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Colosseum The Last Crusade

Jack Lick

Soldier of Fortune
The Last Crusade is a story about the remnants of mankind fighting a long-lost war against advanced battleships crewed by super-intelligent A.I. The memories of the past are gone, at best fragmented and incomplete. In this setting, you shall strive to bring an end.

Who are you?

The unlucky few who did not die quickly. The Imperial Majesty's Fleet is but a faint memory, few ships still carry its insignia and remember their purpose. And mankind is not alone. Their half-mad creations, the War-born, still prowl on the edges of space, their minds warped by the vastness of space and time. What's left of humanity moves quickly, wary of the spaces between known space and other galaxies. Even rarer, are the few who have managed to set up their own little fiefdoms, who still managed to hold on to their outdated star-charts and enough arable land to eke out a living. You are one of the remaining legacies of the Empire.

What are you going to do?

You will fight. As of now, mankind is scattered. But through miracles, you were at the edges of Imperial territory before the Fall. As the years passed through, your weapons have dulled, but your hate remains strong. You were the pride of mankind. You will see to that, one day.
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