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Fantasy The Last Judgement -Lore

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Welcome to the Last Judgement
  • Hell0NHighWater

    Queen of Hell
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[/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    The world ended on a Sunday.

    Some saw it coming. Hunters that had always lived in secrecy, trying to protect the world they knew against the one they feared. They’d been fighting and struggling for years against this single eventuality, only to see all their efforts destroyed in front of them.

    The Norse called it Ragnarok, the Bible called it Revelations. The realists were waiting for bombs to drop, others for a plague. In the end, the apocalypse came in the form of a cataclysmic event that no one could stop. A gateway to Hell, opening up right in the middle of Time Square in New York City.

    This is how it began.

    The demons and monsters pouring forth into this world will waste no time in ripping it apart, taking hosts and setting fire to the city around them. New York will only be the first to fall into chaos, soldiers and civilians alike unable to stop the preternatural terrors that have been unleashed on them. The few that knew this was coming, the hunters, the witches, the believers, won’t have the strength alone to stand against the tide.

    Death has come to all, and every day that passes will only spread its reach farther.

    No one is safe, and there is no such thing as innocent anymore. Only survivors. A small group caught in the first wave are left struggling to stay alive, and the only hope offered to them comes from the mouths of prophets, promising something like hope across the country in California.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] The World Before [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    For years, the war against the preternatural was waged in silence. Hunters, Witches and Prophets lived in secrecy, fighting the good fight the best they could...

    Wanting to preserve life and the world as they’d always known it. To everyone else, the world went on around them, oblivious to the peril fought beneath their very noses. In recent years, the war became bloodier, more violent and the death toll of those that would guard us against this growing menace of hellspawn and demonic energy grew astronomically.

    Doomsayers had begun to become more prevalent, but the world still continued to refuse the possibility. It was an ordinary day in an ordinary world when the cataclysm erupted beneath our feet.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Year One [/div]

    Once the hell gate opened, it was the picture of apocalypse. Hellfire gutted buildings, entire blocks, reducing them to ash and rubble, skeleton cities. Tendrils of brimstone curled from the dirt, spreading across the city like a growing infection. Those buildings and structures still intact are abandoned ghost towns, inhabitants either killed or enslaved. Groups of survivors begin to pocket within the city as the infrastructure of electricity, water and government begin to break down.

    Outside the city, the destruction began to spread with the flood of demons and monsters spilling through streets. The eastern coast is the first to be affected, and the few survivors that pulled themselves from the wreckage of New York are still discovering just how brutal and widespread the damage is.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Year Two [/div]

    The world hasn’t gotten better. Small civilizations of survivors have started to crop up, but most no longer follow the rules known to humanity. Roving marauders led by witches and demons add to monster infested landscapes. Whole streets, city blocks or even full towns have been taken over by demonic leaders, each with their own agenda and flavor. The world is truly an unpredictable and terrifying place.

    Further from New York, the hope of a rescue has died. Buildings that are still in tact have mostly been swept clean of supplies, making it harder to find the essentials like food, medicine, and clean water. The weather has become unpredictable, the cold more bitter, the heat more scorching. Now any survivors must find their food from the still living animals or canned goods that haven’t rotted or festered.

    [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] All things truly wicked start from an innocence... [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] The Last Judgement [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Need to Know [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Survivors [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    H U M A N S

    Some have found themselves changing with the onset of the apocalypse, gifted with seeming supernatural abilities or cursed with darker ones. Some woke up with nothing at all to protect them against the rising dead, nothing but quick wits and a propensity for survival.

    B A S I C:
    • Any skills and abilities are those they’ve managed to learn without aid of supernatural powers or strengths.
    • Capable of becoming afflicted, blessed, or prophets.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with the apocalypse.
    M I S C:
    • Subject to both demonic and angelic possession, a vampire’s thrall, and infection.

    H U N T E R S

    Hunters have been here for centuries in one form or another. They’ve always fought against the demons and the monsters. Some have only been fueled by training and knowledge, but others were granted the hunter’s mark, giving them strength and skill beyond that of a normal human.

    B A S I C : marked hunters possess the following:
    • Stronger and faster, they are brutes to some extent, having a natural affinity for melee weapons and a keen eye when it comes to guns and ranged weapons.
    • Heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell.
    • They heal at a much faster rate, possess increased stamina, and are capable of taking substantially more damage than a normal human might survive.
    • Mark manifests on the back of their dominant hand.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with the apocalypse.
    M I S C
    • Not immune to demonic possession, angelic possession, or infection.
    • Resistant to a vampire’s thrall, but not completely immune.

    W I T C H E S

    Much like hunters, witches have existed for centuries. They are imbued with magic passed down through their family line, though it takes practice and ritual to fully master it. Some have fought against the supernatural, some have helped it gain a foothold on earth.

    B A S I C:
    • All witches are capable of basic telekinesis without any form of ritual.
    • They possess the ability to use magic, however it is usually accompanied by ritual of some form. The branches of spellcasting vary, and each witches specialization is usually determined by how they were raised.
    • Schools of magic may include: black magic, white magic, blood magic, elemental magic, enchantment, necromancy, alchemy and voodoo.*
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • All witches are at risk for possession, and substantially higher than anyone else. It is possible for them to hear the spirits of the dead, and this can have a detrimental effect on their psychological wellbeing.
    M I S C:
    • Not immune to either demonic or angelic possession.
    • Not immune to either infection or a vampire’s thrall.
    • Capable of casting protective spells or enchantments to help ward themselves or others, but cannot cast spells for immediate healing.
    PLEASE NOTE: magic is a flexible art, and any further schools of magic not listed here may be discussed with me prior to application. Please be aware, witchcraft requires inherent talent as well as training and should not be treated as a mutant ability.

    A F F L I C T E D

    The afflicted are humans who’ve found themselves heavily influenced by the release of demonic energy. Their souls are slowly becoming corrupted, becoming closer to demons themselves every day. While it grants them new capabilities, all power comes at a price.

    B A S I C : all afflicted possess the following:
    • Faster and stronger than humans, they are capable of taking a lot more damage before being weakened.
    • Abilities can manifest as either darkness manipulation, pain inducement and suppression, or telekinesis.
    • Manifests itself as what resembles black tattoos underneath the skin, generally starting on the chest and working outwards.
    • As affliction progresses, they maybe become subject to some of the same weaknesses as a red-eyed demon.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L :
    • Driven more and more by emotion, they are more prone to outbursts of anger or aggression.*
    • As their corruption worsens, they are more and more likely to take pleasure in sadistic acts, bloodshed, and violence.*
    M I S C :
    • Not initially immune to demonic possession, but they become so once their soul has been fully corrupted and they are completely demonic.*
    • Immune to angelic possession.
    • Immunity against a vampire’s thrall and infection.
    • Affliction is permanent, and while it maybe slowed, there is no reversing or curing the soul’s corruption.
    *PLEASE NOTE: This is not a case of dual-personality syndrome. The person remains the same, they are just more prone to acting based on emotions and baser instincts. Any kind of “voice” would come from a demon, and this must be run by me first.

