The Infected (A Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay) [Inactive]

Laela glanced at Daniel and crossed her arms. She frowned at him, but shrugged. At least he didn't smoke. She gave a small smile as she muttered, "Y'all aren't a bad bunch of people..."

Now, still carefully posted at the door, it wasn't hard to notice somebody entering. Again, she spun around the corner and pointed her gun at the new intrduer.

"Damn people never stop blowing in this place, do they, Noel?" she snickered, seeing it was just a girl...a familiar girl...Laela looked at her for a moment, then lowered her gun. Her smile widened as she exclaimed, "Marcy! Look at you, I didn't even recognize you under all that dirt. Jesus, when was the last time you washed up?"

Laela approached the girl and swung an arm around her in a crushing side hug.

"Girl, I thought you didn't make it away from those assholes!" she laughed, happy to see her old companion. They had gotten seperated during a sketchy attempt in stealing weapons, food, an medicine from a small group of people about a month earlier.

"I cried for about a million years when I realize you were probably dead." she chuckled, shaking her head. Then she whacked Marcy over the head with the back of her hand and scolded, "Never put me through that again, you hear me? I'll put you on a leash if I have to."
(Alright; here goes nothing.)

Maryanne had been running for quite a while now, and frankly, she was getting annoyed.

Usually, when Maryanne was confronted by a pack of zombies, she was able to evade them fairly quickly...but for some reason, these particular zombies were becoming hard to evade. She estimated that she had been running for at least an hour and a half. Nuisances, they were. And stupid.

Finally, Maryanne was beginning to see the bumbling flesh pockets thin out, just as she came upon a large building. She guessed it to be a mall. The side she had approached held a door that was almost fastened shut by mold, so she went for a scaling approach.

She climbed up the side of the building, using the protruding pieces of drywall as hand and footrests until she found a window. Maryanne pried it open, hopping inside with a satisfying thump as her boots hit the floor. She didn't know which level of the mall she was wall, and didn't care. She believed herself to be fairly safe.
Marcy was surprised when she heard someone else speak and was about to hide behind the closest thing but was stopped when she was grabbed in a hug. Confused, she looked at the person and her eyes widened.

"Laela! I-I thought you had died back there!" She listened to her old friend rant, a smile blossoming on her face once the talking was done. "I can't remember the last time I did clean up now that you mentioned it... and I almost didn't make it away from them." She let out a sigh, her happy mood downing slightly. "I slowed down on the running once I lost sight of you which gave them enough time to shoot me in the leg." She winced at that but continued to explain. "It only skimmed my flesh so it healed quite nicely but they came too close so I had to kill a few of them..." As much as Marcy hated to kill one of her own kind, she knew that survival was the most important thing now.

Another smile came onto her face as she looked back at Laela. "Enough about me, look at you! Seems like your doing well, huh." She points one of her pistols at the other people in the distance. "And I take it those are your allies?"
Noel stepped from a store on the top floor, spying the new girl. "We're gonna need a bigger mall at this rate, aren't we?" He joked. He set off for his quest to find the rest of his mateirals. He just needs the latex, the handbrace, and the tubing. "I thought malls were supposed to have everything.." He groaned, taking a seat. "Apparently, we're allies until notice of the Exodus of the Mall. Which of course, nobody would be in here breathing without me." He said, opening up a little to these people.
"Not exactly. 'Cept for Noel over there, I think I'm gonna take him under my wing. Like I did with you, ya know?" she grinned. "Young people like you need an adult around, don't you agree?"

She glanced at Noel, and answered him with, "It's been five years, boy, people have raided this place over and over again. But you know, I do need a new backpack. Maybe I can find one of them before we head out...Noel, you will come with us, right?"

Ever since the apocalypse began, Laela had been trying to make her way over to the East Coast, where she heard was a building civilization. Maybe it was still there.

"Well, shoot, I should probably introduce you two! Noel, this is Marcy. I know she don't look like it, but girl's got a dead eye shot." she grinned, showing off her friend. "And Marcy, this is Noel. He's 'round your age so I take it you two should get along."
Marcy did a dramatic curtsy once she had been introduced. "Nice to meet you, Noel." She turned back to Laela. "Mhm, I agree." She paused before asking a question. "What about those guys over there? They seem rather... entertaining." It really was the only word she could think of when she looked at them. No, they didn't look like circus clowns or anything but maybe they did have a sense of humor. Marcy was about to say something else before she fell silent, her head cocking to the side.

"Shush!" She pulled out both of her pistols and turned around, scanning the area. 'Clear.' But she wasn't about to stop looking, knowing that what she heard didn't come from someone in the small group. She slowly walked along the perimeter of the store and about halfway through it she spotted someone, a female, probably in her early 20's and from where she was standing looked rather short. 'This should be fun.'

