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The House We Shared

Kennebunkport, Maine

August 20th, 2016

"Alright, we should be there soon enough, guys." Michael called out through the car. In the back, Lewis and Jackson were keeping themselves occupied in one way - Lewis was doing his best to read part of the Harry Potter book. Somehow, he didn't get motion sickness when he read in the car, but that was a good thing. Jackson? Jackson was trying to help him. Lewis was just reading quietly and stumbling over a lot of the words, but, he was getting there. He could hardly even read at the start of the summer, but now, thanks to the help of the family, he was getting there, slowly but surely. His mathematic ability was still pretty weak, but, all in good time. Those two were distracted enough and tucked away in the far back of the car, so, they didn't really respond. It had been a long journey so far, but not too far that Michael had to give up his job.

He could still do that from a local station, which was nice. He was grateful it all got moved over, and there was the chance of him running his own station within a couple of years working here. What could be better than that? It wasn't as if he didn't make shit loads of money as it was, but, running a station altogether would definitely sort out the family for a lifetime three times over, basically. They had money. More than enough. Money that the older kids knew existed - the younger ones? Well, quite simple. They knew the family was doing okay, but they didn't fully know the extent of their mother and father's riches, meaning they couldn't really take advantage of it as much.

James wasn't one to try and rip them off, either, but... He was expecting them to buy him his first car as soon as he got his license, and that was about as far as it went for expectations for him. Did he care that they were moving house? Not really. Sure, he had friends, but friends weren't something he thought he'd struggle to make at a new school. They'd moved during the summer, after all, so he didn't imagine he'd be the only new kid moving into a school in the new town they'd be living in. He was grateful for the new house they'd be getting, too. He'd seen the pictures, and it was fancy. Built a long time ago, abandoned, refurbished, and sold on.

Essentially, they were going to be the first people to live in this house in its current state. All furnished, all new, all untouched and ready for them to move in. It was going to be a blast, James was sure. 

At the same time, though, James was one person that got travel sick after long distance journies. Usually he could get away with it, but, there was always the chance. He was never one to throw up or anything, but, he was feeling a little bit queasy at the present time. He knew it wouldn't be too much longer before they reached the house, but, a break and a chance to use the bathroom and grab a drink and stuff wouldn't be something that went unappreciated. Was it worth bringing up? Maybe. He looked over to his sister, who would have had no choice in this journey but to sit in the first back compartment with him. Not that that was a problem, of course. 

He was fond of her, too, and he hoped that this new town and new house would give her the chance to start fresh and actually start attending classes. He knew he'd have a thing or two to say if she decided she was going to skip them all again. The older brother, and all. It was a lot of his job to make sure his brothers and his sister were raised properly, too. Even so, once he'd taken a glance around, he looked into the front of the car and between his mom and dad.

"Mom, dad?" He called out.

"Yep?" Michael replied.

"Can we stop somewhere for a little while?" He asked. "Y'know, grab a drink, all that?"

Michael looked at his watch - It was only 11am. They'd been on the road for a few hours, too - the fact that the youngest kids hadn't fallen asleep was insane.

He looked over to his wife for a brief moment. "What do you say?" He asked. "Give them fifteen minutes before we get to the house? Meet some of the locals, even?" He asked, chuckling a little bit. "Maybe treat the kids to some milkshakes - I'm down for that. I'm sure we could all do with stretching our legs, no?" He asked.
Melissa watched her kids through the rear-view mirror. A smile slowly formed in her lips as she heard jackson attempting to read a Harry Potter book out of everything with Jackson helping him with a few words he couldn't read. Then again Melissa was sure he didn't understand half of the words used in the book. But she just know he would grow up smart like his father and brothers. Then her eyes moved to her only daughter. As always she was sitting there looking out the mirror, hands on her chin with her elbows leaning towards the door. Earphones plugged in yet again. Melissa knew there was a chance she just put it there for the sake of avoiding conversation and there wasn't anything playing at all. She gave her head a gentle shake. Oh what should she do about her.

After a few minutes James suggested for a short stop over which Melissa thought was a good idea. After all they've been on the road for a few hours now. How long till they get there anyway? Melissa was all about supporting her husband's career. It was him after all who always made more than her and she knew how much he loved his career and how hard he worked to be where he is now. After meeting Michael at the company she was hired as nothing more but an assistant everything went smoothly until she decided it was not what she wanted to do. Luckily one of her college friends called her one day and offered her a job as a chef at a restaurant she started. A few more years passed she became her friends business partner and together they worked on expanding their business. 

Melissa though ofcourse was glad on how things turned out despite her past. Despite her business she has all the time to support her husband and focus on their kids.

"I say its a good idea." She said with a smile to Michael. "Need to use the little girls room" She shuffled through her seat to look at her kids by glancing back from her seat. "You guys up for a little break to stretch those muscles?" She asked them cheerfully.

Gabriella lazily looked at her mother who was now looking at her with a smile that just annoyed her. Then she felt her older brother's eyes on her. "Ugly." She told him before rolling her eyes. "Hey Lewis want chocolate?" She reached for her backpack, unzipped it and pulled out a hershery bar. "Here." She extended her arms reaching the chocolate bar towards her little brother. Gabriella loved all her brothers ofcourse. Her mom and dad too. But Lewis was the only one she was always closer too. Jackson and her always get into fights and James is just all up on her business pissing her off more. She knew very well ofcourse that her older brother had all the right reasons to nag at her. She also know that he's just looking out for her but still, he annoys her and so does everything else. But ofcourse she loves them all. The girl just have trouble showing it. 

Up ahead was a gas station with a mini store and a bathroom. It looked old and almost abandoned but still good enough to stay in business. Outside was a man cleaning with a broom stick.

"That is the creepiest shit I've ever seen." Gabriella commented.

"Language, Gabi"  Melissa said without a glance at her. Instead her eyes were locked at the old gas station. Feeling uneasy at the pit of her stomach. 
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James sighed, "Oh, yeah, real mature." He said to his sister, shaking his head. 

"Guys, that's enough." Michael said, "We're all tired, all been on the road for a long time. I don't want any fighting."

James waved a hand, "I didn't even say anything." He huffed.

"Alright... Gabriella, come on." He looked at her in the rear-view, "Let's not start being unreasonable, alright? No need to pick fights. It's not something I'm in the mood to deal with right now, guys, so just behave." He said, as sternly as he needed to. He wasn't going to shout and scream at them, but he didn't want them getting at each other's throats while they were still in the car. Lewis, however, had his attention drawn away from the book when he was offered a candy bar. He loved his sister - he was used to having brothers, but, having a sister was something different, something interesting, even if they were all brothers and sister in blood.

Michael looked at the gas station and sighed - He had to admit, it was somewhat creepy, but this was small-town America. It was bound to look a little strange, but they'd have to deal with that how they could, right? There was no big deal with it all. They could just pull up and get some fuel and that would be the end of it. It wasn't like they could eat here, seeing as the most it probably served was candy bars.