    B L E S S E D

    Much like the afflicted, the blessed are humans who have instead found themselves heavily influenced by angelic energy. Their souls are becoming more divine, granting them abilities and capabilities granted to the holiest of beings.

    B A S I C : all blessed possess the following:
    • Possess the ability to exorcise and destroy demons. While prayer can help focus this energy, the act of ritual is more habit than necessity.
    • Capable of minor healing, though it may gain in strength and potency as they progress towards divine ascendance.
    • Capable of manipulating cleansing fire, capable of destroying the unclean by burning them from the inside out, destroying infection in a similar manner, or cleansing the mind of a vampire’s thrall. Cleansing fire only affects the demonically unclean, and has little effect on humans.
    • Manifests itself as what resembles ornate, white tattoos under the skin, including markings that resemble wings on their backs.
    • The closer someone is towards divine ascendance, their eyes will begin to turn gold or with change to a golden hue upon using their powers.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L :
    • The longer they progress, the more aware they become of other heavenly beings, as well as demonic ones. How this affects each blessed varies as it would with anyone.*
    • While this affects people differently, all blessed begin to experience a certain disconnect between themselves and the rest of humanity, growing slowly more detached and emotionless.
    M I S C :
    • Not initially immune to angelic possession, but they become so once their soul has been fully transitioned and they are completely divine.*
    • Immune to demonic possession.
    • Immunity against a vampire’s thrall and infection.
    • Blessings are permanent, and while the effects maybe slowed, the soul’s alteration cannot be stopped or cured.
    *PLEASE NOTE: This is not a case of dual-personality disorder. While the blessed may experience a disconnect to humanity, or connection to other heavenly beings, their souls are still their own.

    P R O P H E T S

    Prophets have wandered the earth before, but their numbers have always been small. The opening of the gates to Hell has given rise to new prophets, their minds suddenly haunted by terrible visions of the future and the past.

    B A S I C:
    • All prophets are granted visions of both the future and the past, often without warning. These episodes can manifest as gently as dreams, or as violently as seizures.
    • Visions can be played out differently depending on the prophet, either in a trance with a more linear progression of events, quick flashes, or simply impressions of what’s to come.
    • While not psychic, prophets have a much higher level of empathy, leaving them much more attuned to the emotions and mannerisms of others.
    • Physically they are the same as humans, with the same capabilities as anyone otherwise unafflicted.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • Prophets are much more prone to bouts of psychosis, some reaching a point where they can no longer tell the present from the future.
    • They often devolve into episodes of writing or sketching solely to express whatever images have been left in their mind.
    M I S C:
    • Not immune to either demonic or angelic possession.
    • Not immune to either infection or a vampire’s thrall.
    *PLEASE NOTE: While gifted with intense foresight, prophets are not infallible, and few things are ever set in stone. Please be respectful of other characters and the general storyline progression when predicting their actions or events to come.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Expectations [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] The RP [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] This roleplay is difficult to describe. For the most part, The Last Judgement is an apocalyptic, fantasy, supernatural, horror roleplay. Based on an RP I actually found on Tumblr called “The Wasteland”, but of course with my own unique twist. The bare bones of this RP will be focusing on a group of survivors right at the dawn of the apocalypse, this is the story of their journey across a country being ripped to shreds by supernatural forces. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] On the GM side, I like to think I'm pretty flexible and have had experience running groups before. I’m most effective with smaller groups of three or four. Past that, and uh I’ll need help. So, if this attracts some attention (which I hope it will because I've been wanting to do something like this for a really long time), then I’ll also be looking for co-GMs! I’m also toying with the idea of a simple dice system for combat, and schemes for giving players more of a voice. I am not good with the dice mechanic for this site so if that is a route I decide to go down then a co-GM with some RPN dice experience might be useful. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Players and Characters [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I ask that players be respectful, and communicate often. If there are enough people who become interested then I might set up a discord. So participate in discord occasionally (TBD), and let me know if you’re unable to post. Simple stuff, but easy to forget about. If you want to participate, then I want you to be prepared to make a small commitment to upholding these two things. This RP has some really dark themes as well so if you are interested in this please understand that there will be violence, gore, or any other things that may be triggering. Please abide by RPN rules that should go without saying, just please fade to black if there is a need to. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] As for characters, I’m allowing an unlimited amount on one condition: You may only select one or two to be main characters, and any others become supporting cast. Why? Because I want you to focus on character arcs, and a smaller main cast is easier to cater the rp around. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Quality [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I don’t expect to see you rewrite Shakespeare, but I don’t want to see haphazard writing either. We're all human here (at least uh...I hope) so grammar and spelling mistakes are fine as long as you know the difference between 'there', 'they're', and 'their' we're all good. I hate putting a limit on how much people write, but this isn't the sort of thing to have casual one-liners. As for what I would like to see, I really favor a combination of both style and concision. It takes a lot to consistently put that much effort into a post, and its sets a precedent that posts "should" be that long. So just stick to a length that is easy to maintain. That isn't a single sentence. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Commitment [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I’ll emphasize again that, yes, I know life happens. It’ll inevitably happen for me too. That’s why I’ll keep stressing how important it is to communicate. If that’s something you’re not prepared to do, then this is probably not the place for you. As for the actual commitment, I expect you to follow along with the story and post once or more per week (or let me know if you can't). I am ready to boot you if you’re both inactive and not communicating. I also want to be clear that I will not wait forever for you to post. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Also if you cannot continue in the RP for whatever reason, please let me know. [/div] [div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] Discord


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--bgImgPosition: 100% 100%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgTwo] --bgImg: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/49/67/14/49671401bf201ad7b23c2a25b6d857da.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgThree] --bgImg: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/77/8e/5b/778e5b3f2db0acd3c73799d2047a1005.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] Timeline [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] The Monsters [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter" style="padding: 2%; flex: 1 0 10%;"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] Races [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] Magic [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainSubheader"] Saturday. June 2. 2066. [/div] [div class=mainText] Strange earth quakes have been reported on the east coast. The increase in seismic activity has lead to foundation problems and the subways have been closed. The city of New York is in general panic and many residents are trapped in their homes. The Government reassures civilians that there is no reason to panic and repairs are underway. Those convinced of the end of the world begin gaining in popularity many believe this is another Y2K scare and do not believe the theories about the world's end.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Sunday. June 10. 2066. [/div] It was a day like any other. Beautiful weather, just the right temperature to hit the beach or go for a nice walk in the park. Then around 3:00pm EST Time Square is ripped open. The ground seems to collapse in on itself dragging whole buildings and cars into a pit. Minutes later fire spews from the ground and with it the things of nightmares. New York is set aflame, and the city begins to crumble, and the American military is dispatched to restore order. [div class="mainSubheader"] 11:23pm EST [/div] The United States Government orders a full evacuation of the state of New York. Check points are set up across state lines. Reports of 'Vampires' and 'Zombie like creatures' spread almost as fast as the hell fire that decimated New York City.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Sunday. June 17. 2066. [/div] The Government's Containment plan lasted about a day. The entire east coast is helpless to stop the hordes of demons, revenants, and vampires alike. The death toll climbs with each passing day and the hordes of hellspawn begin to move westward.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Friday. June 22. 2066. [/div]

