The Freakshow

Bambi finished and had on a cute night gown,"lets go to sleep my hot water bottle"she said laying in the bed and held up the blankets so he could come in.
Fang bit his lip looking over at Bambi and slowly go up walking over to her. Why was she fine with him sleeping in bed with her. He smiled faintly as he crawled into bed with her. "This is weird" He chuckled as it felt like he was floating on the bed.
"What's weird about it?"Bambi asked laying her head on his chest happily,"I love how muscular your chest is.... It's nice to sleep on"she said smiling.
"Cause its like im on water but im not wet" Fang chucked his face turning red "T-thank you." He managed to stutter. Then he had an idea. He decided to slowly put his arm around Bambi.
Bambi clearly enjoyed this and kissed his cheek,"your really warm.... It's nice for me"she whispered happily. She smiled happily,"Fang.... I will always protect you"she said crying slightly.
Fang wrapped his other arm around her and hugged tightly. "I'll protect you too" He said proudly and then looked at her "Why are you crying?" He began gently wiping her tears away.
Bambina sniffled,"because I had a friend I couldn't protect and they almost killed him and now he's gone forever"she cried hugging him tightly. She was obviously referring to Fang but making it nicer.
Fang held her close "I'm sorry.. its okay" He felt bad and wanted to do whatever he could to make her feel better so he kiss her forehead.
Bambina smiled softly,"thank you"she said rubbing her eyes then slowly began to drift into her sleep,"Fang will be with me forever"she mumbled.
Fang smiled watching her fall asleep. He continued to hold her close. Did she really mean that he would be with her forever? Either way he really hoped so. With all of these thoughts he drifted to sleep smiling.
Bambina slowly woke up to the stop and she jolted as Fang rolled onto her. She smirked looking up at him,"good morning"she said wiggling her nose with his then giggled.
Fang slowly opened his eye and his face immediately turned red when he realized how close their faces were. "Morning" He smiled then realized he was on top of her and quickly turned over rolling off the bed. He hit the floor with a loud thud but then got up scratching his head looking at Bambi. "Should i make you breakfast?"
Bambi slowly got up with a smile,"yes please"she said then went into the bathroom she came out and sat down at the table to wait for her food.
Fang quickly got up and went to the kitchen. He looked around for something to make. He grabbed a glass filling it with the bottle of blood he found. Fang then just made some pancakes and set it down in front of her smiling nervously "I hope this is enough." He gently bit his lip
Bambi blinked,"it's fine"she said and began eating happily,"anything Fang makes is delicious!"she added happily with a cute smile and the flowers of moe surrounding her. She finishe her breakfast and drank the blood then stood up. The train came to a quick hault and she trip falling into his arms.
Fang tilted his head "This is the first time i've--" He stumble a bit but caught himself and then caught Bambi. He balanced himself and held her up "Are you okay?!" He look really worried as he was eyeing her up and down.
Bambi blushed slightly,"I-I'm fine!"she said then looked up at him and smiled,"thank you for catching me...."she said softly then kissed his cheek,"Fang is very special to me"she said then sat back down.
He smiled "Good" Fang sat across from Bambi looking around "I wonder what that was?" He faced twitched slightly and then he looked down.
Bambi yawned a bit and sat by Fang leaning on him a bit,"we don't have to work till tonight... What do you want to do? Other then go outside..."she said and hugged his arm.
Fang held Bambi. "We could games?" He shrugged laughing. "I dont know. what do you normally do?"
Bambi licked his neck,"eat...... Drink..... Sleep"she whispered then moved away,"or sometimes Flame will come over and ill beat him up..... We could just talk if you want... What do you remember?"she asked curiously.
Fang shivered a Bambis lick. He Face turning red. Then his expression drop when she mentioned Flame. He was very jealous of him. Fang look at Bambi and tilted his head. "What are you talking about "Remember"?"
Bambi giggled,"you said you lost your memories right? Everything before the ring leader caught you.... Well do you remember anything before that?"she asked holding his hand.
"Oh yeah" He smiled blushing once again. " I cant remember anything" He looks down wishing he could.
Bambi smiled,"don't worry you'll be able to remember something soon"she said smiling,"but you might remember a place to go... Would you leave me?"she asked. Flame appeared in the cart and hugged Bambi,"hey sweet Bambi"he said and kissed her cheek. Bambi laughed,"let go silly"she said and he back away and kissed her hand.

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