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Fantasy The Lab || Always Open



Within the Depths of a Dream
The Lab
They worked quick. In a flash you we taken off of the street and tossed into the back of a dark van already in motion before you were firmly held in place. The masked professionals didn’t even flinch as you struggled beneath their grasp, a needle pricking your skin as you drifted off.

Please keep this thread clear until we begin.
[class name=stoneWrapper] margin: auto; max-width: 80%; background: #b8c5d0; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class name=stoneImage] width: 560px; height: 500px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/4c/9b/f14c9b9b0e5498a12534af3fa197a2f5.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 600px; background-position: center -600px; [/class] [class name=stoneTextBox] flex: 1; width: 560px; height: 498px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class name=stoneTextBorder] width: 95%; height: 470px; border: 2px solid #2c3e4c; overflow: auto; [/class] [class name=stoneText] color: #2c3e4c; text-align: left; padding: 5px; [/class] [class name=stoneCredit] font-size: 10px; color: #2c3e4c; text-align: right; [/class] [div class=stoneWrapper][div class=stoneImage][/div][div class=stoneTextBox][div class=stoneTextBorder][div class=stoneText]It was a rather pleasant afternoon, despite being somewhat overcast. Children were playing in the waves as they crashed upon the shore, some Exodus members were fishing in the shallows with makeshift rods and spears, others were lounging in the warm sand wishing for the sun to reveal itself from behind its shroud of clouds.

Life was almost unbelievable picturesque. It being impossible to tell from first glance that these were all unfortunate souls who had been subjected to the needle of some scientists obsessed with playing God, as well as that these souls wanted to leave such a place.

Brooklyn was growing conscious not far from where quite a few of them were gathered to enjoy the peaceful day. Her groans were muffled by the damp sand she was currently lying face-down in, the woman being reluctant to move with how stiff, sore, and cold she felt.

All she needed was some motivation.

...Which came gracefully in a rather large wave.

Drenched with the freezing brine, Brook instantly opened her eyes and pushed her upper body up off the sand. Spitting out mouthful of both substances and blinking to clear remnants from her eyes, she had to squint while adjusting to the sudden (but thankfully limited) daylight.

A beach? Why was she on a damned beach? The last thing she remembered was being outside of her and Kris’ apartment and then-

Her train of thought was cut short when she realized her attempts at standing weren’t getting her anywhere. Feeling nothing but dead weight below her waist, she’d awkwardly roll onto her side to see what the problem was.

As her eyes fell upon the lengthy silver tail that had replaced her legs, her face paled.

Yes… this… was a problem.

“This isn’t fucking happening…” She’d mutter whilst running a hand through her wet hair. How was she supposed to move from this spot?

With sounds of the Exodus members were drifting down the coast towards her, Brook was filled with a bit of hope, yet still at a loss of how to get any attention drawn to herself.

C.DEX C.DEX Vampunk Vampunk Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire MoltenLightning MoltenLightning CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse koala koala Isune Isune [/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div]

Everyone dreamt of spending their holidays on some sunny beach. The sound of waves gently washing various oceanic treasure ashore, the seagull's songs echoing through the blue sky and the happy chittering of playing children did sound like a symphony of summer...

But the joys of taking a time out on some far away tropical beach were partially due to them being oh so rare and being stuck on some island far away from home, without knowing when...or rather if...you'll ever get to return home, did somewhat spoil the fun.
What could've been a wonderful two-week trip to a sandy shore had become part of Beth's everyday life ever since she had awoken on this island somewhere far away from human civilization.

Eighty-one days since her life was flipped upside down, spun around counter-clockwise and thrown somewhere into the sea.
It was just like one of the many movies she had watched at home, although it lacked her creating a makeshift friend out of some volleyball as there were plenty of others just like her to keep her company.

Others who did not just share the misfortune of being stuck on this island...But also had found that whoever had put them there had left them with peculiar parting gifts.
Beth herself thought she could have ended up with something far worse than bronze scales covering parts of her body.
Tough, rounded scales that would radiate warmth whenever she spent too much time in the sun...and would combust if she wasn't careful.

But today the sun didn't shine as brightly as it usually did as it hid behind a veil of hazy white clouds.
Raising her head skywards, Beth would soon find her thoughts trailing off to a place far away from here...home.

Only for them to be brought back into reality as something fell of the tree she had so carelessly been leaning against.

A rounded green orb colliding with her head as the two thick shells produced a hollow thud, followed by Beth letting go of a pained groan, rubbing her scale-covered forehead in an attempt at soothing the pain.
And as she picked up the coconut, her eyes wandered over to Halil, one of the many new faces she had met in Exodus, united under their desire to return home.

But for now they would be preoccupied gathering some of the plentiful fruits the island had to offer.
Weighing the coconut in her hands, Beth began to peel the inedible green shell off its core before putting it into one of the few baskets they would need to fill before heading back.

