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The Huntsman (Based on the movie)

Liam looked up at Sara's touch in shock, holding his breathe when he heard her speak. Completely speechless Liam was so greatful, he felr his heart befin to best with excitement and he kissed her, not letting her go. When he finally pulled away he stroked her face and kissed her cheeks. "I love you. I'll protect you, I promise. No one will get to you." Liam was set on keeping his wife hidden from Freya and her army. He would do whatever it took.
Sara smiled as she looked at her husband and continued to brush his cheek with her thumb. "I love you." She whispered again and sat up slowly as she cuddled up against him. "She's going to come after me Liam. I don't want her to harm you." She whispered with worry and concern, her heart pounding against her chest hard as she thought about losing him again.
"Shhh. You'll be alright. We'll figure something out. I'm not letting you go back there." Kissing her forehead he smiled down at her, picking her up in his arms he brought her to the only person he knew would help him. Liam's loyality was undoubtful snd he was hoping it would pay off and he could get Snow White to agree to help protect Sara from Freya.

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