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Fantasy the island ● sea creature rp ● open



New Member


everybody knows about that island. the island. and the waters around it. many have ventured out to try
and explore it or trying to chase rumours of what lies in the island's waters. or, perhaps, they ventured
too far away on a fishing trip. even so, people say that anything you catch there is worth a lot of cash
if you manage to survive the hassle of trying to get there and back home safely. everybody knows that
ships go missing if they dare have their sights on the island. sailors' stories speak of wonderful fantasies
and terrifying horrors in the waters, ranging from alluring mermaids and a massive kraken that protects
the island and its residents.

the death toll rarely deters people though, everyone always thinking they'll make it through, they'll get
further than those who tried before them. and some do. there are a wide range of reasons for visiting
the island although it usually comes down to two things; researching the inhabitants, or hunting them
for the fortune and the fame.



▸Rpnation' rules'
▸post forms on the discussion thread please
▸keep violence and romance pg 13. minor cussing is allowed
▸try not to have romantic relationships between your own characters. but romance is encouraged
▸have decent grammar please, write at least three sentences if you can for each post
▸if you have ideas pm me! i'd love to hear them
▸let us know if you'll be inactive
▸do not kill other characters without consent



water dwellers - more can be added
mermaid/merman - a legendary aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a human and the
tail of a fish.
sea serpent - marine animal that traditionally resembles an enormous snake.
selkie - a mythical creature that resembles a seal in the water but assumes human form on land.
kelpie / ceffyl dŵr - shape-shifting water spirit iusually been described as appearing as a horse, but is
able to adopt human form.
hippocampus - a sea-horse in English, is a mythological creature shared by Phoenician and Greek myth
ology, though the name by which it is recognised is purely Greek.
siren - a beautiful yet dangerous creature, who lures nearby sailors with their enchanting music and vo
ices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.
nereid - creatures that helped sailors on their voyages when they faced fierce storms.
nix - a shape-shifting water spirit
naiad - a type of female spirit, or nymph, presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and
other bodies of fresh water.

land dwellers - more can be added
nymph - a spirit associated with nature
dryad - a tree nymph / spirit
faun - humanoids with horns and lower bodies of goats
centaur - humanoids with the lower bodies of horses
fairy - a creature capable of magic, capable of having humanoid forms and smaller forms with wings
harpy - female creatures with bird wings
shapeshifters - creatures about to change their shape into about anything, typicall have a preferred
human form



name - age - gender - crush - species - playby

Canada- 16- female-Fairy -RoseWolfen

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