"So, uh, Hal? I can call you Hal, right? I've heard others call you that." Beth tried to strike up a conversation with the man who saw the world differently than her...literally.
"Not that I want to pry, but how exactly do you see things?" The scaly woman asked him as she slowly trotted to the next coconut tree, gazing up to see if there were any more of its fruit dangling off its canopy.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it. I'm just curious, that's all." Beth would mumble as she shook the tree, trying to see if some of the coconuts would fall off just as easily as the one that hit her square in the head.
But this time there seemed to be far more weight on the tree than just its green fruit and as Beth took a step backwards to get a better look at it, she could make out a vaguely humanoid shape resting between the palm leaves.

"Hal!" The woman exclaimed before putting a hand to her mouth, her round eyes darting over to her new 'friend' with an apologetic expression creeping unto her face.
"Hal, there's someone up there..." She added, much more quietly.

Contemplating whether to give the tree another thorough rocking, Beth decided against it but instead just took a few more steps backwards to see who was seemingly dozing off in the tropical canopy.
"Hello? Someone up there?" The reptilian asked with a raised eyebrow as she felt the sunlight seep into her scales now that she was no longer hiding underneath the palm tree's plentiful shade.

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[div class=imagebox][div class=nameheader]
Halil Polat
[div class=textbox]Location: Exodus Territory, Beachside Palm Forest

Tags: Vampunk Vampunk MoltenLightning MoltenLightning [/div][/div]

Hal had been meandering from tree to tree, favoring the bent ones over the straight ones, and the ones with palm frond and loose nuts over the ones with healthy connections to their fruit. It was one of the few times he didn't mind looking up; the fronds provided good protection from the sun and with the overcast, the normal low bong that had filled the air like loud dull wind hadn't been quite so loud. He had ventured off with one of the others from the Exodus to collect coconuts; it had been a while since he'd had one, despite the amount of effort that it had taken to go through the trouble of opening them. He'd naturally shovel one or two away for himself every trip he had taken, feeling it fair.

His companion was talkative. Maybe it was the awkwardness of the silence that had filled the air. Well, for her. For him, there were no awkward pauses. Chatter filled the air from everything he looked at, nature sounding like whistles and the sand and beach like static. It was beneficial for the synesthete; being so close to the water. The water was close to white noise, nullifying a lot of the bouncing rays and calming him down. Of course, through all of it, permeating the fake sounds (a trivial distinction, as being 'fake' didn't really stop him from hearing them), was her voice. Beth's.

"Oh!" he said, looking over to her through near-black sunglasses only the blind had worn. "Yeah, Hal is fine." he said, with a small shrug. "Though ... man, is that how you start every conversation? Hey, blind guy! How'd you get so blind? Hey, guy with no legs! How does it feel to not walk?" he said, his lips contorting into a frown for a moment.

Before they bursted back into a grin. "Jes' fuckin' with ya." he teased, taking a moment to regard her words. How did he see? It was a good question, and not really one that he could explain to her, really. He could always come up with an analogy, and that's what he usually did, but ... "It's kind of like -"

A sharp flavor hit his tongue, surprising him as Beth shouted, and then immediately recanted, apologized, and elaborated. A person dozing on a tree? Well ... maybe it was nothing worth shouting about. Someone sleeping in a tree wasn't that surprising, knowing just what kind of company they'd had on the little island of theirs. But there it was; heat. He balled a fist, rapping on the the tree from the base. "Knock knock. We okay up there?"

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"A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them."
Location: Exodus Territory, Beachside
Mentions: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Mood: Amused and Intrigued
[div class=cover]

Alder was standing on the beach, his feet burie in the sand, soaking up what sun he could before it vanished behind the clouds. He had to keep himself topped up on energy just in case anything happened. It never hurt to be prepared. Besides, days like this usually led to more cloudy days. It was best to get as much as he could handle for the time being.

Eventually, the sunlight hitting his green leafy skin dissapeared and his eyes opened. The black orbs scanned the sands for a moment, catching sight of a few Exodus children playing in the surf. Looking further down the beach led him to notice something washed up on the beach. Kneeling down, he picked up both his spear and shield before strapping them both to his back and moving towards the object he saw. As he got closer, he noticed that this 'object' actually moved, struggling to rise before giving up. Even closer and he noticed that it was a young woman and for a moment, he'd thought that half of her had been eaten by a fish. Then he noticed that she was half a fish.

"Not often that you aquatic types beach yourselves" he said softly, his voice more like the susurration of leaves than an actual voice, though it carried quite well "If you were planning on venturing into Exodus, you should have taken the river, it is a lot more expedient" he paused for a second as he regarded her with calm eyes. This girl looked confused, very confused and not just the confusion of being caught by a strong wave. She didn't know where she was and the fact that she wasn't even attempting to move her lower half showed less control than she'd be able.

"A new arrival then" he said shaking his head "Alright, there are two options here. I can take you into our camp where you'll be safe, we have many pools for the aquatics to relax in, or I can help get you back into the ocean and you can fend for yourself" everyone had an opinion of what they wanted to do. Depending on what type of person this girl was, their conversation could go many ways. She could be a shy type and not answer him, she could be loud and rude and berrate him, she could deny his help all together as a stubborn person.

