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Fantasy The Guardians

Hope Robinson]Am I the only one that actually mentioned weakness's and draw back to abilities. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#0080ff]Sadly yes. [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11801-hope-robinson/ said:
@Hope Robinson[/URL]
[QUOTE="Hope Robinson]Am I the only one that actually mentioned weakness's and draw back to abilities.

Would you like us to?
I have my character wrapped up and ready for roleplaying, but I'm probably gonna dip if no one wants to sign up even tho they asked for a spot...
We've got seven people set up... so I'm thinking we could get people started, rp them before they are guardians.
Baconhands said:
We've got seven people set up... so I'm thinking we could get people started, rp them before they are guardians.
Good idea, Bacon, because if we don't do something, people will start leaving this rp.

Do you think we could start forming relationships or will we have to wait for all the put up CS?
[QUOTE="Hope Robinson]I kinda feel like they lost interest on the rp.

Looks like it........annoying

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