Lewis took the one he was offered and peeked over the top of the seat at Gabriella, "Thanks." He grinned.

As for stopping...

"Yeah, I wanna' stop for a while." Jackson piped up.

"Me too." Lewis said through a mouthful of chocolate.

"That's that settled, then." Michael said, then glanced around. "There's a little diner across the street from the gas station, look. James, why don't you walk your brothers over there and get a table, order some stuff?" He asked.


"Gabriella, you can go with them if you want to." Michael said, "Your mother and I can pull in at the gas station, use the bathroom there and get the car fueled up. You guys go relax, order some drinks."

"Sounds good." James said, simply, and as soon as they pulled into the gas station, he hopped out and folded his chair forward so the two younger ones could hop out the back, too. It felt good to finally stretch their legs - Harry Potter could only do so much in the way of keeping them distracted, but, thankfully, here they were, in their new hometown. A little different to the town of Portland, Maine - A lot smaller, but, it had character. James, Jackson, and Lewis were generally happy, not too bitter about the big move. Once they were out of the car, obviously pulled up by the gas pumps, Lewis walked up to Michael and tugged at his shirt.


"Yeah, fella?" He looked down at him as he grabbed the fuel pump. 

"I gotta' use the bathroom..."

"Alright, go over to the diner with your brother and he'll take you, okay?" He asked, and Lewis nodded, instead going to James and taking hold of his hand. "James, make sure you take him to the bathroom before anything else, alright?" Michael called out.

"Yeah, of course." He said. He looked at Lewis, then at Jackson and Gabriella, too. "Alright, let's go." He smiled, softly, and walked whoever was coming along over to the road. It was clear to cross. There wasn't much traffic here at all, so, it was all safe. The diner wasn't too bad, but very typical for a town like this. A dark color scheme, lots of wooden furniture that was all padded with cushions, of course. Overall, not too bad. In one corner an old man was sat on his own, reading the paper and drinking coffee. Very stereotypical, right? It didn't look anywhere near as creepy in here, though.

James noticed another corner booth at the other end of the diner and pointed to it, "How about that?" He asked. "I'm gonna' take Lewis to the bathroom, so, unless you need to go, too, you can go grab that table." He said, then scanned around for the restrooms. There they were, past the man sat in the corner and down a small hallway. "Right over there, buddy, let's go." He nodded off to the door and began to walk Lewis over there. Jackson didn't need to go, surprisingly, so, he went off and sat down at the table James had previously spoken about and pulled out his phone. He had signal here, and unbelievably, this place had WiFi, too.
Gabriella stayed outside the diner as her brothers went inside. She looked across the street and saw her dad pumping gas to the car, her mom walking towards the bathroom only to see her stop at the door with a disgusted look on her face before closing it and walked inside towards the mini store. A few moments later the man followed her. Gabriella thought maybe it was the clerk or the owner perhaps? 

She stretched her arms with a yawn before pulling her phone out of her pocket. She saw she had a few unread text messages. With an excited smile she checked the one from her bestfriend Kayla. 

[ Oh my god Gab, you will not believe what Tyler just said about you! He said he always had a crush on you for so long but never told you! He said he wishes you didn't have to go. Regret moving now? ] 

Gabriella found herself smiling to herself with the thought of the boy she always had a crush on actually having a

crush on her too. Now if only he said that before she left and actually asked for her number. 'Regret moving now?' She read those words again. Did she? Did she hate the fact that they had to move? Even Gabriella herself wasn't sure. Yeah she prefered their old home where they stayed since she and her brothers were young. Its the place where she grew up. Nothing will ever be like that place, the memories, the people... everything. But the girl was smart enough to know that there was no point in dwelling on it. Not like she had much of a choice or anything. And she loves her family despite her rebelling facade

She shuts her phone off before putting it back on her pocket and entering the diner following her brothers. The smell of fresh brewed coffee and fresh toasted bread hit, Gabriella. That was when she realized she was hungry and wanted something to eat. She scanned around the diner looking for her brothers. There wasn't much people inside the diner aside from the cooks in the kitchen, the waitress and a few people who came to grab a bite. There Gabriella saw Jackson at the corner booth waving at her. But before she could walk over towards him her attention went to an old man who was reading his paper with an empty plate on his table. Gabriella could have sworn

he was watching her for a few seconds. Or perhaps she was just being paranoid? The diner did look decent, nothing creepy or scary like that old gas

station across the street. It was just an average typical diner. Shaking off her thoughts she walked towards the table where Jackson sat. 

Melissa opened the store's fridge only to see nothing but a couple cans of beer and bottled water were inside. It wasn't even cold enough to quench someone's thirst. Why is this even running? The shelves were almost empty aside from a few chips here and there that isn't even properly arranged. The candy station right next to the counter was still full though. 

"Is there anything you need?" A deep shaky voice came from behind Melissa making her jump slighly. "Oh god!" She turned to see the man from outside standing with a welcoming smile on his face. He wore a greenish white shirt that Melissa knew was only supposed to be white without all the stains. A green polo that was unbuttoned, denim pants and sandals. He looked like he was in his mid 50's. 

 "Oh... no. Thank you I- I just came to see if there's anything we might need." She said with a warm smile, trying her best to hide her discomfort. 

"New to town huh?" The man said with a crooked smile. "Yeah I can tell... Welcome. Hope you and your family..." He stopped for a while and took a glance towards Michael that was probably now finished filling the gas. "Have a great time."

"Thank you." The words escaped her lips slowly with a very doubtful tone. What is it with the way this man looked at her that made her feel so uneasy?

Quickly Melissa went outside towards her husband without another glance towards him. What was that about? 

She walked towards Michael, pulling out her white mini towel from her handbag to wipe the sweat off of her husband's face. "Honey are we good? Come on lets go to the kids." She decided not to mention the encounter with the creepy man inside the store. It was probably nothing. After all he did welcome Melissa and her family to the town. 
The bathroom in the diner was nothing special, but, it was probably a lot better than the one at the gas station. It'd at least been cleaned, even if it was quite old. The toilets and such all looked like they hadn't been replaced since the nineties, but, that wasn't really a problem. They were clean enough to use without the fear of catching some sort of horrific disease, so, James was happy enough to let his younger brother use them without worry. Wasn't like they had much choice, really, seeing as the two of them were more or less desperate as it was. Still, once they were both done, they washed their hands and dried them off, and then it was simply time for them to go and sit down and order something to eat and drink. Good thing, too, James was hungry. He didn't eat breakfast this morning, oddly enough. He was on edge about the move in the slightest and seeing as he did sometimes get carsick, he wasn't going to chance it. A good call, it seemed. As they walked out of the bathroom, he took hold of his little brother's hand and walked with him.