Still, everything was up to her and not him. He'd respect her wishes however she decided.


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Location: Beachside

Tags: Brooklyn StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 , Alder Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
It was a great day. Truly. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, granting Dimitri the sunlight he needed without causing too much damage to his skin. It'd been days since he was able to come out before dusk--at least while not being covered from head to toe. Being whiter than printing paper had always caused him to bake under the sun, but ever since arriving to the island, he practically fried. Even now he could feel his skin turning a light pink, but the cool water was enough to ease the discomfort.

There was a slight breeze that seemed to whistle through the trees and dance across the sea. The sound of children laughing pierced through the water as Dimitri sat near the ocean floor, hands steadily fishing out some oysters. It was his job to get the more difficult aquatic species since there weren't that many others that could breathe underwater. He didn't have a problem with it of course. Being able to help out was all he ever wanted since joining Exodus.

He smiled at the gleefulness from the beach and sang a relatively unknown tune. Of course, anyone that wasn't adept to being underwater would've simply seen a guy with massive amounts of bubbles coming out of his mouth. Then it happened. His ears twitched at the sound of an unfamiliar woman's voice. It disturbed him that someone had made it into Exodus territory, but her next few words sent a small feeling of relief.

She was new.

Dimitri immediately snapped out the last oyster and stuffed it into his makeshift satchel before making his way towards the talking. He could hear Alder's distinctive voice the closer he got and that may or may not have disappointed the man a tad. He'd always wanted to be the first person to discover someone new, but second place wasn't that bad either.

The tall man stepped out of the water and strolled calmly towards the pair. With every step, he was getting noticeably dryer with only his shorts remaining soaked. The flesh-toned fins on his arms and legs were retracting slowly, sending small pinches of pain throughout his body. The growing and retracting used to hurt a great deal, but thankfully he'd gotten used to it over the months.

He set the brown bag he held near the woman and and closed his eyes. For a few moments, he let the woman's sound give him a mental image. His head would move ever so slightly until he finally opened his lids to reveal gray, almost opaque, colored eyes. "Hello, I hope Alder didn't startle you too much. I don't really like vegetables either." Dimitri laughed melodically as though he'd just made the funniest joke ever, revealing each of his pearly white, shark-like teeth.

"Do you remember your name?" He then asked before "looking" down at her tail. "Ah, maybe I should introduce myself first," he said as he caught his rudeness, holding out his hand apologetically, "I'm Dimitri."

Location: Beachside
Tags: Brooklyn StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 , Alder Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire

It was a great day. Truly. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, granting Dimitri the sunlight he needed without causing too much damage to his skin. It'd been days since he was able to come out before dusk--at least while not being covered from head to toe. Being whiter than printing paper had always caused him to bake under the sun, but ever since arriving to the island, he practically fried. Even now he could feel his skin turning a light pink, but the cool water was enough to ease the discomfort.

There was a slight breeze that seemed to whistle through the trees and dance across the sea. The sound of children laughing pierced through the water as Dimitri sat near the ocean floor, hands steadily fishing out some oysters. It was his job to get the more difficult aquatic species since there weren't that many others that could breathe underwater. He didn't have a problem with it of course. Being able to help out was all he ever wanted since joining Exodus.

He smiled at the gleefulness from the beach and sang a relatively unknown tune. Of course, anyone that wasn't adept to being underwater would've simply seen a guy with massive amounts of bubbles coming out of his mouth. Then it happened. His ears twitched at the sound of an unfamiliar woman's voice. It disturbed him that someone had made it into Exodus territory, but her next few words sent a small feeling of relief.

She was new.

Dimitri immediately snapped out the last oyster and stuffed it into his makeshift satchel before making his way towards the talking. He could hear Alder's distinctive voice the closer he got and that may or may not have disappointed the man a tad. He'd always wanted to be the first person to discover someone new, but second place wasn't that bad either.

The tall man stepped out of the water and strolled calmly towards the pair. With every step, he was getting noticeably dryer with only his shorts remaining soaked. The flesh-toned fins on his arms and legs were retracting slowly, sending small pinches of pain throughout his body. The growing and retracting used to hurt a great deal, but thankfully he'd gotten used to it over the months.

He set the brown bag he held near the woman and and closed his eyes. For a few moments, he let the woman's sound give him a mental image. His head would move ever so slightly until he finally opened his lids to reveal gray, almost opaque, colored eyes. "Hello, I hope Alder didn't startle you too much. I don't really like vegetables either." Dimitri laughed melodically as though he'd just made the funniest joke ever, revealing each of his pearly white, shark-like teeth.

"Do you remember your name?" He then asked before "looking" down at her tail. "Ah, maybe I should introduce myself first," he said as he caught his rudeness, holding out his hand apologetically, "I'm Dimitri."
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Vermilion Stravos

Always darkness, when Vermilion was alone. It was both foreboding and relieving. Terrifying, but calming. Many conflicting characteristic bundled up in the absence of color and light, but Ver had little to say on the matter at the moment... Being surrounded by the darkness now, her thoughts were absent. Her consciousness was lapping at the darkness, slowly ebbing it away, but for now it was all she knew. If she could formulate a thought... She might wonder where she was. Why she was blacked out, completely unconscious, but for now that was just how it was.

