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Fantasy The Last Heroes


oh yeah, mr. krabs
Character Sheet Signup!



Zodiac Sign:


Magic (light or dark):



Picture or detailed description:

History up till joining the war:


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns:

When you are finished, I'll give your char a check over and PM you with any questions. If you don't get a PM then you are good to go :D
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Age: 26

Zodiac Sign:Scorpio

Species: Dwarf

Magic (light or dark):Dark

Height:3ft 3in


Picture or detailed description:


History up till joining the war: Born in a poor life, her only options in life were servitude, cheap labor or crime. She picked the later, and became thief and burglar at a young age and build a fair life in that profession and known to have connections within the Almora thieves guild. However she was eventually caught by the local guard and was posed a choice either go to the dungeon or use her skills for the war effort. She picked the later again and despite initial issues served loyally and with distinction some as an operative in enemy territory. She was recovering from one such operation when the call came for elite troops.


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns: bisexual, female, female.
Name: Volot Vilakin

Age: 25

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Species: Human

Magic (light or dark): Light

Height: 1m 88cm

Weight: 81Kg


History up till joining the war: Volot was born in a small village on the outskirts of the Kingdom, in the lands, where the hand of the monarchy couldn't reach. Always ravaged by the bandits and creatures from the forest, villagers lived in perpetual fear, poverty and hunger. Living in such conditions, Volot sweared to use his marksman skills to cleanse the Kingdom from the criminals, be it noble or pauper, human or not. When he turned 18, he went to roam the lands, village after village, town after town, killing every evildoer by request of the people. His bodycount went on as he travelled further. However, his lynching spree was stopped by the actual Almonian autorities, who considered him a maniac in disguise and wanted to execute him. But because he was so popular among the people of Almonia, he was proclaimed as one of the elite warriors and was assigned on a quest to defeat the Omniscent One.

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Zodiac Sign:


Magic (light or dark):



Picture or detailed description:

History up till joining the war:

Gonna snag my thought while I think up someone cool.
Here is an NP that will be joining you guys for your quest!

Name: Silas Calamus

Age: 28

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Species: Elf

Magic (light or dark): Light

Height: 6"3

Weight: 180 lbs

Picture or detailed description:


History up till joining the war: Silas was born into a high class family of elf wizards. His father served on the Royal Council to the King. He was trained in light magic since birth and attended the elite Almoran Academy. He is regarded as a military genius by those in his class, but he has always been overshadowed by his brother, Erastus, who is a general in the army. Silas is haughty and angry and does not have many friends. People dislike him because he is a snob and is naturally cold. Now, pushed by his father and his family, he has joined the army to find honor and power.


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns: Asexual, male, he/him
Name: Ardred Indludr

Age: 30

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Species: Nightwraith

Magic (light or dark): Dark

Height: 6'0

Weight: 140 Kg

Picture or detailed description:


History up till joining the war: Formerly a human mercenary and third son of a minor noble house, he joined the "Howling Blades" mercenary company at the age of 17, in order to make a name for himself as he was too far away from the line of succession to inherit anything. After spending 10 years with the company, Ardred was able to raise to the rank of vice commander, however he was betrayed by the company and was brutally murdered after leading the company to victory. Unable to make peace with his death Ardred clings to life as a Nightwraith. Before his untimely death Ardred was an experienced fencer, and dabbled in Dark magic, his proficiency in said magic has only increased after his death. Currently he travels the world searching for his betrayers, who according to rumors have joined Omniscient One.


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns:

Asexual, male, he/him
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Name: Marcus Huckrulae

Age: 28

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Species: Human

Magic (light or dark): Dark

Height: 6ft 2in

Weight: 200 lbs.

Picture or detailed description: normal on left, armored on right

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-22_14-16-43.png.1d2c5fa03c1a268e697763d34630bcc3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-22_14-16-43.png.1d2c5fa03c1a268e697763d34630bcc3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-22_14-16-53.png.97de37a7e256ffe03c991b435e177b5a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-22_14-16-53.png.97de37a7e256ffe03c991b435e177b5a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History up till joining the war:

Marcus was born from a secret tryst between an earl and a mysterious gypsy who died shortly after his birth. Most of his life was relatively normal, for a young noble, until he discovered a hidden talent for dark magic. After discovering little information on this mysterious ability within his own territories Marcus yearned to understand more and began plotting to gain this knowledge. Using his position he gained training in the art of war and formed a company of knights meant to travel the kingdom and eliminate any dark mages who posed a threat to the land. Through this Marcus was able to travel the land without question as he gained gold, glory, and the knowledge of each dark magic user his group felled.

He has willingly chosen to join the fight against the Omniscient One to protect the land against this new threat and because he suspects there is further knowledge to be found there. He has received training in a vareity of weapons and regularly uses swords, but prefers polearms (spears and halberds specifically).


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns: Bisexual, Male, he/his/him



  • upload_2016-1-22_14-16-43.png
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  • upload_2016-1-22_14-16-53.png
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Name: Elkins Sahlk

Age: 157

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Species: elder sprite

Magic: light

Height: (as tree) 102 ft (as human) 3'0

Weight: 30kg (as human)

Looks: (I know makarov)


History: Elkins grew up in a large forest, until he became one of the elder Sprites. The elder sprites are sprites that are older and wiser. Many come to hear their stories and advice. But when all of the sprites in his area of the forest but him and a few others were destroyed in a crossfire, Elkins couldnt keep himself from involving. The only reason the enemy destroyed the forest was to clear room for another base camp. This infuriated Elkims and he joined the war Against the Omniscient One.
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Name: Argus Abelardus

Age: 37 (human years)

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Species: Ogre

Magic: Dark

Height: 7'7

Weight: 300 lb

Picture or detailed description:


History up till joining the war: Argus' parents were both workers in a small mining town, they dragged all the load, and even he was forced to work at a very early age. His life was filled with harshness and difficulties, he left the town when he grew up to the age of 20, leaving his parents behind, promising to come back once he established a career and name for himself.

Argus then joined this career as a freelancing mercenary, he would also often scour the lands and caverns to search for invaluable treasure, most of which he would donate to the needy. That's right, he was a mercenary and a treasure hunter, he would also help those in need, though he was often despised by lesser-acquainted people for his race, but he's not that lazy as most ogres tend to be and has a decent and noble heart, he would do this just because his conscience and mind told him to, and to earn a proper name and title for himself.

After the omniscient one's attack, he took up arms to join the fight and beat back the omniscient one, protect the kingdom and earn a proper title for himself.


OPTIONAL-- Sexuality, Gender, Pronouns:

  • Heterosexual
  • Male
  • He/His/Him
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