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Fantasy The Liberated

Izzy was wary of the way the man was standing and was about to make some smart ass remark when she caught sight of the dog beside him. She thought all the domestic animals were gone along with most of the 99% of the human race. Dogs were usually good at detecting hostility and the dog itself didn't look vicious like any of the animals left were. Izzy lowered her bow but still remained cautious. "I don't remember the last time I met a sane person, so exuse me for being a little wary. " It was true. Throughout her entire journey here none of the people she had met where good. Even a couple that she thought were really nice ended up trying to steal her rations in her sleep. They got away with....minimum burns. "Do you mind if I ask where you are going?"

Nate's finger gently moved away from the trigger, his pistol still hidden behind his back. His eyes quickly glanced to Red, and while the dog wasn't baring his teeth or in an aggressive position, he was tense and ready to pounce at any second. If they needed to fight, both of them were ready. He looked back to the woman, and noted that she didn't seem hostile for now, but it was obvious that both parties were very aware of the danger of the situation. When she asked her question, it didn't get an immediate answer, instead met by a moment of silence. Nathan's options were limited, and there was no telling what could lead to a fight. So, he decided to take the safest option that he could, and responded as vaguely as he could. "A house nearby." His words were tentative, tinged with an ounce of suspicion. "What about you?"

Alexander saw the girl out on her porch and couldn't help but to burst out laughing well road over to her house for few moments before he stopped his horse closer up and dismounted from his horse waving back at the girl, recognizing her from his dream a few months ago. "Hello to you too, but no offense but you seem pretty nonchalant considering a guy on horse back just rode up to your house well he's armed." He sighed as he waited for the girls response well he found a spot to tie his horse down.

Maverick had been trudging through the remains of eastern California for days. His scrapped up buggy had puffed out its last dying breath as the engine collapsed. If his suit had one benefit, it was the amount of water he could carry, his respirator now merged with his windpipe - he chugged it down through the tube. Still, it was hard to keep track of how much he had with such little peripheral vision, he didn't even realise his last bottle was empty as he raised it to his helmet.

Coincidentally, it was at this moment he began seeing people. Real people. While they all carried firearms and gave him beady looks, none of them seemed very enthusiastic about getting in his way. A giant metal beast with a machine gun strapped to its back probably didn't look like a fair fight, but Rick knew that he wouldn't last long against groups of organized gangs like these out in the open.

After stumbling through the urban ruins for hours more, he stopped in his tracks as what he saw in front of him unfolded. A street rat looting a body. The junkie looked up at him analytically, pausing the rifling through the young woman's pockets. Rick huffed, a noise he knew sounded closer to a rabid dog's growl through his respirator. Convinced Rick was a threat, the junkie unhesitatingly zipped off and out of view, leaving the girl lying on the floor. Once he was sure the thief was gone, Maverick strode closer, picking up the young woman with ease under his mechanical exoskeleton.

"Still breathin' " He muttered, turning around. "Better get you to a doctor." And with that, he hastily made off towards the cluster of buildings, the girl in his arms, unknowingly leaving the mysterious structure behind.

Dkingow said:
It had been several hours since Misty had her vision. She finally regained her sight and walked out seeing no one around. She made her way following the path that she ad foreseen down to the smallest turn. She made great time and in another few hours she was standing near the house. "I have found it." She said softly as she took another few steps. She realized that she didn't know how much time had past since she was blinded and fell to the ground. 'I forgot to eat and drink.' She thought while she looked up at the house. 'And to think that my vision did not see this coming.' She tried to yell but her voice cracked and croaked. "H...elp" She tried to yell again before passing out.
(Hope you're still alive)
Misty had awoken to being carried. She tried to look around but couldn't. "I... need..... w-w-water..." She croaked out as best she could. She hoped that the person carrying her would help and not just kill her. She was a bit surprised she wasn't dead yet. She opened her eyes to see a mask and armor. 'Who is carrying me. It looks like a robot.' She thought as she tried reaching for her weapon. She could barely move her arms by how she was being held. "Sir... or.... ma'am." She tried to speak again. @Caffeine Freak
Izzy didn't like the moment of silence between her question and his answer. It made her nervous, more nervous than she should have been. She had her powers but how many more had gotten one like she did? Her hand gripped her bow but instantly relaxed when he mentions he was going to a house nearby. Izzy sighed and ran a hand through her long hair. "Did some woman with red hair tell you to come here?" It probably wasn't a good idea to mention the woman but the man seemed to be going to the same place she was, or at least she thought he was. "I was told there would be others." Well that wasn't exactly true but the red headed woman said she could lead the people who survived,which Izzy fully believed she could do, which made her assume there would be others.

