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Fantasy The Knightly Orders of Byarla

[QUOTE="The Glass Ninja]The old City is a brutal place, so I wish you luck.

I love making counterintuitive characters in violent roleplays like this.
I mean, understand you might and probably will die, you need "something" to fight against our foes, they wont be humans you can assassinate in a mansion, they will be undead monsters or giants, not so fun.
Of course. I was making another character, but I went with this one first. I do need to edit her personality though, I forgot the fix that.

admiral9 said:
I mean, understand you might and probably will die, you need "something" to fight against our foes, they wont be humans you can assassinate in a mansion, they will be undead monsters or giants, not so fun.
I'm so tempted to join this, you guys have no idea. I'm really busy this week though ... is it possible I could join later on?
The game doesn't start till Monday. But I'll have to say you're the last to join at the moment - I do have two other people potentially in reserve who're busy but might be able to get into it later on.
Right. I'll get a char sheet up tonight when I get back from work.
And another Minor Order.

By Leusis:

Haldor: God of Battle

Before the war the god known as Haldor was feared even among the gods themselves. Though not the most powerful of their kind, he was easily the hardiest and most skilled in combat, and thus was very much sought after when the battles between light and darkness began. Many messengers from both sides being sent to him, requesting his aid in the conflict to come. However, for the first time in his existance Haldor remained neutral, refusing to fight for either side unless they presented a champion that could fight him on equal footing.

The forces of darkness choosing to send the god of blood, Seker suspected an easy victory, for what god was more suited to fight one who embodies battle than one that embodies blood? Sadly however the forces of darkness recieved only a single message back from Haldor when their battle had finished, Seker's head as no god who rules over what is spilled on every battlefield could possibly hope to match the god of battle himself.

The forces of light however sent the god of death, Hasten, and the battle that insued was glorious beyond belief. The god of deaths relentless assault withstood by the hardened body of Haldor who retaliated with force unseen by mortal men. It was only after nearly two weeks of fighting that both gods relented, acknowledging themselves as equals, as after all, only death was able to stop battle.

Joing the forces of light Haldor took with him several thousand of his closest followers acting as a large decoy to draw out a large portion of the cities defenses before the final battle between darkness and light began. It is said Haldor fell during the last moments of the conflict, struck down by several gods at once as he laughed in glee, finally meeting his doom in glorious battle.

Bulwarks of Haldor

It is said when the battle between darkness and light finally ended that Haldor's followers, made of men and women of immense size and strength left the main continent, sailing north to a large island where they still reside. It is here that they formed their order, recruiting only the largest and strongest of their kin into their ranks. Acting as heavy shock infantry in the battles against evil the men and women of the Bulwark use round wooden shields with steel rims and hand axes during battle, many even carrying two handed axes when more power is needed in their blows. Wearing chainmail under lamellar armor and steel helms they are only surpassed in defensive capability by Kuldra's Chosen, though they pack much more of an offensive punch due to their large size and incredible strength but lack nimble footwork and the grace of more lightly armored orders. A death outside of battle is their greatest sin, as it is seen as incredibly dishonorable, even going so far as to shame the families of those who did not fall in battle for generations.
Alright, as this game is starting on Monday, it'd be rather good if everyone who's yet to submit a character could get that done for tomorrow evening - seeing as I may need to start the game before going to bed. So if characters could be in by 9PM GMT tomorrow, Sunday 13th of March, I'd much appreciate it.

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