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Fantasy The Grey Family: Monster-Hunters

Alexis grinned. "Thanks, bro." She said to Michael, for his compliment. She scarfed down her waffles in less than 2 minutes...her jaw looked as if it were coming unhinged to fit all of the food in. Yet, it wasn't unhinged. Maybe she just had a big mouth. She then looked at Lily. "Well, maybe he meant the music only contributes to it? Although...I listen to metal music a lot, and I don't get headaches...weird." She said, her mouth still slightly full of waffles.
At the mention of a doctor, Braxton shuddered. He didn't like doctors...he trusted them, because he knew what they were doing, but he didn't like them. "And actually, wouldn't a doctor be a bad thing? I mean...we're genetically enhanced, not known to normal people....we'd end up in some lab." He commented silently...probably nobody heard him. He looked towards his father. "By the way dad, could you help me with something later? I have something stuck on my dagger's handle and it won't come off. I think it's a fragment of a werewolf fang from a few hunts ago when I jabbed the but of my dagger into one's mouth."
@Trundle @LyraDark

Alexis quickly finished her food, not even 2 seconds after putting it all in her mouth. She looked at her dad after Braxton spoke to him. "So, what's the plan for tonight? Hunt? Training? Binge-watch Walking Dead?" She asked him. She then looked to her mom. "Or weapons-cleaning? Weapon-modding? Baking cookies?"
Beth kept eating, enjoying every single bit. "Oh please. Have i not taught you guys anything. Of course you can go to the doctors. You just have to lie a little bit. But you you don't want to, you don't have to. I just hate seeing my child in pain." She mumbled that last part, looking down at her plate. She had finished most of the food but now she wasn't hungry. She picked up the plate and walked over to the sink, rinsing it off and placing it in the sink. She turned around when Alexis spoke again, raising an eyebrow. "Hmmm. Probably a hunt tonight. There's rumors about a vampire roaming around close by. Although, until night fall i'm not sure what to do. What do you guys think we should do?" She asked her kids, always grateful for their input.
"I don't really mind unless we play Monopoly." Lily said with a little laugh. "Oh and one of my friends might call me, we were supposed to hang out someday..." She said as she just remembered that detail. She sighed a little. Sometimes she wondered how and why she got friends. Most of them were too immature for their ages. She shook her head.
Braxton raised his hand. "I'm up for a hunt tonight! And if it really is a vampire, maybe we can use my new ultraviolet bullets on them!" He said, yet another invention of his. Well...not an invention, more of a modification. He invented his wrist-mounted gun, though! Or maybe he could coat the blades on his staff with the special liquid for vampires...so many options.
When Michael heard the word vampires he stopped eating. He looke up and had an evil look on his face. "I'm up for the hunt. Damn bloodsucker." He snarled and he continued to eat. When he finished h cleared his plate and sat back down at his spot, thinking about how he would decapitate that wretched monster. He stayed silent and in a deep thought.
"Okay Mickey... Calm down. We all know you hate vampires but don't look that mad... Please." She said softly to her older sibling. She didn't seemed scared about how he would react at all. She just wanted him to calm down. She sighed mentally and yawned a little. "...And don't kill me because I said that."
Michael snapped out of his trance and smiled at Lily. "Sorry Lil. It's just." He paused than grunted. "They are just so evil. The things they do." He he remembered about his last encounter with a vampire, it killed countless people before they were able to find that monster. He stood up and stretched. "Well I'm going to go upstairs and clean up. I haven't shaved in about a week." Michael said while feeling the stubble on his face.
Trundle said:
Michael snapped out of his trance and smiled at Lily. "Sorry Lil. It's just." He paused than grunted. "They are just so evil. The things they do." He he remembered about his last encounter with a vampire, it killed countless people before they were able to find that monster. He stood up and stretched. "Well I'm going to go upstairs and clean up. I haven't shaved in about a week." Michael said while feeling the stubble on his face.
(I am waiting for someone else to reply since I already replied and that I wouldn't bring anything new if I posted.)

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