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Realistic or Modern The Fractured Isles

Saorise bustled through his kitchen like a storm, the little witch in her barely decent robe and nightgown had Tristan's ears turning a light shade of pink. Out of politeness he averted his eyes, though there was another part of him that wished to take in the full splendor of the sight as she toiled away over pancakes. The smell of it all soon filled the kitchen and Tristan had to admit his mouth was watering for more than one reason. There was a certain art and grace in how Saorise cooked and Tristan was forced to ignore his manners just so that he could enjoy the sight of her there. It felt right.

"Thank you." He said after needed to clear his throat when she brought him coffee and pancakes. His brow lifted at her perfect French and he wondered if she would ever stop surprising him. Likely not. He dug into the pancake and all but groaned out in delight at the fluffy sugary treat. "Goddamn." He muttered, the curse slipping free as he took another bite quickly to see if his mind had played a trick on him. At her question Tristan paused in his chewing to consider.

"Hmm." His voice echoed in the mug of coffee as he tool a sip. "Perhaps you might speak to your friends Fae and Dean? They seem to know what the coven needs to know- their your insiders so to speak." He suggested. "I can't believe those bastards were right on your doorstep and they didn't recognize you. I mean I barely recognize you myself but to have someone who doesn't know confirm that..." He trailed off and ran a hand through his hair tousling it. "This hardly makes sense to me and I'm living it- we need to consider how to get rid of these men, send them on a false trail."

His eyes narrowed in thought and he scratched at his beard when an idea occurred to him. "Could we glamour someone to look like you for a time? Perhaps make a scene of you 'leaving?'" He moved his fingers in air quotes with his last word.
Sersh served herself and ate as he spoke, giggling a it at his awe of the magic. She thought over his suggestions.

"It's not a bad idea. I'll talk to Fae at least, I think Dean is aware but not magically inclined. Sending someone as a decoy could be dangerous, specifically if they aren't convincing enough and the cronies end up coming back. Most of the coven seemed like mothers, I'm wary to ask someone with a family to do such a task." She had to admit, there wasn't a better idea that came to mind. Saoirse wondered how far the coven would go for a newcomer like herself. It wasn't as if she was born on the island, after all. They'd known her a month, and only a few of them, at that. She bustled about, cleaning up after them as the meal had finished. She refilled his coffee as she finished washing the dishes, drying them off and putting them back into their respective cabinets.

There was a strange giggling in the air, and Sersh whipped around to watch in astonishment as a few pieces of her jewelry from the bathroom zipped through the air and out the, apparently, open garden door. Small figures danced through the air, laughing, the beat of their wings sounding like silver bells. One stopped and pulled on a lock of Tristan's hair, blowing a raspberry at him as he made a noise of surprise. Snapping out of her daze, Saoirse launched herself forward to grab at the pixies. She managed to wrestle back a few pieces from them before they fled. Turning to Tristan, she gave him a wide eyed look.

"Did you know you had a pixie problem, Tristan?" She looked at the jewelry in her hands, disappointment covering her features. They'd taken quite a bit while the pair was distracted. Sersh didn't own much costume jewelry, it was all real sliver and gold she'd found while browsing antique markets in her travels. "I guess I better get you that evil eye I've been keeping. What did you do to piss off a troupe of pixies?!" His garden was immaculate and full of native wildflowers. He hadn't put out gourds or anything offensive to them. Were they angry at her and taking revenge because they couldn't enter her house? Had Puck eaten one?
Tristan had to agree with Saorise as mulled over his suggestions, he didn't want to put others in danger either but he felt a bit like and animal backed into a corner. What else was there to do? He hated the idea of Saorise alone at night knowing the 'detectives' could come knocking at any point. They would speak to the coven at the morrows meeting and with their guidance he was certain they would find a solution, it was the small town way after all, together or not at all. He was pulled from his thoughts when the chime like laughter sounded from the top of the stairs and he caught the gleam of jewelry in the morning light as it zipped out towards his back garden.

One of the little devils tugged on his short dark hair, he let out a low noise of surprise at the rude gesture of the raspberry and jumped to his feet as the little creatures escaped with Saorise's trinkets. Once more the woman surprised him with her cavalier attitude towards the impish thieves.

"You mean to tell me those are pixies?" Tristan's hand snapped out at the nearest one doing his best to grab the infernal creature and reclaim the shiny it had stolen. Instead it gracefully slipped through his fingers and smiled a sharp toothed grin at him. "I don't know what I did!?" Tristan couldn't decide if it was an answer or a question as he rushed towards the door and slid it closed on the fleeing creatures. If there were any left, they would have to go through him. Frustration lanced through him, and the back of his head his the glass of the back door with a loud echoing thud.

