The Howl of his Heart [1x1] (twilight & Kevin)

Nichole smiled and grabbed a bottle of water and stuff then walked outside. "Lets go spike." Jogging out. She waited dkr him before locking the door.
Spike wagged his tail and ran outside, running in large circles but making sure to stay close to Nichole. He had always liked to run outside. He suddenly stopped and perked his ears as he heard two men talking to each other. Two poachers came out of the bushes and locked their eyes on Spike. "That must be the wolf that escaped or trap" one of them said "Well than get him!" the other one said before charging at Spike. Spike sprinted back to Nichole.
Nichole said"whats wrong?" Then saw the poachers. She growled and said"spike stay behind me!" Nichole got into her stance. "Bring it." Her eyes cold."Get to sosomewhere safe spike! Keep running and dont look back ok?!" Running at one of the men and roundhouse kicked his headm
Spike didn't hesitate a second and started running, but he didn't do exactly what she had told him. Spike turned a corner and ran through the forest and suddenly stood behind the other poacher. The poacher that was still standing was scared for Nichole "L-listen sorry, we didn't know that that was your dog" he said very nervously. But his excuse came to late and Spike had already jumped on the poacher's back and was holding a claw in his face.
Nichole said"spike down." She gently moved him and roughly pulled up the other poacher. "You sick twisted people hunt these poor animals who did nothing to you. All they have done is live peacefully. and you ruin the ecosystem and the stability of nature. So listen here. You pick up your friend and you go turn your sick asses in. Or you will answer to me and a gun. I have my gun permit and licence. So I have the right to do as I see fit when you are on my property. Now get out." Her voice as cold as ice and then she punched him.
Spike landed on his four paws easily, the poison had no effect on him any more. He wagged his tail as he saw the two poachers leave. He walked over to Nichole and rubbed his head against her leg to thank her for saving his live once again. He sat down and was curious if she still wanted to go jogging or not. Curiously looking up at her and wagging his tail, Spike waited for Nichole's next move.
Nichole said"you're welcome spike." Petting him. "Lets jog." Smiling and jogged through the forest to her favorite clearing. It had a lake in the center. Nichole panted some and sipped her water. She smiled loving to exercise and sat in the soft grass. She took out some fruit and some meat. Nichole ate her apple and smiled giving spike his meat.
Spike didn't like jogging so he started running. He ran to a certain point in front of Nichole than turned around and ran to a certain point behind Nichole. He was running really quickly but didn't seem to become tired, he was panting and his tongue was constantly hitting his cheek because of the wind he made by running. He kept doing that over and over again until they reached the lake.
Nichole smiled at spike. Nichole was feeling a connection with him. As she does with all animals and she looked at the clouds. Nichole hummed and giggled. She then rested her eyes for a bit relaxing.
Spike desperately wanted to jump in the lake, but thought that he might make Nichole angry since she just completely washed him. He was still sort of fluffy because of death and it made the spikes in his tail seem more like circles. He started running circles around the pretty large lake, but it didn't take long for him to get back to Nichole again.
Nichole said"wanna go for a swim?" Standing up and stretching. She smiled and changed out of her jeans and tee into her bikini and jumped in. Nichole popped up and shook her hair. She floated in the water and hummed.
Spike sort of shrugged. Nichole had asked him to, so he didn't see a reason to not go into the lake. He ran into it, splashing water everywhere and all over Nichole. He wagged his tail as he swam circles around her. Spike had always been a pretty good swimmer. He dived a couple of times and appeared again at the other side of Nichole.
Nichole giggled and splashed him some. She smiled and dove under popping up on the other side. She swam around and moved her hair out of her eyes."this is fun isnt it?"
Spike turned around and looked at Nichole. He splashed some water back and then swam over to here, pressing his nose against her shoulder. "Are you freaking out already?" he said with a grin on his lips.
Nichole froze and said"y-you can talk?! Is this a dream?" Turning around and looked at him. She said"ok question. What do you think of the forest?" Making sure she haven't lost her mind.
Spike smiled and shook his head. He carefully placed a claw on Nichole's belly and suddenly extended his nails for a second, pressing into the skin of her belly, hurting her but not making her bleed. "Nope not a dream. The forest is beautiful. I really love this place."
Nichole said"ow and oh my gosh." Hugging him. "You're so awesome! " smiling and petted him. "So what now?" Sitting on the shore. She swung her legs in the water.
Spike swam towards the shore and sat down next to Nichole. He stared down at the water and flicked his tail nervously. "W-well" he said hesitating a little. "I don't know if you're okay with that, but I don't really want to keep living in the forest and take the risk of being shot again..." Water droplets were running over his fur and dripping onto the ground every now and then.
Nichole said"do you want to live with me spike?" Laying on her stomach on the shore looking at him. Her legs swinging back and forth in the air. She petted him again humming.
The petting made his nervousness somehow disappear. He wagged his tail slowly and laid down in front of Nichole, which wasn't a really great idea since the sand was sticking to his wet fur and making him all dirty. "If you allow me to" he said not daring to look her straight into her eyes.
Nichole said"sure. It'll be nice to have some company. " standing up and dried off. "Want a snack?" Smiling. She got dressed again and popped her back.
Spike flicked his tail and stood up. He shook his pelt to get the water out of it, but the sand was still stuck in it. "Sounds like a plan" he said. He got a little bit concerned as he saw the red marks of his nails on Nichole's belly. "I didn't hurt you did I?" he said looking down at the claw he used to do that.
Nichole said"just a bit but its alright spike." Smiling softly. Then made her way to her bag and picked it up. "Ready to go home?" looking at him as she put her hair in a ponytail.
Spike started to wag his tail at the word home. It was some sort of confirmation for him that Nichole would allow him to live with her. "Of course" he said with a smile as he followed her towards her house. "I should thank you for saving my live" he said a bit more serious now "twice.."
Nichole said"no problem. " Smiling and walked back to her home. Sadly Nichole had school tomorrow. She opened the door and walked inside. Nichole said"here." Bending down and put a collar on him. "This will make sure no one tries to get you. "

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