    The city of Chicago falls under demonic control, the midwest is pillaged and there is no longer any contact with the Government. Citizens are left to fend for themselves and the power in most areas are shut down. Cell towers are useless and many vehicles that are operated by computer chips no longer work. Internet and televisions no longer broadcast on the eastern coast and there are rumors about safe havens scattered across the southwest.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Fall? 2068. [/div]

    Two years after the gates opened, the earth began to terraform in ways only predicted by nuclear doomsday scenarios. Average temperatures dropped by 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F). Winters became harsher with extreme blizzards, night time lasts an average of 14 hours, hail was common and often the size of golf balls, and whole bodies of water remained frozen for an extended period of time. When there is summer the heat is unbearable, forcing people to travel during the night. Communications with the outside world went dark a long time ago and those left on the east coast are rumored to be in the Pennsylvania area. The last safe zone reported was in California, but even that is a questionable assumption. Food is scarce and even other survivors are now just as likely to kill each other than they are to help. This is where the story begins, in the ruins of what used to be Newark Airport in New Jersey.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainSubheader] General Note [/div] [div class=mainText]
    • Possession occurs when either a demon or an angel take control of a human host. While occasionally the vessel may try and fight back against the invasion, for the most part they are rendered helpless, captive in their own skin.
    • Infection occurs when bitten by a vampire or a revenant. After approximately three days the body will break down and die, resulting in the mortal rising again as a revenant themselves. Resistance varies by class.
    • A vampire’s thrall is when a vampire forces a compulsion on a human, forcing them to obey their will. This will last until the vampire is killed, most unable to resist the command.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    [div class=mainSubheader] Vampires [/div]
    Vampires are the children of Cain, wandering the earth for centuries and feeding off the blood of their victims. They are created when a mortal sells their soul to a demon, leaving empty, monstrous killers in their wake. They are completely bound to the will of their demon master, as are any new vampires they sire or revenants they create in their bloodlust.​

    • Granted immortal life, for whatever it’s worth.
    • Stronger and faster than a human, they can rip through them with sharpened teeth before most can think to fight back.
    • Capable of compulsion, bringing a mortal under their thrall and forcing them to obey whatever commands given.
    • Can create a new vampire by feeding them their blood. Anyone killed without this exchange of blood will become a revenant, and they are bound to the vampire’s will.
    • A stake through the heart will temporarily paralyze them.
    • Weak against holy water, holy relics of faith, and holy light. Sunlight weakens them, and prolonged exposure will destroy them.
    • Decapitation or incineration are the primary methods of destruction.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Revenants [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    Revenants are the discarded children of vampires, ones that were never fully turned. They are created when a mortal dies from a vampire or revenant bite. They are soulless and for the most part mindless, and will seek only to feed and destroy if they aren’t given an order from either their vampire or demon master.

    • Granted immortal life, though if they go too long without feeding their bodies break down and eventually die.
    • Slower than humans, but stronger, though not the extent of the vampires that created them.
    • Incapable of compulsion, for the most part not speaking at all.
    • Can create a new revenant by biting a mortal and then leaving the corpse. If devoured by a revenant, there is little to resurrect as one of their kind.
    • Once turned into a revenant, there is no cure.
    • A stake through the heart will temporarily paralyze them.
    • Weak against holy water, holy relics of faith, and holy light.
    • Capable of surviving in sunlight for a longer period of time then their masters, though it weakens them.
    • Decapitation or incineration are the primary methods of destruction.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Demons [/div] B L A C K - E Y E D

    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    Black-eyed demons might’ve been human once, but their souls have been completely corrupted by the hell they were sent to. While still dependent on possessing a human vessel, the opening of hell’s gate has only made it that much easier for them to find a host, either living or dead. The human no longer has control over their own body, and the demon controls what they can feel or witness in their own skin.

    • They are twisted spirits, whose only goals are to cause death, discord, and despair.
    • They appear as black, ghostly figures when outside a host, but can do very little damage in their natural state. They have limited psychic ability, and can be the cause of hauntings in places or people.
    • Once inside a vessel, they are only recognizable when their eyes turn black. They can otherwise pass as humans.
    • Stronger and faster than humans, but less than hunters, they are also capable of defying gravity, such as walking on walls or ceilings.
    • They may abandon a vessel if threatened, but the demon will live on. The vessel may or may not be left alive afterwards.
    • Destroying the vessel will not destroy the demon.
    • They can be exorcised by a witch, but they can only be completely destroyed by holy power summoned by an angel, a marked hunter, or one of the blessed.

    R E D - E Y E D
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    The most rare and most vicious of demons, they have no need for a host. They rise from the abyss in whatever form they choose, capable of passing as either human or the true demons that they are. They come in every shape and form, taking on the picture of pure nightmares.
    They command both black-eyed demons and hell hounds, and have worked tirelessly for centuries to try and bring the world beneath their heels.