They went over to the booth the other two were sat at and sat down opposite them both. Of course, James let Lewis take the seat by the window, and he slipped in beside him. Immediately he grabbed a menu and put one around Lewis' side, holding him close. He was fond of the youngest, of course. He was a lot older than him, after all, so unlike the childhood he had growing up with Jackson, there was a lot less fighting, and many fewer disagreements between the two. The older brother was definitely an inspiration - and a reliable person to turn to - for the youngest in the family, just like Gabriella was, too. Lewis was close to Jackson, of course, but, things were always different when it came to the eldest kids in the family.

James looked at the knife and fork holder and saw that it was lacking a key thing - Knives and forks. Oh dear.

And napkins. There were no napkins, either.

"You guys wait here. I'll go grab us the essentials." He smirked, nodding to the holder at the back-center of the table. He hopped up and walked to the bar, where he was approached by a young woman. Well, it was a girl that couldn't have been more than a year or so older than him; the first friendly face he saw, which was good. She looked normal enough. "Hey, sorry, could I get some knives, forks, napkins? All that?" He asked. "We haven't got any."

"Oh, sure. How many do you need? Just for the four of you?"

"Six. Parents are on their way in a second." He smiled, and the girl nodded to him, sending a smile back. She got something from a holder she had behind the bar - six pairs of knives and forks, all of which were wrapped up nicely in a napkin each. She gave him a stack of loose napkins, too - disposable ones, obviously, but still. "Thanks." He said.

He was about to leave, but, believe it or not, he had someone else talk to him, someone that made him jump in surprise.

"Where'd you come from?" A man asked. There he was - the old man from the corner. James quickly turned to him and forced a smile, setting the napkins down on the bar again.

"Oh, hey. Uh... We came from Portland. Bit of a journey, but, here we are." He said.

"Oh, from the big city?" The old man laughed a little - he had a soft laugh, a friendly one. "You'll do fine here, I'm sure. You've got ya' people that have their quirks around here, but it ain't nothing bad." He said. "Where you moving in?" He asked.

"Uhm, you know Ocean Avenue?"

"Ocean Avenue, eh...?" He smiled and nodded, "Very nice... Takes money to live in a place like that. Big refurbished place?"

"That's the one, yeah." He replied. "Sorry, I should get back to the lot over there." He motioned a thumb over his shoulder to where his brothers and his sister were sat. "They're waiting on me to order. But, nice talking to you." He said, simply, and held out a hand. The old man reached out and shook it.

"The pleasure is mine. What's your name?"


"Douglas." He smiled back - a lot of his teeth were missing, but, he still had the important ones. "I wish you the best, James."

"Thanks, Douglas." He nodded to him, then watched him use his walking stick to hobble back over to the table he was sat at previously. A lot of the locals seemed friendly enough - like Douglas had said, quirky, but... James wasn't one to mistake quirky for sinister. Out of who he'd met so far, he was happy enough with the new setting, even if it was a little quiet. James also sat back down at the table and smiled at his siblings, putting an arm back around Lewis' shoulders. "We ready to order?" He asked.

"I think so." Jackson said.

"Good, I'll take a look, then when mom and dad get here we can eat." He said.


Michael was indeed done filling the car up by the time she got back. Compared to the kids, they'd had a bad first-introduction to the town. A dirty bathroom, a lackluster gas station - Michael just hoped that the diner was good enough. The house they were moving into was expensive, fancy, better than what they had in Portland (much, much better), so he hoped the town would meet their standards. He wanted the kids to grow up in a good place, after all. Other than the gas station attendants and such, things seemed okay. When Melissa came back, he nodded to her and smiled. 

"You head over and see them. I need to pay for the gas." He said, gently gripping her shoulder as he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. "I'll see you in a minute. I'll move the car up along the diner-side of the road, too. Can't exactly leave it parked here." He said, and after parting from her and paying for the gas as he said he would, he drove the car just down the street a little and pulled into the next free spot he found. it was only a fifteen second walk from the car, so, after he'd locked it up, it didn't take long to get into the diner. When he was inside, he went over to his family and slipped into the next available spot at the booth.

"So, here we are." He said. "Lewis, you've been to the restroom, yeah?"

"Uh-huh, James took me." He smiled across the table at his dad.

"Good." He nodded, then winked at James, just as a way of saying thanks. "How are you guys finding the town so far? I know we've not been here that long at all, but... It's pretty nice, don't you think?" He asked. "Quieter, that's for sure. Should give you all the chance to run wild a little. Looks like there's a lot to do here, especially for a small town. We might have found a bit of a gem here, guys." He chuckled. "Diner seems nice enough." He said, simply.

"I met some guy a minute ago." James said, "Douglas..." He nodded over to the corner table at the other side of the diner. "Him, he seemed cool." He said. "Friendly. Wished us well, and everything."

"Ah, that's nice." Michael nodded. "Anyway, let's get some food and drinks, I'm starving." He said, and under the table, he set a hand down on his wife's knee. Hopefully this town would allow them to build a better life, one that was better than the already-great life they had previously.
Gabriella looked at the menu and felt her stomach grumble. Okay now she's just starving. She glanced out the window only to see her mom coming out of the mini store and walking towards her dad. Surely soon enough they'll be here and she could finally eat whatever she wanted off of this menu. Gabriella always knew her parents had money. She doesn't exactly know how much it is. But as she grew she started noticing that they were capable of giving them a good life. How? Simple. Gabriella noticed that she and her brothers always had more than the other kids. May it be toys, gadgets, clothes, and the fact that they were able to send all four of them to good schools at the same time that most average american family couldn't? That had to be saying something. 

She saw James talking to the girl behind the bar. She looked young obviously, same age as her older brother perhaps. She handed him what James asked for, a pretty smile was painted on her lips as she looked at James.

"Uuugh." She rolled her eyes with a groan. Seriously what is it with girls liking his brother? Even at their old school some of her classmates, sophomore and even the junior girls would make friends with her only to get the chance to meet James. 

Gabriella's thoughts were cut short when she noticed the old man she felt looking at her earlier stand up. He took a walking stick that stood there leaning on his table before walking slowly towards James who was almost about done at the counter. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him nearing her brother. She felt Jackson looking at her so she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Go pick something to eat... You too Jack." 

She watched the old man talk to James. Their conversation was inaudible because there was a bit of a distance from their table to the counter. And Gabriella just noticed there was a mini speaker just above their booth, where Ariana Grande's songs were playing in an average volume. It had to be that girl's phone plugged in on the system. 

After a few seconds she saw James give the old man a smile before the old fella started wobbling back towards his own seat. But before he sat down back to his booth, he glanced towards them. Her eyes met Gabriella. For a short second she felt like he was giving her a smile that felt... sympathetic. Then before Gabriella could smile back at him, he sat down once again, grabbed his paper and started reading like nothing happened. 

A few moments passed Melissa and Michael entered the Diner and sat to the

booth where their four kids patiently waits for them. A few short conversations more where in James mentioned about a man he spoke to earlier. Melissa thought about sharing her encounter with the store owner from across the street. But she thought ist wasn't worth mentioning, it wasn't like it was a big deal or anything. Old town, old odd folks perhaps? And it does seem like the town also has friendly faces. That pretty blonde from the counter was very friendly and welcoming too.

