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One x One The Last of Us CS

Little Lozy

Senior Member
Endure and survive...

(realistic faceclaim)






(feel free to add to this however you like)
DrTrollinski DrTrollinski

John Hale






- Authoritative -
Some lead, others follow.

- Dedicated -
A hard worker, no doubt. Gets a task and doesn't stop until the job's done, and the job's done right.

- Loyal -
Prove your worth, earn his trust. Hard work forever pays, and trust never dies.

- Protective -
If you're lucky enough to be called someone he cares about, you're safe to say you have a bodyguard until the earth's end.

- Honest -
If he's nothing else, he's honest. Good or bad, he'll tell you straight.

- Hardened -
With Hale's history, being hardened came naturally. Everything he ever did was toughening in some way - he may have bit off more than he could chew, but at the end of the day he can't go back and change it. People either have to deal with who he is or forget about him. Right now, the option people choose generally goes down the 50/50 route. A lot of friends, but a lot of enemies, too.




- Homebody -
Unless it's to do with something work-related, he sees no real reason to leave home. He'd be more than happy sitting indoors or on the porch, all day, where he knows nothing can really go wrong, and where he's not far away from his 'old faithful', should things ever turn sour.

- Unkind -
Honesty, loyalty, and protectiveness all come at a hard cost. Don't expect some sort of overwhelming kindness from John - You'll be lucky to get as much as a smile out of him. Some say he meets the stereotype of 'bitter old man'. Depends on how long you've known him for.

- Unforgiving -
Don't expect to be forgiven easily. If you're going to start a fight, be prepared to finish it.

- Discontent -
A lone wanderer. Life could be better, but it isn't.

- Aggressive/Violent -
Need I say more?




Born to a single mother and raised in a poor environment, John quickly lead down a rough and bumpy road as he grew older. With school not being something in his interests, he took to the more exciting side of life. He wanted to see the world, travel the open roads and be around people like himself. Runaway spirits and punk-rocker racer boys. All things like that. It all started out in high school when he fell in with a bad enough crowd. He'd done worse things for himself, obviously, but this was where it all began. The legacy of 'Johnny Halestorm' began in the corner booth of a biker bar. Barely a day older than sixteen and already he was certain he'd found his place in the world. There was one man who acted as a father there, a man who helped him graduate from school at the very least. He'd even said, even if you do nothing with it, just make sure you have it there.

It helped, sort of. He learned his own trade. While he was around this particular group he learned a lot about weapons - albeit illegally - and a lot about tattoos, cars, bikes. There were a lot of things there that he learned. Taking a job behind the bar gave some money which, when combined with some donations from his dear friends, helped him invest in his own bike. An asset in itself, probably worth a fortune today if he cleaned it up and got it running again. Time goes by, though, and like many people, John decided he wanted to settle down. The 'life on the road' life never really left him, and there were old faces that still showed up, but he tried to take it easy. Maybe live a normal life.

He had a wife who quickly left him after they had a daughter together. She fell into drugs and all sorts, and before he knew it, she was long gone. That was a long time ago - and given, he maybe had a kid a little too early in life, but what can you do, eh? He somehow managed to raise a daughter from the ground up, and even though she grew being more into cars and bikes rather than dolls and the cheerleader team, she was a good enough kid.

Until an old 'friend' came by, of course, and that's where things got a little complicated. As soon as he received the news that his late-teen daughter had been killed, things changed - permanently. Instead of letting the police do their job, he got locked and loaded, found the son of a bitch responsible, and simply enough, gunned him down where he stood.

This didn't go without consequence. He was arrested, put before a judge, and, thanks to the judge's sympathy, a decent attorney, and his decision to plea guilty to murder in the second degree, he got a fifteen-year sentence which was eventually reduced to ten on the grounds of good behavior. He was released back into the world, with most of his old friends either in prison, dead, or vanished, he was left to his own devices. The only friends he had left had bigger things to worry about than taking his ass back in, and with him being on parole, having him around was too much of a risk. Keeping his most recently-bought bike as a 'debt repayment', they sent him on his way.

The bastards.

Now, John lives alone in the house he once shared with his daughter. Ten years of hard time certainly changes a man. Now here he was, letting the days go by and waiting for something to happen. Being locked up for so long certainly made him one of the types that were used to only being in one place. That's where the homebody factor comes in. He learned to be comfortable with the same surroundings, day in, day out. Old habits die hard, after all.


Dylan West






- Teacherly -
A guy who's a good and patient teacher-type person. He can teach anyone anything, within reason and his own knowledge, of course.

- Thorough -
Covers every inch of ground that he can; if there's something worth doing, it's worth doing right.

- Responsible -
For a 17-year-old, he's a responsible guy. More so than most, some would say. He knows how to be appropriate when the time comes, and on top of that his time management is good, and his priorities are usually always in the right place.

