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Fantasy The Last Heroes


oh yeah, mr. krabs
The city was bustling with the influx of troops. Creatures from all corners of the Kingdom were gathered here today, each with a single purpose in mind: to join together and wage war against the most brutal enemy they would ever witness. The city of Cillis, City of Golden Light, surrounded by its huge walls made of gleaming stone which reflected off the afternoon light, was in lockdown. Most of the peasants and wealthy folk had fled for greener pastures leaving the city a haven for the hapless.

In the High Tower, home of the King and the Royal Family, now since evacuated, Silas looked out upon his city. It was a shadow of its former self, a ghost. In only a couple of hours, he would go with his father and brother and confront the recruits that had been brought in from Gods know where. He scoffed. The army was desperate, calling in hicks and ogres. His upper lip curdled into a sneer as he turned away from the balcony and back towards the large golden chamber that was the Military Briefing Room.

The meeting had concluded almost a half an hour ago and everyone left. Except for him. Well, he couldn't care less. It wouldn't even matter anyways. He sat down on a gilded backed chair and stuck his boots on the polished mahogany table. Letting his mind wander, he was suddenly jolted out of his reverie by his brother, Erastus.

"I knew I'd find you here," his brother smirked and Silas rolled his eyes. "It's time. Father wants us to report to the hall to greet the troops. You will be assigned to a battalion, just like the rest of them, Silas. Don't let your ego get in the way, little brother."

Silas huffed and crossed his arms. Whatever, he didn't care what Erastus thought, anyways.

It was time.

@Trickster314 @OdysseyImperfect @Shiki Kenju @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

(@Amaranthium Are you still interested? We have plenty more room if you wish to complete your character :D )
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A tall thin figure covered in a tattered black robe wandered the streets and alleys below the High Tower. Ardred Indludr had arrived in the city of Cillis just before it had entered lock down and was now trapped in the city. He was drawn here in the hopes that one of the creatures gathering in the city may know the whereabouts of the Howling Blade mercenary band. However being a Nightwraith was not helpful to his information collecting, as most people were instinctively uneasy due to the aura of black magic surrounding him.

The city itself had a abandoned air about it, a change from what was once a shining example of the power and might of the Kingdom. A city once filled with crowds and life was reduced to a shadow of its former self, the streets were filled with mercenaries and recruits. There was also a tension in the air, as if violence could erupt at any moment. It was to be expected of course, contrary to popular belief the army was not a unified front, as there were simply too many different races present and old grudges still lingered between them.

Of course little of this concerned Ardred, he wasn't here to join the war after all. He was just looking for possible leads on the whereabouts of his query. Some would have called him a traitor or coward for this, but Ardred had never truly considered himself as a "loyal" subject of the realm. As a mencenery he worked for whomever paid, and he was almost universally shunned as a Nightwraith.

But he was getting desperate, he had searched for years and at this point he would willing to give up almost anything for a chance at his revenge.
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Marcus had arrived in Cillis long before the city had gone into lockdown and had spent most of his morning sitting at one of the many courtyards, but he'd steadily grown more impatient as hundreds of other recruits passed by on the streets. He'd already dressed in his armor aside from a pair of gauntlets and helmet which were still inside a pack lying at Marcus' feet alongside his halberd. Reaching into his pack he drew out the letter which had summoned him to the City of Golden Light again, reading it for the twelfth time that day, before folding it up. "I knew the elves were famed for their longevity, but surely they don't expect me to wait an eternity for them to arrive." he thought as he placed the letter back into the side of his pack. Finally growing tired of waiting at his perch Marcus slung the pack over his shoulder and picked up the halberd, resolving to find at least his new commander before he died of old age, before he began moving through the crowded streets towards the High Tower.
As the city was shaken by the arrival of the soldiers and evacuation of civilians, the dungeons of Cillis, where the criminals waited for their demise, were as silent as ever. There was something about these walls that dispirited even the most unruly folk. In one of the cells, a famous vigilante, master of crossbow, armor-clad marksman Volot Vilakin... was just staring inanely into the wall. None of the titles, given him by the people all over the Kingdom, saved him from imprisonment for murdering a noble member of the thieves' Guild. The judge stacked up all his previous

"deeds", and now he is here, rotting alive behind the bars.

He heard footsteps. Guards.

- Get up, scum. Time to pay for your crimes.

They grabbed Volot, pushed him in the corridor and ordered to move forward. They walked to the exit, passing empty cages, cells, various torture machines and devices. Stopping near the armory, they given back Volot's armor. For what? He thought that he is going to be executed? Finally, they reached the exit and Volot saw the light.

