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Multiple Settings The Help of Fletcher Estate - CS



where do we go now but nowhere?
Feel free to format this or code it to your hearts content, you are also welcome to add any additional information you feel is relevant to your character's profile, but all the required information is listed here. It's just the basics, you can do whatever else you want to do! Just please remember your face claim should be real pictures or a well done description if you would prefer.

Age (please remain within the guidelines of your role)



Personality (you can make it a list of traits if you'd prefer but of course in depth descriptions are always welcome)

Background (You are welcome to make this as short or as long as you like, and remember, you don't have to strictly follow the guidelines I listed in the roles, they were just meant to help you get those creative juices flowing!)

Likes and Dislikes

These roles are not gender locked, you are welcome to change the gender and make additional small changes to fit your ideas! The age guidelines are listed.


The Butler (??) CLOSED
The only surviving member of the Fletcher family's previous staff, this man knows everything there is to know about the estate. From the meals the family likes, and on what days, to their children's curriculum and studies, even how they prefer the sheets to be folded on laundry days. Yes, he is well aware of every last nook and cranny in this place and seems to take pride in his work. However, he has not left their estate since the accident and does not seem very welcoming of the new staff members, despite it being his direct responsibility to watch over them and guide them in their new jobs until they are ready to be on their own.

The Private Chef (17-25) OPEN
She was raised by her grandmother, a woman of impressive culinary abilities and incredible selflessness. Things have always gone well for them despite the poverty of their small town, because they ran a bakery together since she was a young girl. Unfortunately, her grandmother recently fell ill, and now she needs to find new work and close their bakery. When she saw the ad in the paper that the Fletcher family was hiring once again for help with their estate, she recalled the stories about how excellently paid their staff were and how well looked after their families were. She supposed it couldn't hurt to try, and shockingly, she was summoned for an interview. She hopes to use everything she has learned from her grandmother to impress the Fletcher family and make an honest living, and hopefully be able to support her grandmother and afford the medications from the local pharmacy that help keep her going.

The Carpenter (17-25) OPEN
Things have always been tough for his family, he is one of ten children, and right in the middle, at that. He has never felt seen by anyone, as he believes he is just another mouth to feed. He helps his father with his carpentry business but is never recognized for his efforts. The ad the Fletcher family put out detailed a beautiful guest home on their property that would be open to all new staff as a home away from home, or a permanent residence if they chose. Besides, they were looking for carpenters, builders, and anyone who could help restore the rooms lost by the fire. After ten years, there was going to be a lot of work to do to take his mind off of the woes of his home life. When he was invited for an interview, he jumped instantly at the opportunity and never looked back.

The Musician (20-25) OPEN
A woman of many instruments and incredible knowledge of music theory, she has always loved to share her passion with the world. She never made a living from her music, but instead has been a school teacher for a few years now at the only school in town. She is also widowed, having married young to the love of her life, and lost him just a year ago. When the Fletcher family put an ad out for a tutor for their youngest child, just someone to assist with their studies from time to time, she answered it in hopes of finding a new purpose in life. A new beginning, perhaps.

The Sleuth (19-25) OPEN
His parents died in that fire, and he knows it was no accident. It might not have even been a fire, it might have been murder in cold blood. Regardless, he plans on getting to the bottom of it. He realized fate was giving him his opening when the Fletcher family wanted to hire an estate manager. Someone to oversee the upcoming projects that would be starting to help restore their home to its former glory. Hoarded out rooms, broken fences, a kitchen in disarray, a family with no semblance of schedule anymore... Yes, someone was needed to help them regain their sanity and keep a watch over the other new staff members to make sure things are progressing in an acceptable direction during the week. It was the perfect opportunity to keep an eye on this family, and do all the investigating his heart desires while he's at it.

Additional Openings To Be Considered: If you have a skill set you might think useful to restoring this grand estate, please let me know, and I will consider hiring additional helping hands!

The Maid (17-25)
She is down on her luck in life and hasn't been able to find consistent work. Worst of all, she's never cleaned a day in her life. But she's friendly enough, and clever to boot. She chose to apply for this position and hope for the best, what could go wrong?


