's away, he's worried about his priceless collection. Actually, he's far past worry. He is anxiety incarnate and it's only sheer, bloodcurdling fear which keeps his current comrades-in-arms from poking fun at him. Silyan laughs sharply at the thought, making the guard riding beside him visibly start. Poor soul.

    And none of them have even really seen me, he muses, expending more of his magic to hide his aura and calm the horses. They're a lot more savvy about monsters like himself, and he's noticed how the poor creatures twitch and whinny when he's around them too long. And all it takes for the guards to fear him is his icy demeanor, and the rumours that he prefers the company of men.

    While the rumours may be entirely correct, his sexual dalliances are decidedly less scary than him being an enormous snake monster completely able to swallow a man whole.

    And literally eat one, too.

    Nevertheless, the guards' close-minded attitudes and the highly noticeable lack of his usual riding companion have all amounted to five days of no one to talk to but himself, no one whose flirtations he could gently but decidedly turn down, none of that positively childish whining when Dez doesn't get to go to some party or visit some lower class friend because of 'those precious security measures, Yan! I feel so stifled!' He supposes he should see it as a welcome break, a holiday away from his mad Djinni ward, a chance to rest his scales from Dez's relentless desire for sparring... but all he feels is loneliness. Silyan knows very well that trying to keep up with the young prince's fast and furious lifestyle is the most exciting thing about his employment at the palace. And the most entertaining, now that they've managed to steer away from the darker waters of Dez's disposition (with no small sense of pride for the younger man's determination).

    But the prince's bodyguard does not get sent away on a five day trip for any random matter, and this is possibly the most vital quest the king could place on his shoulders - the retrieval of the Summer Stone from its sacred resting site, to see it safely delivered to the palace for the Ceremony of Incandescent Light. Glancing at the ornate, gilded carriage, he feels very much like this relic is to him, what he is to those poor, terrified horses. Focusing on its absolutely awesome power for too long makes him feel like he's about to suffocate, so he decides to glare resolutely at the road ahead for the next three hours, until the city finally appears in the distance.

    And then he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding.


    With his eyes focused resolutely on the palace spires, the rest of the trip is child's play. And though he likely won't ever admit this out loud, all the pomp and ceremony of delivering the Stone safely to the Grand Cathedral of Glorious Hope and making nice with religious officials is just... noise. After all, he can't truly be expected to care about the Summer Court's stunning ceremonies, having seen both the cost, and the effect, of such hedonic decadence. He still wears the scars. So, it is just noise that finally fades to blessed silence when he ascends the steps to the study of his master (and dearest friend) where he finds Dez flicking through some... eyebrow raising literature. The kind with pictures.

    Clearing his throat, he steps towards the desk and nudges the prince's feet none-too-delicately off it. He adopts his favourite tone of mock censure and arches an eyebrow like the stuffy lecturers he knows Dez absolutely despises. "When your father, our liege, suggested that you study the customs of the Winter Court... I highly doubt he had their preferred sexual positions in mind. Your highness," he adds with the smallest quirk of a smile, not entirely prepared to face the immense relief he feels at coming home to find his prince unharmed. But then, he supposes, Nagas are known for being protective of their treasure.

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  • Now, let it never be said that Dez was not a lover of parties. He both adored them, and adored many, many others at them. He put the love into the concept, so to speak. He did it with his smiles, his slinking body language, his outrageous attire, and more than anything, with his mouth. Nothing like a little lip service, yes?

    And wasn't it fun? There were few things quite like the thrill of thrilling others, of getting to put something alive and fantastic and exhilarating into the world. Even those who loathed him and his more than a little controversial ways adored him in their own sense, for why else would they gossip so furiously, or attend every gathering he appeared at just so that they could chastise him? He was honoured to provide them with the distraction. Thankless work, once you'd developed a reputation, but rewarding nonetheless.

    After all, it was infinitely better than... well. Wallowing. Casting out all of his energy into others, into living, had proven much less destructive than targeting it all inwards. So long as he kept moving quick enough, he could spare himself from the torture that was thinking.

    Yet this was not a party he was looking forward to.

    Especially since all the mind games and shameless flirting all got a lot harder and a lot more boring when a certain Snake of a Man went and abandoned him.


    "Remind me to have him fired," Dez muttered to the tailor who was running two fingers up his inner thigh, supposedly to fit him with a seventh 'back up' robe for the evening. He was a beautiful, sensous slip of a blonde pixie, with all the fixings of a good fuck. But what was the point in bedding anyone if Silyan wasn't there to make jealous?

    Shaking his head to usher those curious fingers away, Dez pouted into the mirror. What did he have to do to make himself worthy of that man? He knew - hells, the whole Kingdom knew - that the Naga was inclined towards the low-lit, whispered company of men, not women. So he wasn't failing there.

    Plus, he had been informed upon many occasions that he himself was attractive. Even when looking in the mirror made him sick with self-loathing, he could understand in theory that he had the laws of symmetry and the fine-care of wealth going for him. He had yet to meet anyone besides himself for whom he was not the correct 'type'.