"I suppose now you'll be telling me mermaids are real." He griped, lowering his head to glare at Saorise. He watched as the woman shifted, unable to quite meet his eye or deny his words. "Fuck- apologies." He muttered right away running a hand over his face, the stubble of his beard scraping against his palm. He stalked towards Saorise then, his long legs eating up the space between them, and she backed up as well- until her retreat was halted by the kitchen counter. Tristan's fraying patience pushed him forward so he caged her an arm on either side of her, gripping the cool marble of the kitchen counter top. She smelled like pancakes and sugar and the scent of it was almost as maddening as the little thieves that had targeted his home.

"Saorise." His words were clipped. "Is there anything else that's going to magically materialize and wreck havoc in my home? Whatever plans you had today, I want you to cancel them- please." He amended at the last moment, his eyes narrowed- peering through the glamour to the redhead beneath the shine. "Clearly I'm out of my depth here- and I'd much rather be prepared for what's to come next, if you'd be inclined; I could use a teacher."

His stern eyes blinked down at her almost pleadingly behind the mask of his anger. Tristan despised a number of things, being late, loud sneezes in public, but most of all he hated feeling unprepared. Carefully one of his hands left the counter, and it was as if someone else had taken control of his limb. His thumb and pointer finger found her chin, tilting her head up the slightest degree.

"Please Saorise." He implored, doing his best to ignore how soft her skin was. He wondered if she was soft everywhere.
Sersh was surprised by the uninvited visitors--even mroe so by the almost accusing way Tristan pleaded with her to help him, caging her against the hard counter and touching her gently. He was a man made of contradictions. She sighed, pushing his hand away from her and dipping her his arm.

"Give me a moment." She replied. "You're lucky I feel bad for you--that was quite a strange way to ask for help, you know." She opened the back door again, scanning for pixies before moving back to her own house. She returned about twenty minutes later, her arms laden with books, jars and Puck in tow. Dumping her load onto the table, she held out a small paper wrapping to him. "Hang this across from the front door looking out. It's called an evil eye, it will repel anything malicious from coming in that way." Once he had done so, she spread the books out before him. "Now, I don't know everything, mind you. I've studies myths from different cultures and have a rudimentary understanding of the craft, but I'm still very much a novice. We'll learn more from the coven, you should prepare a list of questions for them." There were three different stacks of books; one of mythologies, Celtic, Irish, Hindu, Chinese and native American stories. One of spellwork for beginners; Wicca for dummies, spells for sickness and ancient herbalist from around the world. The last was a stack which contained other things; palmistry, crystal reading, tarot and meditation.

"I'll lend you these books to read so you can get a grasp on things. You'll have to study like you would in school, really. Feel free to mark them up however you'd like, lord knows I have." She pointed to the first stack. "Faeries come in many different forms and interact with cultures differently. It's good to know what they might look like and how they act through history. This can help how you interact with them." She pointed to the second stack "This is pretty much just the basics of the craft, I'm into herblism so there's a focus on that, but you don't need to memorize anything that way." She pointed to the last stack "These are other aspects of the craft. You can see if you find something that interests you." Opening a few of the jars as he began to look at the books with a mix of fear and interest, Sersh placed several different herbs in a small bag and handed it to him. "As for the pixie problem, they aren't really malicious, so the evil eye won't help. Hang this out in the garden. Leave offerings of sweets a few times a week and they shouldn't bother you any more.

She opened the book 'Wicca for dummies' and flipped to the second chapter, which listed out all of the different kinds of witches. "Take a look here and see if anything interests you. You'll likely be asked what kind of witch you want to be, then apprentice to someone in the coven in that vein or similarly." She went back to the kitchen and pulled out his biggest pot, beginning to fill it with herbs and muttering lowly in Gaelic. "It's not the right time for a simmer pot, but this should also help ward of unwanted guests. You don't really need to know Fae rules right now, unless you want to be a Fae witch." She came back over with a glass of water for him, then sat across from him. "I want to be an herbalist witch. My mother's side is connected to the Druids from the homeland, and they were often healers and herbalists, so I feel most connected to that practice. Does that make sense?" Saoirse pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, looking over her shoulder as Puck explored the house. "I'm happy to answer your questions as best as I can, though I fear your head might explode with too much information."
There was so much- too much to learn. Tristan felt a bit like a fish out of water as Saorise and her rabbit with it's entirely too intelligent eyes carted load after load of things into his house. Saorise was patient with him, petting the rabbit in her lap as she told him where to hang things and muttering about the pot she'd left on the stove like the sweet yet earthy aroma that simmered around them was a clear sign to uninvited guests to remain where they were. They spent long hours bent over books on the couch, and Tristan asked more questions than he knew were possible- some of his questions Saorise didn't have an answer for him, and that made the process that much more infuriating.