    • Every red-eyed demon has a name and a rank, though just what kind of army they command varies depending on the demon.
    • Appearance is just as fluid, as they may change shape to appear more human, or in their full demonic glory as they see fit.
    • Abilities can vary, from casting about unholy curses, telekinesis, pain inducement, and darkness manipulation. Some are even capable of tearing holes in the fabric of reality, creating rifts and bringing more monsters up from hell.
    • Primarily weakened only by holy or demonic magics.
    • Capable of resisting extreme physical pain, though it doesn’t necessarily negate the damage.
    • Exorcism may cause them pain, but otherwise ineffective.
    • Exact methods of destruction may vary, but most can be killed by carving out the heart, or dismembering and then salting and burning the pieces.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Hellhounds [/div] Servants of demons, though for the most part only the red-eyes have the right to command them. With glowing red eyes and vicious teeth, they are used as hunting dogs for their masters. Their skin is constantly flaking from a heart that is perpetually on fire, and they leave ash and smoke in their wake.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    • Stronger and faster than humans, with sharp claws and vicious teeth. The constant burning of their heart ensures that they will often leave burns along with any other damage.
    • Once they latch onto their victim it’s a painful and difficult endeavor to try and detach their jaws.
    • They usually travel in packs, at the order of their demonic masters.
    • While they possess limited intelligence, they are skilled hunters, fully understanding how to trap and direct their prey.
    • Hell hounds can be put down in a multitude of ways, including shooting it in the head, decapitation, and if enough damage is taken, exsanguination.
    • However the only way to ensure it doesn’t rise again is by removing the heart completely and waiting until it turns black.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Beelzask [/div] Beelzasks are some of the worst monsters risen up from hell. Only a few red-eyed demons are given control of them, and some can’t be controlled at all. They are powerful and vicious, the kind spoken of in only in revelations and have never walked the earth before. Their only true desire is to destroy the world.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    • Faster than most, and incredibly strong, they are armed with rows of sharpened teeth and powerful jaws that could rend metal.
    • Retain a high level of intelligence. They are driven only by the basic desire to feed and destroy, but are capable of utilizing hunting strategies, like isolating the weak from the pack.
    • They can take on various appearances depending on the beast. Can walk on either two legs or down on all fours depending on the monster and range from 10 to 15 feet tall.
    • Physical damage will not cause them pain, however it can incapacitate them.
    • Piercing the heart or destroying the brain may likely put them down, if anyone is strong enough to accomplish it.
    • Pray.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Omnibus [/div] The Omnibus have existed mostly as an urban legend, folklore told about a tall, man made of bone who carves out hearts. With the advent of the end, these stories have only proven true. Appearing as tall, skeletons with fearsome horns in fine suits, carrying wicked knives used to cut out the hearts of their victims. Their faces are nothing but flat, smooth bone. No one really knows what they were before or who commands them. The only warning of their arrival is the deafening silence that precedes them.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    • While not stronger than humans, they are quicker and much more graceful. Their footsteps don’t make any sound and they can close short distances in the blink of an eye.
    • Wield bloody knives that still carry the blood of their last victim, their only apparent goal is to cut out the hearts of their intended and devour them.
    • Their presence causes complete silence, including the nullification of magic.
    • Magic is utterly ineffective against them, because it doesn’t function within their presence.
    • Physical damage will not cause them pain, however it can incapacitate them.
    • Destruction of the head is the most effective way to kill them, either by a bullet, stabbing, or otherwise smashing the skull.

    [div class=mainSubheader]
    [/div] Bell Witches are said to be the restless spirits of witches killed violently. Named after the first known haunting of John Bell Sr., these spirits usually target individuals they deem worthy of curse. The reasons vary, spanning from criminals to sinners to simply someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are spirits and can manifest however they want to be seen. They can appear in more than one place at a time and their hauntings usually start out with whispered insults and curses being thrown at their targeted victim, but escalate into pushing, scratching, and then more violent and brutal attacks until the individual they attach themselves to has perished.


    Intangibility, manifestation, telekinesis, mimicry, speech​


    Usually kept in the mortal plane by an unceremoniously buried corpse or an item stained with their blood, the Bell Witch can be cleansed by destroying the corpse or item, usually with fire, or exorcised back to a spiritual plane by witchcraft or divine means.​

    [div class=mainSubheader]
    [/div] Drawing sustenance from the breath of humans, a Boo Hag can instill paralysis in a person by meeting their gaze. They will often hunt sleeping individuals, climbing onto their chests and waking them to meet their gaze. They will suck the breath from someone’s lungs, often times killing the person through suffocation once it has had its fill. Skinless creatures, Boo Hags are red in color and only stand around three feet tall and may leave bloody footprints in its wake. Because of this, they will often steal the skin of their victims to wear for themselves, cutting it from their flesh while they are still alive.


    Gaze paralysis, breath draining, heightened agility, advanced cunning and trickery, human speech.​

    Traditional weapons do not work. Can be killed when it meets its own gaze, mirrors or other reflective objects will do.​

    [div class=mainSubheader]
    [/div] An Algonquian legend, Wendigo were once witches who were overtaken by a lust for greed and murder, and began to crave human flesh. Now monstrous cannibals, they feed and feed without ever satiating their hunger. They care only for feeding, and will hunt their prey mercilessly until they’re killed and devoured. They appear emaciated, bony and skeletal with graying skin, and the stench of death hanging over them. Their eyes are entirely black, sunken into the pits of their skull.


    Heightened, strength, speed and senses, with sharpened teeth. Too long in a wendigo’s presence may start to turn a victim into one.​


    Typical weapons have little affect on them. They can only be destroyed by fire.​

    [div class=mainSubheader]
    [/div] Withered and skeletal in stature, bogeymen were once people looking for immortality. They are soul eaters, usually preying on children or unfortunate people lured into their lairs. Through ritual and magic, they can consume the soul of a person to sustain their immortality, leaving shriveled husks in their wake. While bogeyman have different killing patterns, most are bloody and violent, drawing out the process in an effort to fulfill a sadistic desire that cannot be quenched.


    Soul consumption, heightened strength, human speech (usually ancient languages), fond of blades and ritualistic killing styles.​


    Decapitation or destruction of the brain are the only known methods.​

    [div class=mainSubheader]
    [/div] Somewhere between a tormented soul and a full blown demon, there are Shadow People. Shades of the underworld, they sometimes slip into our world to torment the living, jealous of the breath we still draw. Manifesting as shadows in the shape of human silhouettes, they can sometimes be seen with horns, wings, talons or other ghastly features. Their usual modus operandi is to attack while people are sleeping, climbing on their chests and holding them down, sometimes going so far as to choke or suffocate a person. In their more aggressive states, they will attempt to choke or tear a person apart.


    Movement through shadow, invisibility, shadow manipulation, intangibility.​


    While otherwise intangible, shadow people will form a solid mass when exposed to bright light and may be killed by usual means once solidified.​

    [div class=mainSubheader] Ghosts [/div] A Ghost is the spirit of a deceased person that, for some reason or another, was unable to pass on to the next life, or whose rest had been disturbed. Ghosts are neither good nor evil, as their behavior is ultimately dictated by who they were in life and how they died. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely: the mode of manifestation can range from an invisible presence to translucent or wispy shapes, to realistic, life-like visions.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    • Normally, a Ghost will start out confused and disoriented before realizing they are dead.
    • In some cases, the trauma of sudden death can be so great that a Ghost will think that they are still alive and continue in a routine from their lives, oblivious to the fact they are dead.
    • Ghosts are often bound to an object or a place, normally the building they died/lived in or the area where they died, as such their movements are restricted, but this isn't universal, and some very powerful ghosts can move over larger distances, but unless they can move what they're bound to, they can never be totally free.
    • Iron and salt keep ghosts at bay. Lining entrances and exits to doorway with either of these will sufficiently keep ghosts out of the room of choice.
    • To truly put a ghost to rest, their bones must be salted and burned.
    • In other cases, destroying the object the ghost haunts can also get rid of it. Helping them through their 'issues' or whatever keeps them clinging to the mortal plane is another method-- provided you can communicate with the spirit, or it wants to be communicated with.
    • Witch warding can keep ghosts at bay, or specific spells can banish them completely.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Amalgams [/div] When the bodies of revenants piled high and the putrid flesh decay and fester with the dead around it, they mended and gestated into a massive fleshbeast of hideous amalgamated reanimated bodies.
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    • Much stronger than revenants, rivaling lower class vampires.
    • No intelligence beyond simple actions of "hunting" and attacking
    • Rapid Decay, once all flesh gone it is truly dead.
    • Slow. Immense in size, slow in speed.
    • Resilient
    • Does not eat, it attempts to maim the corpses of its foes into its flesh.
    • Upon death, explodes if not burned.
    • Sunlight, same rules apply as revenants
    • Fire
    • Heavy and prone to traps
    • Unintelligent
    • Fire burns corpses and cauterizes disease spread.
    • Attacks everything, sees by vibrations felt around it; it doesn't have good sight so use it to your advantage