- Diplomatic -
Working in retail will do that to you.




- Critical -
He's the sort of guy that likes things to be perfect - he might get a little carried away if they're not.

- Submissive -
Not at too harsh of a level, but, he's used to caving in due to his job. It's not like he can have a full-on argument with a customer, after all.

- Materialistic -
He's a teenager. It's all about money, getting a car, and having the cash to get cool stuff.

- Wishful -
Wishful thinking is usually great, but, it can often give you unrealistic expectations.




Dylan, born into a good family with his mother, a pediatrician, and his father, an occupational therapist. He had an older brother, senior to him by four years. Dylan grew up as a pretty normal kid with a bunch of friends and a pretty standard upbringing. He had what he needed in life, as well as two parents who gave him the support he needed to do well. He did well throughout school, and is still doing well now that high school is drawing closer and closer to a close. Overall, Dylan's a pretty standard guy - a stand-up guy, too. With all of his skills, his independence, and his sensibility, he's quite the person to be around. He gets through life as any teenager does - but he's happy with things, and content with the way things are going. Even if he can be a bit of a perfectionist at times.

At the age of fourteen, he started volunteering in a guitar/music store. At fifteen, they offered him a job, and he's still there to this day. When he gets a chance outside of school and work, and during the summer, he teaches elementary school kids guitar, seeing as he has genuine certificates in guitar playing. It's not the easiest of jobs, but, he manages to do it, and makes good money by doing so.

Other than that, there's nothing overly special to tell. Dylan is just Dylan. He's had no real excitement in his life - He's just your standard kid from a standard place, doing slightly above-standard kid things. He can drive, and he can sing, but other than that, his skills end there. He's never really needed to know anything else, seeing as he was the peaceful type who strayed away from violence and getting into school fights, and whatnot.​
Tess Thomas


resourceful • not only does tess always have a way of getting what she wants/needs but she also is pretty knowledgeable as a jack-of-all-trades.
genuine • tess has never claimed to be something she wasn't. she's never denied her true self and she fairly transparent.
tough • she strong not just mentally but physically. she is a certified self-defense instructor.
gooey-inside • as much as tess tries to ignore this part of herself, she can't run from it. she has a soft spot to help others, for the underdog to win, she never wants to see someone suffer.
realist • tess sees the world as it is. not through some rose colored glasses. just because you want something to be someway way doesn't make it that way.
party girl • tess is the life of the party. she's the fun chick crashing crazy parties and comparing crazy drunken stories. she's the girl hooking up with a guy she just met, living her life in freedom

blunt • tess isn't afraid to speak her mind and tell it to you straight
party girl • while this trait can make her fun it can also make her a burden. she has a drinking problem, on she won't admit to.
cynical • as a realist she can see the world for what it is, but she also sees the cruelty in the world, the unfairness, and the bleak side of the truth.
hot-tempered • she's been in a few bar fights
stubborn • once she has set her mind to something it's pretty hard to change it.
soft heart • that part of her that she denies, there is a reason she denies it. tess' soft heart has landed her in big trouble.
adrenaline junkie • tess is always looking for a thrill something to set her on fire, whether it's an insane relationship or arson or sky diving. if she can get the high she's all in.


Tess had a childhood not unlike many others. She grew up with her mom and dad, there were tough times but there was also good times. However, by the age of nine it had seemed for her parents, the bad out weigh the good. The divorce was quick, final, and for Tess - hard. Life went on though, her father kept up regular visitation (though not always consistent), and within a couple year her mother remarried. Her step-father was amazing, and he treated Tess as his own. Not long after their marriage Tess was expecting a little sister, and with a new marriage a new baby, while it was unintentional, Tess faded a little in the background. Tess' real father seemed to grow further from her with each year. By the time she entered highschool he only came around for holidays.
Tess was always a little rebel at heart but by the time she graduated highschool she had a reputation for bad boys and a good time.
After high school it was one bad relationship after the other. They always started out fun and exciting, then they either got boring or it got crazy. She lived for adventure, and each guy brought her closer to another. While making her way around the US one boyfriend at a time, Tess settled long enough to go through technical school and became a welder. She constantly found herself the only female in shop full of men. She was often single as much as she was attached and after a boyfriend or two had gotten rough with her, she thought it time to invest in self defense classes. After finding a real love for learning how to put s guy on his ass, she became a lincenzed instructor.
Tess was growing up, but not any less wild. To her the idea of settling down would always be there when she wanted to, if she ever wanted to. The closest she ever got was with her last boyfriend. She never felt so in love with someone. He was kind, caring, considerate. He was fun and wild and passionate. He was a drug dealer, so the danger was always there, tess believed they could have a normal life. He died from an accidental overdose, and Tess gave up on relationships. Now she works at an auto body shop, she makes welded art work, and you can find her at the bar every night.
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