The Eldest Daughter (22-23) OPEN

The oldest Fletcher girl is very by-the-book and strong willed. She was once close with her parents, before the accident, and before they became withdrawn and emotional. In particular, her father's disinterest in life troubles her deeply, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to make him proud, including resigning from using her powers and seeking out how she might begin to help her father with his work as a collector so that she can one day manage their estate. Her relationship with her siblings, especially the second oldest of the family, is suffering as she loses more and more control over them and they go their own ways in life. She wants what is best, but can be bitter and controlling...

The Eldest Son (18-19) CLOSED

Once very close with his parents, the eldest boy of the family has had trouble adjusting to the family dynamic over the last ten years. Especially in dealing with his mother, he struggles to accept that the kind hearted and selfless woman that cared deeply for her children is now a hysterical mess. Unlike his sister's coping mechanism of doing whatever it takes to please her parents, this child chooses to go against the grain. He has been secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, using his magic along the way. He is troubled and mysterious, or at least hopes to present himself that way to deter any newcomers on the property from disturbing his solitude and secret practices.

The Youngest (16-17)
Possessing the least memory of what happened that day, the youngest only recalls how much sadness came with the accident. Any memories of the fire, the trauma, have all been washed away by years of separation from it. She knows that she and her siblings possess abilities others do not, but that they have been strictly forbidden to explore those powers. Over the years she has watched her sister become guarded against their reality, and her brother turn into a reclusive nut case, and is only left with questions... She wants to be normal, whatever that turns out to mean, but there is a curiosity in her that causes her to wonder what it would be like to embrace her true heritage... After all, she has seen her brother still practicing his magic in the shadows, and she thinks maybe it could be used for good.

Mr and Mrs Fletcher
If anyone is particularly interested in playing either one of them, you are welcome to do so! Otherwise I will fill in as needed for them.

And remember you are welcome to make changes to these guidelines or change the genders, or even come up with your own character idea.
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The Butler

Ben's by-the-book personality has served him well throughout his life, and then some. A constant need for things to be in proper order at all times tends to overshadow his otherwise easy-going approach to life, because while he is particular about many things he also has always believed it is important to stop and smell the flowers, so to speak. He does not find himself to be particularly charismatic, but his carefully selected words have, he's been told, been known to comfort those around him during troubling times and even bring tensions down if they happen to rise. Ben likes to do everything with intention, purpose, and he finds great joy in a job well done at the end of a productive day.

So many others of the Fletcher family's former staff who, while they loved their jobs, they viewed it as just that: a job. Ben saw it as his life's work. Something to be proud of and do well at. His position catered to his introverted nature, as it allowed him to become close with each member of the family or fellow staff individually rather than become caught up in what used to be quite the crowd around the estate. He finds some mornings he is feeling more social than others, and on such days Ben will go out of his way to lend a helping hand in the work of others, but soon will return to his more withdrawn nature and keep to himself.

As much as he enjoys the day-to-day, Ben can become flustered when things do not go according to routine, and may become uncharacteristically authoritative in hopes of returning things to order. However his delivery can sometimes be a bit harsh and ill-planned, a few not so kind words or phrases slipping through his otherwise closely guarded lips. Perhaps that is what makes him the man for the job, no one else has or will serve the family more closely, in his opinion, than their very own butler who makes it his mission each day to bring balance to their busy lives.

Name ▸
Benjamin Edward Kline
Age ▸
Gender ▸
Sexuality ▸
Height ▸
Face Claim▸
Miles McMillan

Fletcher Estate is just as much a part of Ben's history as it is his present. His parents were local villagers, with a tiny, modest home situated slightly further from the rest of town. They served as a butler and maid at the estate, but could never seem to catch up financially. Eventually they sold their home for as much as they could get, and moved into the guest home on the estate. That was when Ben first visited, and resolved that he never wanted to leave.

For a young and curious boy the place was a wonderland, hallways shrouded in shadows daring him to explore and open each door unto the next, towering bookshelves full of adventure and intrigue, and sprawling land riddled in beautiful well kept gardens to play hide and seek with the Fletcher children in. To him, it was home, and he never understood why his parents were saving up their salaries to move into their own place again. Ben wanted to live at the estate forever.

As he grew the financial demands of his parents lives seemed to overwhelm them, one thing after another to pay for, especially as his mother grew ill in secret. She and his father never said anything to Ben, but he knew she wasn't herself. He overheard Mrs Fletcher when she would visit in the night to bring a warm kettle of tea to his mother in an attempt to comfort her. Something was dreadfully wrong. Medications were expensive. The Fletcher's were doing all they could to help, but Ben's parents were honest folk. They wanted to work for what they had. So, they continued working, and continued living at the estate.