    Silyan had seen him naked. Dez made sure of it at every possible occasion, just incase... just incase it sparked some realisation in the dunce's thick skull. I'm right here, he wanted to shout. I'm right here. But he couldn't. They were not supposed to be. Even if not being able to win the man's affections left him feeling like a child all over again, humiliated and embarrassed, yet stuck in a habit he would never be able to shake.

    It was a dangerous sort of habit. One that grew more and more obvious by the day, as he fell further and further down the rabbit hole of bleeding hearts and love. So far, he had managed to keep it publicly unknown that he was just as intoxicated by the sloping limbs of men as he was by women's. If he really was going to do this whole King business...

    In a rather foul mood - a common symptom of snake-withdrawal - he dismissed the tailor with a snap and flounced - a movement he had perfected now that he was a royal and infinitely more encouraged to be a self-centered twat (awkwardness or perceivable insecurity would get him devoured in a court such as this) - off of the stool. "I'm not in the mood today, Daniel," he said, sadly. "Everything is quite out of place today. After all," he sighed, "this year is the year it all begins."

    It was tradition in the Summer Court for the future heir of the throne to undergo one year of 'ascendance'. In this year, he was officially crowned Crown Prince, and his journey to ascend to the throne was due to begin now that he had come of 'Prime Age'. It was a trial of sorts, presided over by his ever watchful father. He would be expected to attend every one of his father's duties; To attend every vile council meeting, stuffy dance, execution trial, and religious ceremony.

    He would be expected to attend them alone.

    No Silyan to act as his shadow. No Silyan to keep him sane amongst the ever-scrutinising gazes of the wolves that populated this godsforesaken palace.

    Ignoring what felt like a most childish impulse to cry, Dez watched Daniel out and then turned back to the mirror.

    He does not look away.

    It is a moment he knows all to well. A warping. A sinking. A curse he thinks he might have received beneath the scalding bathwater, held down by too-familiar hands, ones he has not felt for years now.

    As if on puppet strings, he finds himself being pulled forward, closer to the reflection. Two fingers touch a mirrored pair, and his mind screams mockery at him for his vanity. It starts quietly, masquerading at just an innocent check that he hasn't changed too much since Sil left, hasn't indulged too much in this disgustingly decadent lifestyle. Hasn't-

    He swallows, and turns away. Sil would murder him if he started going down that path again.

    Yet mentally he vows not to eat tonight, because no way is he looking bloated during the night of his Ascension Coronation. And who knows what kind of entrancing waifs Silyan has been surrounded by on his journeys? A horde of divinely beautiful creatures all blessed with something he is lacking. With whatever is keeping Sil back from taking him and using him as everyone else has seen fit to do. The only person he wants to use him.

    Stripping, because everything suddenly feels too tight, Dez grabs one of his most favourite books and plops down at the desk, kicking his feet up. His most favourite book is his father's least favourite book, and it is heavenly. Filled with all kinds of devious pin-ups and spreads of Winter Court beauties, his not so subtle favourite is a Naga that, with a bit of squinting, looks just like Silyan. Silyan, if he was stretching out, covered in frost and dew, fucking some faceless boy, and so unfairly stunning...

    "My father should have been more specific then," he drawls when some disloyal heathen pushes his feet off of their perch, purposefully not looking up immediately because no way is he that desperate; Even if his instant response is for his heart to clench, his stomach to soar, and a child's urge to hug kicks in. But despite that stuffy lecturer tone, SIlyan has too much sway over him. And more importantly: he's home.

    Dez flies off of his chair with a swiftness he swears is not desperate, and all at once he is hugging the big, grumpy Naga and squeezing him. Relief washes through every pore of his body. He is mumble-screaming a long stream of welcoming nonsense into the man's broad chest, and his emotional state can be neatly summed up by the onomatopere: 'hnnng'.

    And as he is squeezing the abandoner-returned, he realises with a small flush that really isn't deserved given what a slut he likes to think himself to be, he is naked.

    Another point for team 'oh look, oh woe, I appear to be naked in front of Silyan!'.

    "You asshole," he snaps, pulling back and pretending he did not just act like a street girl of six. "You said this ridiculous thing would last three days. Three days. Perhaps I might not study the material my dear father wishes, but even I am well aware that took four. Or was it six?" He is grinning and tilting his head, because playing stupid is fun and easier than people thinking he's worth anything other than a pretty face and body to enjoy.

    It has worked on everyone else, so why won't it work on the Naga?

    "My point is," he says sternly, as he sweeps about and scoops up his kimono-style dressing gown, a slip of transparent gold silk and a mockery of modesty, "you, my good knight, are late." Collapsing back on his far too ornate bed theatrically, he wiggles his toes and peers over them at Sil, raising a playful brow. "Now, I wonder whom out there was dashing enough to keep you parted from me for so very long? Was he handsome? More handsome than me? Oh, how readily you break my heart, Sils."

