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Fantasy The legend of Heaven's light (figured why not)


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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The walled city of Desara, the grand capital of human achievement. For over one thousand years the Leo bloodline has ruled over the territory, building Desara's fortifications and strength. Inside the castle grounds of Desara a grand marble church houses a man and woman... The Leo family have always been religious, to the point they follow the churches word as law. Richard Leo was no different. As a young boy Richard was there as his father announced the new married couple, the man and woman chosen by God to become the next prophets.

Fifty two years later the prophets had their first vision...
A evil rises, grows, A demon from the depths of the ground...
the demons life brings terror in its wake...
It changes the land and sea we live upon, as it's foul twisted form reaches the surface of our world...
The demons ambition will raise a army, towers will break the soil and emerge spreading violence and fear...

Only one person can make a difference. This woman is a light for the coming darkness, a holy flame that will ignite the wicked and burn demons to ash... this flame has a treacherous path to walk, but she commands legends... men and women whose skill and power shall shield the flame from the harsh cold winds of evil...

The prophecy was vague and longer... but king Leo drank in each word, asked questions and tried to draw understanding from it all.

Needless to say. Everyone in Desara was skeptical, "god bless Leo," "he wishes he had the same tale as his grandpa," "Like anything could ruin this time of peace! Humans rival elves now!!"

That is until a massive dark tower grew in the distance, seemingly overnight. Monster population also doubled in the area. Goblins, slimes, gnolls... A inconvience grew to a threat as the farms outside the walled city soon fell to monsters. Desara's guards and all the kings army fought the monstrous numbers, despite winning each battle only suffering small casualties and low death counts. The creatures always return in higher number, some of the guards claim the goblins and gnolls are getting smarter...
(A gnoll, the smartest of these monsters wear and use items from it's victims.)

King Leo demanded this light be found!
Demanded that people who are skilled and powerful step forward!
Only the light and the party of legends could possibly thwart evil as the church has suggested.
Leo was slightly starting to lose hope, all the women and young girls so far who had stood before him and the prophets were apparently, "lacking the light"
Should you choose to play you would make a character that falls under one of two categories...

1) Your character is the light! Chosen by higher powers and given a holy ability to thwart evil. You are the harem protagonist. (Being naive, dense, Shelden Cooper, flawed in a less obvious but understanding way or a massive slut will get bonus points.)

2) Your character is a legend! of some sort, brilliant in battle and different from the other legends that will soon surround the protag.
(Every legend should have a different weapon, magic and trope. Can't have three firebending tsundere swordsmen in the same group)

This is a medieval fantasy rp of my own design with a fair bit of inspiration from old generic anime. The easiest thing I can point to is Yona of the dawn
Literally as it's about five or six legendary warriors teaming up under the main character.

While it will be a somewhat serious affair I aim to make It lighthearted and funny at times the same way a drama has jokes or silly moments. The plot focuses on the party travelling through the territory of monsters and aiming to slay the demon king who was prophesied to destroy and eat the world.

Along the protagonist's way they should meet up with legends who fall in line to save the world/protect the protagonist because love or prophecy idc.

I'm thinking we need one main character
(now I know I said gods light is a girl but I'm fine with the God chosen light being a dude)
And four/five legends to back up the Gods light.

Post requirements is two/three paragraphs once a week (or more)

If you want to express interest or ask questions please do so.
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Interested! Can I claim the fire bending tsundere Swordsman before someone else does?
Interested for certain, got a lotta generic fantasy fellas gathering dust on my drive. Hopefully, one will fit into a legend slot.

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