Nathan's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the red haired woman. It made sense for their to be other people living there, but it was still a surprise to him that he'd meet someone else on their way to check the house out. He relaxed at the idea that this wouldn't end in confrontation, and slowly nodded in response to her question. "Yeah, I was told to come here by her too." As an offering of peace, he visibly holstered his pistol and dropped his hands to his side. "How did she tell you?" He asked, unsure as to whether the dream was a common occurrence or not.

@Alexander9223 @MuffinRPs

Rinon grins guiltily. "It's the first time I've seen a living human in months. Besides, I was 90% sure you would't shoot me." She waves her hand when a boy on a skateboard comes around the corner. "Another person! Welcome!" Her smile grows wider. "Come inside! We have so much to do!" The red- haired girl ushers the two guys inside, slowing slightly when she realizes she senses a 3rd person. Scanning the landscape, she tries to spot the other person but can't seem to find them. "That's strange. I must be getting paranoid" she mutters to herself. Then, she reluctantly shuffles inside with the rest.

As soon as she sees the couches inside, she runs and jumps onto one, resembling a hyperactive child. "Feel free to sit and take anything you want." Rinon motions to the supplies and couches she set up some time before. "How was the journey here?"
Alexander shrugs and follows her in side glancing at the other boy as he does. He thinks to himself seemingly contemplating something before speaking. "What were you going to do about the other 10%?" He looked at her a bit curious about her naive and childish behavior. This girl was ridiculously trusting which bothered him quiet a bit about her safety.

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The small woman blinked in slight confusion, then shrugged. "If I die, then I die. If I was afraid of pain or death, none of you would be here. I'll assume the best in everyone." Glancing off to the side with her smile dampened, she mutters "If I don't, then I'm afraid I'll go insane." Perking back up again, she looked at him and teased. "Don't forget that I've seen your dreams. If you had homicidal compulsions, I wouldn't have invited you here in the first place."
He seemed to be smirking smugly until she had reminded him she'd seen his dreams and his smirk faded into an embarrassed look with a slight blush. "Well who gave you the right to prod around in people's heads all willy nilly." He wasn't really that angered about it just caught off guard and trying his best to hold his mask of being cool, calm and hardhearted, but he was clearly failing.

Twirling a piece of hair on her index finger and looking at him quizzically, she answered, "Don't worry, I didn't prod around that much. It's too much effort to tune into things that the person doesn't want others to hear." She was already migraine ridden, so why make her burden worse just to find out a secret? Her smile only dug deeper into her cheek and an amused look entered her eyes. Since he was trying to keep a nonchalant exterior, this was way too much fun. "Why, what's in there that you don't want people to know?"

He sighed in relief hearing that she hadn't prodded into his mind all that much. He regained his calm look and spoke. "Nothing that I want complete strangers to know about me, all you need to know is that I came here for myself and to gain power nothing more." The last statement was a lie to push people away from him but none the less he was a convincing liar and he didn't want people to know he was soft and kindhearted, which meant in turn he didn't want to look weak.