    Head flopping back upon the bed, he tries to sound wounded but glee has taken a firm hold of his chest because:

    Silyan is back.

    And this might be the last chance they get to really talk.

    Holding out a hand without looking up, Dez covers his temples with the back of his other hand and sighs. "I might be persuaded to forgive you, Silly, if you hurry up and come tell me all about it. I haven't been allowed out of the Palace since you left and it is driving me quite mad. Come," he cannot suppress a smirk as he lowers his tone to a voice that has dropped the underwear of more noble women than poor elastic, "join me on the bed."

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  • Both his good humour, and his relief, fade into sharp alarm when Silyan is pushed back a step with the sheer force of Dez's welcome. There are many worries which melt into the background when he's away, mainly because he prefers to dwell on them as little as possible, and they're all orchestrated by a certain lovesick puppy of a prince who's currently wrapped around him, naked, for everyone to see, like twenty-odd years of lessons on proper behaviour have taught him nothing.

    Now, working with narcissistic, obscenely wealthy Summer nobles has never been a particularly offending task for Silyan. They have their delusions, and their power-plays, and that damnable pride. But a different, more fearsome shadow stalks the dark recesses of his mind. There are memories bound to threads infinitely finer than those which make up his brain, memories of bitter cold and steaming blood and the gruesome excesses of the party games which the Winter Court is so partial to.

    Silyan knows, by way of a myriad desperate deaths suffered by his ancestors, that he hasn't ever really been inconvenienced by his many masters. As a prized possession, and a status symbol which this region's nobility regard with particular interest on account of his exotic nature, he has never truly suffered. He's been made to jump through hoops, yes, and yes his truest form bears the scars of those trials, but overall, physically he is as good as new.

    Emotionally, however...

    Never in his life - and it's important to take into account that Nagas, like most Fae, age much slower than mortals - has he come across a trial like this. It is the most fiendishly difficult task he's ever faced, purely because he cannot simply grin and bear it and wait for it to pass. There is no trance he can enter, no inner passageway in his soul he can sink into until it's all over. The trial won't ever continue without his active participation, a mark of truly masterful torture.

    Simply put, he has to continue being Dez's watchful guardian, his closest friend, his advisor, and staunchest defender, despite the fact that the prince's all-too-obvious affections and the raw, exposed mess of his emotions play havoc with Silyan's soul. He loves the boy more than anything, he's sure he will die for Dez one day, in his long and treacherous ascent to the throne. But he sees the high and ornate pedestal he's been placed upon. Five years of struggle have brought the prince to a somewhat stable place, in Silyan's eyes, but they've also brought him to a point of utter, desperate infatuation with the one figure in his life who dared to reach out a hand and help him.

    A Winter Court snake demon who is barely tolerated at the palace, acknowledged only through his connection to the king. Unanimously suspected of being a spy. A player of many games, some of them secret even to the prince. He can't even allow himself to dwell on those treacherous pursuits in the presence of his charge, for fear of implicating him.

    He will be discarded, in one twist of fate or another, and he can feel that day drawing ever-closer. In the meanwhile he does the best he can to protect Dez's heart, and more importantly his mind, from shattering when he finally has to leave his side.

    With these thoughts hounding him, he follows Dez around the room with his eyes. He's wearing that ridiculous excuse for a dressing gown again, a telling contrast to Silyan's well-worn, full body riding leathers. The naga firmly keeps his eyes from straying, especially when Dez falls onto the bed. The boy's open, inviting body language makes the predator within him lick his lips, and it's the last thing his poor, overworked heart needs at the moment. With a practised, positively professional smile, he ignores the offered hand and instead sits himself on a stool beside the bed, where there is at least some distance between them.

    "Now, my prince, that would be telling. And I am certain that your poor, wounded heart has been carefully tended to by your scores of attendants. I remember your tailor being especially keen to, ah, soothe your distress. Daniel, was it? Or perhaps that squire you're so fond of... Joyce?" The trial continues, and Silyan uses his words carefully to create distance and build walls between them. It is imperative that the prince thinks his attendant is out of reach. It will be much less painful for the pair of them this way. Or so Silyan tells himself.

    After a brief recounting of his journey, which really was as standard as they come, he falls silent for a moment and considers his next words carefully. Because he's learned through trial and error that 'you're looking rather thin' is possibly the worst way to continue. "I suppose I could be persuaded to... let slip just how handsome someone would have to be to keep your valiant knight from your side. I don't suppose the price of a hot meal is too high for a Summer Court prince?" And he immediately suppresses a wince, because he's beautifully outmanoeuvred himself, and to Dez's ears he's just invited him out to dinner.

    A former master tried to tie him in a knot once. That was easier to get out of than the tangled webs he weaves to deal with Dez.

    "I'll give you some time to decide. And get dressed," he adds pointedly, with a glance at the boy's current state of undress which he hopes looks disapproving, not wanton, "While I change out of these damned leathers."
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