Ben studied alongside their older children, and eventually inherited some of his mother's chores, acting as her assistant in keeping the place clean.

Once he reached adulthood, his mother was still surviving, but she couldn't work anymore. His father continued on being the right-hand of Mr Fletcher, and his mother withdrew to her bedroom for several years. She would come out occasionally when the skies were clear and the sun was warm enough, and stroll the estate with him or Mrs. Fletcher.

It was a dark and stormy morning when Benjamin was summoned by his father. He sat in a too-large leather chair in Mr Fletcher's study. His mother was not there, but Mr and Mrs Fletcher were there with nothing but kindness in their eyes, and his father was there, all stern looks and tight lips. Until finally he told Ben the truth, that his mother was dying. They were certain she didn't have long left, but even the most renowned doctors that the Fletcher's had been able to afford her had not been able to help. Ben doesn't remember what he said. If anything at all. He loved his parents, he loved his home, life had been so good, and so easy...How could his mother just be there but one day soon not be there? Desperate to understand, Ben threw himself into his work. His mother's position was replaced by another group of maids, as it took several to fill her immaculate shoes, and Ben began studying under his father. He would eventually retire and leave his position as the butler to his son, who accepted the offer graciously.

He supposed he was getting what he wanted- never leaving the estate, but at the price of his mother's life he was determined it was no longer worth it.

But, choice was not something fate had yet given him, and it would not let up anytime soon. When the fire happened, Ben lost both of his parents.

It's been ten years, and for some reason, Benjamin just... cannot seem to leave the estate. His love for it dwindling, he has realized the harrowing truth is not that he cannot seem to leave, but that he in fact, cannot leave the property... He's tried. The conclusion that he's reached is even more terrible than the evidence that drew him to it, but... he hasn't accepted it, not truly, not yet.

Likes + Dislikes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae.

Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

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~The Sleuth~
Emmett Shackley
Birthday: October 10th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Much to his own veiled frustration, Emmett has always looked younger than he is. With his ruffled blonde hair and unblemished pale skin, he might cut the very image of Aryan purity were it not for quite how unremarkable he comes across. At 5'8'', frame is slim but not scrawny, belying a life free from hard labour but also safe from poverty's clutches. Meticulous and obsessive in his dress, he deigns to maintain the air of fashionable respectability - his collar is always firmly straightened, his cravat neatly tied, and his suit, whilst not glamorous, hails from London's most contemporary tailor. Such fashion on a nobler frame would command attention, but somehow he fades into the furniture of any crowd like a figure in a painting, or a boy playing pretend in his father's clothing. Despite his youthful appearance, there is an air of quiet respectability in Emmett's presence. Stare into those dull blue eyes for long enough and one gets the unnerving impression of looking through him to someone or something else, deep within. There is a guarded steel to his gaze, tinged with the pain of a man twice his age. A fiery determination which sometimes breaks past the perfected facade of the refined young charmer. Though, he has adopted the respectable tenor tones of a British nobleman, much to the bemusement of those few villages who remember him as a rambunctious boy with a Southern twang.
With a certain polite whimsy and the guarded refinement of a noble, one might wonder what manner of metamorphosis transformed the once rough-and-ready village kid into such a model young gentleman. Studious and industrious, Emmett possesses as keen intellect and a knack for puzzle solving, supported by a quiet confidence and a naive determinism which sees him face down most stresses without batting an eyelid, facing down troubles with a whimsical smile. So perfected is his facsimile noble act, so well polished the charm of that sly smile, that he appears at first glance entirely unremarkable; everything is so by the books, so meticulously calculated that at times he appears mechanical, reserved and distanced from everything. The only chink in his armor is the fiery resolve which breaks through when in the pursuit of his goals.

And what of these goals? The young Shackley's sudden reappearance in the village, not to mention his remarkable transformation, would no doubt have proven quite the surprise had his family not been entirely ordinary. Contemplative and introspective, Emmett is a private man to the extreme, prone to philosophical musings, desperate to find meaning in the mundane and patterns in the plain. Though appearing refined, he lacks the experience of a true noble household, and his naive opportunism, when combined with unfiltered curiousity, often leads him into trouble that feigned charm can only scrape out of. Like many intelligent people (or at least, people who consider themselves intelligent), his charm and etiquette can be equally sharpened into snide sarcasm or biting belittlement.

