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The Great War and then some

Telegram to Britain @KurtH6355

As you can see Swiss troops do surprisingly well against those who should have flattened us. If Germans were to take our country, you would be encircled. At least send us some supplies.

The Swiss government soon starts a recruitment initiative that quickly picks up steam and eventually gathers about 15,000 men

effect: There is now 15,000 extra men on the front lines bringing the total to 35,000
Germany after losing nearly 1/10 of a million decide to look for the people to support the war effort. Many of the people from the russian territory are glad to get jobs and be assigned with proper training, food, and equipment. As well from the people of Germany cheer in the call for more brave men.

More than 400,000 people are enlisted and will be properly trained after 4 post.
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Germany after losing nearly 1/10 of a million decide to look for the people to support the war effort. Many of the people from the russian territory are glad to get jobs and be assigned with proper training, food, and equipment. As well from the people of Germany cheer in the call for more brave men.
More than 400,000 people are enlisted and will be properly trained after 4 post.

The USSR sets up a puppet government in Hokkaido. The capital is Sapporo. Soviet troops remain in the established nation, "The People's Republic of Japan" begins recruiting soldiers. The State is immediately recognized by the USSR, who announces they wish for other nations to recognize the state, and that they will assist to liberate Japan's workers from the Bourgeoisie.

Telegram to @Zelorm

Soviet Union

The people of Greenland are upset of your recent events near China. Stop your campaign now.

Telegram to @general ostruppen


Great Kaiser of Germany, hear my people out. The Newly formed Soviet Union is spreading there influence all over Asia. The people of China will be oppressed soon enough. I need your aid through this time.

- President of Greenland
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Telegram: Greenland @Frontier

Im sorry but we cannot accept your terms for we are to busy in our war.

Germany and its 1.8 million troops march to the northern part of france through the occupied netherlands with air support.

+2 no trenches up here

+2 air support.

(the brits sent troops to the german/french border so start reorganizing your troops gents.)

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I put up posters in all of my towns and cities to recruit potencial young people for my nation. I allow men and women to fight for my country with a 15% of my population joining. I now have 8200 troops.
With a lightning like tactic the German forces overwelm all forces to the north and devasting the French army of the north. They have made it as far as 15 kilometers from paris.

Casualty reports: 4,000
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Telegram @general ostruppen


I will send financial needs to fund you in your war. I will also provide you with 5 of my 20 ships and factories will start making guns and ammo for your troops
Telegram to Greenland

I have withdrawn my help from the allies but would like help, Germany threatens my country, and I would like to offer an alliance.
Switzerland soon sends 7,000 troops to Paris in order to make sure they do not get flanked.
400,000 soldiers, combined with another 1 million reserves now in active duty and combined with Austrio-hungary troops, the western front has 4.9 million troops.
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Telegram to @dieutain


I am sorry to say i cannot support you through this difficult time. Greenland and Germany have a non-aggression pact.
Frontier said:
Telegram to @dieutain

I am sorry to say i cannot support you through this difficult time. Greenland and Germany have a non-aggression pact.
Telegram to Greenland: I hoped that you would join knowing the numbers of innocent refugees which are likely to be drafted if my country is taken.
I send Germany 5000 tanks and 250 artillery cannons for there troops.

@general ostruppen

Telegram to Germany

Germany, I would like to build an embassy in your capital of Berlin to improve foreign relations. I will also allow you to build one in My capital city of Nuuk.
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Telegram: Switz (thats right Im calling you that) @dieutain

Im offering one last time, surrendor and you may be given the right to continue your rule. If not your country will be annexed. This is your final warning.
general ostruppen]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22182-frontier/ said:
@Frontier[/URL], keep in mind tanks havent been built yet)
Telegram: Switzerland @dieutan

Give us military access and you will have a deal.
Telegram: Leave us be or you shall lose countless men to the smoke and bayonet.
Telegram to @general ostruppen

I will allow you to have one naval base and one military base off the south west coast of Greenland.

(Tanks have been invented. they are just not as good as the ww2 ones)
Telegram to Germany:

As I said, leave us be or countless men will die to the smoke and bayonet. Send a diplomat and we will talk.
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