She placed a hand above Michael's and gave it a little squeeze to assure him that everything is gonna to be okay. Everything will work out ofcourse. What could possibly go wrong after all? The beautiful house was ready, no problem with the moving, all their kids seem to be supportive. And this place could hold so many great opportunities. If given the chance Melissa and her business partner could even put up a branch of their restaurant here and expand a little more. 

The happy family ordered what they each wanted, and not even fifteen minutes later their orders came and they all enjoyed their meal. Talking to each other every now and then as they enjoyed eating. 

"Jackson could you please chew slower you sound like a cow gnawing on grass." Gabriella said annoyed to her third born brother. "Jeesh." She then continued sipping on her milkshake. She finished her omelette and bacon faster than she thought she could. Boy was she hungry, but now her stomach's full making her lean on the booths chair. 

"Dad are we almost there?" She asked glancing towards, Michael.
Jackson picked something from the menu, of course. He was pretty hungry, but nowhere near as hungry as James was. Did James notice the attention he got from some girls? Or from a lot of them? Somewhat, but not all that much. He didn't think that he was all that much of a hit - he didn't see himself as someone who was massively attractive, either, but, maybe he was wrong. Maybe things would be different here. They knew that at school he had his friends, and that was about it. He didn't go much beyond that group - he didn't mean to cause his sister any pain, though. If girls became friends with her just to meet him, then... Well, they weren't girls he really wanted to know. He didn't want anything against his sister - In some ways, he felt bad if he ever caused shit like that for his sister, but sometimes there's nothing you can do.

Jackson just decided to go for a burger, as did Lewis. He was pretty hungry. Once their parents were there, things could finally settle. They'd be on the move again before too long, but at least for now things were okay, and they were settling in and everything. The looks from the older man from across the restaurant were clicked onto by Michael, too. Was there sympathy there? Was there anything else? Sadness? Happiness? It seemed there were quite a few things. Michael didn't mind, so far things seemed cool. Now and again, James and the blonde waitress made eyes. Maybe there was a temporary crush - lust, or something. A mutual attraction.

Maybe there was nothing there. 

Jackson looked up at his sister when she spoke and shook his head for a brief moment, and just to rub things in a little more, he grabbed his milkshake and took the loudest slurp of it he possibly could, making direct eye contact with her while he did so. After that, he went back to eating. Sometimes, whenever something like this happened, silence was the best answer, or something that would wind her up a little more - by not saying anything, he was making it harder for her. Now, if she was to say anything else to him, it'd make her look like the unreasonable one. Jackson knew how to play an argument smartly - after all, he liked being the life of the party at school. He had a lot of friends before they moved. He was known by more or less everyone in his grade.

And now here the family were, doing things as they always had done.

"Go get her number." Michael eventually said.

"Hm?" James asked. "Oh... Nah." He shook his head, "It's alright."

"Why not?"

"Dad, c'mon. Awkward." He said. 

"Pff. You'll get the hang of it eventually." He reached over the table and gently punched his shoulder.

Michael then looked at Gabriella. "Ten more minutes of driving. I'll tell you, you'll be in good walking distance from the schools, too." He smiled. "You guys... You're going to have a lot of fun at the new house, I think. Pool and everything. We only showed you a few pictures - there's a lot of stuff you haven't seen." He said. "What are you guys planning on doing for the rest of the summer, anyway?" He asked. "James, maybe get a job?"

"Dad, there's like two weeks of summer left. No point."

"Fair enough." He said. "Anything else, guys?" He asked.
"UGH!" Gabriella crumpled two layers of disposable napkin, heavy enough to fly towards Jackson without it dropping or changing directions in Mid flight. She threw the balled napkin that hit jackson right on the face. "I said stop it!" Annoyed she glared at her brother. Even after telling him to stop he still kept up with his antics and sipped loudly on his milkshake making that annoying noise. It wasn't really that bothersome. What ticked Gabriella even more is the fact that he didn't even listen and pissed her off even more making her crack.

"Gabriella." Melissa called out to her daughter with a warning tone.

"What! He started it I only told him to stop chewing like a freaking cow eating wet grass." 

"Your dad was asking you guys a question. Can you please not fight right now?" Melissa said now calmer as she reached over a napkin to wipe ketchup off of lewis' face.

"Slowly, Lewis the burger isn't going anywhere but your tummy." She said with a smile. 

Gabriella rolled her eyes at the scene. She looked back at Jackson and she saw that annoying look on his face again. It was pretty obvious to her that he was doing it on purpose to piss her off even more. "You are so dead." She mouthed the words before finishing off her milkshake. 

"Be right back. Wasn't able to go the bathroom at that mini store and trust me you guys do not want to see what was in there." At that Melissa wiped her mouth, grabbed her purse and made her way towards the bathroom. As she walked an old man at the corner puts his paper down and gave her a warm smile. Seriously what is with the odd old people in this town? 

"Good looking family you got there." The man said in an old shaky voice that somehow reminded her of a cartoon character. Then her eyes went to his cane and saw it had carvings on it that Melissa can't quite read. 

"Ah, yeah that's the crew." She said with a smile towards the man. 

He gave her a nod before linking his fingers together, his elbows leaning on his table. "Well maam I do hope this town is to your liking." 

Melissa remembered James mentioned this man earlier. He did seem nice but quite peculiar. Friendly... perhaps too friendly. 

"I do hope so too for the sake of the kids" She gave the booth where her family sat a quick glance. A smile was on her face as she watched them. When she looked back towards the old man he was already standing infront of her. Completely flustered Melissa took a step back. An expression of surprise was on her face. 

"Sorry. You were making your way to the bathroom I pressume?" He stepped to the side and stretched his arm to the side like he was telling her to go on. 

"Y-Yeah. Thanks." Without another glance at the man she went inside the bathroom quickly and locked the door from the inside. She took a deep breath before looking at her reflection on the mirror. She fixed her ponytail before doing her thing feeling very thankful that the place was clean and not something off of a horror movie like the one from the mini store. When was the last time someone cleaned that place? Or maybe even entered for that matter.


The blonde girl from the counter walked towards the booth where everyone else sat.

"Is there anything you guys need? Is everything comfortable?" She asked flashing her pearly white teeth. She has long blonde hair, blue eyes, thick lashes that Gabriella figured was from the thick layer of mascara she applied this morning that horribly dried up. But the fact that she looked like freaking barbie would totally take the attention off of that. 

Gabriella looked at her then to James. She can tell right away what's going on. What is this a five star restaurant that she had to come in here to ask like they were inside Mirragio in Las Vegas? The way she looked at James and the way Gabriella caught James looking back at her even earlier when she was behind the counter it was obvious their thoughts were the same towards each other.

"You know you should do what dad suggested you to do earlier." Gabriella teased her brother.

