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Searching for The One--Open! Original, fandom, fantasy



Hello, lovelies!

My name is Mia, and it's that time again! Time for me to be craving a decent role play. 


A little about me:

I am,
- 24.
- A huge fantasy nerd. Seriously, anything fantasy is my favorite thing.
- A huge nerd in general. Video games, comics, books, etc.
- Pretty experienced at role-play. 10-ish years of experience, though a recent hiatus has made me a little rusty. I'm looking to change that.
- A writer in my free time (poetry, short stories, so many un-finished novels it ain't even funny). I've got roughly 18 years of writing experience under my belt.
- A pretty friendly, open person.

What I hope YOU will be:

Friendly and willing to chat with me OOC.
Preferably 18+. Not to discriminate against any kiddies, but I'm more comfortable role-playing with someone closer to my own age.
A fan of the Night World series.
At least Literate, if not Advanced, and experienced.

What I am looking for:

Really, I've been craving Night World for a long time, now. It's almost impossible to find someone who's heard of, let alone read the books, though, so I'll settle for something else if I have to.

At this point in time, I am also open to anything fantasy-ish, or something with Gifted/mutants/etc. Lay it on me!

I'm looking for a literate, preferably long-term role-play. There will hopefully be tension, drama, angst. Perhaps even romance.

I should note that I write exclusively in a third-person paragraph format, and I expect that you will, as well. I can write anywhere from 3-7 paragraphs in a reply, with my intros usually being a bit longer than my average reply. Obviously, I don't expect you to write novels to me, but I hope that we can match our replies to be roughly the same length/depth.



Anything fantasy related (high or low fantasy)



Supernatural (vamps, werewolves, angels/demons, etc.)

Pirates is always fun

Slice-of-life (inexperienced, here).

Gifted/Mutant/etc. (when done well, this can be fun).


Fandom (I'll need some convincing/a great plot here):

Kingdom Hearts

Harry Potter

Death Note

Graceling (Actually, I'd love to do this. Unless it's just another fandom I'm all alone in haha)



Delos x Maggie

Jez x Hugh

Thierry x Hannah

Hugh x (male?)OC

Kestrel x (female?)OC

Italics is who I prefer to play.

I am seriously, seriously craving something with Hugh, but I'll settle for Delos/Maggie. 

I am also capable of, and enjoy playing, Ash (or any Redfern, really. I love the Redferns to death), or, if OCs are being used, I can play anyone that you would like me to play against your OC! We can double, we can stick to one pairing, it can be whatever you'd like it to be! All I ask is that we get a super intense, feeling-packed, drama-full romantic role-play going.

I have basic plot ideas, or we can come up with something new together!




Vampire/Supernatural plot:

Character A (me) and character B (you) are twin sister and brother. Though they grew up close, A left home at 18 to get away from the abuse, while B stayed. They remained in sporadic contact, until A met and was turned by a vampire, and then they lost contact all-together. Years later, B has decided to find his long-lost twin, not knowing that she has been turned. Drama ensues.

This plot has potential for doubling, added characters, etc. Really, I'd just like to play around with my twin characters, I'd love to see the dynamic and how things all work out, y'know? Could be drama, could be slice-of-life, there's a lot of potential here, I think.


Night World plots:

Hugh/OC: Hugh is in his early 20s, and has witnessed nearly all of his friends find their soulmates. Though he insists it doesn't bother him, he's pretty much resigned himself to the idea that he may never find his. When, through a seemingly random coincidence, he runs into his foster brother (OC), he begins to question everything he's ever known about himself, and his prospects of finding his soulmate. Hugh and his foster brother lost touch years previously, when his foster parents were murdered for their involvement with Circle Dawn, but they reconnect quickly, falling back into the easy, familiar friendship of their youth.

Delos/Maggie: A slight AU, where Delos is living in the modern world, taken from the Dark Kingdom by Hunter. He encounters Maggie (somehow, not sure how), and is instantly struck by her. This would be a slightly darker plot, with Delos struggling with his darker impulses (his desire to feed on Maggie, plus his other "desires" toward her and other humans) and his growing feelings toward her, which are forbidden by Night World law. There's also plenty of room for funny moments, as Delos struggles with modern technology and modern/human customs. 

Hugh/Jez: Hugh and Jez are close friends (and Morgead would not be around). Though he's known for a while that Jez has a crush on him, Hugh has never made any moves on her, partially out of a mis-placed belief that she deserves better than him. This would be fairly light-hearted, slice-of-life, with plenty of fluff and romance, with some drama thrown in when their feelings for each other finally come to light.


We could do simple plots, such as:

Fallen Angel

Vampires vs. Hunters

Vampires vs. Werewolves

Angels vs. Demons

Gifted/Mutants on the run/as circus freaks/etc.

If none of these are your cup of tea, let's think of something together! :smile1:​

Thank you for reading (skimming, more likely) this post and giving me some consideration. I hope I didn't bore any of you too much. I can get a little long-winded when I write things like this. Hopefully I'll hear back from some of you. :smile1:​
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Hey there the vampire/supernatural plot is interesting...

How about my character aka the other twin is a supernatural hunter? :)

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