    Disclaimer: More Monsters to come as RP progresses

    [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Read carefully [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] The Last Judgement [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] your survival depends on it [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Humans [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    Fairly self explanatory, the 'regular' people who knew nothing of the preternatural and found themselves having to adjust to this new world. The lucky or unlucky ones found themselves gifted cursed really with abilities that turned them into Prophets, Blessed, or Afflicted.

    [div class=mainHeader] The Hunters [/div] They have been around for centuries, living within human society and yet keeping the secrets of their plight against the preternatural. The Order of Saint Michael was founded during the height of power in the Roman Empire. Ordained by the Pope, this small circle was believed to be the salvation of humanity against what was foretold in the book of Revelations. The members of this secret society were different, stronger, and more in tuned with their senses. It is said that the mark that they bare on their dominate hands are celestial writing, given to them at birth by their angelic parent. It is said that Armand du Richelieu, the man who founded The Order of Saint Michael, was the offspring of the Archangel Michael and a human woman making him the most powerful hunter in human history.

    As the centuries went by, the Order of Saint Michael became smaller and smaller. Yet their battle is never ending. It is not possible for an unmarked hunter to gain a mark, at least it is not possible as far as the Order is aware. However, they are willing to teach others the knowledge of how to kill the demons and monsters that plague the world.

    [div class=mainHeader] The Witches [/div]

    Witchcraft flourishes today just as it did in the Middle Ages, and many groups carry on the ancient ceremonies and beliefs. The "wiseman" and the "wisewoman" (the heads of the covens) are still revered and they are expected to care for and protect what remains. Witchcraft is still surrounded in mystery and feared by some, but witches are generally only provoked when the situation requires it. Rather than belonging to a coven or being part of a group, there are many witches who prefer to be alone. Covens generally have three to seven witches though there aren't very many of them anymore.

    Magic runs through families and takes practice and ritual in order to be fully mastered. A majority of witches have fought against the supernatural, however there are still a great many who have helped it gain a foothold on earth. All witches, no matter what branch of magic they practice, are capable of basic telekinesis without the aid of any rituals. The specialization of their magic is normally determined by how they were raised. Due to their connections with what many call 'the veil' -the realm of existence between our worlds- witches are substantially more prone to becoming possessed. This connection also allows some to hear the spirits of the dead or in very rare cases see a lesser demon's face through their host.

    [div class=mainHeader] The Prophets [/div]

    A small number of extraordinary humans, Prophets have been around for as long as humanity itself. Linked to divinity, they have been granted visions of both the future and past, without warning, and often without knowing which is which. These visions can manifest in different ways like dreams or sometimes more violently. Depending on the prophet these visions can play out in a more linear progression of events or manifest in quick flashes or impressions. Before the gates of hell opened they were often ostracized from society, deemed as insane, or using their gifts in different ways to benefit their communities.