Rinon merely shrugged. "If that's why you're here, then I won't complain. As long as there are other people, I'm happy." In her experiences, people weren't only altruistic or only apathetic. People just don't have simple wishes like he claims he does. There's always something more to it, especially seeing his reaction before when he heard about her telepathy. Yet, she wouldn't push it. Much, at least. The kind of people who like to set up masks are the best kind of people to prod at

"But... power, hm? That's definitely not what I promised you when I came to your dreams. If I'm remembering correctly, it was something along the lines of..." She gasps for dramatic effect. "..helping others."

He looked at her with a glare that shot daggers. "I don't know what you're talking about, but whether or not its true I'm going to deny it." He would turn to look the other direction and gently bite his index finger covering his face to hide the look of embarrassment on it. He didn't think that she would have realized that but he still though he could throw up some sort of disguise, thinking for a moment. "Anyway you just misread me I only meant to help people, so I could get them to help me. You didn't read into it enough." He turned back to her smirking smugly as if he had just won the most important victory of his life.

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"Wha'da think, doc?" Rick asked, looking down at the girl on the slab.

"Water, food and rest. Seen it before, folks stumbling through the desert without food or water to get here - don't quite know why."

A rusted out, makeshift clinic was thankfully close-by to where he found her. Maverick had carried the girl inside and a well aged man in tattered scrubs swiftly examined her. Rick still felt guilty about pushing past the steady line of sick people outside.

The doctor had given her a small portion of water, handing Maverick the rest.

"I'll leave you to it - Sadly, my plate is full right now." The doctor bowed his head and left the concrete room.

Once he was gone, Maverick revolved around and placed the bottle of water he was given on the slab next to the barely conscious young woman. The liquid was grimy to say the least, but it was drinkable. "You alright?" He asked nervously.

Dkingow said:
Misty had awoken to being carried. She tried to look around but couldn't. "I... need..... w-w-water..." She croaked out as best she could. She hoped that the person carrying her would help and not just kill her. She was a bit surprised she wasn't dead yet. She opened her eyes to see a mask and armor. 'Who is carrying me. It looks like a robot.' She thought as she tried reaching for her weapon. She could barely move her arms by how she was being held. "Sir... or.... ma'am." She tried to speak again. @Caffeine Freak
Misty opened her eyes as she took the drink. "yes." She said downing the drink fast. It seemed to bring her back to life. "I can't believe I was so stupid to forget." She said to herself before she realized she wasn't outside. "Wait where am I?" She asked looking at the guy. She went to reach for her gun but it wasn't there. "Stay back, I know how to fight." She said trying to back away. She didn't want to get hurt, but she knew she may. @Caffeine Freak
Her face dead panned when Rinon realized that he wasn't going to give it up. Why do people feel the need to be so guarded? It's the apocalypse, for god's sake! If anything, people need to do the exact opposite and open up to each other. She could tell he wanted to, by the embarrassed looks he was casting to the side. However, she was starting to get hungry. "Whatever you say. To each their own, I guess." She gets up and walks toward the kitchen, stopping by the couch where he was sitting for a brief moment. He had an expression that 'I won and you know it'. Sighing, she looks him in the eyes and mutters "Theres no need to push people away. I can assure you that no one here will be disagreeable or violent. Self- disclosure is a good thing." Her nightgown flows behind her when she disappears into the kitchen.

There's a box of crackers that she sets onto the coffee table when she returns into the living room. Her movements start to get slow and sloppy as she sits back down. "Sorry" She drawls out her words a bit. "I'm developing a bit of a headache."

Izzy tensed at the sight if the gun and that didn't change when he put it back in the holster. She felt stupid for not noticing it before hand. Izzy placed the arrow she didn't realize she was still holding, back into her bag with the rest. "She came into a dream.. though I'd have to say it was quite a surprise to hear a woman I didn't know talking to me." She sighed. "Do you just want to walk together? It's safer." And not to mention she could keep a better eye on him and his dog. It was really nice to be talking to a sane person but it could be a trick. It's happened to her before, a person pretending to be on her side, waiting for the right time to strike. Unlike before the plague where she would be friends with anyone, trust was something that needed to be earned. "I only have a vague idea of what the place looks like. It's been a long trip and she hasn't visited since that one day."

