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Fantasy The Fragile Shards of Reality || OOC

So when our characters wake up from the dream, will they have completely forgotten who they actually are? Will their real memories slowly come back to them throughout the RP?
How would merpeople work
Like would they only have a fin or be able to walk on land too?
So when our characters wake up from the dream, will they have completely forgotten who they actually are? Will their real memories slowly come back to them throughout the RP?
They'll either slowly come back (like having amnesia.) Certain things will jog it, sleeping throughout the night might give them a bit more insight on who they are, hell they might even begin to act differently as they slip back into this life.

i dont wanna be the singular person without legs but i also really like mermaid tails

Fuck it and do both.

They can retain a human form for X amount of time.

They have some enchanted amulet that allows them to walk on land.

They pay someone to cart them around.

Fuck it and do both.

They can retain a human form for X amount of time.

They have some enchanted amulet that allows them to walk on land.

They pay someone to cart them around.


all three of those

pay off humans to carry him like hes a princess after the amulet powers run out and its gotta recharge
I hope to get my sheet finished in the morning, some things came up tonight plus I've been super beat.

have a great night everyone!
Last edited:
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
sowy! im back i will finish my character later tomorrow, its currently 2 in the morning, i just had a minor situation, all is well! just kinda caught me up!
Haaaa ok!
*disables it*
ok...now it looks like a sea of letters and numbers....I think i broke it because when i change the text color it began to act weird.
I am not even sure if it was MY fault or i just don't know what i am doing...i am not That very good with BBCodes
Haaaa ok!
*disables it*
ok...now it looks like a sea of letters and numbers....I think i broke it because when i change the text color it began to act weird.
I am not even sure if it was MY fault or i just don't know what i am doing...i am not That very good with BBCodes
That's what the raw code is. Just try your best and use hex code or web defined colors.

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