    It is very rare for a Prophet not to be of human origin, however after the gates opened and their numbers increased there have been some exceptions to this rule. Afflicted or Blessed prophets happen more often than not and can become extremely dangerous if possessed.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Schools of magic [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Black magic + Voodoo [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Black Magic is associated with things that according to "civilized" people should not exist at all. It is an abomination rather than a part of the cycle of life and death. For some, merely to consider using Black Magic is to risk one's future existence. Evil is something that pollutes the mind, soul, and body to even learn about. This sort of magic moves the soul(s) away from enlightenment, even as knowledge is gained. It is magic that does harm or that influences or overrides the will of another regardless of methods, intention, or the end result. In some cases, particularly in tribal situations, evil is in the eye of the beholder. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Voodoo is a religion in which its adherents honor a family of Gods they call the loa who advise make direct contact with the participants after prayer, chants, sacrifices and ecstatic dance. The loa may choose to "ride" a participant, or possess them, at which time the loa may use the participant's voice to offer advice or lend their power. While divination, sympathetic magic, and charms do tend to go hand in hand with Voodoo, Voodoo is a religion first. Whether the spells used by Voodoo practitioners are harmful or helpful depend largely on the individual situation.
    • Agassu - A loa mason with hands like claws.
    • Agau - Makes earthquakes.
    • Agwe - A loa from the sea, who must be given wet towels, champagne, and other things to appease him.
    • Ayida - Goddess of the rainbow and wife of Dumballah. Her job is to hold up the earth.
    • Azacca - God of agriculture, of the country. He eats messily and likes to gossip. He will chase girls and considers children to be investments.
    • Chango - God of lightning. His favorite foods are apples, yams, corn, and peppers.
    • Congo Savanne - This loa eats people. He grinds them up like corn.
    • Dumballah - A father figure and the serpent god. He is generally benevolent but he does not communicate well as though he already expects us not to understand.
    • Erzulie - Loa of dreams, love, beauty. She is jealous, but also very refined. Wedded to Dumballah, Agwe, and Ogoun.
    • Ghede - Also known as Papa Ghede and Baron Samedhi he is the god of death and keeper of cemeteries. He is enamored of women. The people he possesses do not remember what they did or said afterwards. This may be for the best since Ghede has a crude sense of humor. However, he is also famous for protecting children.
    • Jean Petro - Leader of the evil loa, the petro and a symbol of rebellion and rage.
    • Legba - The old man who guards the crossroads. When he possesses some one that persons limbs are twisted and horrible to see. He enjoys corn, candy, and rum.
    • Loko - Guardian of sanctuaries. He appears in the form of a butterfly. Mambos and Houngans receive their knowledge from Loko
    • Marinette-Bwa-Chech or simply Marinette - A sworn servant of evil she is respected by werewolves who hold services in her honor. Those possessed by her confess to horrible crimes, hooking their hands into claws, screeching like an owl and scratching at the ground.
    • Obtala - A merciful spirit who rules over the clouds. He brings protection and peace. His favorite foods are black-eyed peas, pears, and coconuts.
    • Ogoun - A warrior, spirit of the sky. He is usually helpful and knows a lot of magic. Practitioners do a sword or machete dance to honor him.
    • Oshun - She rules over the rivers. Her favorite foods are pumpkin, cinnamin, oranges, and pastries.
    • Oya - The goddess of the winds of change. She rules over the marketplace. Her favorite foods are eggplant, plums, grapes, and red wine.
    • Ti-Jean-Petro - A dwarf with one foot. He assists in wickedness.
    • Yemaya - A lady dressed in blue who rules over the seas. She protects children. Her favorite foods are cornmeal, molasses, and watermelon.
    [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] White magic + Alchemy [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] White magic encompasses spells like healing spells, luck spells, or protective spells. Such spells are cast and used with a pure intention of doing good. White magic speaks of the witch as a person of high ethics and morals because they tend to use their abilities towards the good unlike many who resort to dark magic to cause harm and destruction. It is important to note that while this school is better at healing than any of the others they can only preform limited healing without an elaborate ritual. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Alchemy is not only about the transmutation of metals, but the shift in consciousness that returns the witch from the physical to the non-physical. In this way they are able to bend reality in minimal ways, constructing objects from seemingly nothing. A skilled alchemist can alter time and cast illusion like spells. Most witches who study alchemy are more into the science aspect of the art and can create different concoctions of potions with the correct ingredients. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Blood Magic + Necromancy [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Blood magic is not magic that involves killing people or animals in ritual sacrifice. Let’s just make that clear. We’re not talking about laying some innocent creature out on an altar or in the center of a pentagram and killing it, or wounding it some witches do sacrifices in their rituals but that's for extreme spells. Blood magic is the use of a few drops of blood during a spell or ritual—usually a witch's own blood, but if the spell is being casted for someone else they could use theirs. Those few drops can add power to a magical working in any number of ways. Blood is usually used to add an extra layer of oomph to a spell and as these spells can be connected to the life-force of the user it is one of the most powerful schools of magic. A skilled blood-mage does not necessarily need to preform a ritual. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Necromancy revolves around manipulating the dead, death, the death-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die though this is in very rare cases and would need to be extremely skilled. Necromancy is the most dangerous of all black arts this is due to the various risks the witch is exposed to when they summon the spirit or lesser demon. The spirit is made to make a trip, and they are not always happy. Not only that, but those who practice Necromancy are far more likely to become possessed. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Enchantment + Elemental Magic [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] The school of enchantment centers around a set of words, spoken or unspoken, which are considered by its user to invoke some magical effect. An incantation may take place during a ritual, either a hymn or prayer, and may invoke or praise a deity. In witchcraft it is used with the intention of casting a spell on an object or a person. Most enchanters place spells on objects like weapons that can either increase it's damage or add a sort of effect. This is the only branch that can be paired with any of the other schools of magic. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] The witch can create, shape and manipulate the basic elements of nature, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists. The four principal, basic elements are: air, water, fire, and earth. An adept elemental witch can control a single element without the need for a ritual but it is rare for a witch to have mastery over more than two elemental forces. Most basic spells in this school can be controlled at will however like all magic it comes at a price. [/div] [div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] The Last Judgement [Open]

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  • ━━━━━━━━━━━━
    Q: Do Hunters take apprentices or are they assigned apprentices of anyone who is interested in being a hunter? Is there some hierarchy within the hunters?

    The Order of Saint Michael is kind of like Congress. There are twelve of them, twelve families that rule the natural born hunters. The heads of the families sit on the council etc. Power passes down through the family line. Apprentices aren't really a thing unless approved by the order and they are able to choose their apprentices (as long as they are approved of course).

    Q:Is there anything more you can tell me about the Afflicted?
    The Afflicted are just humans who have suffered from corruption. Their souls are basically dammed and once their soul is completely corrupted they become a demon. How souls become corrupted is a little bit of a mystery, but some theories are prolonged exposure to demonic energy from the Hell Gate. The corruption is a slow, painful process that eats away at the very essence at a person. It has detrimental affects to their personality making them more impulsive and act on their baser natures. Depending on the human the whole transformation can take up to a year or more. If a witch becomes afflicted it will take up to three years and if a prophet became afflicted it could take anywhere from three weeks to three months. Prophets tend to die instead of becoming a demon, the reason for this is unknown.

    Q:Does anything really change when an afflicted becomes a red-eyed demon?
    The afflicted that become red-eyed demons lose most of their humanity. Whatever benevolent values they may have had are now gone and they change sides in a sense and only follow the orders of some unknown power (A being the humans know as Satan). They will no longer recognize the things that made them human, so I guess that means their soul pretty much dies.

    Q:Would blessed humans become angels?
    Much like the afflicted, blessed humans also suffer from corruption but it's from a more heavenly source. Once their souls have been completely overtaken, they do transform into an angel. However, a blessed human is much more of a rarity and no one really knows what happens to the survivors who have turned divine (reason being that no one has actually seen an angel).

    Q:Can Witches be blessed?
    Witches can become either blessed or afflicted, however due to their inherent natures it is much more likely for them to become afflicted. Even if their magic does not stem from the dark arts, their connection with the supernatural puts them at increased risk for not only possession but for corruption. Even though a divine blessing is rare, they have been known to happen.

    Q:What are Prophets?
    Prophets are mortal humans witches are a rare case and must be approved by me prior to application who have been gifted with divine insight, or so it is believed. They are akin to Oracles in Greek Myths where they can peer into the near future usually in the form of fragmented visions. These visions can come as dreams or be triggered by certain events. Usually this leads to mental instability and Prophets aren't always alright in the head.

    Q:Can prophets become blessed or afflicted?
    A:Yes, but it's very scary and I would not wish to run into one. Ever.

    Q:Can you explain the different powers with blessed and afflicted?
    Afflicted have darkness manipulation, pain inducement and suppression, or telekinesis. Pain inducement/suppression is the ability to cause harm to another creature by mental means, like jabbing a mental knife into a person's side; they will feel like they are being stabbed but there's no physical evidence. Suppression is the opposite and allows an afflicted to take away a person's pain, like making their nerves dull so they don't feel anything. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects...but with the mind. Darkness manipulation is the ability to command shadows, an afflicted could use darkness to blind their victim, bind their victim, or in rare cases become a shadow themselves and sort of vanish.

    Blessed manipulate a cleansing fire which is pretty much a focus of divine energy that burns away any demonic or 'unclean' essence from the inside out.
    Blessed also have the ability to heal, the further they are towards divine ascendance the stronger that ability is, and they are able to exorcise demons. They also are able to cure a vampire's thrall or infection (only before a person has turned into a Revenant and not after).

    Q:Are all witches born as witches, or can ordinary humans become witches post-apocalypse?