Marcy crept along the back wall until she was directly behind the female, making sure that she made no noise whatsoever. She took a breath, thought about what to do, and quickly kicked the girl's feet out from under her, making the person fall backwards. Once the body was fully on the ground Marcy put herself on top of the other girl, making sure to intertwine their feet and hold down the other's arms with her hands, making the girl immobile. She let a smile stretch across her face before speaking up, her voice calm. "Well hello there. Lovely day isn't it?"
Before Maryanne had any time to take an honest survey of her surroundings, she felt her body being thrown to the ground, and another girl was on top of her. She had to re-orientate herself for a minute before making eye contact with the girl who had pinned her down. She looked rather young, and was bigger than she was...then again, everyone was. Maryanne sighed, and didn't make much on an attempt to struggle free. She knew it would just end ugly. Negotiation was the best option.

"I'll make this simple," she said, "I'm hiding from the little nasties outside. You can kill me if you want, but that's just another body, and the last thing a little baby like you needs is a bigger mess. We can either form an alliance or we can make this harder than this needs to be. I, personally, have been running for a very long time and would like a little bit of ease in all of this. Don't you want the same thing, honey?"
Laela snorted, having followed after Marcy. She stared down at the girl and said, "That's no way to act around the one who holds your life in their hands. Besides, an alliance with her is an alliance with me. And I don't think I like taking people who have such attitudes!"

She popped her neck and sighed, kneeling down and hovering over the girl's face.

"Though I admire you being on your toes around those monsters, a shotgun kills just as easily as a pair of teeth." she growled. "Frankly, I don't have a shotgun. So I guess you live."
Marcy's glare got colder and colder the more the girl rambled on, a bitter laugh escaping her once the girl finally got quiet. She listened to what Laela had to say before speaking up herself.

"Listen here honey," She spat the word out, taking in a breath before continuing. "This isn't all shits and giggles and if you expect me to have some pity for you, you are very wrong. Everyone, or at least those who are alive, have been running for quite some time too so don't make this a sob story all about you. Just like Laela, the one who just spoke, said. A shotgun does kill quite nicely and she may not have one but I sure as hell have something that I can kill you with although doing it with my own hands would be much, much more satisfying. Anyways, I am not a 'little baby' as you previously stated, which I believe should get you a nice little cap in your ass, but I'm going to be nice and let you join an alliance with us. But I would watch ymy back if I were you, I'm not a very good enemy to have."

Marcy glares at the girl for a few more seconds before standing up, sending a swift kick to the females stomach once she was on her feet. "Now stand up and if you know what's best for you, don't utter another word." She muttered, placing her pistols back into the holster around her waste.
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MaryAnne raised an eyebrow, hardly wincing as she was kicked in the stomach.

"If I may say a word in the presence of your mightiness, your royal highnesses," she said, pulling off a mock bow, "I don't make deals with egotistical teenagers. You're just like the rest of the shitty generation that got us into this mess in the first place, using violence and empty threats instead of common sense. I have no respect for immaturity like that, no matter your opinion of me. I have more resources than you have curse words in your second-grade sailor's attitude, and I don't HAVE to stay here. When you're aware of the location of the next safe camp, as I very well know, then you're damned to the struggle for survival as I am. But I'm sure you already know. The two of you know EVERYTHING. After all, you're TEENAGERS. Teenagers are aware of practically everything these days."

Before the others had time to react, she hopped onto the window sill, swinging her legs around to jump out, but not before looking over her shoulder and adding, "And, for the record, I wasn't trying to make you sob for me. I wouldn't want you to waste your precious, golden tears on my little ol' life. Nice meeting you two." She then jumped out the window, landing on the ground swiftly and making her way through the array of trees that stood before her.
Marcy tried not to smirk, raising her eyebrow while putting her hands on her hips instead. She did roll her eyes a few time throughout the whole time the brunette in front of her talked but didn't say a word. She wan't even surprised when the all mighty queen of bitchiness decided to jump onto the windowsill but did finally speak up once the girl had jumped out. "Nice meeting you too! Oh, and tell everyone in the afterlife that I said hello!" She yelled out, a bright smile on her face. Once she was sure that the female was gone she lent up against the wall and sighed, hanging her head down. "Well... she did hit home with some of the things she said about me, huh." Marcy said to Laela as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temple to try and soothe the oncoming headache. "Crap, getting a headache now."
"Teenager?!" Laela gasped as the girl was out the window. "I am a twnety-six year old woman, kid! WOMAN!"