Finally, however, the darkness fled away from her thoughts and she managed to wrench some semblance of consciousness for herself. Her thoughts were fuzzy, and her body felt distant. What was happening..? Had she finally lost it? Fallen asleep on her homework again..? Her thoughts became more clear, feeling began returning to her body. And it ached. A lot. Her eyes felt very heavy, yet she herself felt lighter than air. There seemed to be no solid ground below her, but... That couldn't be true, right? She was in her dorm, more than likely, recovering from some giant headache. Or maybe a hangover? She could never really differentiate between the two...

Cracking her eyelids, the minimal amount of light breaching the clouds still seemed to burn her eyes. Immediately, she clamped them shut, beginning to shift her aching body around to a better position. Moving was a chore, however, and soon she began to register the fact that she literally wasn't touching the ground. There was support below her, but it wasn't solid like a bed or the floor. It was like... Branches, were digging into her back. Opening her eyes once more, the light seemed less dagger-like and more welcoming. Slowly, she registered the overcast sky above her. So... She was outside..? The girl blinked. And then blinked again. Where on Earth had she fallen asleep? More concerned now, her ears suddenly picked up some voices.

She heard a faint 'hello' and other words, which made her further begin to panic. Where even was she?? Twisting more violently now, despite the soreness and increasing pain, she noted the fact that she was in a tree. How had she managed to do that?! Calming her breathing, she directed her vision to the people who were looking up at her. "Uhm... No?? How... How did I... Get up here..?" she inquired, baffled by her current circumstances. Absent-mindedly, her wings twitched behind her. She appeared to be ignorant of them, but this wouldn't be apparent unless someone was really paying attention.

C.DEX C.DEX Vampunk Vampunk
Dresden Ackermann
Dresden glided through the air, letting herself slowly descend towards the beach where the other Exodus members were enjoying the beautiful day with the sun not being unbearably hot for once. Her long black hair hair blew out behind her and she let herself fly in lazy circles, enjoying her time in the air while she could. There were some birds flying in the area as well which put a smile on Dresden's face and she closed her eyes, feeling the wind move freely through her feathers. Her wings may have been large, but that didn't mean it was harder to move like it was when she'd first woken up on the island with two extra appendages. However moving on land was another story and the woman hated how slow she was on land. But like any reasonable person would, when faced with unknown appendages or abilities and no memory of how it happened, she adapted. Learnt how to soar through the air. Learnt how to survive and became a better person because of it.

Opening her eyes again, Dresden looked down at the ground, looking for a place to land where she wouldn't clobber someone in the back of the head, which wouldn't be the first time that happened, and seeing a nice little stretch of beach that was vacant, tipped forward to descend faster. Bringing her wings in close to her body, she narrowed her eyes against the wind. I really need some goggles for when I do this. Before I end up crashing and breaking something. Once she deemed herself close enough, Dresden opened her wings up to catch the hair and swung so that her feet gently touched the soft sand below her feet. Giving a nod to herself for a successful landing, the woman brushed her hands through her hair quickly to untangle it from the short flight. While she did this she glanced around, looking for her friend and remembered him mentioning something about collecting coconuts. So trees were a good place to start.

Looking over at the trees, she successfully spotted him with another member of Exodus who she's yet to be acquainted with and began to make her way over, pulling her wings up just enough so that they wouldn't drag on the ground and pull out some feathers, but still managing to let them hang. As she got closer, she noticed the two of them looking up into a tree and confusion went through her mind. Has someone gotten stuck up a tree? "Hey Hal! What's going- Oh!" Dresden broke off as she got close enough to see what was up the tree. A woman looking to be about Dresden's own age was up the tree. Said woman was looking very confused and after she spoke her confusion, it told Dresden all she needed to know. This person was new to the island. Looking at the new addition, she saw that she had wings larger than Dresden's own and talons instead of feet. Naturally, Dresden's inner healer wanted to check the unknown woman over to make sure she hadn't been injured, "Are you okay? Do you need any help?

Tags: C.DEX C.DEX MoltenLightning MoltenLightning Vampunk Vampunk


Camille Dela Torre
Subject# 572819


It was a normal day for Camille, well, as normal as any day in the Island can be anyways. She’s off collecting firewood and other stuff that may be of use like berries and stuff, her form visibly glowing as always. She was like a walking disco ball, sort of, no, she’s more like a statue made entire of neon signs. Her body glows a vibrant shade of purple as she walks, other colors pulsing and flashing as she picked up firewood. It took a while for her to get used to it, especially since it’s always bright for her even when it’s pitch dark, but she could live with this. At least it made her look pretty, she could hardly imagine what the others felt like, especially those who look more, thing, than human. She’s not judging them, it’s hardly their fault after all, but she couldn’t help but sigh in relief whenever she looks at her own form.