Underneath the noble visage is a fire and drive fixated on a single aim - the pursuit of the truth behind the incident that stole away his family and catapulted his life into disharmony. The motive behind this desire is so well guarded that perhaps even Emmett himself is unaware, whether it be vengeance, peace-seeking or simple curiosity. Perhaps the face under the mask has been hidden for so long that even its owner has forgotten its true character.

+Order and organisation
+High art and literature
-Being belittled or spoken down to
-Boats and the sea

Walter Emmett Shackley was born the only son to parents both employed as servants under the Fletcher Estate. His was far from a childhood of luxury, sure, but village life provided a certain rural idyll ill afforded to city folk, with several fellow village children to chase over fields and livestock to tend. He remembers little of this childhood bliss now - a distant light amidst the smog of his memories. Far more visceral are recollections of that terrible day - the smoke billowing over the city, the stench caught in his lungs - the distant cries and hurried rush of hooves - the powerlessness desperation as he watched over the village, echoing the same hurried prayer countless times until the strangers arrived and gave him the news he dreaded most.

Orphaned at 12 - old enough to know the consequences, but too young to face them. No other village family dared take him in, fearful of feeding another mouth given their newfound financial insecurity and the manor's sudden closure. Instead, the young Emmett travelled Eastwards with only the clothes on his back and the written address of a distant uncle to his name. Arriving in a sullen port town, said uncle welcomed him with reluctance - the surprise arrival of a traumatised teenager threatened to disrupt his unfettered lifestyle of hedonistic abandon. Inevitable disagreements soon lead to another relocation - this time, Emmett found himself residing in the care of a local orphanage. Like many such institutes, the compassion of its founders alone was not compensation enough to support it, the staff overworked and short-tempered and the dorms overfilled with gaunt, grim faces. This was never to feel like home, he thought to himself as he gazed over the docklands each morning, a plan slowly formulating in his mind. Surely, somewhere over that blue horizon there was a brighter tomorrow.

And so he ran.

Several weeks later, the young Emmett found himself in the dank cells of the London Metropolitan police. Having scavenged undiscovered as a stowaway on a merchant vessel, he had been found collapsed on the street, frail and exhausted from dehydration and malnourishment. With no documentation and no traceable connections, his short-lived stint as a criminal street urchin would have certainly sealed a fate of a life's servitude in the workhouse. Yet, too dazed to care or understand, he instead found his cell doors opened by a man with warmth in his smile and wisdom in his eyes. Through a sequence of circumstances, the man, himself an Anglican preacher, had heard word of Emmett's plight and decided to take compassion on him, adopting him as his own son.

For the first time in years, Emmett finally felt wanted, though after years of running he didn't understand why. The city was large beyond comprehension, the air thick and smoggy and the people stern and self-interested - and he was a foreigner and a nobody. Nevertheless, the man showed him patience and understanding which soon won his loyalty and respect. Now able to start a second chance at life, Emmett enjoyed the stability of his new home. His new father ensured he was provided a fine education - the parish library offered access not just to theological texts but other essential subjects, and his father's firm but persistent tutelage eventually bore fruit in nurturing Emmett's natural intellect. A first-rate education would offer him the opportunity to pursue prosperity in this new age, and through determination and the good-word of some well-connected parishioners he won himself the chance to study Theology at the world-esteemed Oxford University, with the expressed intention of following in his carer's footsteps.

But though the years passed quickly, the memories of that fateful day remained vivid. And the gnawing sense of unfinished business only grew each day - underneath the carefully cultivated image of a respectible British would-be elite, the powerless village boy stared back at him in the mirror. It was no accident.

And so, with motives unclear even to those closest to him, Emmett finds himself once again at the doorsteps of the Fletcher estate. Fate had opened the door for his return.
Was he a madman, betting away a life of certainty for a chance opportunity? Perhaps the estate needed him as much as he needed it. Someone to oversee the upcoming projects that would be starting to help restore their home to its former glory. Hoarded out rooms, broken fences, a kitchen in disarray, a family with no semblance of schedule anymore... Yes, someone was needed to help them regain their sanity and keep a watch over the other new staff members. And maybe somewhere in the answers yet unseen he might finally find himself again...
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