    All witches are born witches! While humans can become afflicted, blessed, or prophets post-apocalypse, (and in rare instances a hunter’s mark may have been triggered by the opening of the hell gate) witchcraft is solely hereditary.

    Q:What would throwing a bible into the face of a Revenant do? What would Bible bashing a Revenant do?

    I mean....it would only work if you have faith in the object though. If your character has no faith in God or some sort of higher power the holy object will be useless in their hands.

    code by spookie spookie
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    Pre-Apocalypse Info
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    Earth has always been a very complicated place and it will remain that way. Before the Hell Gates opened in 2066, America was a lot different than the wasteland of 2068. Cities flourished, the economy was thriving, and the world was at the height of a technological revolution. By 2030, the tech boom hit big producing everything from 3D televisions and smart mirrors to limited-cognition androids (who were more of a giant computer programmed barbie that cleaned things). Architecture and building remodels changed the appearance of cities like New York dramatically. Cars became self-drive-able, though folks in the city rarely had such liberties to employ the tech as they were mainly suited for the highways. Electric cars were popular, however many still clung to the gas powered vehicles of the past. Under President Jim McGee, America saw an increase in industrialization and trade.

    Tensions between Russia and China were rising by the late 2030s, beginning of 2040s, and most of the European Nations were concerned about a possible war (which would consequently drag the rest of them as well). In 2045, America adopted a more isolationist attitude with the inauguration of President Lin Miranda and decided that it would not involve itself with any European or Asian affairs. A policy, that although fairly popular, did not last very long. By 2048, North Korea and China allied and invaded South Korea setting off a chain of events that had America struggling to play the peace keeper while 'not getting involved'.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Drugs [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    Marijuana was legal in 48 of 50 states by the time 2038 rolled around, and weed was becoming a huge market. With the presence of magic, drugs were enhanced in various (mostly illegal) ways that gave people longer highs, 'more vibrant' highs. Hallucinogenics and club drugs were rampant especially in places like New York City or Chicago. A drug called Lyrium hit the streets in 2046 and quickly became a problem for police departments everywhere. It was highly addictive, magically enhanced, and was rather easy to take. It was said to be a "more addictive substance than opium" and the FDA placed it on the black list. However, despite the obscene health risks it continued to be used.

    For decades magic had been used to enhance pharmaceutical drugs and with the ruling of The State of Mississippi v. Margret J. Potts, alchemists were allowed to create and own shops that sold herbal tonics. A potion dubbed 'nico' was used to cure nicotine addiction and was one of the few main-stream potions to be sold in any pharmacy. The Big Tobacco Companies reinvented the way they made cigarettes, treating them with less chemicals and instead employed alchemists to create a "Safer Cigarette".

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainSubheader] Tech [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    Cars, appliances, and even clothing items have been connected to the internet and by 2030 access to the internet has become a basic right. Blockchain technology took off in the late 2020s causing money to be accessible through smartphones, the need for paper money almost completely] vanishing by 2060. The biggest innovation had to be in the field of medicine with the introduction of bio-mechanics. There were, however, some underlying issues that without constant updates could lead to catastrophic outcomes.
    Virtual Reality has been introduced to everything from entertainment to education. Partnered with the use of enchantments, technology had been able to do things many believed not to be possible. [div class=mainSubheader] Tech Con't [/div]

    This is the closest example I could find of what their technology would sort of look like in it's most basic form without the enhancement of enchantments. Most security wards were only for government buildings or for people who had a lot of money though. There were smaller protection glifs that someone would buy for their car or home but it wasn't as strong or as reliable. There were retinal identification chips that most citizens had implanted at birth. They are harmless to the user and after the hell gates opened were rendered obsolete with the scanning technology no longer working. However some private homes still require a retinal scan upon entry. These implants contained citizen IDs that could be linked to a residence, criminal record, etc.

    [div class="imageBorder"]

    [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Human rights extends to all of humanity [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] The Last Judgement [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] regardless of ability. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Septum [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    The Septum, the main religious order that branched from the Catholic church (the first main religion), originated as one of the many cults . Known as the Cult of the Sept, it was without central leadership and its followers were oppressed. In 2032, cult practitioners organized teachings into hymns, creating the Gospel of Liam (named after the Prophet who started the cult) and the cult popularity spread.
    The cult remained fragmented until it was formalized into the Septum by Liam Drakon, the first Prophet of the Sept, in 2033, the Septum was acknowledged as the national religion in some countries and was fervent in the belief of a deity who would deliver humankind from the clutches of evil.
    With so much influence over people, the Septum exerted considerable political pressure on the ruling classes. The Septum's faith is rooted in four core principles:
    • Magic is a corrupting influence in the world.
    • Humankind's sin of pride destroyed Heaven and created demons, the terrible embodiment of that sin.
    • Liam was the vessel of God, a prophet and martyr whose ultimate sacrifice must be remembered and honored.
    • Humankind has sinned and must seek penance to earn God's forgiveness. When all people unite to praise the God, he will return to the world and make it a paradise.

    [div class=mainHeader] The Cove [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]

    The Cove is the religion of Witches, though it is closer to a philosophy than a full-fledged religion. It governs every part of Witch-life, and even the governing structure is dictated by it. It gives every magic user a defined and fixed place in their society, either as a coven member (part of the body), a Shaman / Shamanka (part of the mind) or a High Priest/Priestess (part of the soul).
    Duty is paramount in Witch culture, and their society is seen as a living entity, whose well-being is the responsibility of all. Each person is like a drop of blood in the veins of the being, and they must not do what is best for them, but what is best for all. The Cove does not have a concept of personal identity. Whilst they posses names, they do not use them, resorting themselves to use titles rather than names to identify and present themselves. The names are in fact simply strings of genealogical information used only by the High Priest/Priestess for record-keeping. The corpse of a Witch is considered an insignificant husk that is no longer the individual that it once was and thus is afforded no special treatment, rather disposed of in whatever manner is most practical. Instead, an object which they used to perform their magic is collected, for example coven member's ritualistic objects are considered to be their "souls".