She’s getting used to this kind of life, though honestly she still really misses her old life. It made her feel sad and anxious, wondering how her parents were doing and what they thought had happened to her. Had they thought she left? Or maybe did they think she died? Either way it can’t possible have been easy for them. And even if she did manage to return, how would people react to her being the way she is? Would she be ostracized and feared? Or, by any chance, is it possible that some people would find beauty in her new form?

Camille had been so deep in thought that she had practically bumped a person standing in front of her. “Oops, sorry about that Beth.” She said with an apologetic smile, recognizing the figure covered in scale like objects. Like her, Beth’s experiment had a manisfested a physical aspect, though it’s in the form of the aforementioned scales. “I was thinking about stuff and didn’t notice you there, and hey, I didn’t notice you either, um, Hal was it? Or was it Al?” She said to the normal looking man. Yup, he lookd perfectly normal. His experiment probably didn’t affect his physical form, lucky guy. Though, due to his normalness, Camille doesn’t exactly remember him. She found it easier to connect names with faces when said faces were unique.

“What are you guys looking at? Oh, that.” She said as she followed their gazes to see what looks to be a person stuck in the tree, and said person having wings. And speaking of wings, another of the experiments suddenly flew by. The girl’s name was Dresden if memory serves right. She also seemed to have seen the girl stuck in the tree, which was either someone who crashed inti a tree or a newbie. “Do you think it’s newbie? I mean, she could have just crashed right? Because, if she was a newbie, who do you think put her up there? Like, why even bring her up there? Do you think one of those scientists just placed her there for the heck of it? Did they drop her there or carry her up there?” Camille rattled on, her nerves getting the better of her.

Vampunk Vampunk Silent Howling Silent Howling MoltenLightning MoltenLightning C.DEX C.DEX

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"Stop that Hal, I can never tell when you're serious or just pulling my leg." Beth mumbled under her breath as Halil teased her, bringing a faint shade of red to her tan cheeks due to her being somewhat embarrassed about being so curious about his condition. Not everyone had been changed physically and Beth thought these few lucky ones wouldn't have too many problems fitting back in once they returned...

People wouldn't always admit it but a lot of them judged a book by its cover and having someone with exploding scales stroll down the street would certainly raise some eyebrows.
Especially since even the slightest change of her body temperature, like what was happening right now, would result in her scales to slowly soak up the excess heat.

But before she could embarrass herself more, whatever sat on top of the palm tree seemed to become aware of their situation.
"Huh? It speaks! And here I thought it would be some kind of large bird at first." The bronze-scaled woman mused as her amber eyes would trail off to the Dresden who would come to join them.

Not much happened in Exodus, and every distraction seemed to attract a lot of people's attention in an attempt at keeping themselves from going mad from the same old routine.

And while three certainly already was a crowd, a fourth face would come to bump into Beth, making her turn around and gaze down at the phosphorescent girl that had probably mistaken her scale-covered back for some kind of palm tree.
"No need to apologize, happens all the time." Beth would remark with an awkward smile as her clawed fingers brushed through the short hair on the back of her head.

"Yeah, seems we've got another lost duckling to join the flock." Bethany added with a soft chuckle, raising an eyebrow as her eyes would wander up to Vermillion, waving at her with a friendly smile adorning her reptilian features.

Listening to Camille rambling on about how the strange girl...well, just as strange as everyone in Exodus...might have gotten up there, Beth would take a step towards the Palm tree, resting a clawed hand on its trunk before giving it a gentle rocking.
"You up there! What's your name? Do you need some help getting down there? I can catch you. I'd rather not climb up there myself, the tree might just snap." Just then the reptilian grenade realized she might have overwhelmed Vermillion with her questions.

"Sorry about that. Do you need a moment? You seemed to have been unconscious or dozing off...Are you okay? Did you get a sunburn? This tropical sun can't be good for your skin!"

[class=imagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:3px; [/class] [class=nameheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#352F33; padding:10px; font-size:20px; color:#fff [/class] [class=textbox] width:calc(100% - 20px); background:#352F33; padding:10px; font-size:14px; color:#fff [/class]
[div class=imagebox][div class=nameheader]
Halil Polat
[div class=textbox]Location: Exodus Territory, Beachside Palm Forest

Tags: Vampunk Vampunk MoltenLightning MoltenLightning Silent Howling Silent Howling CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse [/div][/div]

"New, huh? We'll see." Hal said, looking upwards. Now, a small crowd had been drawn. That happened sometimes with the new folk, especially in Exodus. Everyone had always wanted to help. He put up a hand, though, insisting upon splitting the majority of them so that Vermillion could either land or have Beth safely help her down. "Just back up a second." he insisted, "She probably needs room regardless." he added, backing up himself.

He looked back, his eyes landing on Dresden as she approached them all. A small grin crept up on his face. "Hey, Dre. Looks like you have someone to take under your wings." he cheekily spat, rolling a coconut over from his hands to hers. Well, trying. If she didn't catch it, of course, it would land on the ground, but coconuts were tough enough toward where that wasn't an issue and was one at the same time. As his eyes slipped over to Dresden, they couldn't help but slip past her to Camille, whose visage always startled him. He glanced away from her almost immediately, but offered a thumbs up as to what his name had been.