"What do you mean, I'll just know what resonates with me? What does that feel like? Why isn't there a step by step guide to figuring out what kind of witch I am?" Tristan growled at her as he poured over classifications of witchcraft like it was a test he needed to pass. Eventually Saorise grew sick of his antics and she left him surrounded by a pile of books and herbs while his home smelled like a flower shop. Tristan's eyes grew blurry as he flipped through pages- thanks to Saorise and his desperation to understand what on earth was happening to him, the words made a little more sense- though he felt no closer to understanding where he stood in it all.

With a huff Tristan closed another book on the Druids connections with trees and reached for another book, only to realize it was the last in the stack. It was well worn book, it's spine cracked from being held open and poured over. A small unassuming title grabbed it him, and Tristan felt a little flicker move through him, though that probably was from the fact he'd barely touched his supper, 'The Heart of a Sea Witch,' read the title. Tristan couldn't help but admire the deep rolling waves of the sea detailed on the cover, and the woman who stood at the waters edge, her arms raised high to the moon as it commanded the earths waters.

With the book perched open on his fingers Tristan mulled around the kitchen, turning off the stove and pecking a little bit more at his sandwich- all the while he read. He learned of the Triple Goddess, the cycles of her life portrayed in the ever changing moon and how the sea was just another reflection of her power. The stories of the water spoke to him, as they always had. In a way they reminded him of the tales his grandmother used to weave before bedtime each night. He barely watched his steps as he walked up towards his bedroom, nose still buried between the pages. Tristan fell asleep with the book pressed tightly to his chest, the letters hovered over his gentle beating heart- and when he woke he knew what Saorise had meant about resonation.

Eager to share his news, Tristan rose from his bed, he was too eager to bother with changing out of his sleep pants and instead he pulled a thin house coat over his bare chest and didn't bother to tie it. His bare feet hurried against the hardwood of his stairs and he made for the front door. Leaping over the gravel pathway between their doors he jumped to Saorise's front stoop. Saorise hadn't bothered to knock or ask permission when she'd entered his home so he assumed it would be fine to barge through the front door, though he made a note to scold her later for leaving it unlocked- for now he had his news to share.

He found her in the kitchen, Puck dancing around her feat as she prepared his morning meal and Tristan felt his bright beam of a smile turn up a few degrees at the sight.

"Saorise. I found it." Pride burst through him as he gently but, purposefully set the book down on the counter in front of her.
Sersh didn't get too much sleep that night, she crawled into bed sometime past two and Puck woke her at seven sharp as he always did. She trudged down the stairs after changing into a new set of pajamas--baggy sweatpants and a loose crop top that exposed her midriff. Her tattoos shimmered beneath the glamour as she moved about the kitchen. She was nearly finished with Puck's breakfast when Tristan burst through her front door triumphantly. Saoirse gave a laugh, putting Puck's bowl down and coming around the counter to look. She laughed again when she saw what he and found.

"I should've guessed! A sea witch fits a sailor, doesn't it. Maybe you've been blessed by mermaids." She gave him a grin as she put on a pot of coffee. "You might as well stay. You look awful." He sat down at the bar and she began working on their breakfast. It was a simple fare that day, just scrambled eggs with whatever she had in the fridge mixed in. Cheese, leftover greens and a dash of tobasco sauce. She served him, along with a cup of coffee. As she was serving herself, Puck jumped up onto Tristan's lap, his dark eyes looking deeply into his own. Sersh laughed again. "He's inspecting you, Eeyore." A few moments passed, and Puck seemed satisfied. He jumped to the next stool at the counter.

"I hope they let me make him my familiar." Saoirse said between bites, cutting off a small piece of her breakfast and depositing it on the counter. Puck placed his two front paws up and ate it happily, sitting back down again. "Puck has been my most consistent friend. I'd like to reward him for that, if I can. Besides, the little arse knows too much sometimes." She'd finished her plate and put it in the sink, before turning back to him. "I wonder what your familiar will look like. Some sort of lizard? A turtle, maybe?"
Saorise didn't seem at all surprised at his declaration and leaning and that somehow made Tristan feel all the better. He'd worried she'd scoff at him and call it uninspired but it pleased him to no end when she readily agreed. He plopped down, eager for more of her delicious breakfast and only the slightest bit miffed at her comment of his appearance. Certainly the dark circles under his eyes weren't that bad? As Saorise cooked Tristan leafed through the book, seeking out passages that had spoken to him in the wee hours of the night, only to be interrupted by the large rabbit and his sudden appearance in the sailors lap.

