The Infected (A Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay) [Inactive]

Laela bit the inside of her cheek. She looked at the ground, thinking about the beginning of the walkers reign.

So this kid's been living in this shit since he was eleven years old.

She pulled down her hood once again and ran her fingers through her hair as she muttered, "You're so hopeful."

She crossed her arms and nodded.

"Ya know, maybe you could carry my stuff around." she shrugged, striding off to look around. "My back is killing me."
After looking around, finding nothing but a corpses, corpses and more pile of corpses. He walked out of the place and he was amazed that not a single Zed came. He then quickly ran away from the place, and there was only one more place he knows where he can find some food. The Mall, he started to head towards the nearest mall he remembers. Riding a car right now would be helpful, but sadly, almost all the cars are either broken, or no gasoline. And it was rare to find gasoline these days.

After a long walk he finally arrived at the mall, outside was clear barely any zeds around. But he wasn't sure inside, taking out his peacemaker and readying it just in case. He walked into the front door only seeing almost nothing in sight as he quickly walked towards the shopping center in hopes of food. Still with his revolver ready to pop skulls any time.
Jasper awoke with a jolt, heart pounding. He grabbed one gun and aimed it at the door. Was that scratching he heard? I slowly grabbed the second pistol and stuck both in his coat. He looked out the window. Second story. Clear. He backed up, and then dove threw the window and landed hard on the ground. "Damn." He whispered. He thought that house was going to be safe. At least for longer then a day.
"Hope's the only thing I got for a concrete world-view." He said, taking control of her items for her. "Oh here, take this." He tossed her a Skeleton key. "Lotta shit's locked up in here. It's best to open those locks on life, right?" He joked, his slight optimism leaking through. Noel gripped his pistol and yanked it from it's holster, remaining by her. "Security's not as tight around here, on account of I'm the only one in the place. Gotta have a spotter."
Laela grabbed the key and grinned, but noticed a figure standing in the door from the corner of her eye. She expertly swung her large gun from the strap on her back and shot at the figure. The bullet hit the wall directly behind the figure and she reflexively stepped in front of the group.

"I didn't have to miss." she growled at the man, her eyes narrowed. "State your business!"

The 26 year old took another step towards the person and raised her gun.

Every thing that Jasper knew yelled at him to not, but he thought the best place to go next was the mall. He took one pistol into his right hand, and started to make his way to the mall. He found a car. It was nothing special, just a Dodge Neon, not the SRT version. He tried the door. Unlocked. Now that the easy part was done, he had to look for the keys. After a few minutes, he found a spare set in the center console. He turned the key two clicks, and checked the gas. Half a tank. Without hesitating, he started it and slammed the accelerator to the floor. With a squeal of tires, he was off. He decided to stay off the main roads, in case of any Biters on the loose. He slowly pulled into the mall parking lot, seeing only two Biters at the other end.
Instinctively, as the bullet popped on the wall behind him. He quickly ducked down to one of the shelves, readying his pistol. He was ready to fire back anytime. He slowly took a peek through the side and saw a female. " Shoot again, and It'll be your last. I don't want any trouble. " he called out to he from behind the shelf. He doesn't want to waste any bullets on some survivor, it would be pointless. He just stayed there and hid himself from sight. He could easily flank her and use his bow to take her out, but not yet.
Laela kept her gun up, but noticed a car pull into the parking lot. She could clearly see it through the large, glass door. She kept her eye on the survivor who was now hiding behind a shelf.

"If you truly want no trouble, you'll throw your weapons on the floor." she growled. "Didn't anyone tell you intriduers are liable to be shot?"

She kept glancing at the car...great. More trouble.

She side stepped over to the glass down, passed the shelf, and said to the intruder, "Don't move unless you want your head blown off."

Laela walked outside, staring at the car. She couldn't see a figure through the window...
He looked around for anything he can use, but nothing. He couldn't do anything but to surrender. He holstered his gun, unbuckled it and took it off, and also took out his bow and arrows and held them together on his right hand. He got out of his hiding place, his hat nearly covering his face. He was getting a good look at her, and he could risk to fight back, but decided not to. He thew his weapons at the ground and held his hand up. " See, I ain't looking for trouble " he called out to her as he looked over to the side to see a parked car.
Noel kept himself behind a wall, holding his pistol up in case things go from bad to even worse. "Look, if you just drop everything, we will." He said, turning the corner. "We-.." He stopped as he saw a working vehicle in the parking lot. "What the hell..?" He muttered to himself. His pistol lowered in his hands as he questioned the reality of the situation.
The mall, that had been his destination in any case so he felt there was good reason to follow this kid. As they traversed their way to their location, the man kept his ears open and mouth shut about anything the two were going on about. His goal was water, then get the hell out of this place and away from these people. A long drag of his cigarette reminded him that he needed more matches soon. And some cigarettes. He supposed it was more worth it to follow this kid than he thought.

"Thanks kid. And my way's the same as hers. Out of here, once I'm done here."

