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Colosseum The Last Crusade

Jack Lick

Soldier of Fortune
Character Creation: Your character must have a bio containing his name, faction, name of battleship, description of battleship, and at least two sentences of what makes him/her what they are now. You have 20 pts. to distribute between 4 stats:

Engines: determine how fast, maneuverable you are.

Armor: determines how many hits you can take, and how strong your anti-weapon systems are.

Processors: determines how easily you can search out the enemy, or hide from them, if need be.

Weapons: determines how dangerous you are. Enough said.

Your starts start at zero, and cannot become negative. No character must have a stat at 0, or 20 (and higher), in the beginning.

You have three factions to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

War-born: Made in the ending days of the Empire of Terra, you are a machine made to fight for mankind. Though most of your knowledge had been corrupted, destroyed or forgotten, you still retain much of yourself, dedicated to fighting your long war, though you are not unscathed.

+3 to any stat

-3 to any stat

Imperial Navy: You remember so little, what you know has been passed down to you by your father, from his father, and so on. You might barely understand the workings of the ship you call home, you still wield one of the machines that fought in times of war.

+2 to Weapons or Processors

+1 to any stat

-1 to any stat

Freelancer: You live by yourself. Through deals, betrayals and risky situations, you have managed to obtain yourself a ship. And now, a message graces your screen...

+X to any stat (X is any number.)

-Y to any stat (Y is X cut in half, rounded down.)

Additionally, you may pitch a concept to me, and I might accept it.
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Name: Ariel Lund

Faction: Freelancer

Battleship name: Majestic

Battleship: I felt it would be better to use a photo, It's really hard to describe that


: 13 (+8)

Armor: 2 (-4)

Processors: 5

Weapons: 4

Bio: Ariel was born on planet consumed by war, she barely escaped in a cargo ship after fixing it from the scrap of fallen AI. She then worked incredibly hard to hone her skills on a different ship, killed everyone when she was ready to control it on her own, and is now captain for at least 6 years to current date
Name: Kalo Valden

Faction: Freelancer

Battleship Name: Tigress



Engines: 7

Armor: 2 (7 -5)

Processors: 3

Weapons: 12 (2+10)

Bio: Kalo has grown up in the backwater systems in the outer rims of several galaxies, living with his bounty hunting dad. He learned the trade from his dad, and his skills have been sharpened by the constant pirate attacks and alien encounters. He makes few central system trips, only to pick up bounties or upgrade his ship. The ship was his father's before he was shot down by the people who hired him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-28_8-51-33.jpeg.0abae052de9c2948eaf0f6249a76a7bb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-28_8-51-33.jpeg.0abae052de9c2948eaf0f6249a76a7bb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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