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Fantasy The Labyrinth

Ruler Of The Maniae


Years before Theseus came to slay the minotaur, seven girls and seven boys were sent to the labyrinth, a giant maze built by Daedalus, underneath Crete, to be meals to the minotaur. This is the sixth time it has happened, and not one person escaped.

Because they can't.

You are one of these people, sent to be fed to the creature of the maze. Trying to escape the labyrinth, to stay alive while the minotaur hunts you and all the others down.

Good Luck!

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7 girls and 7 boys are led at spearpoint to a dark underground maze. They are tossed in, the entrance closing behind them. One by one, torches light up, illuminating the maze so everything was visible. A roar shook the walls, making everyone jump. This is the Labyrinth, your new home until you break free. Nobody knows the way out, for the walls are always changing.

@Capricornus @AtlasTheShapeless @Queen of Fantasy @Lorkhan @KristineluvsCookies

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"What the f#ck?" Hircine said to himself, as he look around at the people around him,. "Wait, what is this place?"


(Sorry for the basic headstart, Im just too bored to think about something.)
Alcestis moved to one of the walls and brushed her finger against the dusty stone. "Does anybody know what's in here?" she asked. "One of the guards was talking about it. Anyone catch exactly what he said?" She looked at everyone, then down the long hall. It was the only one, and Alce's burning curiosity urged her to explore. But she didn't. Her father had been forced to come here, and he didn't come back. She didn't want to be lost in here forever. She wanted to escape and lead a full life. She looked back at the group. "Well?"
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"Probably," said Alcie. She turned towards the hall again. "I want to explore. I probably won't come back, so bye," she announced. Then she turned around and started down the hallway. Taking in every detail of the stones and the architecture, Alce made sure that if she ever got out, she would build something strong and beautiful like the maze. Even though the place was scary, the designs on the walls were gorgeous. They showed the past of Greece, everything that had happened before the labyrinth was built. How did he know about all this? thought Alcestis.
Lysandros raised his head at the loud slam of the gate behind them. He could hear his captors place the iron bars on the door from the other side, effectively trapping the group inside the labyrinth. The torches on the side of the walls illuminated themselves. The path ahead of him went straight for about four fathoms, then diverged into a multitude of different routes. Lysandros stared forward. The Minotaur could be hiding down one of those paths, waiting to receive his prey. It gave Lysandros a shiver just by thinking about it. There came a sharp ringing sound as Lysandros drew his blade. It was a bronze xiphos, just about one cubit long in his hand. He aimed his sword in front of him with an arm that trembled ever so slightly. He hesitantly walked down the grass-paved path, wary of what may lie behind each corner.
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Lilly almost screamed. She was just thrown into a maze like thing and she knows none of these people! She hit a wall and then held her hand in pain. "Rock walls" Lilly whispered as her knuckle started to bleed. She continued to hold her bleeding knuckle in pain as she followed the only other girl she could see.
Bethney stood up, and brushed e dust off her. She shivered at the terrifying roar. "I'm not sure where this is..." She muttered quietly. "Let's just hope nothing bad happens..." She quietly says, staying close to the rest.

Abby slowly stood up and looked around. She saw a few more people who looked just as confused as her. "Where are we?" She saw that some were already parting into the maze and so she followed them.

It wasn't long until she had already lost herself in that giant maze.


Jack looked around. "Ly? Are you also here?", he shouted. He was thrown in here with his twin sister, but couldn't yet find her. "
Shit...", he thought to himself. He was worried about his sister and wanted to part into the maze to find her.


Lyane sighed. She grabbed his brother by his shoulder. "I'm right behind you... And don't scream like that."

Unlike her, her brother was sometimes pretty blunt and...
stupid. "And why would I part alone? That would probably be my death.", she sighed again. "Stupid..."

She looked around, analyzing the walls and the maze in which they were stuck. "Well, staying here won't help us", she says as she takes one torch off the wall. "We'd better get going.", she says, leading the way, her brother following her.
Abby looked around. "Huh?" She looked at Hircine. "Did you just call me?" She had seen this hooded boy before, but never without the hood.

"Let me guess", she said, "you're also trapped in this maze?"

Bethney followed everyone else, and cowered. "Does anyone have any information about this place? D-did anyone hear anything from those men who threw us in? Anything?" She asked, staying close behind, hugging herself.

She looked at Hircine, rather surprised.

"W-well yes, I am a Lutece... How did you know?.. And what do you mean by 'I think I know you'?"

Abby was pretty sure she had never seen him outside of this maze.



She just noticed that someone was following them. She sighed again.

"No, we don't... Don't you think we'd be outside of this maze by now if we knew anything about it?", she responded in a rather harsh and cold tone.


Jack glared at his own sister and turned to Bethney.

"Just try to ignore her okay? She's rather... mean, let's say it like that." He said with a warm smile, trying to comfort her somehow.

@Queen of Fantasy
Bethney sighed. "S-sorry..." She stuttered at Lyane's reply, then smiled at Jack's comforted words. "Thank you..." she muttered, walking beside them. "I'm Bethney." She said, rubbing her shoulder, still bruised from her being thrown in.

She wasn't sure what he was talking about, but there were actually many secrets in her family that she didn't know about.

"Curious?", she asked, kind of concerned that his smile faded abruptly.



"Nice to meet you Bethney. My name's Jack, and this
lovely person", he said pointing at her sister, "is Ly, short for Lyane.

I see, you've been hurt when you were thrown in here?" He asked while rummaging in his pockets. He took out a small band-aid and handed it to her.

"I hope this helps.", he said, again with a smile on his face.

@Queen of Fantasy
Capricornus said:
She wasn't sure what he was talking about, but there were actually many secrets in her family that she didn't know about.

"Curious?", she asked, kind of concerned that his smile faded abruptly.



"Nice to meet you Bethney. My name's Jack, and this
lovely person", he said pointing at her sister, "is Ly, short for Lyane.

I see, you've been hurt when you were thrown in here?" He asked while rummaging in his pockets. He took out a small band-aid and handed it to her.

"I hope this helps.", he said, again with a smile on his face.

@Queen of Fantasy
Bethney took the bandage, and gave a kind grin. "Thank you. It's a pleasure, though it would have been better if we met somewhere, more... Well not dangerous." She said with a small, giggled. She placed the bandage on her shoulder, and winced.

She was still kind of concerned but tried to ignore it. "Abby Lutece, nice to meet you. If there's anything you need to know, feel free to ask."



Lyane sighed, she was annoyed by the chatter going on behind her back. She turned around.

"Could you both
please be quiet? I can't concentrate like this...", she asked them, in her voice a hint of anger and sarcasm.

@Queen of Fantasy
Bethney, bit her lip and rubbed her shoulder again, remaining quiet.

"Sorry..." She muttered. She continued to walk with them, until she felt a rumble, like foot steps. She abruptly stopped.

"D-did you hear that?" She asked with fear in her voice.
"Ay, I like that name..." He mumbled, acidentally saying said it out loud, only enough that Abby could hear him. "Umm...If you need anything...just ask me too..." He looked around once. "Well...should we keep moving?"


She blushed quite strong. "T-thanks..."

She looked around "Yes, it'd be best of we started moving... But in what direction?



She felt something, like a tiny earthquake. She looked around.

"What was that just now?"


Jack had felt the same as them both. He looked at them. "We should probably get out of here, as quick as possible.

@Queen of Fantasy
Bethney, nodded and started running. "Hurry." She quietly yelled to them both. "I do not believe that was an earthquake." She said, frightened.

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