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Fandom The Last Wolf


She listened to her friends talk. It was slowly getting obvious that they really planned to sneak out of the castle on the very first time. She normally wasn't the one to stop them from breaking the rules. Heck, her usual demeanour spoke otherwise especially as she was the least one to be able to stop them. She looked at them and sighed "Are you guys seriously planning to break the rules on our first night back here? Bloody lessons haven't even started yet. Give me a break." She looked at them hoping that someone would tell her this was a joke. She glanced over to Oren hoping he would at least helping her to stop their madness. "Seriously guys, what do you expect me to do? Sit around and freeze my bottom off?", she sighed looking at them and muttered under her breath "Perhaps getting new friends is still the best option after all... All of my sorrows gone with a snap of the fingers."

Her gaze went to Barney as he mocked her about her statement and acted to pout. "I'm the lucky charm for your little cheer group as well as your team. So the least thing you could do is at least give me a break with the constant quidditch shenanigans. At least on my first night back at Hogwarts.", she complained even though Leona knew that her complaints would just be ignored. Her friends seemed to be way too excited than to drop Illiana's suggestion of going to play Quidditch. Too bad that she didn't have books on her yet. At least she would've been able to do anything else than to sit around and getting bored.

"Oh by the way, I think my sister wants to try out for the open spot in the Ravenclaw team.", she randomly mentioned and looked over to Iliana and joked "She'll give you guys a run for your money."

@Awkward Dino @LadyMasquerade Aart Aart Wisp Wisp fancries1 fancries1
Alec Hardy

Alec thought of Barney's little brother. He didn't really know what he looked like anymore, although he had seen pictures. He just imagined a small version of Barney. And if he was anything like his older brother, he'd sure love to see Quidditch once.

"I'm sure they'd let them watch if you were a pro yourself. Family should have at least the right to that. Right?" He looked awkward as he realized how that sentence turned out. He shook the silly comment off and joined in on the conversation about sneaking out to the field.

Leona didn't seem very happy about the idea of sneaking out. Although Al knew she'd probably come anyway. The others were looking forward to step on the green field again, with the 6 poles on it. Barney was also enthusiastic about talking strategy. Luckily for Alec, it wasn't his responsibility to memorize plays. Off course he knew about shadowing and he practiced maneuvering, but he didn't really pay attention to the strats of Barney or his former Captain, Jones.

When Barney and Alec just began, both in their second year because of their enormous talent, their captain only told Alec one tactic. "Get that golden devil as fast as possible. That's the only thing I want from you." And fair enough. In his first match he got the damn thing.
Since then Alec decided to just race around the field while the team was discussing plays. Much in the amusements of others, because it almost looked like a dog chasing his own tail.

Then Yana dropped the Ravenclaws. Damn those guys were annoyingly good sometimes. He remembered Yana's ex being the beater of them. Nearly hit Al's head of one time. And he didn't like him to begin with. The only reason for that was because he saw the guy kissing with Yana all the time. And Yana was like his little sister and it annoyed him to death. He didn't even know the guys name. He'd just call him Arse, because his name began with an A. He heard Yana say that Darley dropped out, which was a surprise. Alec thought he could fly pretty decent.

"We'll beat them. We're better." It's as simple as that, Alec thought. The better team won. Or the fastest Seeker won the game. One way or the other. As long as he was the fastest flyer, they'd always win. On one hand he liked to be in that spotlight. Being the hero. On the other hand, he felt like he could never, ever make a mistake. Especially with the expectations set that he'd always get the Snitch. It was up to him to win the game. He could not lose.

Boy, o boy, had Alec not sat on a broom for a long time. Whole the Summer he had thought about it. Experiencing that slight rumble in his belly when he got of the ground and having zero-gravity. Feeling the wind blow through his hair, as he leaned forward and accelerated. The itch of his hands being frozen to his broom because of the rain and the wind combined. Man had he lasted for this. And now, back at the place where he first experienced the real magic of the wizarding world, he'd finally fly again.

It was time to get their stuff, Alec figured. They decided to go with the crowd and just slip out after they got their broom.
"You know, we can just hop out the window of our dorms and fly to the field?" It wasn't often that
he came with a bright idea. He felt pretty good after that one.