"Just get ready to catch her if she rolls out of the tree, Beth." he added, attempting to ensure that if she was new - he wasn't so sure just yet, she could have just been confused - she didn't go dead weight like a lot of the lot of the experiments who had a physical alteration. He then raised his voice slightly, calling out to Vermillion. "Don't worry about the questions; worry about getting down. Beth here is going to catch you. She's pretty strong." he said, opening a hand to gesture at her. "If you're hurt, we have a medic here, too." he said, nodding toward Dresden. "What's your name? I'm Hal. The other bird-lady here is Dresden - our medic - and the glowstick is Cam." he said, revealing to the newly embarrassed Camille that despite the fact that she hadn't remembered his name, he remembered hers well.

"We can ask those questions when we've resolved the whole, 'stuck in a tree' thing." Hal said to Camille, perhaps a little too loudly, though he made it a point not to even remotely look in her direction. She was bright, and loud. And loud. Maybe not necessarily shouting loud, but she was like a whistle, changing direction and hue and tone and octave every few seconds. Distracting. He was speaking as if trying to talk over how loud she was, as if unaware that not everyone else could hear her whistle.
Vermilion Stravos

With the sudden increase in voices below her, Ver felt both more anxious and slightly more relieved. There were people to help, yet they were all talking a lot… She was still trying to reorient herself to this new situation, so the voices weren't really helping her remain calm. Despite this, she tried her best to just focus on getting out of the tree. She'd have to apologize later for ignoring their questions, but for now that was just how it had to be. "Gimme just ooonnneee second... I just need a moment to get down, that's all..." she quickly replied, hoping that would quell their questions until she made it to safety.

Clambering up out of the foliage, her eyes finally landed on her saviors. Not even five seconds after seeing them all, however, she did a double take. And then a triple take. And then… She blinked a lot, as if maybe she was still somehow intoxicated or something was up with her vision. Seeing that the spectacle before her was real, however, all she could do was stare wide-eyed. Her voice disappeared as Hal seemed to introduce everyone. There was someone… Glowing?! Absent-mindedly, she still slowly ascended the foliage. But, right as she was going to place her foot down, it moved in a way that was completely unfamiliar and she freaked out a little.

That freak out, however, managed to cause her hand to slip from its previously stable position. In a panic, she grabbed desperately at the leaves with both hands. Unfortunately, her wings shot out quite like her hands and smacked one of her arms. This caused Ver to recoil in further terror, sending her spiraling down in a chaotic free-fall of spinning. Vermilion's mind was in such a frenzy she couldn't think, so she was entirely helpless to gravity. Beth was right below her as she fell; Ver could only half-wish in that split second that the strange-looking female might somehow catch her…

C.DEX C.DEX Vampunk Vampunk CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silent Howling Silent Howling

"That's it. No rush, be careful." Beth would try calming Vermillion down as the woman would try descending from her bed of tropical foliage. Just for her to seemingly slip for no discernible reason and tumble out of the canopy in a tangled mess of limbs, feathery or otherwise.

The peculiar sight of a avian figure racing towards the sandy ground made Beth's amber eyes shot wide open as the reptilian woman froze for the fraction of a second, her tan face drained off some of its color as her scales in turn would pulse a faint orange.
"I! I'll catch you!" She would exclaim, darting towards Vermillion's falling form as she extended her arms, trying to not let her hit the ground in a rather unpleasant manner.

Imagining the avian girl as a volley ball, Beth would find herself reminiscing of the many beach holidays she had in the past, spent sunbathing and playing in the sand.
And as her clawed feet would meet the warm, golden floor, her scaly frame would surge through the air to catch Vermillion in her open arms.

The two of them landing in a heap of sand, as Beth's rear would meet the ground in an almost comical manner.
Still holding Vermillion in her arms, Bethany would look down at her with a raised eyebrow as a hand of her would come to rub her own backside, feeling the force of the impact leave a dull pain seeping into her flesh...

And a warmth crawl through her skin, causing her bronze scales to emit a wave of heat, pulsing with the stored energy of physical exertion and of course oh so familiar embarrassment.

"Are you alright? It seemed like you phased out for a moment there." Bethany asked, concern lingering in her words as her amber eyes wandered over to the others.
"Next time we'll just use a ladder, okay?"


Dresden Ackermann
Dresden laughed at Hal's comment and gave a nod, "Looks like I literally will have someone to take under my wing." She caught the coconut that he rolled to her and began to roll it amongst her hands, finding it pleasing and comforting while they dealt with this confused new addition. She turned briefly and gave Camille a smile before turning back to the tree just in time to see the woman fall out of the tree much like a a comic book character would have, facial features and all.

