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Fantasy The Hellhole that is Earth

Aquaria Wolf

Self Proclaimed Cynic
There's a war between the demons, werewolves, vampires, and humans, it's time to take a side.


1)No OP, typical rule I know, but seriously, if you're stabbed in the stomach or poisoned then drop like a stone.

2)Don't take control over other characters unless they're standbys.

3)Be reasonable, react reasonably, follow through on the logic of this world, got it?

Vampires Vampires are fast, strong, can see in the dark, and cannot be killed unless in combat. They have to be invited into homes, cannot cross running water, and dead man's blood will put them into a deep sleep until the blood is drained from them and they are fed fresh human blood.They can be bonded to humans, when they drink a few drops of human blood with consent the human becomes the "master" or "handler" of said vampire. It's common for human vampire hunters to catch and train vampires as their own sort of soldier, or ally.
Werewolves Werewolves are strong, and can see in the dark, they're fast(ish, not as fast as vampires), and can shift into a wolf at any time. They can be bonded to a human through a a silver collar placed onto the wolf on the night's of the new moon.
demons Strong, but very rare. Only can be on earth because they have been cast out of hell. Make that backstory really interesting.

No magic, sorry, this is set sort of pre-Renaissance era. Fight with each other and such, have fun. (Possible romance if that's what you want, don't go making out with everyone though, be elegant.)
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