She huffed and crossed her arms like a child. She looked at Marcy and rubbed the teen's shoulder.

"Darlin', as much as you probably hate hearing this, she's still a survivor. And I know from good experience that survivors that act like that are bound to be killed. And you know better than anyone else in this goddamn world that helping every survivor you can is what's gonna end up saving it."

She sighed and swung a leg over the window, then the other.

"I hate her as much as I should, believe me. But I'm not gonna watch her go off to her doom." she shrugged, starting to follow Maryanne.
Marcy nodded her head and bit her lip was she watched Laela go off to Maryanne, deciding to just get over it and stop acting so immature. "Well at least try to talk some sense into her then, Laela. I'll hold down the fort until you get back." She sent out a weary smile then turned around, taking notice of her surroundings really quickly before heading back off to the others. She didn't know whether or not they would listen, and whether or not they knew if she was there, but she spoke up anyways to anyone who was listening. "Laela went after this one chick so she might not be here for some time."
Maryanne could sense Laela from behind and stopped in her tracks. Without turning around, she said, "I'm not going back with you. I've stayed alive for 5 years. I could live for 5 more."
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Not sure at what just happened, Daniel shrugged and looked around. There wasn't much in the hardware section, no food at least. He then walked away from the group and towards the food sections, at least to where the foods are. Hopefully, he'll get what he need, get his gear and leave this place. He doesn't want to group up with people, and especially with young ones. Kids these days are very reckless and disrespectful. He then looked over the self and found a can of corns, quickly taking it and opening it up with the hunting knife he hid, he started eating and hid the knife away as he threw that can after he had finished. It was small but divine.

" Now to get my equipments.. " he muttered.
Laela raised her eyebrow and laughed.

"Not with that attitude, you're not." she snickered. "Now, I'm not gonna make you stay with us. But we've got food, weapons, medicine..."

She didn't know if Noel actually had these things.

"You're welcome to come back with me, but I won't force anything. I'll only shoot you if you don't, now that you know where we are."
Maryanne rolled her eyes. "There we go again with the empty-headed threats. Do you even know what will happen if you shoot me? The sound would resonate through the forest, and all you would do is attract attention. And my 'attitude' has no impact on my lifespan. I'm not going to change my attitude for a couple of egomaniacs with god complexes. And that bitter, all knowing laugh of yours that implies that you're a naughty little girl with a secret doesn't help your cause. I already know the location of the next safe camp, so I think I'm good without the unneeded intimidation. Thanks, though."
Laela narrowed her eyes and swiftly pulled out her pocket knife, swung her machine gun from her back, and held the knife to the girl's throat and the gun to her head.

"Move and I will should. You think I give a damn about who hears? I've fought my way through mob after mob, girl." she hissed into her ear. "Now I will only say this one more time. You stay with us."

She paused, then muttered, "Safe Camp, eh? Not like you'll get in. Those camps don't like having more mouths to feed, especially big ones."
Maryanne sighed. "If it wasn't a worthwhile camp, I wouldn't be going there right now. And you can kill me right now if you'd like, if getting blood on your hands isn't an issue. Your tone says you will but your eyes say different." She paused. "Remember who the enemy is, sweetheart. If you really want me to stay then fine. But I'm not going as your captive, o'mighty one."
"You would have been going with me anyway. Too bad you had to put up a fight." she muttered. Without another word, Laela slammed the butt of her gun over the girl's head to knock her out. As she fell, Laela called, "Marcy, a little help! We need to get her weapons and bind her up."

She sighed and knelt down. She didn't want to do it, but this girl obviously needed people. Actually, Maryanne reminded Laela much of herself when the apocalypse first started when she was 21. She had nobody, and didn't want anybody. Which was what almost got her killed...but that was a story she'd never tell, not even to Marcy.
Marcy walked back over to the window and jumped down when she heard her name being called. She slowly crept through the forest until she found Laela once again. "I brought some rope." She said, holding up the prickly material for proof. She walked over to Maryanne and quietly began binding up the arms and hands first followed by the feet, making sure she tied a secure knot. "These should hold pretty well when she comes to and tries to struggle." Marcy informed Laela once it was all done, her hands patting down the knocked out female for any other hidden possessions. After she was satisfied she picked up all of the more noticeable weapons and equipped them to her belt, turning back to Laela. "Need help carrying her?"
Laela nodded and swung her gun back over her back.

"You get her legs, I'll get her arms." she said, picking on the arms on the girl. "Jesus, how are we gonna transport her? She obviously doesn't want to go...and her weapons? If we give them back, she'll stab us in the back...but if we don't, she won't have a way to defend herself."

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