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Colosseum The Last Crusade

In terms of character creation, would it be possible for us to have a Science stat, related to what sorts of technology the ship may be equipped with?
I'm thinking of joining, I have a few things to suggest / ask:

The Imperial Navy have a net stat buff of +2. They could, if they want, have the exact same basic buff as Warborn, except with 2 fewer debuff points. The Warborn and the freelancers both have a net stat buff of 0, but freelancers could run into the problem of hyperspecialisation. That is, in certain rolls they will almost always beat others, but in some they will almost certainly lose, and it's simply a problematic, risky, and less fun way to play.

Another thing, this time a question: How do combat calculations work, exactly? I've fallen in love with a system of (processors*d10) vs. (engines*d10) or equivalent and a similar model for damage, you may be using / want to use that.

Final thing is armour. This REALLY needs clarifying. Does every ship have the same number of hitpoints, or are hitpoints calculated using armour as well as it being used to determine how much damage is actually done?
I'm still watching this, actually. I'm actively trying to sort out a few creases in the rules, so don't worry about a dead quest. If any would like clarification of rules, omissions, fixes, etc. Just talk here. I'll address them the best I can.

I also don't know how to roll dice. How do I roll dice?
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