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Issues of magic [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div] [div class="mainText indent"] For the longest time magic has existed to serve man and never to rule over him. The Catholic Church toted that view for hundreds of years—ever since the first fallen angels whispered secrets about sorcery and witchcraft to the daughters of man they impregnated. Yet, despite the knowledge of magic and extortion of its powers having always existed beneath the thumb of the church, witches were still segregated and discriminated against. The Church and its people rode on the backs of magic for centuries, but never tolerated the open practice of it. Witches were documented and catalogued. Every birth, death and marriage was recorded in order to keep track of how many witches existed at a time. There were never any explicit population constraints, but the number of witches per city was often capped at two. Countries that were tolerant to religion and witchcraft still held vicious stigmas against witchcraft. Within the United States, the northern states were far more liberal in their views of witchcraft than the south. Witches were more likely to be employed and build a living on their own than existing solely under the thumb of a Priest or member of the Clergy in the south. For the longest time, life was bleak for those born with these special abilities. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] White Magic, Alchemy, Enchantment and Elemental Magic are the most widely accepted schools in culture and law. While these schools are regulated, there is significantly less stigma for these forms. These are the schools that many witches practice.
    Voodoo/Hoodoo magic has existed for far longer than the classic ‘witchcraft’ popularized in Western European traditions. It is regarded as perhaps an even more taboo form of magic, which might be heavily accented by racial origin bias as well as the linking and grounding of body and soul (something the Catholic church is fervently against in their holy transcendentalism). As well, the popular associations with Satanism and zombies do little to help the reputation. As with most forms of magic, the stigma and fear come from the pressure of power that these users have over common man.
    Black magic is shunned in more societies based on the notions of evil and darkness. The idea of a school of magic so powerful against the will of man is nearly inconceivable, and thus pushed to the farthest corners of thought. Heavy bans were placed on Black Magic.
    Blood magic and Necromancy are perhaps the most smothered and shunned forms of magic. Death, sacrifice and blood are heavily banned and restricted especially in the United States. There was little to no leniency for a user caught practicing Blood Magic or Necromancy. [/div] [div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] The Last Judgement [Open]

    [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div]
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    World Info
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--bgImgPosition: 100% 100%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgTwo] --bgImg: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b9/87/ce/b987ceb52001afc9d6297375d8a1ef52.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgThree] --bgImg: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/94/c8/9594c858449dc8b59f3a84bc38de387d.jpg); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] Notable Locations [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] NPCs [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter" style="padding: 2%; flex: 1 0 10%;"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] Villains [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] Death List [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainSubheader"] Newark [/div] [div class=mainText]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    Used to be one of the more populated cities in the state of New Jersey, Newark has become a ghost town. Not much is left besides decrepit buildings and revenants. The survivors who had made their homes here cleared out a year ago, most in haste and for reasons unknown other than the fact that Newark is rumored to be home to an Axeman. Those rumors though have no solid proof. Salvage level: low to nonexistent.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office and Police Academy [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    A very large police station in the heart of Monmouth County New Jersey. It's in fairly good condition, but the security wardings still remain active. In order to get in you would need a police officer or person of law enforcement to disengage the security parameters. Inside, the station is spacious complete with a gym, various office type spaces, a recreational room, a shooting range, and a database center. From the outside it seems like a great place to fortify and turn into a base of operations. But inside lies something darker and far more dangerous than what most people are prepared for...

    [div class="mainSubheader"] McGuire Air Force Base [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    When the military left, they abandoned every checkpoint and base on the east coast, the McGuire Air Force Base was no exception. Out of the abandoned remnants of the outpost, a colony of survivors claimed the base as their home. Run by Marcus LaVey, the colony has done it's best to thrive in this new post-apocalypse world. In total, there are around seventy survivors occupying the area heavily armed and heavily supplied.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Hampton Inn, Levittown New Jersey [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    A dilapidated hotel that has seen better days, it sits towards the outskirts of Levittown an area that is packed to the brim with revenants. Levittown doesn't have much in the way of salvage having been picked off by the raider groups said to live in the area.

    [div class="mainSubheader"] Philadelphia [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    A popular city before the opening of the Hell Gate, Philadelphia now sits in ruin. The city itself is coated in a black soot like substance that infects the lungs of any living, breathing, creature. It is highly contagious and leaves people with spore like things growing out of their skin. They are not monsters, just people who have been infected by the soot, pleading to be saved, while all uninfected have to avoid touching them.
    One must take good care of themselves in this city as creatures who thrive in night use the cover of the black ash to hunt foolish travelers and the infected lurk in every corner.

    Disclaimer: More Locations to come as RP progresses

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainSubheader] Marcus LaVey [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    [div class=mainText] The Leader of the Survivors at the McGuire Air Force Base

    Age: 39

    Class: Human

    Sexuality: Straight

    Bio: Unknown

    [div class=mainSubheader] Chantel Marks [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    Second in Command of the Survivors at the McGuire Air Force Base

    Age: 23

    Sexuality: Lesbian

    Class: Prophet

    Bio: unknown

    [div class=mainSubheader] Declan Wayne [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]
    The Handy Man

    Age: 30

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Class: Human

    Bio: Really just an average guy from New York thrust into an uncool world. He is a survivor at the McGuire Airforce base (presumably was stationed there when the world went to shit) and has been dubbed as the 'handy-man' fixing everything from broken lights to trucks.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Woofus [/div]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div]

    The Good Boy

    Age: around 1 or 2

    Owner: The Group Before that he was with Penny

    Bio: Unknown

    [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Read carefully [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] The Last Judgement [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] your survival depends on it [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] Castor King [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class=mainText] The leader of a very powerful coven of witches, his influence is known across the country as one of the more less reputable elders. Not many are lucky to leave his coven and survive, it's a widely known fact that King shows no mercy to those that betray him and will do anything in order to get what he wants.

    [div class=mainHeader] Baal [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    The First King of Hell, Baal stepped in almost as soon as Lucifer left. Believing that it was his duty to continue on with the work his creator left off of, he raised the Hell Gates and assumed command of all legions.

    [div class=mainHeader] Amon [/div] Not much is known about the secretive and mysterious Amon. He is in charge of creating hate and anger in a human's heart. Also, he is a Marquis of Hell who governs forty infernal legions. He appears sometimes as a wolf with a serpent's tail who can breathe fire, or as a man with a raven's head, sometimes depicted with canine teeth. He tells of all things past and future. He procures feuds, and reconciles controversies between friends and foes.

    When Lucifer disappeared he helped Baal secure his place in Hell as the new ruler and was instrumental in the opening of the Hell Gates.

    [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class=mainHeader] Selaphiel [/div]

    One of seven Archangels, Selaphiel became the ruler of Heaven for reasons unknown. He leads the main assault against the legions of Hell but not much is known beyond that.

    He has a human vessel, though no one has seen him on earth in centuries.

    [div class=mainHeader] Uriel [/div]

    Selaphiel's right hand man. Nothing else is known.

    Uriel has yet to procure a human vessel.

    [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Dead Characters [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class="imageBorder"][/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Oh, cruel fate... [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Terra - Death by Revenant; Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office and Police Academy
    Luiza - Torn apart by Revenants; Monmouth County Sheriff's Office and Police Academy
    Emma -Burned alive in the House of Horrors
    Ezra -Killed in the attack on the Hampton Inn
    Stella -Accidental death by defenestration on the 2nd floor of the Hampton Inn
    Wallce -Murdered by his own tripwire traps
    Kim -Killed by the Lich's armies of undead [/div]

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