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Fantasy The Fragile Shards of Reality || OOC

cannons- i mean pets need baths too

(actually my dog and cats just fling themselves into my showers regularly)
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Done with my character sheet. I will say this, StoneWolf... It was an absolute chore creating that sheet. I personally despise describing a character's personality. I LOVE giving a long background for my character, but you didn't label it as important. This wasn't my best shot but I'm not willing to redo it, with the exception of minor, non-tedious changes. Sorry...

Also, I don't know how to put an image in that box.
Alright, I've posted my sheet! ^^ Let me know if there's anything I need to change.
Looks good!
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Done with my character sheet. I will say this, StoneWolf... It was an absolute chore creating that sheet. I personally despise describing a character's personality. I LOVE giving a long background for my character, but you didn't label it as important. This wasn't my best shot but I'm not willing to redo it, with the exception of minor, non-tedious changes. Sorry...

Also, I don't know how to put an image in that box.
Please remember that I am the GM and I have the right to ask how you change your character. That being said, give me a few minutes to look it over and if I deep anything that needs fixing.
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Done with my character sheet. I will say this, StoneWolf... It was an absolute chore creating that sheet. I personally despise describing a character's personality. I LOVE giving a long background for my character, but you didn't label it as important. This wasn't my best shot but I'm not willing to redo it, with the exception of minor, non-tedious changes. Sorry...

Also, I don't know how to put an image in that box.
1) You said you dislike writing out a personality and clearly I can see why. I don’t care about what he likes but who he is as a person. Please fix this.
2) I want a less-cliche last name and kingdom name. Put a bit of thought into this.
3) His medieval personality needs to be written.
4) HIs reason looks incomplete as well.

You have 48 hours from the time of this post to make the changes before your spot will be opened for anyone to take. That being said, I will not accept you until they are done.
1) You said you dislike writing out a personality and clearly I can see why. I don’t care about what he likes but who he is as a person. Please fix this.
2) I want a less-cliche last name and kingdom name. Put a bit of thought into this.
3) His medieval personality needs to be written.
4) HIs reason looks incomplete as well.

You have 48 hours from the time of this post to make the changes before your spot will be opened for anyone to take. That being said, I will not accept you until they are done.

I'm gonna have to abandon this RP...

I'm so sorry.
time to make a dumb as rocks king whose advisor does all the work for him
wait so can the genders for the real and dream selves be different?

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