The haunted school: Shadowsgrove high school (Angelfoodcake and Change of heart)


Seth listens, and tries not to fall asleep. The teacher is talking about more boring, unimportant school stuff. He sighs, 'school stinks. I want to find ghosts!' He thinks.


Victoria runs home, she slipps in the house quickly, and quietly. She goes to her room, and looks out the window.


Akemi sighs too, and looks at the time. "We better go, or we're gonna be late!" She says running into the school house.
Drake runs the opposite way and into the forest climbing a tree. 'Great what the heck have I done I'm not going home or into school, grrr plus my day has been ruined fighting the idiot, telling Akemi that I liked her,Akemi's reaction to me saying I liked her, darn it.' Drake thought to himself.

Akemi hurries into the classroom, and sits down. "So, you decided to show up miss Akemi. A minute later, and you would have missed the beginning of class." The teacher says. Then, he stands up, and starts teaching. Akemi listens to him, slightly bored.


Seth sighs, 'I wish I could get out of here.' He thinks. He hears someone come into the class room, and looks over. 'Oh, it's Akemi.' He thinks, as he sees her take her seat. 'Victoria's still not here.' If he was going through this kind of torture, she would too!
Drake sits in the tree *sigh* Drake jumps down from the tree escaping injury since he wasn't that high up in the tree. Drake began to see a house in the distance "Huh." Drake shruged and ignored it.

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