"Does he had to do it so close to me?" Tristan griped at Saorise's explanation of Pucks appraisal. The rabbit's powerful legs dug into his thighs as Puck found whatever it was that he was looking for in Tristan's eyes and departed for the stool next to him. If Tristan thought long and hard enough he could almost picture the rabbit as a tiny human.

"I didn't know I could get a familiar." Tristan mused, he and Puck shared a glance again and there seemed to be so much unsaid in those rabbits eyes. "How do you know when you find one? Do they have to be willing to be your familiar as well? Is that a question and a duty they would understand?" Tristan was so full of questions as he and Saorise ate, though he found her options of familiars for him not at all manly as they finished with their meal. Tristan waved away Saorise's instance that she would help as he cleaned up and he sent her out of the kitchen with a stern look and a playful, if not slightly threatening wiggle of his fingers. There was no telling what his magic hands were capable of.

Just as he was finishing putting away the last of the plates and Saorise played with Puck in the living room a great tremble shook the earth beneath them, making the pendant lights in the kitchen sway as the earth rocked back and forth. Glasses in the cupboards clinked together, and Tristan rushed for the living room, wanting to be as close to Saorise as he could while the ground swayed to and fro. It ended with one last heaving shake and Tristan looked at Saorise with wide eyes.

"That wasn't me." He promised, though truly he couldn't have been sure.

Joseph manned the wheel of the Contessa, ready to take the men out on another three day journey when the waves grew thick and choppy, pushing the well loved boat back, wave after wave sending it closer to broken islands that made up The Fractured Isles. The great lighthouse with its bright beam of light stood sentry on one such island and the men watched in both horror and wonder as they drew nearer. Rocks crumbled from the cliffs edges, sending more waves bettering into their vessel.

"Captain..." One of the men sounded.

"Aye, I see it." Joseph took of his cap, astounded at the sight of the narrow cave, now revealed by avalanche of rocks.
The island was abuzz for the next few days with news of the caves. It seemed the crack was too small for a person to pass through, but nonetheless, it was news. Saoirse didn't take too much interest, as she was focused on being inconspicuous. Through her connections with the coven, she was able to solidify the story she'd told the phony detectives. It was somewhat gratifying, seeing them hitting walls everywhere. Hopefully the men would give up soon and leave.

Time seemed to fly by; soon enough it was the promised time they would be properly introduced to the coven. Sersh had wanted to bring a notebook so she could begin to study the craft in earnest, but thought better of it. She would simply have to commit as much as she could to memory. Fae came to pick her up in the evening and led her to an overgrown path in the woods that climbed up the small mountain of Hythe. She stopped, turning with a grin.

"We'll have to wait here for John and Tristan. Can't only bring in half of the newbies." Saorise grinned brightly and gave a little twirl where she stood. "I hope the boy is alright. Tristan can be pretty gruff. I don't know how he'll feel being led by a kid." A little cackle left her lips at the thought. "Ooohh, I wish he was his teacher! That would be a sight." Fae laughed too, before bringing a small candy out of her pocket and muttering a short incantation. A pixie popped into existence and snapped up the treat, eating it happily. Sersh gasped, covering her mouth so as not to scare it. Fae grinned.

"The irony, right? A Faerie witch named Fae." The pixie landed on her palm and looked up expectantly. "Can you go make sure the boys are alright, please? See that they get here safe." The creature spoke in it's strange, scratchy language and flew off.

"That's amazing!" Sersh squealed, watching it vanish into the darkness.
In the time that passed between the quake and the meeting of the Coven, Tristan had been able to pull some time back on The Contessa. It felt good to be on the waves again, his soul had missed it. Home was the helm, and that was where Joseph found him along with a young man Tristan had only seen at the night of his initiation.

"Someone here to collect you, Connelly." Joseph slapped the smaller man's back fondly. "It's good to see you in the community, son. I'd worried when you arrived that you'd be a work centric kind of man." Joseph grinned as Tristan stood from the seat and went to John to shake his hand. His only acknowledgement of Joseph's words was a soft grunt- he couldn't very well tell the man that his initial intention had indeed been to live and breath work upon his arrival in Hythe. And then he'd met Saorise and everything had changed, all his best laid plans ruins at his feet. He should have been angry, the old him certainly would have been, but the magic and her smile was more rewarding than he could have ever imagined.