"Do you want me to do it for you?" She smirked.
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James wasn't appreciative when people got up in his business; he knew that as much as they were trying to be friendly, it wasn't something he wanted going on. If he wanted the girl's number, he would have gone up and asked her himself. He knew how to handle himself - just because he found someone attractive wasn't enough reasoning to hit something off. He wasn't that sort of guy. He'd need to actually meet her and talk to her before he did anything that bold, otherwise he could be getting himself tied into some shit that he didn't want a part of. There was no need for him to talk to the waitress, and there was no need for anyone else to do anything, either.

He immediately shook his head when the girl asked if there was anything else they needed, "We're fine, thanks." He said. Once she was gone, he turned to his sister and sighed, "No." He said, firmly. "I don't want her number, and I don't want my sister to try and wingman me, either." He said - Maybe he came off as a little too defensive. Sometimes he got like that, but, what could you do? There were some grounds that just shouldn't be stepped on - with anyone, really, not just James.

"You should all just leave it. I know what I'm doing, and I don't need any of you to try and do it for me."

"Oh, come on..." Michael put a hand down on James' arm. "I don't think any of us are being serious, son."

"I don't care." James shrugged his hand away. "Just leave it."

"Alright, alright." He held his hands up; by the time the food was finished, James was being quiet, but he wasn't snapping at anyone else. The fights between the kids were bound to happen now and again, it's just the way siblings work, but, Jackson wasn't one to continue anything. Sure, he found what his sister said funny to a certain degree, but he wasn't going to try and tease James about it. He knew that as much as his brother loved him, he wasn't immune from a bit of a beating now and again. They did stuff like that all the time - it's what brothers do, after all. Either way, things moved on.

"RIght, we're good to go, everyone." Michael said, "Before we leave, I'm using the bathroom. You can all go get into the car, otherwise." He said, sliding the car keys across the table to Melissa.

"Me too." Jackson said, going to stand beside his father. 

James shrugged - Indifferent. He went when he got here, so, car it was. "We'll see you out there, then." He said. 
When her older brother snapped, Gabriella knew she didn't want to push him further. So she chose to shut her mouth and sat back quietly leaning on her seat. "Wow..." She whispered to herself. Although she was quite positive he heard her, she didn't mind. She knew, James well despite them not really being that close to each other. Of course they used to be. She remembers vivid images of her when she was younger playing tag with, James. Or him helping her with homework, or maybe even that one time she tripped and scratched her knee and it was James who applied first aid to make sure it doesn't get infected. That wasn't it of course, there are more memories of her and James when they

were younger. Gabriella knew her brother loved her and she loved him just as much. But things change of course as they both grew up. 

By the time Melissa got back to their booth it was awkwardly silent as everyone but Gabriella was eating to finish off their meals. She stood there for a while with a curious look on her face. Looking to her husband she can tell something just went down. The looks on James' and Gabriella's face though confirmed her speculation even more. Figuring it was probably a better idea to let this one go, she sat down again and watched as her youngest son finished off his burger. 

After a few more minutes it was finally time to get back on the road. At least this time it wouldn't be that long of a journey. Melissa took the keys from the table and they all stood up. 

"Gabriella hold Lewis and make sure he doesn't go running around since he just finished eating, okay?" Melissa then reached for something from inside her handbag which turned out to be her wallet. She pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to James.

"And you go pay our bill. I'm sure they have-" Melissa was cut short when Gabriella grabbed the money from her. 

"No let me!" She said a little frantic. She figured her older brother probably wouldn't want to talk to the blonde cashier girl after that incident a few moments ago. It was clear though that she just wanted to talk to James and get closer. But it looks like her brother didn't like her that much too actually get

the chance to know her. 

"Okay?" Melissa gave her daughter a confused look. 


"How much is it?" Gabriella asked the pretty blonde across from her. 

"Oh um that'll be..." She started pressing on the cash register, that cheerful smile still on her face. For a while Gabriella thought this girl might as well be the real Babrie. Isn't it exhausting to be all smiley all the time? "Sixty two dollars." She beamed at her. Gabriella handed her the hundred dollar bill before crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Your brother isn't quite the talker huh?" The blonde said breaking the silence between them. 

"Um. I guess so..." Gabriella answered without looking at her. 

"You're pretty. Just like your mom." 

A smile slowly came to Gabriella's lips. 

"Are you guys new here? This is the first time I've seen you all. Growing up here I know almost half the town. Either you folks are just stopping by for a bite or you're all visiting someone in town." Again that smile was still on her face as she handed Gabriella the change. 

"No actually we're moving here."

"Oh really? Wow that's awesome. Where

in town?"

"Uh... Ocean avenue if I remembered it correctly." Just like that the blonde girl's cheerful smile slowly faded from her lips. Like she heard something unpleasant or something didn't want to hear. 

"O-oh... yeah I heard stories about that place. You guys must be pretty rich huh?" Gabriella noticed the sudden change in her tone. She suddenly seemed like an entire different person from the ray of sunshine blonde girl who welcomed them to the Diner. "I- I gotta refill the ketchup. Um.. see you guys around." With that she walked towards the diner's stockroom leaving the counter unattended. With a confused look on her face, Gabriella walked out of the diner and made her way towards where their car was parked, all ready to get to their new home. 
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If she wanted to pay the bill, there was nothing that was going to stop her from doing that. In some ways he was grateful - he wasn't really in the mood to start being all flirty and everything. He was moving away from home and to somewhere completely new, where the locals seemed friendly enough, if not a little quirky. There was nothing wrong with that - so far, they'd only had encounters with the elderly. He was sure once school started again for them, things would be fine, and that would be the end of any worries they had. He wasn't dreading going back to school, but the idea of going back and having to make friends all over again wasn't a good one. He wanted to make more, of course, but for all he knew he was going to be the only new kid there. It was going to be a good school, though, it always was with their parents.

While Gabriella went and paid the bill for them, James wandered off to the car and hopped in at the first chance he got. Michael and Jackson didn't take that long in the bathroom, either. They were only in there a couple of minutes before they both came back and joined whoever was left in the cafe, presumably Gabriella. Now, it was time to get to their new home, so, off to the car they went, and as soon as Michael was in the driver's seat, he got rolling once again. He knew the way from here, and eventually, as they went out of the town and instead up a long road that lead to the area they were going to be living in, the quality of things got upped. Houses were further apart, homes were bigger, fancier, modern. Not in the center of the town, basically. The air was that little bit cleaner, and the sounds around them were quieter.

It was nice.

Even so, after a couple of minutes of driving, they found themselves pulled into the bay of a very nice house, one the kids had seen maybe the front of in the pictures, and that was about it. There was a lot of the house they hadn't seen, but, sadly, there were a lot of things the parents hadn't seen about this place, too. Things were going to be okay for a little while, though - they'd at least have the chance to settle in before shit started hitting the fan, but, before anything else, the house itself...



160 Ocean Avenue.

What a place it already seemed to be.

