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Futuristic The Great Dependence. (A Gundam type of role-play)


Senior Member
I'm looking for a female or male to role-play this type of genre.

The Great Dependence takes place 10 Years after 2015 and a war breaks out. The Government tries to keep their citizens out of it to not cause an uproar between Europe and the United States although, these weren't a problem until congress passed on legislation to not produce Gundams anymore.

However during this time there was still hope towards the beginning of a new world which lead to congressman to re-take that legislation and take it to the president to issue a mass production of Mobile Suit Gundams from this time were more easily controlled and these weren't ones from the Cosmic Era in a sense these were combat units and Aerial Units from Mogami Industries one was called Leonisis and the other was called Fury and these Gundams would break this War between the Extraterrestrials and the Anomalies that seemed to be a threat to Earth in the upcoming months.

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