"It's a pleasure, Tristan. The others are waiting." John had to tilt his head back to look up at Tristan and the lumbering sea giant nodded. This was another thing that the old Tristan would have balked at. Following a man he'd met only once into the woods as the last of the suns rays filled up the sky. Already a few of the brightest stars and planets began to gleam in the hazy summer sky, and Tristan was indeed following an essential stranger down an old path, where ivy kept over stone and rock.

"How did you come to be in all of this John?" The men had mostly been silent, sharing only the smallest of small talk on their drive but Tristan found he was curious about his partner.

"I was born to it all- I can't imagine this all seems very normal for you, but for me this is all just as normal as breathing." John let out an exaggerated exhalation as if to demonstrate and the wind whipped up around them, a swirl of leaves and rustling. "I'm an Air Witch, in case you were wondering. Like my dad and his dad before me." The words seemed practiced and not at all something a boy of his age might say, but Tristan could recognize the reverence and respect in the boy's eyes. Tristan's hair was askew from the gale and he laughed as he put it to rights. They continued down the path, chuckling before a small pop and a tinkle of familiar laughter stopped Tristan in his tracks.

"Uh. I swear, I did everything Saorise told me to do when it came to pixies." Tristan would never admit it, but perhaps the way that John served as a shield between him and the pixie had not been an accident. That made John laugh and witch shook his head at the sailor.

"It's just a friend of Fae's, come to hurry us along so we can join the others. Tell her we'll be right along." John told the little creature, who swirled in the air in front of them, before aiming one devilish smile towards Tristan and popping out of sight.

"I don't like those things." Tristan muttered, rubbing at his rapidly beating heart.

"You'll get used to them, not much further now." John took the lead and after one more hesitant look around the area Tristan followed after the boy. They found Saorise and Fae just up ahead and Tristan lifted a hand in greeting.

Both Saorise and Tristan followed their leaders, trudging through the thick overgrowth that seemed to grow more luscious and alive with each step they took. Tristan heard the water before he saw it, and stopped short when they were led towards a pool of water surrounded by trees and wild flowers. The water was the clearest thing he'd ever seen and the surface only rippled with the small fall of water that trickled into it from the rockface opposite of where the group stood. Liz was already at the waters edge, dressed in her finest robes, while the others lingered around a meeting space, complete with picnic table just a few paces away from the water.

"Oh you're here." The elderly woman lit up, the water casting swirling shadows over her face as she turned. "Welcome, to the Wellspring- I'm sure you can feel it's power- the both of you are just buzzing with it." Liz gestured to them as if she could see the very magic that hung heavy in the air. "It is the perfect night to explore this, when the moon waxes towards her potential. Come, the both of you- it's time to enter her waters."
Saorise wasted no time in hiking up her pants and wading into the water. Instantly, she felt it crack and sizzle against her skin, but not in an unpleasant way. She could feel the raw power of the magic seeping in to her bones. Sersh let out a whoop of joy as she felt it, the energy lighting every nerve of her body on fire. Bunching the legs of her pants into one had, she turned and held her other out to Tristan.

"C'mon sailor!" She called, magic crackling around her body like a sparkler. "You've braved worse waters than this." Tristan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head with a small chuckle as he took er hand and waded in beside her. The energy climbed up him, fizzing and cracking over his skin. Their hair stood on end. Liz grinned as she began her incantation. The others watched behind her as the wellspring began to glow a bluish white light. The younger members of the coven tossed a few flowers each into the water--they dissolved into smoke upon touching it. When Elizabeth's incantation was complete, the water calmed. She motioned for them to leave the wellspring, and Fae handed them towels.

"Welcome, apprentices." Liz greeted warmly, coming over to hug each of them. "It seems you," He looked to Tristan "Have an affinity for the sea. Not surprising. And you," She looked to Saorise "And you have an affinity for the earth. Also not surprising." She gave them each a friendly squeeze on the shoulder as the coven gathered around them.

"Ohh, congratulations! It's been generations since we've had a sea witch on Hythe, we need it!" Said one of the women.

"An herbalist is a blessing as well. What would you like to specialize in? Green witch? Plant witch? Hedge witch, maybe?" They were swarmed by the woman from the coven, the youngest girl--who still seemed below ten--made a motion for Tristan to pick her up. He obliged and she laughed.