"Wow, guys. Look at that." Michael laughed in excitement as he pulled up out front of the house. "It looks even better than it did in the pictures, doesn't it?" He grinned, and of course, the younger kids were in awe. It was enough to put a big smile on James' face, as well. Sure, it was going to take some getting used to, but it was walking-distance from town and the schools, and more importantly, it was a nice place for them to live. Amazing, actually.

"Let's go ahead and get inside, shall we?" Michael asked, flicking the car engine off and then taking a glance around again. What a place this was. He gripped Melissa's hand once she was out the car, and straight to the front door he went. He stuck the key in the lock and turned it, then looked around the initial room they entered on. It was just the hall, with the stairs not far from the door.



"Welcome home, guys." Michael turned and smiled at them. "Now, you've all seen the master bedroom, and you know that's ours." He squeezed Melissa's hand, a grin coming to his face. "But any other bedrooms you can find... All yours. Go wild, find one you like." He said, simply. 

James smiled at his siblings, and, well, he was the first one to set foot on the stairs and make his way up. Time to find bedrooms that were perfect for them - James being James, he'd be more or less happy with anything.
The moment Gabriella's eyes saw the house, she was just speechless. Her eyes grew wide to the slightest, and she felt her jaw drop a little. She knew it was beautiful though from the pictures her parents showed them. But looking at it now as it stood right there before her was entirely different. 

They got off the car and she and her brothers stormed off towards the front door. The instant Michael opened the door, Gabriella entered right away. Not caring about the fact that her whole rebellious facade was completely gone and there instead was a fourteen-year-old girl who was just excited to be living in a new home. 

She ran towards the stairs right behind James. She wanted the bigger room of course and she wasn't going to let him get it this time. "Be careful on the stairs you two!" She called out to Lewis and Jackson who was probably running right behind her. She wasn't sure, the excitement just took over her that all she wanted was a big room. Right above the stairs were two hallways, she didn't know which ones were the bedroom but she figured she'd go the opposite direction James took. 

She opened the first door next to the staircase and it turned out to be the bathroom. "Whoa." she was in awe. Everything inside looked like something that belonged to a hollywood superstar. The clean bathroom tiles, the huge mirror right above the sink, a round jacuzzi right at the corner infront of the see through shower. She bit her lip to stop herself from squealing. Their old home was already beautiful and big. But this? This was something else entirely. She closed the door and opened the next one. It was a walk in closet that was currently empty. She had a lot of clothes and shoes but she knew not even that could fill this up. Then she tried the third room and saw exactly what she was looking for 


It was big, a little bigger than her first room. She was quite positive that this isn't the biggest room in the house aside from her parents' room, but she felt that this is more than perfect for her. The white walls, smooth wooden floor, a bookshelf right next to the bed, a tall window with white silk curtain, and a small round table and chair if she ever wanted to eat in her room. Well not like her parents would let her though. 

She dug out her phone from her pocket and quickly pressed the power button. She went to messages to reply to her bestfriend's message earlier. 

"Send." A smile was painted on her lips as she read the text message she sent Kayla. 

[ Nope, no regrets. Not even a little.] 


Melissa wrapped her arms around Michael's neck and looked at him right in the eyes with a beautiful smile on her lips. She played with his hair as she leaned closer to plant a kiss on his lips. 

"Its perfect." She whispered to him. "Now. Why don't you and I go check our own room?" Melissa teased as she pulled on her husband's arm. "Come on!" She laughed as she walked, dragging him along.
It was time to go and check the rooms out, and Gabriella was there and pretty happy with hers, it seemed. Now it was time for James and the younger boys to find theirs. Firstly, Jackson – Jackson was poking his head in every room other than the one Gabriella went into and didn’t come out of. The whole house was awesome, modern, and spacious. He had a fairly small room as he was growing up, and when he was younger he didn’t really mind it. Now? Now he didn’t want that. He wanted more space, to do more things, more space to leave more of his clothes and junk lying around. And eventually, he was sure he found the perfect room.


Dresser, walk-in closet, a desk, a bookshelf, and the dream – a double bed. Everything about it was perfect, with a nice view of the woodlands from the window and everything. The room needed no work – everything was crystal clean, it seemed, and everything didn’t look like it could get much better than what it was now. A big grin hit his face as he walked in and had a look around, checking out every angle of the room he could lay his eyes on. He opened the walk-in closet and had a peek inside.

A lot of old stuff, but cool stuff all the same. An old record player, a basketball, a box that had old memories in it – Framed pictures of basketball players and everything. Did this room belong to a kid or teenager before? It must have, surely.

“Awesome.” He whispered to himself, then, after closing the door, he walked over and collapsed down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling with the smile still present on his face. It was going to be a while before his computer arrived, but, he’d have his tablet until tomorrow, and his phone, too. He knew internet was all set up, so once he’d chilled for a minute he’d make sure he got all of that set up. There was no rush at the minute – he’d put a claim down on the room, after all, so now this was his space to do whatever he wanted. He wouldn’t even have to share.

At least not with a member of the family.

James also found a suitable room – at least one that would be good enough for him.


He stepped inside and smiled. It was small, but small was all he needed. He didn’t need masses of space, because he was quite a tidy person overall. He had enough room for all his stuff, and that was all he could really ask for. He was sat on his bed just chilling a little bit, though, when he heard the door open. Who was it stood in the doorway? None other than Lewis, with tears built up in his eyes. Oh, no. What was wrong with him now? Lewis wasn’t necessarily an emotional kid, but, he hadn’t long since turned six. He was only young, so James was used to sometimes the most stupid of things upsetting him. Not that he cared, obviously. He got up and walked to him, crouching in front of him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey… What’s wrong?”

“I don’t like my room.” He sniffled, wiping his eyes. “I want another one.”

James wasn’t too worried… “Why don’t you like it?” He asked.

“It’s kinda’… It’s just… Boring colors, and stuff.” He whimpered.

“Heh, do you like this room better?”

Lewis looked around, then gave a tiny nod.

“How about we swap, then?” He asked. He knew his dad would be willing to help him redecorate if he didn’t like it, either, so swapping was no real issue.

“Really?” Lewis’ tears immediately vanished and a smile hit his face.

“Of course.” He chuckled. “Come on, gimme’ a hug. It’s nothing to cry about.” He laughed, and then the two brothers shared a tight embrace for a few moments before Lewis pulled away and looked at his newly-traded room.

“Thanks, James. You’re the best brother ever.” He grinned.

“Heh. Sure I am.” He ruffled Lewis’ styled hair into a style that was more… Not-styled. Immediately his hand was smacked away by a grinning boy, who used his free hand to correct his hair again. James walked out, though, and had a wander down the hallway to see what there was to see. He did take a peek in the room Lewis had come from and he saw what he meant – it was plain. Hardly good enough for a six-year-old boy.

At the end of the hallway he saw that there was another set of stairs. Oo. Now this was interesting. He noticed at down one turn in the hallway there was even a mini elevator. That was impressive. Everything about this house was exciting – even so, he went upstairs and found another bedroom. One that clearly wasn’t the master bedroom, but one that he thought had enough character for him.