Holding in a laugh at the comical way the unknown woman fell out of the tree, Dresden found herself amused. Definitely new if they can't get out of a tree. Although bird legs is something new... I'm curious as to how they work. Naturally, concern took over the moment that Beth and the woman were both on the ground and she made her way over and crouched beside them. "That was quite the nasty fall. Are you alright?" She let her hands hover uncertainly, not knowing whether or not her help was required.

Thinking back to when she had first arrived on the island and all the people she had seen, Dresden knew how hard it was to manoeuvre with new appendages, especially with her own wings being quite large. Although looking at the woman's wings, she could see differences between them. Hers were long, but narrow, much like a swallows whereas Dresden's were large and wide, much like an eagles. I wonder if she'll actually be able to fly. Swallows are quick and fast, but that's because they are small. Well only time will tell.
Vermilion Stravos

Ver had regretted even moving, if she was being honest... She wouldn't be forcing someone to catch her from this hopeless gravity-induced plummet. As she fell, the world around her felt as if it was going in slow motion, like her mind wanted her to capture every second of this embarrassing event.

In reality, though, it only took her a few seconds to land within the grasp of the scaled woman. Vermilion's fear ebbed a little as wind stopped roaring past her. Although, as she got her thoughts rearranged and she calmed herself down... What even caused her to fall in the first place? Some strange feeling, in her foot; it almost felt as if it wasn't hers... Shaking the thought temporarily from her mind, she rolled clumsily out of Beth's grasp so as to not be more of a burden.

Her wings laid disheveled on her back, preventing her from completely rolling away. Getting stuck, Ver groaned and wondered what the matter was now. With a glance backward, her eyes took in the visage of the giant wings hanging on her back. And she froze, attempted to stand to escape from them, and immediately mistepped and fell again. Her eyes were locked onto the wings the entire time, but then her eyes also caught sight of her bird-like feet.

Her breath quickened, instantly, and she looked to Beth, and also the approaching Dresden, as if she were a young child, lost and terrified in some new alien world. Her words were lost, so she couldn't give a response to Dresden. She would have liked to, but this entire situation made her entirely uncomfortable and offbeat. These... Things, couldn't be real, right? The wings, or her feet... Struggling to maintain her composure, the girl focused on breathing. Finally, she felt like she had found her voice. "I... What... What are these..?" She asked about her new bodily additions, to no one in particular. Maybe these people could help her..? They didn't seem scared of her, after all, and one even had wings as well... That reassured her, if only a little bit.

C.DEX C.DEX Vampunk Vampunk CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Silent Howling Silent Howling
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Halil Polat
[div class=textbox]Location: Exodus Territory, Beachside Palm Forest

Tags: Vampunk Vampunk MoltenLightning MoltenLightning Silent Howling Silent Howling [/div][/div]

"That's a lot less of a reaction than I'd give. Are we sure she's new?" Hal asked, looking to the others for a moment. "Oh, well. It'd ... maybe help to explain everything up front. Maybe. Still working on a best 'introductory paragraph' to read off to the newbies." he said, grinning for a moment. Then, it faded, as he caught sight of Vermillion's dreadfully confused face as she regarded her new wings. "...Ah. Well, don't try to run away from them. They're not going to be going anywhere."

The synesthete's tone softened slightly. It'd been a long time since he had to consider that coming to the island was, in fact, a traumatizing experience. "Ahm... We're all assuming you're new here. If you're not, just ... completely disregard everything I'm saying, but - you're on an island. Full of people like you, that have gotten taken from their places in society - experimented on, I guess? Some of the lunatics here believe that Gods did it, but that's for another time - and put here." he said, his lax facial expression having completely disappeared. "Sorry." he added. "Some people get ... animalistic traits. Others get less visible ones." he said, tapping his glasses. "It's a gamble and you don't get to choose. You got wings. Sos' Dres." he said, gesturing back at the other bird woman.

"But you landed in a good place. You should be safe here. But you should also know we're on an island ... nowhere near anything you can use to get back to your people." Hal said. Then, he looked up to Beth and Dresden. "Should 'prolly take her to the houses and let the head lady know. Can you walk?" he asked, glancing down toward her feet, which he was sure would be the next thing on the list. "And ... don't freak out, but you got bird feet now, so maybe try to take that slow."
[class name=stoneWrapper] margin: auto; max-width: 80%; background: #b8c5d0; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class name=stoneImage] width: 560px; height: 500px; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/4c/9b/f14c9b9b0e5498a12534af3fa197a2f5.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 600px; background-position: center -600px; [/class] [class name=stoneTextBox] flex: 1; width: 560px; height: 498px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; [/class] [class name=stoneTextBorder] width: 95%; height: 470px; border: 2px solid #2c3e4c; overflow: auto; [/class] [class name=stoneText] color: #2c3e4c; text-align: left; padding: 5px; [/class] [class name=stoneCredit] font-size: 10px; color: #2c3e4c; text-align: right; [/class] [div class=stoneWrapper][div class=stoneImage][/div][div class=stoneTextBox][div class=stoneTextBorder][div class=stoneText]Brooklyn was convinced she was dreaming. First a walking, and apparently talking, plant approached her and began spouting nonsense she didn’t quite understand when a second man approached out of the ocean. Although he seemed to know where he was going, she couldn’t help but notice the lack of light in his glazed eyes as he knelt beside her. And his inhuman teeth as he smiled.