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Screams. Hollers. Something about Jesus Christ. The cigarette lighter hitting his skin. Fear. anger. A motherly voice. Pavlovian fear. Calls. Cigarette butt on his stomach. Pain. Pain. Church. Hatred. Old flame, new flame, burning flame.

Suddenly, a shot blasted threw through Steven, his mind busted free from the hellhole of childhood abuse and in to the dark yet comforting night. He had ridden himself of most of the dreams a year ago, his doctor was a miracle worker, and in a month she might have been his wife. His dreams used to be of the childhood abuse that permeated his memories, but then Annabelle came along and Steven could only dream of her. That had been broken a few months ago, a woman, not his fiancé, had beckoned him westward. She said that he would have love. At first Steven hadn’t wanted to go, his mom was supposed to have loved him, she was abusive, his dad was supposed to have loved him, yet he was mostly high, and his fiancé was supposed to love him, and she… well Stephen didn’t want to think about her final days. Soon though, he departed without a word and headed westward in a suped up Jeep. Today he was finally going to reach the Arizona-California border.
He was a bit caught off guard by her statements but still he wasn't going to relent at least not right now anyway, he didn't want to show weakness until he was entirely sure he could trust her and anyone else who came along. He looked at her slightly concerned suddenly. "Do you get headaches often?" He wondered if it was because of her power, as whenever he uses his power he gets crippling pains. He found a spot to sit as he carefully observed the house unsure of what to say at that point.

Nate felt a little bad when he noticed the woman tense up, but was quick to forget about it and instead focus on getting to the house safe and sound. Her suggestion to walk as a group sounded like it was a rather good idea, especially since he knew Red would be around too. He looked at his trusty companion, who looked more relaxed as well. His tail was wagging and he started to pant again, but Nathan knew that he'd still have his owner's back no matter what. His attention switched back to the woman. "Yeah, I think it's a good idea to stick together." He still had his suspicions, sure, but she seemed trustworthy enough, and all of his guns had enough ammo to get him out of a fight. As they began to make their way towards the house, Nate decided to make best of the situation and began to make a bit of small talk. "So, where're you from? Your accent isn't too strong, you've been in the States a while?"
Steven had taken to talking to the Jeep out of lack interaction, her name was Suzanne and she had a deep love for early punk, namely the Dead Kennedys and the Clash. He decided to move Southwards, radio was saying something about a settlement in San Diego, then again he had heard similar claims all across Arizona about a settlement in Phoenix. Turns out the radio signal was automated and the entire settlement died out a month prior. Still, the area was worth a drive down to. He didn’t know his way around California too well, but he did know that his Pa used to always mention him driving Cabrillo Highway. Down that road’s interstate five according to a roadmap, which means he could go all the way up and down the coast from San Diego. Still he always heard good things about the weather down there so maybe he’ll stay in the area. No matter what though, he wanted a beer.
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Dkingow said:
"Stay back, I know how to fight."
"I don't doubt that, but y'ain't gonna get very far without these." Rick produced a handgun from one of his numerous pouches and slung a semiautomatic rifle down from over his substantial shoulder. "A looter was about to make off with 'em, guess it's lucky I found ya when I did."

Backing up a little, he took a seat on a tattered office chair that groaned under his weight. "As for where ya are, some makeshift clinic in a bando, maybe a klick out from where I found ya." He leaned a little closer. "You saw it, didn't you? A vision that told you to come to California. That's why you trekked so far without food or water." Maybe he wasn't the only one, but if what he thought was true, there would be even more people after what he was after.
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Misty looked away. "I just forgot to eat something after I woke this morning." She said not telling the full truth. She grabbed her gun and made sure it was still loaded. "How do you know I won't just shoot you right now and loot you? That armor seems pretty handy." She said a bit sarcastically. You can never trust to many people after an apocalypse. She knew that there were other people coming here but she didn't want to say it. She needed to keep her plans to herself, at least for now. She was hoping she could pass off her bluff. @Caffeine Freak

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