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Fantasy The Last Flicker -OOC-

I would say I'm hyped, but I'm all out of hype juice since I've spent it all on SMTIV Apocalypse. I've been wrung so dry of hype that I feel nothing right now. Still, I can't wait for the RP to start.
Yays ^^ don't worry, I think it will be good.

Also, I need opinions on this small thing I am thinking of adding to the lore section:

  • Vessels sometimes carry similiars to the Mystics or Curses they are.

An example would be:

Rosangela would have the same eye color, skin color and body type as Atlantia.

Basically, think Yugi from Yugioh.
@EuclidAmarokWhat about me being a Mystic and a Curse! That's even more confusing, I imagine since curses are the guardians of mystics you would be enraged.

Also I'm guessing either @Andraus want's to take us all to the nexus or turn back time, If I'm right it was made kind'a obvious by the bio, sounds cool to me...my character, not so much.
Also sorry for double posting, (I love messing with people's time zones, XD) @Cheshire Grin I mean it already says "The Curses and Mystics sometimes alter the human they chose slightly in order to make it a bit more comfortable for them and easier for the human to use their powers" so yeah, it's like the most minute change ever.
@dragonsfire my character is looking for a way to reverse time. Malicus brought him to this periid because he needed time to properly train him, hence why to many he seemed to have abandon the other myths. He has no idea what the other myths and curses has gone through.

Meanwhile my guy sees this world as 'what could' be. He believes, if he goes back to his time period with the knowledge he has now, he can stop it from happening, and go back to his original plan: rule like a king in his period. In helping the myths and curses, hes helping himself. Dont mistake his motives for altruism though, he is entirely self serving
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@AndrausWow, didn't expect for the much of a spoiler, but that seems interesting...adding that in with my mystic-curse being supposedly pessimistic may be interesting.
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@dragonsfire Yeah, my guy would bluntly agree that this world is hell, but also state its not his problem. 

Wrong, he is xD
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@Cheshire Grin are the myths capable of communicating among themselves without the need of talking through uhh their human hosts? Are they aware when a myth chooses a new host? And do curses feel a special connection towards the myth that created them?

Also: I finally have my internet back! Yay !
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@CheshireGrin are the myths capable of communicating among themselves without the need of talking through uhh their human hosts? Are they aware when a myth chooses a new host? And do curses feel a special connection towards the myth that created them?

Also: I finally have my internet back! Yay !

This question can completely rework my bio and plans for my character XD, but hey a little change wouldn't hurt, also here you go.@Cheshire Grin 
Yay for internet ^^ but mine is still off XDD



They are able to. However, if the Chosen Human hasn't awoken yet, they won't be able to speak to the Mystic until then. However, they will get a sense of familiarity around the Vessel. Hopefully, this answers your question~ Now I need to do some internal raging since the lore section isn't letting post at the moment~
Yay for internet ^^ but mine is still off XDD



They are able to. However, if the Chosen Human hasn't awoken yet, they won't be able to speak to the Mystic until then. However, they will get a sense of familiarity around the Vessel. Hopefully, this answers your question~ Now I need to do some internal raging since the lore section isn't letting post at the moment~

totally does. Thank you
"dear diary. Today I have learned that my phone can neither correctly color texts nor execute the @ command."


I'll fix the coloring tomorrow when I get back on my PC.

I find success using the tagging feature by posting, then editing the post. And you pretty much can't move the cursor once you select a color, otherwise it loses it. And highlighting to change style or color doesn't work either. Makes me wonder I decided to post twice from a phone today...

I find success using the tagging feature by posting, then editing the post. And you pretty much can't move the cursor once you select a color, otherwise it loses it. And highlighting to change style or color doesn't work either. Makes me wonder I decided to post twice from a phone today...

nope it still deselects everything the moment I hit the color button and ONLY the color button. (bold and everything else works perfectly)

well thanks for trying to help anyways.

Love the character for Alexia~

Just don't know if carry the box around is a good idea since, well, I'm sure the box is heavy XDD also, is that the original Pandora's Box or is that a sort of channel to the original one?


If you don't know, when I like your characters, they are accepted ^^ welcome to the Last Flicker~ post whenever~
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Yay I hope you like Tidus, I thought for a long while about what to make him and I think he's one of my best. ^.^
I like him as a character~ ^^ very nice. 

Now, I do need to say not accepting new Mystics and Curses until the ones who aren't taken are~
@Cheshire Grin

I guess she normally has it in hardened clay form? I don't know, there's an argument in mythology on what the Pandora's box was made of, so I just chose from the most popular three, and those sins or bad deeds are just one's I assumed would work. Also thanks, I'm surprised it turned out well, her character took about 35 minutes, max.
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You are very welcome~ ^^ 

but still, if I may, try to refrain from using the actual Pandora's Box, mainly because it has to be hidden until they go and find it. Don't worry, I'm not mad, like I said, I like the character~ ^3^
Y...Y...You just made me faint... I just saw the new lore section, it looks AWESOME. (I'm jealous that you were able to find those pictures, I'm all picky)
Still trying to find a good picture for Beathan... sorry it's taking so long, not finding much close to what i have in my head, and I can be kinda picky with this sort of thing ^_^'
Thanks! I'll definitely mess around with these and see how close i can get :)

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