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The hunting of the fantasy creatures (rp with animegirl20)

Her fate will find itself her encounter with the demon didn't just hurt her but she gathered some of his magic whether to be used for good or evil.
"No! Mom, dad!" She laying on her bed crying.

Derek came into the training room to see how it was coming along. He looked around and said "where's Starfire?"

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"In control of her own personal strength." He said to him knowing the process. "If you disturb her now she may not even be able to wield a sword again but she has to overcome her fear."
"Wait.......crap she's having one of her fits again." He took out his phone and called the lab. "Hey she's having one those fits of hers again....yah bring the medicine to her room." He hanged up and looked at justin. "What the hell do you think your doing?! She goes crazy every time she goes into those fits! Oh wait I see what your doing. If you think your getting her out if my control your wrong. You see I know all about that magic she gathered. She was almost completely under my control but you destroyed that final medicine we were working on." He walked up to him and looked him in the eye. "Give up now she already does everything I say. She's got no free will left."

Starfire was still having the flash backs. She started screaming. "No! Get away from me! Ahhhhhhh!" She put her hand over her bad eye like the whole thing was happening again.

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White men came into Starfire's room trying to hold her down and give her a shot. "Go away! Get off me!" When she try to push them away from her fire came from her hands.

Derek's phone rang he picked up and answered. "Hello?......what?! What do you mean there's a fire who started it?.......she did!? I'm on my way up there." He hanged up and ran out of the training room to her room.

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He sighed and sat down he knew they were gonna make it worse. He tried to warn them and she wouldn't be able to control it just by her 'friend'
Derek ran to her room which was on fire. Derek yelled out "Starfire! Are you all right." Starfire was standing on the bed and there was fire around her. "Derek!?" She looked around but couldn't see because of the fire. "I don't know what's happening. She sat in a ball on her bed with the fire surrounding her. "I don't know what to do." She whispered to herself.

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"Starfire! I know your in there get out of there before you get killed!" Derek yelled out. Starfire raised her head up but I. Can't.......or can I." She looked at her hands. "If I started I should be able to put it out." She closed her eyes breathed in slowly. Then the fire started to summer down. She opened her eyes and saw the fire was gone. "I did it." She said in shock. She felt different. "I did it! Derek did you see that I got rid if the fi-" (smack) Derek had came in the room and smack her. She held her face from where he smacked her. "Derek are you crazy! You know better then that! I can't believe you went into one of your fits and on top of it started a damn fire!" She sat there silent. "Now I don't want more outbursts suck it up. I knew this training was a bad Idea that elf knew this would happen." He walked out of the room and yelled out. "Fine that elf and bring him to me now!" Starfire sat there confused at the way Derek had acted towards her. He had never hit her before. She looked at the mirror with her eye still bandage. She felt different the person she saw in mirror looked different to her. She looked at the picture on her dresser of her parents. "........."

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The guards found justin and garbed him and brought him to Derek's office. Derek told the guards to leave . He then looked at justin and said "what the hell are you planing I can see it in your eyes."

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He stared at him in disbelief. He thought for min he wanted her to have more power. But what all the craziness going on he didn't have time. He was afraid she do somthing stupid again. He picked up the phone and called the lab. "Hey you know that serum we made....yah that's the one I want her to take it now. She got enough power I just want to make sure she's more..," he looked at justin and tried to choose his words carefully. "I want her to be more obedient......yah that's right ok bye." He looked at justin. "Looks like I don't need you anymore your free to leave."

The men in lab coats came into Starfire's room. " she looked at them and saw they had a needle "what's that for?" "Derek wants us to give you this serum it's suppose to make you stronger." "I thought that was destroyed." "Well we fixed it." She wasn't sure why but for the first time she didn't trust them. "I don't want it." "Now Starfire yo-" "I said I'm not taking it!" They called Derek telling him she was putting up a fight. Derek ignoring the fact that justin was still there. Walked to room once he walked In he told every else to leave the room. He turn toward her gran her by th collar "I'm losing my patience with you. You are going to take that serum got it. In sick of playing nice to you." Pushed her and she fell on the floor. " now " he bend down and looked at her "are going to do as I say and be a good girl?" She looked at him with the smug look on his face. Her angered started to build up and she took her fist a punched him. He fell back she grabbed her swords and and graben her pack and ran out the bedroom door. As she was running she heard Derek yell our get that girl.

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She ran into Derek's office to hide. She was really scared that one emotion she barley felt any more. Then she realized someone else was in the room. She turned around and saw justin.

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He couldn't help but smirk seeing her fear "Seems like your getting closer to your control." He said to her and still was sitting down waiting to see if she would ask if she needed help.
"He's chasing after me I don't know what to do I never thought he would do this to me." She stood there in shock from the events. She looked at justin "your a prisoner to right? Come on let's get out of here."

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He sighed but couldn't help but laugh "The great Huntress is wanting to run away I'm shocked. Even when she had doubts she still fought, so tell me you worth living or not" he said not caring with what they do.
His attitude was pissing her off but she didn't have time to think about that. "He'll yah I'm worth living I'm not stupid. Lived from that attack long ago I must be worth somthing to somebody I use to think it Derek but....,," part of her wanted to cry but she shuck her head and said "well is that answer good enough for you." She looked at him waiting for his answer.

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She saw his sword glow. "Whoa" then she heard foot steps outside the door. Then she heard voices. "You fine the girl yet?" "No sir we haven't." "She could have already left! Now go find her! If she escapes the dark one will have my head! Now go!"Derek headed down to the lab whe guards went back to their serach.

Starfire stared at the door. "The dark one that means......" Her sword started to glow red as her anger grew. But then she stop her self. She was tired physically and emotionally she could go after Derek right now. She open the door a crack turn to justin and said "come on let's get out of here. "

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