In his armor, but in manacles, still accompanied by the guards, Volot walked through the city towards the High Tower. It looks like his execution is postponed.
The town once a bustling with activity and the centre of culture and business in the land was deathly silent. Even the underworld lacked any activity most of the guilts gang were leaving in droves in search for greener pastures. Some even tried their luck establishing themselves at Kyor unbeknownst that the Omniscient one isnt as willing to be corrupted like officials here. Good radiance, Morrigan thought as she climbed the tower to get the meeting in the military room.

Her climbing skills werent as good as it used to be, she still hadnt healed from her undercover operation in Kyor. The Omniscient one was a harsh host. Still she had to practice and she always liked making an unexpected entrances. Coming from seemingly out and leaving in such took effort. She finally made it to the top and sat on the balcony.

"Good afternoon, boss."She called out.
Silas was about to leave the meeting room when a figure almost appeared out of nowhere. He was caught unaware and he jumped a little bit, but Erastus was calm as ever, almost as if he was expecting this unforeseen visitor to show up at the balcony. She looked like she had been through something tough and clean freak inside him squirmed with disgust. But Erastus approached her and even reached out a hand to shake hers.

"Morrigan," he said. "I hope you journey has been... propitious. Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Erastus Calamus, General in the King's Army and son of Valor Calamus. This is my brother, Silas." He made a little "swish" motion with his hand and Silas huffed quietly. "We should be going to the Great Hall, to greet the troops and then you can inform the other Generals of your mission."

He goes to the door and opens it. Silas curls his lip at him and saunters out. What a showoff. He heads down to the Great Hall and as he approaches he can hear the uproar of thousands of creatures, human and not, gathered in there. He straightens out his robes and puts on his sternest face. Entering the Great Hall, he found it rife with commotion. There were everythings everywhere!

He tried to sit down near the front of the room. There he saw Erastus sitting on the platform above with the other Generals and his father, the Secretary of War to the King. His father stands up and steeples his fingers, a sign of peace among elves.

"Good afternoon brave and loyal soldiers," he begins. "Thank you for your commitment to our nation and your courage to go against the Omniscient One. Our nation has a turbulent history, one with wars and conflict at every corner. We have been in the midst of destruction and emerged from the rubble stronger than ever...

In this war, we are at a breaking point. That is why we have called you here, all those who could serve to defend your country and your King. We are surrounded by the annihilation of our armies, but now, like all the other times in the past, we will emerge victorious!"

Silas rolled his eyes at the speech, but the crowd was loving it.

"Now, as for the realities of war. We will move out a week from now. And from there we will split up into battalions and regiments to confront the enemy and push Her back and destroy her. While we move, you will be trained and get to know your comrades in arms. After this, you will report to the barracks where you will be assigned a dormitory. Then, for a week under the auspices of the Cillian government, you may prepare yourself for the march. On this day, next week, we depart for victory. You are now dismissed."

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Shiki Kenju @OdysseyImperfect @Trickster314
"Propitious? Your not going to impress me with fancy talk I am no noble girl to charm, Genera, so unless this how you talk it is necessary. But anyways it was OK, mostly recovering."She said giving him and the other a probing look before following them to the great hall, standing half the height of the two other men but walking like he was taller than them. She listened to the Secretary''s speech and shook her head disapprovingly." He sends mend of with platitudes while he stays her lives in comfort. Nothing on the how to do it just do it."
Noting the uneasiness and excitement in the air, Marcus moved along with the crowd at a snail's pace as a throng of recruits were ushered through the streets and towards the barracks. Just as he was about to pass through the threshold out of the High Tower courtyard a sweaty guard yelled at him to move aside. Before Marcus could remind this dullard about minding their manners when addressing their betters his gaze was drawn to the man the guards were escorting. "Well this is an unexpected surprise. Volot Vilakin, the infamous crossbowman, I'd meant to recruit you under more favorable circumstances but I suppose now will have to do." Marcus thought as his expression turned into a slight smirk "With the city in lockdown I'm surprised you can really afford to block up a lane like this. Surely this is a rather excessive escort for one person, especially when he's unarmed. It looks like he's a recruit so how about I take him where he's headed and you can get to work elsewhere." he said before the guard began to protest. Before the man was able to finish his first sentence Marcus shook the man's hand, palming him two gold pieces, as he said "I am Marcus Huckrulae of the Huckrulae barony and I believe they were looking for some help at the Southern gate." in the same tone of voice he normally used when giving orders.
Well, it seems that he wasn't completely forgotten, after all. An armoured man, clearly of royal descendance, approached his convoyers, and, after a short talk, the guard put a key in Volot's pants pocket and walked away with his comrade like nothing even happened. Noticing guard's smug smile and a glimmer of gold in his palm, Volot realised, why he was released so quickly. Spitting on a ground, he said with disgust:

- Scumbag. I spent five years of my life doing their job outside the capital, wondering, what the actual lawmen are up to. Now I see...