"I like to ocean, too! Sometimes I hear voices talking to me through seashells!" Saorise gave a laugh of her own, feeling more energized than she ever had.
There was nothing quite like the magic that flowed around them, it sizzled and sparked against his skin as Tristan took Saorise's hand and she led them into the shallows of the pool. He felt the sand and ground under the soles of his feet and felt rooted to the very earth itself as the water's around them glowed bright with each word from Liz's incantation. All around them the coven joined either in words or in whoops and hollers that made Tristan feel almost wild. Saorise's hand was steady in his, and she was his anchor to the earthly plane as the magic met his veins and accepted him home.

It was finished all too quickly and Tristan lingered in the waters for only a moment longer before joining the crowds that surrounded them. Friendly and elated faces beamed at him from all directions and Tristan was so caught up in the moment that he didn't think to consider if it was alright to pick up the child that so clearly wished for his arms. Instead he hoisted her up, hooking her onto his hip and letting her nestled her small fingers through the fabric of his shirt.

"Well." Tristan chuckled. "Those sound like some very special sea shells." The little one in his arms nodded, her deep auburn curls bouncing with the motion.

"They sing sometimes to me, but mostly they say the same word over and over again." That piqued Tristan's curiosity and he kept his eyes on the small child in his arms, motioning silently that she could continue if she chose. "Kairos" She whispered to him, a deep blush settling over her cheeks as if she'd just told him something scandalous.

"Hmm, I don't know that word." Tristan said softly, "maybe it's a name?" The little girl shrugged and then wriggled, a silent demand that he put her down. The little thing wandered over to Saorise demanding her attention as well with a tug on her hem and a lift of her arms. Once the sweet girl was settled she reached to play with Saorise's glamoured hair.

"My Nana says you have a bunny- can I hold him?" She asked her eyes wide and eager. Tristan watched the scene, something settling in his chest at the sight of Saorise holding a child. It was all too domestic for his tastes, or at least he thought so- but he couldn't deny the silly little flutter in his heart at the tableau before him.
Sersh laughed as she bounced the girl on her hip a bit, pretending to think very hard about her question. "Hmm, I think so! I'm sure Puck will love you, you know he loves to play dress up?" The girl squealed in excitement. Elizabeth took her and put her back on the ground.

"Alright, we'll need to get them situated. Fae," She beckoned the young woman forward. "Show them around our space here and explain the basic duties. After that send Saorise to Rose and Tristan to me." Fae did as instructed, showing them the stone circle where the coven did summoning, the batch of caldrons where they brewed potions and a workbench for crafting spells. By the workbench was a bookshelf stuffed with tomes. Beside the wellspring there was an alter, and farther behind it was what looked like a cradle covered in thistle. A small opening in the trees by the cradle led out to a cliff overlooking the sea. The entire grove was lit by some sort of spell in the branches of the trees. Fae pointed Tristan to Elizabeth, who was shifting through the bookshelf and Sersh to the cauldrons. Rose, the mother of the little girl, Heather, and John was waiting for her.

"Hi there hon. How are you doing?" She asked kindly.

"I'm great!" Sersh replied. Rose grinned.

"That's the spirit. So, have you decided what type of witch you want to be?"

"Yes! I want to be a green witch, please."

"Well, then let's get started! You'll have to learn how to channel and communicate with plants."
What with Saorise being sent to learn along side some of the others Tristan felt painfully awkward. Perhaps he should have chosen the same path as his neighbour- perhaps then he wouldn't feel like a duck out of water. He was grateful when Fae pointed him towards Liz and he went quickly to the elderly woman as she pulled tomes from the shelves.

"Don't the books get damaged by the weather?" Tristan asked her in place of a greeting and the old witch chuckled.

"Nay dearie- nothing a little spell can't protect." She told him.

"There's much that magic can protect it seems."

"And much it can destroy. We can not walk in the light without knowing that shadow that follows us. Does that make sense sailor?"

"Not at all." Tristan chuckled and Liz joined him.

"Wonderful. Come now, let's sit by the wellsprings edge and have a little chat." They sat together and Liz worked on explaining the duality of water to Tristan- how he must respect how it gave life but also took it away. He did his best to take in everything and commit it to memory but by the time Liz starting waxing poetic on the properties of water and it's strength in accordance to the moon and the day of the week- heck even what time of the day he preformed his spells the poor man was lost. Liz took pity on him- giving him a thick stack of books that she assured him would help make sense of his timing.

"Tonight- spend some time in the water." Liz whispered to him as the others around them began to pack up. "See what the she might whisper to you." Tristan nodded. As the others bade them farewell Tristan took a step towards Saorise as she lingered over the massive cauldron's.