@LadyMasquerade Wisp Wisp Jessy753 Jessy753 @Awkward Dino fancries1 fancries1

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barney 475x125.png

"Well I'd hardly call it a rule," Barney argued lightly against Leona, a smile in place. His tone was teasing, and his eyes sparkled. "More like a safety precaution, so we're just... ignoring it. Besides, we have our lucky charm, right?"

At this point, Leona was the only one vocally against the plan, and Barney elbowed Oren lightly for not openly expressing any opposition to the group majority. Smart move, although it wasn't as though Leona sounded truly upset with the plan. Had she, he wouldn't have pushed - but it wouldn't do to leave her out when she didn't sound all that truly opposed. More just a little annoyed for having nothing to do, which he supposed made sense. The Welcoming Feast ended, and students clamored to finish their deserts and drinks while prefects called for the attention of the first years in their respective houses. As the group stood as well, Alec caught their attention.

"You know, we can just hop out the window of our dorms and fly to the field?" Alec suggested in a low tone, the look on his face implying that someone else should have thought of the idea first.

"Okay, yeah, that too," Barney agreed, coughing to try and cover a laugh. "Only if Oren and Leona are willing to fly, though."

He looked from the boy next to him to the girl beside Alec. To be honest, aside from their lack of athleticism, he wasn't sure why they weren't all that into Quidditch. To each their own, he supposed, as he stretched his arms towards the ceiling to crack his back. He received a satisfying group of pops for his effort, and weighed his options. Leona had an awful time staying on a broom, but that was alone - Angelica or Iliana could surely keep her on, and as for Oren, well, he could take him if he wasn't willing to fly himself. Actually, Barney wasn't even sure that either of them even owned brooms. While the group moved with the general Gryffindor crowd to their house's tower, he tried to keep his words vague. No need for an eavesdropping prefect to catch on, after all.

"We could always buddy up. I can take Oren, and one of you could take Leona," he suggested, looking at Angelica and Iliana.

The group discussed their options in hushed voices and vague terms, ultimately deciding as they neared Gryffindor Tower that flying was their best option. They were relatively ahead of most of their peers, so their roommates were less likely to be in the dorms to see them leave. Absently, he noted the password for the Fat Lady, which was aconite. Barney muttered the word under his breath as he passed through the portrait hole, committing it to memory. He'd tell the others later in the case that they had missed it, but for now, it was time to part ways. The group split - three and three - and the captain was pleased to see that the boys' other two roommates were absent for the time being. They gathered up their brooms, and with a quick check to make sure they had their wands, took to the air.

They counted on the professors - and their peers - to be busy indoors, and flew together in a loose formation. It was freeing to be on a broom again, Barney unable to fly at home or visit any friends in wizarding communities where he would be free to take his broom for a spin. As they neared the Quidditch pitch, it became evident in the moonlight that it was undecorated, but in good condition. From the front, he motioned for the others to follow him to the grass in the center of the pitch. Alec was ahead of him, no doubt enjoying the rush of speeding through the air, and Barney figured he would notice the others landing and follow suit.

"That went well," Barney announced as he touched down. "I don't think there's any prefects in our dorms, so we should be alright for tonight; they'll all be asleep by the time we're back."

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Leona Avery


She didn't seem too excited as her friends seemed to be into the idea of sneaking out to play Quidditch. Leo on the other hand could imagine lots of different things she might be able to do instead. Being caught outside the Gryffindor common room on their first nigh would end her in quite the misery. That much to the fact that she had promised her father to distance herself from her friends and their stupid ideas.

Her father had so many big ideas for her after school and all of them included her not doing mischief in her last year in Hogwarts. He wanted her to instantly become part of the Ministry. Near the minister so she'd be able to take over his place sooner or later and grant her family the influence and power her father had sought for so many years. She didn't even doubt that her father would be able to get her into the ministry as someone's assistant. But Leona saw herself somewhere else. She wanted to see the world and...and do what she liked. Whatever that was.

Soon she found herself behind Iliana on a broom. She was holding onto her best friend and muttered under her breath. "If you drop me, I swear on Merlin's beard that I'm gonna hex you to oblivion.", she threatened and looked around hoping to have proper ground under her feet soon enough.

Leona sighed happy and quickly got down from her friend's broom as soon as they were at the pitch. She didn't plan on sitting on the bloody broom longer than necessary. Especially if Illiana decided to tease her and start flying again. "I still cannot believe you folks made me come here. What am I supposed to do? Sit around here and freeze my bum off?", she asked for showing her annoyance.

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