The High School for Society's Rejects


Life happens
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I'm kinda stuck where I am in the roleplay..I think my character is the only junior. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm feeling antsy since I haven't done any roleplaying recently.
Haha, that's why gender roles are lousy, I'm a man, I can bake if I want.

And you could be a total badass any day of the week, you are a woman and you can do as you please!

Screw gender roles, they be 4 chumps *Crosses arms with a singe nod*
._. Well...thanks for the advice. I personally would like to learn how to cook tho. I tried making brownies once didn't end well. I think the flour I used may have not been exactly non-expired.
Yeah. That might be a good idea. One time my mom tried making these chocolate covered bananas and tried melting chocolate chips in the microwave and they burnt...the smell was god-awful. To be honest, I had to walk around the house with window open and with a towel pressed over my face, as well as lots of air freshener and perfume being sprayed to mask the smell. I almost threw up at the smell, it was that bad.
Ah, perfume can be tasted... Not tasty.

I once told a girl she'd sprayed perfume on my homework...

She sprayed it in my face.

My eyes and mouth were open.

Not a great scent either, it was like, roses or something, but it smelt like BO.
Oh, my reflex is to kick people.

Haha, so glad she was afraid of me after that.

She never said a word, she switched out the following year.

Coinky dink?


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