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One x One The great flare of Lunroc the dark.


Senior Member
Name: Vulkan Aizka. Also known as the Serpent Tail.

Personality: He is relatively quiet. When he needs to to get someone's attention he will. There's not much about him.

Goal: He needs to overthrow Lunroc to preserve the mage race. He is considered to be a hero and to be very honest he knows what is right and what is wrong though considering he does want to save the world.

Nationality: Japanese/American/Greek.

Abilities: Azure flame blast. Azure ice break. Azure light of the cinder flame. Wave of composure. And much more.
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Name: Agatha Victoria

Nationality: American

Personality: Brave, determine, charismatic, sarcastic, obsession,

Pic: http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2014/03/09/292496/d5757e2655944cb1dab6e6153bdd31b8.jpg<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/d5757e2655944cb1dab6e6153bdd31b8.jpg.abda2966fed287474290533fee1e1ac9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/d5757e2655944cb1dab6e6153bdd31b8.jpg.abda2966fed287474290533fee1e1ac9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Agatha was born in America with an ancestry of mages who had been to the school of scholarship and have become mages. When Agatha was age 10 she started to read the books of what her parents had which was of magic. Her parents did not like this and refused her when she asks to go to the school of scholarship and magic since her parents were not mages. However, her grandmother supported her dreams and teaches Agatha in secret of all she could do. But at age 19 after Agatha wanted to learn more so she applied to school of scholarship and magic and was accept. Her parents were furious and said” if you go we will not let you come back “so Agatha left with all her things and left to the school with tears in her eyes but thinking*I’ll show them that I can become a mage*

Abilities: natures healing, natures flames waves, natures winters, levitation, transform, talk to plants and much more to discover



  • d5757e2655944cb1dab6e6153bdd31b8.jpg
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Name: Aquila de Santo

Personality: Mysterious, dark, troublemaker, mischievous, caring to people she cares about.

Goal: She needs to become powerful. The reason: she wants to feel like she's good at something.

Nationality: American/Italian/Spanish

Abilities: (Can she use dark magic and pretend to use light magic?)
(Be warned though. If your character is part of the Dark Legion and wields dark magic we'll let's just say you'll have to find some sort of excuse to calm everyone down xD )
Certainly. Are there any questions you'd like to know about the plot though. Any questions at all? Mage Classes? Any? Or if you want to know what it's about I can tell you that too.
Um I might not know what you mean by Paraphrase unless you can give me an example.

Mage Classes are kind of what all warriors and such are born from. The Five Mage Classes in here are Ruslims. Kagalims. Shala's Or Shalia's to be fair. Teldors are healing mages and deal with tetra healing spells. Galorins are the fifth class of mages and one of the most powerful one's out of the bunch though.

The Dark Legion has been considered to be an enemy stronghold within the northern plains of where the mage's university was last seen though. They deal with making the planet worse and gathering powerful mages into creating a new world for the Dark Legion and as for the Light Region which resides in the heavens itself wants to stop the Dark Legion from stopping and creating a world of chaos and destruction to begin with in the first place.
Could I be a Mage from the Dark Legion desguised as a Teldor? Like, she's looking for weak spots?

As for paraphrase, I mean use simple wording to explain what the plot is.
Sobaki shirikawa

Name: Sobaki Shirikawa


Gender: male

Likes: fighting, training, using his artes, flying

Dislikes: anyone or anything that is evil

Skills: dragon artes(fire manipulation), blade mastery, enhanced physical attributes that of a human

Height: 6'2

Appearance: midnight black hair, black eyes, Irish like skin

Race: dragon/human


When he was very young his parents told him that something very bad is coming so they put him under the care of an elder fire dragon as 16 years has passed he visited his parents as they were both on the ground dead.

However during those years in the dragon relm he was raised by the well known fire dragon king but Sobaki imprinted on the dragon thinking he was his father and over time from his training he began to develop dragon abilities and characteristics but his human side comes from his mother but after he turned 16 there was a tragedy of his that the dragon raised him died by a dragon hunter but that tragedy forced out the good in him as he took an oath to never let anyone else die because he thought no one should ever feel the pain he did that day

Sobaki also has a secret passive ability that the more emotional he gets of any kind wether if it's anger, sadness, hatred, ect...it will boost his power both his flames and his physical strength, speed, agility and so on
Well there is that Mysterious 6th Mage Class called the Chaos Sorcerers who literally work with the Dark Legion and they use just a hint of light powers though. To be truthfully honest if they had half light powers there life span would be cut in half. When the Dark Legion has a mage they can't go back to the light Legion cause that would be very wrong. This is what Faction war is for the very first time but, like most factions war is usually involved or interrogations as a matter of fact.

The plot is basically about Lunroc the reaper of souls. Lunroc the darkage at the time which was his name during this time. He wanted to establish the Mage University also known as the School of Scholarship at the time these mages were preparing for a major war against all humanity and the savior who was the soon to become shining golden boy and since it's part of the who is the strongest world. It's a side story for the mages and how everything came about.
aresrme said:
Well there is that Mysterious 6th Mage Class called the Chaos Sorcerers who literally work with the Dark Legion and they use just a hint of light powers though. To be truthfully honest if they had half light powers there life span would be cut in half. When the Dark Legion has a mage they can't go back to the light Legion cause that would be very wrong. This is what Faction war is for the very first time but, like most factions war is usually involved or interrogations as a matter of fact.
The plot is basically about Lunroc the reaper of souls. Lunroc the darkage at the time which was his name during this time. He wanted to establish the Mage University also known as the School of Scholarship at the time these mages were preparing for a major war against all humanity and the savior who was the soon to become shining golden boy and since it's part of the who is the strongest world. It's a side story for the mages and how everything came about.
Can you send me the link to School of Scholarship?

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