He walked along with them as they traversed the mall, and the older man had to admit, he was a little impressed with the accommodations, but the comment about making it through the plague or die trying caused the man to chuckle.

"Like there's any OTHER option."

The beings cynical side began to sprout out like a weed through concrete in clear daylight.

The shots rang out and he instinctively ducked his head and ran for the nearest cover, a small bench, but it was something; Whise wasn't the smartest individual in the world, but he sure as hell wasn't dumb. As the confrontation came to a relatively calm end he stood up from his position and walked over to a little island vendor in the center of the hall, snagging a couple boxes of cigarettes and a few lighters. Finishing the one in his mouth, the man lit up anew and sucked generously on the end.

"Well isn't this some kind of miracle if I've never seen one. Has to be, what? Four of us? Shit, if I wasn't so sure I'd say the end ain't so fuckin' nigh anymore."

After his quip, he took notice to the vehicle as well, reaching down and placing a hand on his pistol. 

Kitsotomaru said:
The mall, that had been his destination in any case so he felt there was good reason to follow this kid. As they traversed their way to their location, the man kept his ears open and mouth shut about anything the two were going on about. His goal was water, then get the hell out of this place and away from these people. A long drag of his cigarette reminded him that he needed more matches soon. And some cigarettes. He supposed it was more worth it to follow this kid than he thought.
"Thanks kid. And my way's the same as hers. Out of here, once I'm done here."

He walked along with them as they traversed the mall, and the older man had to admit, he was a little impressed with the accommodations, but the comment about making it through the plague or die trying caused the man to chuckle.

"Like there's any OTHER option."

The beings cynical side began to sprout out like a weed through concrete in clear daylight.

The shots rang out and he instinctively ducked his head and ran for the nearest cover, a small bench, but it was something; Whise wasn't the smartest individual in the world, but he sure as hell wasn't dumb. As the confrontation came to a relatively calm end he stood up from his position and walked over to a little island vendor in the center of the hall, snagging a couple boxes of cigarettes and a few lighters. Finishing the one in his mouth, the man lit up anew and sucked generously on the end.

"Well isn't this some kind of miracle if I've never seen one. Has to be, what? Four of us? Shit, if I wasn't so sure I'd say the end ain't so fuckin' nigh anymore."

After his quip, he took notice to the vehicle as well, reaching down and placing a hand on his pistol.
(OOC note: Sorry for the space, was eating dinner!)
Laela glanced back through the door, staring at the intruder with her icy blue eyes. She gave him a short nod, and pulled up her hood again. She tugged at her shorts, still staring at the car. She glanced back at the intruder once again, to make sure he wouldn't try anything. She looked at Noel and mouthed, "Take his weapons."

The strange thing about Laela was that, despite her face being dirty, sweaty, and scarred, she was quite beautiful. Of course, nobody took mind to it. They'd kill her, pretty or not. She in particular didn't care about her looks. She couldn't even remember what her face looked like before the world went to shit...she hadn't looked in a mirror for years.

"Hey, Gramps." she said, her voice low as she beckoned the oldest of the group. "Get out here. This guy might be a threat."
Gramps? Who did she think she was talking to? Taking a sweet drag of his newly lit cigarette he coughed a tad, walking forward and sitting down on the bench from which he took refuge, leaning back on a plant and drawing his pistol with a lackluster movement.

"First of all, I'm thirty-five punk. Second, we aren't friends, don't call me gramps. Third, if you think he's that much of a threat, then either shoot him in the head and get it over and done with, or he'll kill you. If he doesn't, he's not so bad right this second. Simple enough?"

The weed of cynicism flowered with a putridity that one could only describe as logical. Though the man wasn't nearly as gentle or humane as the other two seemed to be, he was right in terms of what one should do in this situation: Kill, or be killed.
Noel quickly followed her orders, holstering his pistol and grabbing his armaments. The compound bow was an interesting touch to the Apocalyptic armory. "Odd. I'm sure the string would've snapped in conditions like this.. but it's intact. Ooh! I can make flaming arrows! The possibilites.. Maybe work on some kind of Bow-like automatic defense system. A bowgun.." He rambled on and on as his creative side got dangerously leaky. He tested the arch on the bow and set them on a chair behind Laela, still contemplating ideas for different inventions.
Laela smirked at the smoking man and muttered, "Really? I guess it's the smoking that makes you look old. Damn cigarettes are the only thing that seem to be everywhere I go."

She patted him on the shoulder and said, "You obviously don't understand that I don't kill people unless I have to. Killing survivors is killing hope. Stay here, but don't shoot him unless he shows to be a threat to your life."

She walked back inside and looked at her new, young friend.

"I never got your name." she said.
I opened the door, and with gun in hand, ran over to the door. I saw someone, hopefully an ally. 

Flux540 said:
I opened the door, and with gun in hand, ran over to the door. I saw someone, hopefully an ally.
"Cry me a river. It relaxes me." The older man stated, taking another long drag as he popped out a group of smoke rings.

"And you obviously haven't looked at the world recently."