“I... Brooklyn.” She’d respond after a moment, extending a hand to grasp his. After a firm shake she wouldn’t be able to remove the frown from her lips even though being in the company of others was doing wonders to ease her nerves. Rather abruptly she would continue. “Is all of this-“ she’d gesture towards her tail. “Real? Like, I’m not high or anything... because how the hell is any of this possible.” The woman seems more confused than hostile or angry, even curious. Her eyes constantly drifting from Alder’s features to her own.

koala koala Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire [/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div]

[class=container] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; position: relative; transform: scaleY(-1); position: relative; [/class] [class=cover] background-image: url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMR3Ep0UYAA8nl3.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-color: rgb(169,167,168); background-size: 500px 500px; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; transform: scaleY(-1); [/class] [class=content] height: 450px; transform: scaleY(-1); width: 100%; position: relative; [/class] [script class=content on=click] slideDown 800 cover [/script] [script class=cover on=click] slideUp 800 [/script] [div class=container] [div class=content]
"Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.."
Location: Exodus Territory, Beachside
Mentions: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Mood: Plantae vs Animalia attitude towards Dimitri, helpful towards Brooklyn.
[div class=cover]

"Dimitri" Alder said turning his head to the shark like man, his purely black eyes staring at him for a moment "Unnatural as it is, I am aware of at least six hundred and seventy carnivorous plant types within this world, it is prudent to not like vegetables." he opened his mouth, showing his own fine row of sharp teeth. He didn't really smile, his mouth wasn't designed specifically that way. He then looked towards Brooklyn "Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your beliefs, this is entirely real" he gave a soft sigh "It takes some adjustment, especially for those who are no longer mobile on land" he paused once more and reached around to check a small pouch on his side.

"Lavandula angustifolia" he said pulling out a small dried purple flower "Commonly known as English Lavender, interesting find on this island" he shook his head as he knelt down, holding out the flower to her "It is commonly used in oils for its soothing scent. It is highly effective for dealing with anxiety. It is also edible and has a pleasant flavor" he gave a sound that could have been a chuckle "People find things easier to accept after eating something, unfortunately I don't make it a habit to carry food when I am not hunting. All I have are these easy to dry and fine smelling plants" [/div]

Location: Beachside

Tags: Brooklyn StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 , Alder Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
He laughed once more after hearing Alder's response, although less excitedly and more calmly. "His smile is cute, isn't it?"

Dimitri blinked as he waited for the woman's hand to meet his own and the smile on his face seemed to grow even larger. Brooklyn's questions sent a wave of empathy throughout the man and his smile faltered slightly, his tone of voice dropping. "Yes..." He added after his plantae acquaintance spoke. "This is all quite real." Opaque eyes dropped towards the large tail once more as he got down on one knee. "May I?" He'd wait for her approval before placing a hand gently on the scaled portion of her lower body. If she disapproved, he'd simply glide his hand over it without physical contact.

After sitting down next to the new figure and listening to Alder speak again, Dimitri closed his eyes and thought to himself as the flower's scent tickle his nose. It was possible she was like him and her tail would "disappear" after drying off, but she might even be able to shed the tail by demanding it so. The last scenario, however, was Brooklyn simply not having her legs anymore at all and that... well... would be unfortunate and not something he wanted to bring up.

A few moments passed and he finally opened his eyes at the mention of food. "Ah... maybe we should bring her to camp for now?" Dimitri turned to Alder for extra input. They were a bit close to the Exodus border and the last thing he wanted was for Brooklyn to come across people that were less than friendly. "We could provide her a meal and then figure out what her situation is." Dimitri turned to Brooklyn. "There's also some people that might be able to help soothe this transition for you. I know I needed that when I first arrived."
Albin or "Al" as he preferred to be called had finally finished his small gathering routine. He had two crudely-made bags hanging off his back that were filled with various fruits and vegetables. He was planning to return over to beach once done, so that's exactly what he did.

However, once there, the equitaur noticed a crowd of people already beginning to form at the shoreline. Having a good idea of what was going on, the large male slowly made his way over. He recognized a few people and let off the horse equivalent of a sigh as he saw Brooklyn.

Albin had never really been good and introductions, but he'd try nonetheless. Crouching a bit awkwardly on his hooves, he looked down at the mermaid and said,"Hey there." His voice came off quite deep and gruff, usually intimidating the first time around. "I know this'll take some time to get used to, but if you let us help you, we can take you to a place to help settle in at."

Albin didn't want to sound pushy right at the very start. Instead, he wanted to let the girl trust him a bit. He knew this situation all too well, the least he could do was give the newbie a moment to freak out. To top it all off, Albin more or less forgot at this point that most people aren't used to having some amalgamation of man and horse try to talk to them. Oh well, they all got used to it...in time.

Tags: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire koala koala

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