He loved that. Opposite the bed, a few feet from the door, was a TV mounted to the wall, and below it was a small couch. Perfect. This room was huge, but, he was the first to find it. He wasn’t looking for anything flashy, but now that he had access to it? Fuck yeah. There was plenty of room in here, more than he needed, but it was 40x better than his last room in his last house. Life didn’t look like it’d be so bad here anymore. It never looked like it’d be bad – this just made it a considerable amount better.


Downstairs, the parents were the last ones who needed to see their room.

“I think that’s a great idea.” He grinned at her, tightly squeezing her hand before quickly walking her up the stairs. He knew where the master bedroom was. On this same floor there were a few things – a games room. One that had a pool table and a Foosball table and everything. Exciting for all the kids, he was sure. Not the important thing right now, though. Now, he had to think about himself and his wife. They had a master bedroom to get to, one with a master bathroom attached and everything. He couldn’t wait.


“Now this…” He said, once they finally reached the room. “Is even bigger and better than I remembered it in the pictures.” He grinned. It was all renovated, all fancy, all awesome. All at a steal of a price, too – what more could a family of six ask for? This seemed like the perfect place for the kids to grow up, and an even better place for Michael and his wife to retire.

He looked around for a moment more, then had a peek over at the master bathroom, too, which had the door open currently.



The toilet was within another small room within the bathroom – A water cupboard, I think it’s called.

“I think we may have ten minutes alone, don’t you?” He winked at her, gently closing the bedroom door over.
Gabriella closed the door behind her as she went outside the room she found and decided to take all for herself. Its not like any of her brothers would mind at this point. With a place this huge and many other doors that Gabriella haven't even entered yet? Surely all of them, like her, found a room they each like already. She heard a door close on the other side of the hallway, with a closer look she saw james leaving a room and walking up ahead at the end of the hallway. She figured she wanted to scare him, but only to find herself curious when he climbed up towards another flight of the stairs. 

She waited a few seconds after James climbed up before following behind him. There Gabriella saw her brother scanning the room. Despite him having his back on Gabriella, she can just tell he was liking it very much. "Whoa. Not bad." She walked past James and made her way towards the window. The view was just breathtaking. "Ugh, I knew I should have looked around even more." Gabriella turned around to face her brother, her arms crossed over her chest and her head slightly tilting to the side. "Who do you think used to live here before us? Everything looks so new if they didn't tell us that this place has been here since like, forever I wouldn't have even guessed." She placed a hand over her mouth with a shocked expression on her face. "What if this is haunted..." for a while she really looked like she was scared and worried. Then slowly her face calmed and she bursted out in laughter. "Damn, Jackson should've been here. The mere thought of this place being haunted would make him pee his pants. Right?" She wondered though if that was accurate. Would Jackson actually fall for it? She couldn't quite remember if he was the scaredy cat type of kid. But she knows for sure that Lewis would fall for it. 


Melissa kissed Michael a little faster this time. Her hands were on his neck pulling him closer to her, her breathing started getting faster as her heart beats along its rhythm. She pushed him making him lie on his back on the soft bed, climbing on top of him, she continued kissing his neck, her hands on his hard chest. Melissa pulled back for a while, looking at her husband right on his eyes.

"This is amazing. I can just... just see the life we could have here." She leaned closer, kissing him again, this time softly and a little longer. Her hands then slowly crawled under his shirt, his abs on the palm of her hand. 

"I don't think ten minutes would be enough don't you?" She laughed and kissed him again.
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"Well." James said, as soon as his sister came into his room to speak to him. "It's a funny story how I came across this one. The room I had before was a lot smaller - but Lewis walked in and said he didn't like his, so, to save all the tears and everything I just offered a swap, just because boring colors don't really bother me all that much." He said. "His room was pretty big, but, he just didn't like it. I kept looking around, and now here I am." He chuckled. "Not bad, right?" He grinned. 

There was the question of who lived here before them.

"This house has been around a long time." He said. "The previous owners sold it off pretty cheap, probably because they're rich anyway, just wanted a little extra. I mean, they renovated it all for us before they moved out... They couldn't have made much when they sold it to us, but, who are we to complain, right?" He chuckled. "Last time this place was renovated before now was in the seventies. I've seen the pictures of back then and it's nothing special. Before then?" He asked, then shook his head. "I don't think it was ever renovated before then. This place is older than all of the ages in this family combined." He grinned. "God knows what it looked like before they did work on it in the seventies. At least we got the better end of the deal, though." He shrugged, "Think, the people who lived here before must have had it good, because..." He gently took his sister by the shoulder and lead her over to the window behind the currently-empty desk. "Not only do I have the attic bedroom, but, look out there." He grinned.

Out back of the house was... A few things.


First, there was the pool and the patio.

"You see that?" He grinned. "Then further down the road there's a guest house. We own all of that. And with the guest house there's a court there, you see it?" He pointed to a space not too far from the house - a thirty-second walk, maybe.



"Basketball-tennis court, the little building that I guess you can store stuff in, then there's the guest house, too. We own all of this." He laughed. "Go to the floor that your room's on, and I think there's a games room and a home cinema set up. Down in like... I think the basement? There's a gym area." He said, a big smile on his face. "This place is awesome. As for Jackson - He wouldn't be scared of that theory, no. I don't think he would, anyway. He might think about it for a while seeing as we're new to the house and all, but..." He shook his head. "He's pretty solid. I don't think he'd care all that much." He laughed. 

"Lewis, though?" He sighed, keeping his hand rested on his sister's shoulder as he continued to look out the window. What a view he had from his room. "Lewis would fall for it, no problem, but don't say anything to him. You know we'd both get in trouble if he went to mom and dad and said that he was worried about ghosts, and all that." He explained. "Plus, that's too mean for a six-year-old." He laughed.


"The life we have here will be more than enough." His hands slid up her body and eventually stopped at her sides, smiling. "Maybe ten minutes isn't enough, no... I'm sure the kids won't mind if we go missing for an hour or so, would they?" He asked, simply, then had a look around. They'd know if anyone was coming towards the room, as this was the only bedroom at this end of the hallway. This whole place was amazing - they could literally stand naked in the windows and no one would be able to see them. They were isolated for everyone else, and it was amazing, the sort of luxury life that Michael wanted them to live for so long now. It was a life they deserved, a life they needed, in some ways. Even so, he reached up a little more and worked slowly to begin slipping her top off. 

"Think of it as... Testing a bed in one of those mattress stores. Only a lot, lot better." He grinned at her and sent her a small wink. The day just seemed to get better and better with time.

