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Fantasy The Liberated

Misty opened her eyes to see black. "Where am I?" She said quickly as she sat up. She knew she was on a couch, but not where. She was at a grave disadvantage and she hated that. She reached for her pistol but couldn't find it as it had dropped onto the floor. "Where is my gun." She said trying to reach around. As she did she felt something that she hadn't felt in a long time. She moved her hands around it and then up to feel a neck. She blushed instantly. "I am so sorry Rinon." She said as her hands went to her face. "I did not mean to grab you there." She said blushing brighter. It had been a while since she felt up a girl. The idea made her head spin. It had been a long time since she even thought about being intimate. Even by herself. It never became a priority. She looked to where she thought she heard Rick's breathing. "Don't you say a thing." She said pointing at him.

@Caffeine Freak @verifiedkat
Alyssya and Kymber Woods are just on the border of southern California, they had found a broken down house to say in for the night.

(They both kinda have the same dream so i'll be in the mind of Alyssya)

*"Alyssya, Keep going towards California. I will let you see your parents one last time before their souls are lost forever. I will ma'am, I really would like to see them. Then wake up and keep going! Your almost ther-!"* Alyssya rose with a shock, as she saw her parents souls before she sat up. Kymber woke up and asked, "You ok sis?" "Yea." "You don't look ok... but I'll stick to your word, you are my big sis after all." Kymber smiles at her. I hope that we can see them again. Alyssya thought as she fell asleep for one last time.

This color is both

Alyssya's Actions

Kymber's Actions

Rinon talking

Alyssya talking

Kymber Talking

(I'll leave a code for what each color means in the last part)
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Rinon freezed with shock, but then relaxed when she realized it was an accident. Misty started scrambling to apologize and started blushing furiously. Rinon, with slight pink on her cheeks from the surprise, laughed heartily. "It's quite alright. Accidents happen. I'm more concerned your health. When will your sight return?" Her fingers played with the end of her long hair. When she asked, most of the tension that had left the room before returned. She hated having to be the killjoy, but it was something that should be asked.

@Caffeine Freak @Dkingow
verifiedkat said:
Rinon freezed with shock, but then relaxed when she realized it was an accident. Misty started scrambling to apologize and started blushing furiously. Rinon, with slight pink on her cheeks from the surprise, laughed heartily. "It's quite alright. Accidents happen. I'm more concerned your health. When will your sight return?" Her fingers played with the end of her long hair. When she asked, most of the tension that had left the room before returned. She hated having to be the killjoy, but it was something that should be asked.
@Caffeine Freak @Dkingow
Misty looked away, or what she thought was away from Rinon. "In a few hours. The vision was long and so far into the future." She said not completely lying but not telling the whole truth. She didn't know if she could trust them. She wanted too, but circumstances have shown otherwise in her mind. She sat there before reaching out hitting Rinon in the chest again. "You need to move." She said a bit jokingly. "Or I will think you want me to do this." She said reaching out and faking squeezing as she moved closer. She giggled to herself hoping that some of the air would clear.
Dkingow said:
"You need to move. Or I will think you want me to do this."
"I wouldn't have a problem with that." Immediately being hit with a razor sharp stare from Misty's blank eyes, he held up his hands. "I'm kidding. Relax." It was clearly and accident, but Rick made sure he'd keep the event under his hat to bug her with it again later. "Still," His tone became slightly more pointed. "You didn't tell us what the vision was about. Even if it's far into the future, the more we know, the better, right?"

Rick was sure he trusted Misty, well enough anyway, but something about the way she snapped back from her vision didn't sit well with him. The last time she was this flustered after a vision, he was nearly jumped by spooks with guns.

@Dkingow @verifiedkat
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Rinon smiled again when the heavy atmosphere was lifted from the room. She got up and sat on the glass coffee table that was level to the couch with her arms crossed. "You can't even see me." Then, she reached over and grabbed a pillow from another couch. The red- haired girl placed it in Misty's outstretched hands. Rick then started speaking, so Rinon listened to him. "Still," His tone became slightly more pointed. "You didn't tell us what the vision was about. Even if it's far into the future, the more we know, the better, right?" She simply turned and stared quizzically at the girl, curious but not speaking up. They seemed to know each other very well and she didn't want to interrupt.

@Caffeine Freak @Dkingow
verifiedkat said:
Rinon smiled again when the heavy atmosphere was lifted from the room. She got up and sat on the glass coffee table that was level to the couch with her arms crossed. "You can't even see me." Then, she reached over and grabbed a pillow from another couch. The red- haired girl placed it in Misty's outstretched hands. Rick then started speaking, so Rinon listened to him. "Still," His tone became slightly more pointed. "You didn't tell us what the vision was about. Even if it's far into the future, the more we know, the better, right?" She simply turned and stared quizzically at the girl, curious but not speaking up. They seemed to know each other very well and she didn't want to interrupt.
@Caffeine Freak @Dkingow
Misty's smile faded at the mention of the vision. She sighed as she laid back with the pillow in her hand. She looked to where she thought she heard Rinon move to and smiled softly. "2 weeks today, you die in my arms." She said with a grin, wondering how much that will scare her. She decided that there was no way she would believe her unless she was totally truthful and just came out and said it. She then looked to Rick grinning. "You try to save the rest of them and get gunned down going out the back door." She then put the pillow over her face and screamed. "I DIE FROM A GRENADE!" She said pissed that something like this would happen to her. She didn't want to die from an explosion.
"Out the back door? Seriously?" Rick shook his head. "Kind've taints the whole 'heroic' aspect." He looked around, visualizing the scene that would inevitably unfold. Bullets ripping through Rinon, her bleeding out in Misty's arms, himself running out the backdoor only to meet a hail of bullets, and a single grenade that tears Misty into pieces. He put his head in his hands. "Not a pretty scene, admittedly." He sighed. "We better be anywhere but this house in two weeks, huh? But what do we do?"

@Dkingow @verifiedkat (if y'all still there)

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