"Do we need to find you one for at home?" He asked pressing the toe of his shoe to the cast iron. "You looked like a natural today." And she had- Tristan hadn't been able to resist his wandering eyes as Liz spoke. He'd lingered over Saorise's eager expression as Rose explained the properties of a plant or encouraged her to mix together things in the cauldron. She looked like the kind of kindly witch one might find in a children's novel.
Sersh gave a little smile as Tristan complimented her. "I wish we could!" She replied. "There's no basement, so I doubt I could keep one. How was your first night?" She eyed the stack of books in his arms with interest. "I see you've got far more homework than I have." Saorise teased, poking his arm and sticking out her tongue. Tristan led her to the edge of the wellspring and they sat together, discussing what they had learned. She caught a glimpse of her altered reflection in the water, her face wavering between her own and her new one. Gentle waves lapped up the small incline as she watched her face shimmer and shift.

"Someday..." She muttered to herself. "I'll be myself again, right?" She reached out one hand absently, and when her finger touched the water, images flashed in her mind. Almost too fast to comprehend properly. A blurry silhouette of her mother, a writing desk with two sets of hands, an ankle bound by a glowing shackle, a fanged smile. It was over quickly, and she pulled her hand back from the water, her mother's ring unusually warm against her skin. "Eeyore." She said, still looking into the wellspring. "Touch the water."
It felt nice to spend time with Saorise like this, nestled at the wellsprings edge and chatting about what they had learned. Somehow listening to the redhead plant witch made the content in which he struggled to understand that much more attainable. She spoke with knowledge and an earnest thirst for more and he watched with a gentle gaze as she dipped her hand towards the clear waters.

"Yes." He told her with all the surety he could muster- though Saorise didn't respond, instead her body had grown rigid as she stared sightlessly into the waters. He'd been about to reach and shake her out of it when Saorise came to, her eye's never leaving the water as she ordered him to press his fingers to the waters. He obeyed without a thought, resting his palm over the ripples and letting the cool water dance over his skin.

His sight was taken from him, images forcing their way over his vision. Some were memories, his grandmother bent over her journal scribbling like a woman mad. He saw woman crowding around a circle, a pyre burning their naked skin as they wept. The image that lingered the longest he'd seen only in photographs, the image of the newly opened cave resting in the cliff face at the base of the lighthouse. As soon as his vision returned Tristan pulled his hand from the water like it had burned him.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph." He muttered, rubbing the palm of his hand. Turning swiftly to face Saorise he demanded to know what she'd seen and once she relayed it he gave his in turn. They were silent a long while, and Tristan couldn't help but run a weary hand through his hair as his brain fired every working neuron to figure out what on earth any of it all meant. Finally he gave up, tossing his hands into the air and forcing himself to his feet.

"Liz told me to take a swim and I think I'd better follow her orders." He gave her an earnest look but ducked his head before she could see his hopeful expression. "You... could always join me. And tomorrow we should tell the others about what we've seen."
Sersh had little time to dwell on the new information they'd gained when Tristan had extended his invitation. Surprise flitted over her face more a wily grin settled in.

"Alright, let's go! But we'll have to swim in the ocean. I think we've bothered the wellspring enough for one night, yeah?" Truthfully, she was scared of what else the water there might show her. She helped him up and they made their way back down from the forest in a comfortable silence. They made their way down the path near their homes to the beach. "Better put those away quick if you don't want to miss the fun!" She teased as Tristan stopped to place the books inside his home. She darted past him and down tot he shore, before stripping off her shoes and socks. She let the water rush over her bare feet, shivering slightly at its cold touch. Saoirse heard him shuffling through the sand behind her, and looked over her shoulder with a smile.

Locking eyes with him, she undressed down to nothing and relished the way he looked at her, agast. Once she was bare, she ran into the water and dove under, letting the waves pull at her long hair and feeling the salt scrape against her skin. When her head broke the surface of the ocean she combed her hair away from her face, her image flickering before him in the moonlight. It seemed that the water was disrupting the spell, slightly. Her true form stayed just longer, revealing her freckled shoulders and dark tattoos as the water ebbed and flowed over her.