Whise muttered under his breath as he crouched forward, leaning his elbows against his knees, cigarette hanging loosely from the corner of his mouth. He looked at the invader before him and chuckled once, shaking his head, tossing Daniel a small packet of cigarettes with one left in the cartridge. Might as well be somewhat generous, just got two boxes for himself.

"You smoke buddy?" A touch of an accent came through as the Canadian in him let itself loose.

"Never too late to start." The being mused dryly as he took a peek around, his eyes catching the omnipresent glare of a "No Smoking" sign that he mocked with a thoughtful look.

"Fuck the police." A light drag of his cigarette signaled his silence.
"I have a feeling you might be talking to me..?" He asked, coming back to the world of the living. "Noel. Noel Estheim." He answered short and sweet. "What's yours?" He said, going back to his previous inventions inside the stronghold. He picked up the Circular Saw Staff on his desk and turned it on, giving it a couple of good swings away from anyone to test the bond of tape. "Oy, smoker-man! I got a present for you!" He shouted from his workplace.
Laela raised an eyebrow at Noel, and said, "It's Laela. Laela Masingale. But Laela will do just fine."

She looked at the strange...weapon...that Noel was swinging around and asked, "What in fresh hell is that thing?"
"A Saw Staff, comprised of a Circular Saw and a Hockey stick. I've wired the saw to a batter compartment on the stick." He explained. "It's what I do. I make things. Been doing it for a long, long time." Noel chuckled as he powered off the saw. "It's for those hard to reach zombies." He said, imitating the voice of an Infomercial host.
"Thought I had a job to do." Sarcasm dripping from him as the words escaped his mouth. Glancing over and taking a look a the blade, it was quite fantastical to look upon, but in his mind, it simply wasn't practical.

"The thing looks unbalanced as hell. You need a battery to operate it, and it's big. Neat as all hell, but not so great if I'm on the move." Another drag of his cigarette and he was back to his "post" not feeling particularly social, but then something caught his attention: the entire reason he came here.

"Eh, if you've got any bottled water or all weather matches in there I wouldn't be opposed."
"Food court was left untouched since I got here." Noel muttered, continuing his adjustments to make the invention practical. He sawed off the end off the bulky hockey stick and sharpened the blade itself. He turned it more into a Tomahawk style hand-saw. Noel's eyes stared in complete concentration as he worked continuously. "Maybe there's a way to make it solar powered.. I mean, if there's solar panels small enough to place on it." His mind overloaded itself with ideas and scenarios, making him sit down due to fatigue.
( When I do this -----> 'blah, blah, blah' <----- it's pretty much just her own thoughts.)

Marcy mumbled to herself as she slowly made her way along the faded road, occasionally looking around to make sure nothing was going to just pop out and feast upon her like a fat man would to free donuts. 'Mmm... donuts.' She could practically taste the sugary goodness on her tongue even though she hadn't had one in years. She paused her internal musing as she looked around once more before continuing to find some safety for the day. 'Ha! Safety. There's no such thing as being safe anymore.'

After maybe an hour or two of walking and shooting whatever got too close for comfort she was ready to collapse on the spot, not caring about anything. Her feet hurt, she was turning into a fried Marcy with the blazing heat and was getting dangerously low on ammo. Just as she was about to damn everything to the depths of hell she saw an outline of a huge building in the distance. Picking up her pace, she arrived shortly at what appeared to be a mall.

'Wonder how many stuck up, overly fashioned b1tches had died here five years ago.' She snorted oh-so-ladylike under her breath at the thought before venturing inside, the door slightly squeaking from the fact of it being underused. She quietly closed it behind her, the echo of it hitting the frame making her flinch. Marcy evened out her breathing before walking further in, making sure to walk on the balls of her feet.
Daniel caught the pack that was thrown to him and looked at it for awhile. He hasn't smoked for ages, his wife made him quit smoking because she said it was bad for him and the kids. Daniel agreed and stopped smoking for months now, but only to keep a promise to his wife. But now that she was dead and gone, he was no lounger bound to keep the promise, but as a man and a husband to his faithful wife. He will never smoke again until he dies as he tosses the pack back to the man.

" Sorry, not a smoker " he answered back as he pulled down his hat showing him a motion of gratitude for the offer as he glared at the very talkative teenage boy, " And don't you dare touch my bow and gun, or you'll be picking up your teeth on the ground " he threatened him as he took off his hat, revealing his brown hair and some parts of it were grayish because of age.
"Already put them on the chair when you weren't looking. Far away. From you, at least." Noel half-shouted from his workshop. "And it's not the best idea to threaten the kid who's probably gonna be fixing up your gear. I could put laxatives in your food and you wouldn't know it." He continued working on different blueprints, after giving up on the cumbersone saw. "A wrist mounted dart gun..." He whispered to himself. Noel sprinted out of his workshop to find materials. "Pressurized air canisters, metal tubing, bicycle pumps, a wrist brace..!" He shouted to himself as he frantically sprinted around different shops, trying to find his materials.

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