He looked at the man, who just freed him, experiencing somewhat mixed feelings. Of course, he just blatantly bribed the guard, and the fact was insufferable for Volot's standards. But then again, he just basically bought him freedom... "I guess the things aren't that simple now. He is my savior and I should show some respect" - thought Volot. He bowed to the man in the armor and said:

- Thank you for freeing me from my escort. I am in your debt. Now...

Volot got the key out of the pocket and removed his shakles. They fell loudly on the ground. Volot extended his arm for a handshake, while looking at the man's eyes, figuring out whether or not he could be trusted.

- My name is Volot Vilakin, at your service. You probably know who I am already, already spending gold to get me out of trouble. Marcus Huckrulae, am I correct? If we are both recruits in the upcoming war, you want me to follow you to the High Tower, I reckon. Let's get going, then, and you'll tell me why you did what you did.
Shaking Volot's hand, Marcus chuckled a bit before saying "You are correct on all accounts, though I'm mildly surprised you haven't heard of me. Before I traveled here, I led a company of knights who defended the land against a number of threats, especially those of involving dark magic. Perhaps you've heard some rumors of such a group on your travels?" as he began walking towards the barracks. Shrugging briefly he continued "Regardless, reports of your deeds have left quite an impression and I'd aimed to recruit you before this business with the Omniscient One sprung up. Since my knights have returned to their homelands I find myself with very few allies in this city, and with trials ahead, I could scarcely afford to let a talent like yours slip by. If you choose to work for me, I believe we both stand to gain from the arrangement. What do you say?"
The barracks were teeming with people. Silas pushed his way through the crowd to the large bulletin on the far east wall that listed the names of the battalions. Silas didn't care which battalion he was in, as long as he would be able to show how powerful he was. There was a throng around the board and Silas elbowed his way in until he could see the names listed. Searching around for his name, he found it in the lower right. Company Astus, Regiment 200. Headed by Captain Mars. He had no idea who that was. He searched for more names below that. There were about 80 people in total... Hm... Morrigan, he remembered her from the High Tower, Volot Vilakin, Ardred Indludr and Marcus Huckrulae, Elkins Sahlk, Argus Abelardus... He didn't know who those were. Oh well. He'd probably get acquainted with them later. Right now, he was off to explore the streets of Cillis and do some reconnaissance.

@OdysseyImperfect @Shiki Kenju @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Trickster314 @Whale @Elephantom
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Elkins Sahlk sat on a part of grass he found his eyes closed. Looking peacefull on the outside, he breathed deeply and rhythmicly. But in his mind, over and over again, was the attack on his home. He observed every part, every person. How the attack was organized. Even though the Omniscient One only needed it for a new camp, he attacked with a large ammount of men, meaning that he knew there was a sprite villiage there. It angered Elkins as he thought of it but quickly calmed himself. 'You can help defeat him, then your families souls may be at rest.' his mimd whispered to himself as he memorized their formations on the battle, from what he could remember, which happened to be a lot. Elkins tried to ignore the screams of the young sprites in his mind, but it failed. His fists clenched but again he regulated his breathing and continued on. The Omnicient One is a smart stratagist, but not good enough.
After wandering around the back alleys of the town Ardred managed to reach the main streets. He knew that there was to be a crusade soon, and hoped that maybe one of the soldiers gathered there knew the whereabouts of his quarry.

However as he was a Nightwraith, a species not exactly welcomed in the "civilized" cities, he couldn't really just openly without persecution. Of course he could defeat quite a number of guards with little difficulty, but eventually he would be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers drawn in by the coming war. So after a moments consideration Ardred decided to cast a illusion over himself with dark magic and entered the streets in hopes of picking up a few pieces of information while remaining anonymous.

Now while the magic wasn't overly powerful it would serve to conceal his presence so long as he didn't run into someone wielding strong light magic. Those who do would feel a strong unsettling presence. But what were the chances of something like that even happening? The elves were normally too arrogant to mingle with the common folk and strong magic users were rare.

@OdysseyImperfect @Shiki Kenju @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Trickster314 @Whale@Elephantom
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