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Realistic or Modern The house

JJ jumped a little. Her fingers hovered above the keys before she put her hands in her lap. She looked up at Tommy. "Oh, I did.... Just something I put together one day...." @DrCompton
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Tom smiled, "I'm Tommy, you're pretty good, and that was a nice song." He held his hand out to her for a shake, he watched her for a moment.
Jacob looked at the two "Ok what ever I'll go next never have I ever kissed the other gender" He said Denise drank more than she should

Yeah you could join" she said towards Emanuel
"And I care why you to are together or not" he said looking at the other drinking
JJ smiled, "it's fine. I was just lost in the sound. And thank you, I've been playing since I was little." She shook his hand and then turned back to the piano. She covered the keys and stood up. She pushed in the seat and turned back to Tommy. "Are you getting ready to go out to the pool?"
London rolls her eyes. "Why would you care if we were together or not?" she asked annoyed. She shook her head and listened to what Drew had to say. She felt herself getting slightly drunk. She blinked a few times to steady herself. London leaned on the edge of the pool for support. She could see the others getting wasted and she considered herself less drunk than he others.
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"Yup yup, are you gonna go out too?" Tom watched her for a moment and smiled, "I use to play the violin, but it's been a couple of years now, and I was never good anyways." He laughed a little, "but I've alway been jealous of people who could play the piano."
"London you go next while I think of what Haven't done" Denise said turning to her in her tube that she was in "Yeah she need to think long and hard about it before she can't think no more" Drew said drinking some beer before the never have I ever statement was said
Emanuel leaned against the edge of the pool waiting for the Never have I ever statement, he turned grabbing his beer from the edge and waving kindly at the girl who hax just approached the pool it seemed like everyone was arriving now and headed for the pool as well, as he waited for the next statement he listened to the music playing from Drew's speakers "Hey what song is this?" He asked, it sounded a bit familiar but he couldn't remember where he'd heard it before.

@Allina Auburn
Drew listened for a bit "only" he said Denise looked at the speakers and drank finishing her bottle she pushed her self to the edge of the pool and grabbing two bottles knowing they were going to last for 2 rounds possibly 2 and a half
London sighed. It was her turn. "Never have I ever cheated in a relationship," London admitted. She looked around expecting someone to take a sip from their beer bottle. She could see a lot of them cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend. London wouldn't be the type to cheat, though she may look like it.
Drew and Denise drank "What you have never cheated princess" she asked as finally got one "Never have I ever had a threesome" she said moved and got out the tube she left the beer above water as she went under water Drew drank a lot of beer "Oops I guess I'm going to be the first to be drunk" he said
Anthony grins as he listens to the conversations and confessions of most of the drunk teens around him. He also felt hisself a little woosy after he finished his third beer and now was on his fourth. He looks over to London as she is told it was her turn and tunes in to see what her never have I ever is. Anthony sips at hers and sighs. "I can't say I've never cheated.. but I'm a changed man.." he lies and looks to everyone.

@Keira Winston @Love The Game
Emanuel slowly sipped at London's statment but sat there laughing at Drew's it looked like he was the only one who could drink to that and it looked like Dee just wanted to avoid the next one, everyone else seemed to be out of it he had to admit he was actually surprised that he hadn't passed out yet.
London rolled her eyes. "I don't cheat because its stupid," she said annoyed. "You know Anthony, a lot of people claim they change but they really don't, you know,"she said to Anthony. She listened to what Dee had to say. London was probably the least drunk of all then teens, but she was still pretty drunk. She blinked a few more times to stable her self. She leaned onto the railing to steady herself.
Anthony looks to London as she comes back with a smart off comment and sighs. "Listen, you're right, some people don't change. I'm not just some people. I'm Anthony Williams." He grins and runs his fingers through his hair. "After all, I am a good boy now. You can trust me sweet cakes." He looks back to the players of the game and shakes his head.

@Keira Winston
"Ok Emanuel's turn" Denise said breaking the tense "Ok guys chill out" Drew said to the two he pushed a tube towards London "Use that to hold yourself" he said while getting out of the pool and getting two extra just like Dee did Denise finish one of her beers wanting to get drunk before the game got to intense
"What a beautiful instrument," she smiled happily. Then she thought for a moment "I guess I could go for a swim...." JJ turned and walked to her room. She quickly changed into her simple black bikini and went outside by the others.
"Yeah, whatever," London said to Anthony rolling her eyes. She got up to get another beer bottle. She only finished one and was probably less drunk than the others. London wasn't willing to believe that Anthony had 'changed' she was used to having the players talk her in saying that they had changed, and she wasn't willing to fall for that again. London grabbed her second bottle and walked back into pool.
Anthony rolls his eyes at London and sips the beer. "You'll come around, and anyway it's not like I'm asking for a relationship." He grins and turns to Drew who told them to chill. "I am chill." Once again, he sips his beer and waits for Emanuel to come up with a statement. He was drunk and bored all at the same time which usually led to no good. "Hey." He says seeing the other girl come down. "Nice bathing suit." (JJ)

@Keira Winston @Love The Game @Arabella Rosewood
Emanuel though for a second "hmm alright,never have I ever slept with someone I thought was 'ugly' ." He said, looking around at everyone waiting to see who'd drink, he looked back and waved at yet another girl walking outside.
Tommy walked out after JJ and looked around at the, most of them were already visibly tipsy and he just laughed a little, he heard the question Emmanuel had asked and sat down on the edge of pool, grabbing a beer, opening it and taking a sip.
"Yeah, but I'm saying that a lot of people who say they changed never really actually change," London said to Anthony. She listened to what Emanuel had to say. "Ew, no. I don't date people that I consider ugly, or even sleep with them," London said. London avoided taking another sip of beer. She waved to the others that had entered the pool.

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