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Fantasy The Last Rose of Summer *OPEN*


We are Anonymous
Fairies. You thought that the tiny winged folk where just characters in children's stories.

Well, my dear, you'd be wrong.

All around us do the winged folk live. From the humid rainforests, to the frigid arctic, these creatures have managed to survive for centuries without being noticed by the Big Folk.

Several species of these tiny humans exist, the most common being the Fae, which are almost like your typical Fairy, but instead live in small cities ruled by a king and queen.

But now, it is time for you to become one of the small people.

Shall you take this offer up to become one of them?


1. I expect around five or more sentences per post. However, you don't need to write a whole novel.
2. Please wait until I accept your character before roleplaying
3. Please refrain from god-modding. It's pretty annoying when a Mary-sue is walking about.
4. Don't kill off another member's character without their permission.
5. Swearing is allowed. However, you may not swear every second word in a sentence.
6. If you have ideas for the plot, run it by me first.
7. There shall be no fighting among members. IC fighting is allowed, however.
8. Each member can have up to two characters. If one dies, you can replace them.
9. There shall be no M-rated stuff in this forum.


To create characters, visit here: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-last-rose-of-summer-characters-under-construction.346664/

To visit the OOC, visit here: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-last-rose-of-summer-ooc-under-construction.346904/

To visit the interest check, visit here: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-last-rose-of-summer-open-insert-check.348324/

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Maplewood City
Maple Forest is one of the many Fae cities in Lakewood National Park. Maplewood City is located in a large cluster of maple and birch trees, with the city being right smack in the middle. Surrounding Maplewood City is many different types of trees, which serve home to Sprites, Sparrowpeople, and Animal-Folk.
A castle which is located in a massive hollowed out maple tree serves as the home to the King, Queen, their children (if any), servants, and knights.

The citizens live in houses made out of twigs and branches.

Coral District
The Coral District is completely made out of coral, and is inhabited by Aquians. The Coral District is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and stretches out for several miles. A giant castle made out of pale orange and white coral serves as the home of the Duke or Duchess, as well as their servants, children (if any), and knights.

The citizens live in houses made of coral.


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