They needed to count their blessings - the peaceful and exciting life wasn't going to last all that long.
Gabriella walked down the stairs slowly, her feet thumping heavy on the smooth wood. Her expression blank as she gave everything her older brother said a thought. When did he learn all of that? Did Melissa and Michael say all of those back when they first announced they were moving and she was just too pre occupied or she just really did not listen on purpose. Either way everything James said, Gabriella found interesting. They were living in a house that's been on this grounds for so long. That could only mean history, and maybe perhaps hidden treasures or dark secrets? The thought made Gabriella smile. She always found herself intrigued and interested with anything that's related to history. Well no not like those history lessons in school, those just bore her to death. But history like... the sinking of Titanic! She remembers one time she watched documentaries after documentaries of the unsinkable ship till she realized it was almost four in the morning and she had classes in a few hours. That day was a nightmare, despite the usual nightmare school already is 

She made her way back to the bottom of the stairs. Scanning the area she was currently in she tried to see if her mom and dad was there. No luck. "Where are they." She whispered to herself and let her feet take her wherever it will lead. After a short walk at a narrow hallway she found herself in the kitchen. But not

just any kitchen, this is probably the best one she's ever seen. Not that she's seen that many good kitchen in person that she'd count as breathtaking, but being a teenage girl she's always been into reality shows who follow around celebrities who show off their millions and multi million houses. But this? This is better and bigger than those. How much exactly did her parents cost to buy this place? Her mouth was gaped open as she made her way towards the glass window on the other side of the room. The kitchen was huge, the interior is so sophisticated and modern, and especially luxurious. The floor had gray gloss tiles that appeared so smooth it almost looked like rubber. Everything was fully furnished, even the tall black cabinet that stood against the wall had salt and pepper collections, spices and different types of china plates with recipe books too. 


She made her way towards the double door fridge and quickly opened it. She expected it to be working but what she saw inside completely surprised her. It was full! From different variations of drinks, snacks to vegetables! But Gabriella took notice that most of the food inside were sweets. Chocolates, candies and cookies alike. 

"Diyos Mio! I did not even hear you and family arrive. I am sorry." 

"Fuck!" Gabriella jumped in surprise at the voice from behind her. She turned around to face the stranger, her hands above her chest. She can feel her own heart beating fast. "Oh my god."

There stood a woman with dark olive skin, she was short and appeared to be in her mid 40's. Her hair was curly and long and she kept in a loose ponytail.

"Oh sorry I did not mean to scare you." Her smile was warm and genuine, a strong spanish accent was obvious in her voice. "I am Theresa. House keeper for main house. This" She pointed on the floor. "I clean and take care of everything. Yes and I hear from estate agent you have small brothers yes?" 

Gabriella nodded in response.

"Oh perfecto!" She walked to the fridge and opened it with excitement. "See? Chocolate for them." Theresa seemed nice which made Gabriella feel better despite the scare she gave her.

"I'm sure they'll appreciate it very much..." She gave the housekeeper an awkward smile. "I'll be right back." storming off she ran back towards the living room yelling "Mom! Dad!"


Thirty minutes have passed and Melissa lay on the bed next to her husband, her head resting on his borad shoulders. The only thing covering them was the thick comforter. She snuggled up closer to him, shoving her face into his neck. Smelling his skin that always calmed her down after they made love to each other. "Mmmm. Now if only we can stay like this forever. Remember those days?" She locked her eyes to his."We would just lay in bed all day without having to worry about anything." She kissed him. "We'd walk around without anything on in my apartment." She kissed him again. "No kids who-"

"MOM! DAD!" Gabriella's voice made Melissa sat up straight. She laughed and looked at her husband. "Who'd scream and interfere." She continued with a teasing grin. She stood up, grabbed her clothes and threw Michael his. After putting them on she walked towards the door and opened it. As if on

cue there goes Gabriella walking past them, only to stop when she saw her mom. 

"You have got to see this...."  She said inbetween her deep breaths. 
"Those were the days." Michael replied with a smile on his face, staring up at the ceiling as he wrapped an arm around his wife's body. "Young and crazy, I guess we were. There was nothing anyone could do to stop us. It was what was best about us back then - we haven't lost that touch, but... I think we've just censored it a little bit. Not a bad thing, I wouldn't say." He smiled. "Plus, we've got four wonderful people to call our kids. I'd sacrifice walking around with no clothes on any day of the week for those guys." He said. His kids had always triggered fond emotions whenever he thought of them. The life they lived as a family was without a doubt a pleasant one. 

Speaking of kids, soon enough, one of them was screaming out to them. Great.

"Well, that's our fun over." He said, rolling out of the bed and quickly getting his clothes back on. He didn't bother looking overly presentable or anything like that, but, still, he was decent enough to face his daughter. Apparently there was something that they had to see - Had she seen an amazing part of the house that she just had to share? The look on her face could have said many things, so, he walked to her and nodded. "Lead the way." He said, simply, and with that, presuming she took them downstairs, he followed right behind her until he was lead through to the kitchen, where he found an unfamiliar woman stood there.

That was certainly a shock. They hadn't seen her when they came in, had they? He didn't remember being told about anyone else being there when they arrived, so, who exactly was this and why was she here?

"Uh... Hi?" He said, simply, rather confused and even somewhat worried, but, he wasn't too fussed. He assumed she meant no harm - she didn't look like someone who would be harmful, after all.
"Oh Hello mister West." She walked closer to Michael and reached for his hands to shake it, doing the same to Melissa. Gabriella took notice on her upbeat personality, the lady just seems so happy. 

"I move only two days ago. The agency call me and said to clean because new family is moving." She grinned at them, her teeth a little crooked. "Beautiful house, expensive, yes?" She scanned around the kitchen as if someone would when they entered a museum to look at artifacts. For someone who's been here for a few days now the lady seems to be prettt impressed just as them at the architectural design of the house. 

"Are you hungry? I shall cook meal, yes?" She gestured to the stove. 

"Oh no its okay um-" Gabriella paused trying to remember her name. 

"Theresa." The lady beamed at her.

"Right. Um no its okay we ate on the way here." Gabriella said with a smile to the lady. For someone reason despite her freaking the crap out of Gabriella earlier she seems to like the old lady very much. She just seem... nice. But then again so does a lot of people in this odd town does. 

Melissa gave Michael a questioning look. "Well I go outside okay? Please call if you need anything, I do it for you." At that she gave them a wave and walked away. "A housekeeper? I didn't know there would be someone here. Did the estate agent tell you anything?" She asked her husband, her eyebrows creasing. 

"Come on mom, its a pretty huge house. Someone had to keep it clean, or at least before we came. I'm surprised honestly I mean have you seen how small she is and yet this place is shining clean." Gabriella opened the fridge to grab one of the chocolate bars, she tore it open and took a bite. "Does this mean we pay her or the whole agency shindig does?" and Gabriella being nosy, she asked inbetween chewing the chocolate. 

"Why don't you let us worry about that and eat your chocolate. And don't talk with your mouth full." Melissa said pointing at her daughter. "Jeesh." Gabriella rolled her eyes and ran towards the stairs to go back to her room. 

"LEWIS, JACKSON, YOU'RE GONNA WANT TO SEE WHATS INSIDE THE FRIDGE!" Gabriella yelled from the distance. 

With a worried look Melissa faced Michael. "Should we call them and ask?"

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