"My clothes just dried!" She called out, laughing. "Saltwater is so hard to get out, you know?" As she tred water, she laughed again when he stayed frozen in place. Sersh could just imagine the look on his face, how red it was. Pushing him was just too much fun. What would he do, if he broke? How far into madness could she drive him? "What's wrong, sailor? I'm no mermaid, I won't eat your heart! C'mon!"
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Watching Saorise undress as the wake foamed around her ankles was like something out of a dream. Tristan's mouth watered as inches of her skin were revealed in the silver light of the moon, he couldn't take his eyes off the witch before him as she cast her spells over his heart. She threw her clothes well enough away from the surf that the tide wouldn't reach it and turned so that Tristan was graced with the image of her swaying hips and the elegant sweep of her spine as she entered the salty waters. The dark inky ocean shielded her from his lecherous eyes and it was only then that Tristan realized he'd been staring at her for entirely too long without saying or doing anything.

It wasn't like he'd never seen the female form before, but watching Saorise and her charming ways made him almost feel like a fumbling teenager again, rendered mute at the barest bit of attention. Her words brought him back to life and at the mention of her being a mermaid her glamour slipped once more revealing the curly red hair as it splayed in the water around her, and he was reminded of another mermaid whose curiosity led her. It seemed fitting. The thought made his lips curl up in the barest smile and before he could let any of his manners get in the way of this moment Tristan lifted his shirt high over his head. His pants, underwear and shoes went next and soon the cold surf was biting at his knees and sinking over his thighs.

Tristan let out the barest hiss of breath as he sank down to his chest in one solid motion and he swam the rest of the way towards Saorise. Above them a few grey clouds drifted lazily by, giving way to glimpses of the night sky and the constellations that called it home.

"I thought mermaids collected forks and spoons and longed to be on land. There wasn't any heart eating in the stories I knew." Tristan told her, only a few feet away as they floated among the small waves. "This is preferable to the visions." He told her a few moments later, letting his feat lift and broach the waters surface just in front of him. His arms worked to keep him afloat as he spun around, admiring the gleaming lights of Hythe in the distance. Though the one image of the cave's new entrance appeared in his mind and he thought of the lighthouse just above it, from where they floated they could see the bright beam of light circle around and around- a warning for ships and the fractured bits of land it protected.

Tristan followed his instinct, letting the water guide him as he drifted closer to Saorise and eventually brushed his arm against hers. There was a deep part of himself that wanted to grab her, haul her legs over his hips and anchor her to him, and when their arms brushed again he let his fingers circle her wrist, gauging her reaction.

"Do you make it a habit of upending your neighbours lives with magic and whimsy?" He asked- surely he wasn't the only one to have seen Saorise and been tempted by her. "Or am I just lucky?"
Sersh watched him as he snapped out of his daze and undressed to join her. He was better looking than she even imagined he was. He entered the water and look a moment to float lazily, taking in the nighttime silhouette of the island and the sky. Finally, he came closer and grabbed her wrist gently, his eyes burning like hot coals. She laughed at his question, twisting her wrist around in his grip and gently scraped one nail along the skin on his, delighting in his shiver.

"The luckiest." She replied with a smile. "I've never really stayed anywhere this long. Not in the last couple of years, at least. I certainly didn't try to make friends." Sersh lifted their entwined hands and laid a gentle bite against the meat under his thumb. Tristan flinched, but held her even tighter. "And you're wrong about mermaids, sailor. They eat human hearts to fall in love and leave the sea, you know. That's why you should be wary of beautiful women in the waters." Tristan drew her closer to him still, his eyes never leaving hers. She did not resist. Soon, floating just inches from his face as the waves rocked them, her eyes traced his lips before moving back to his.

"You sure you want to put yourself in danger like this, sailor?" he murmured. Though her face was flickering before his eyes, the expression upon both was the same. Deep desire, laced with a little fear. "You know what follows me. And you can't get back a heart that's been eaten."
With the moonlight making love to her features Tristan instantly understood the call of a siren. Of course men would throw themselves into the briny depths upon a vision such as this- in truth, if she told him to stay under the water no questions asked- he'd have done it. Instead, her teeth grazed his skin and Tristan felt the cool prickle of gooseflesh shudder down his arm. Saorise had a fire within her and while others might have sought to tame it and mold it Tristan wanted to feed the blaze, he wanted to relish in the burn that was the witch in his arms.

His hands wound around her, one finding rest just above the dip of her hip while the other wound around the back of her neck circling through the hair that shimmered with hints of her natural red. He wished he could see only her.

"It's a good thing all a sailor needs out there is his brain." He murmured, his eyes never closing even as the distance between them was nothing more than a breath apart. The water around them seemed to grow still, as if it too was waiting in breathless anticipation for the touch of their lips. "A heart for your freedom..." his cupids bow brushed the top of her full lip with his final words and just before he pull her that last degree closer-

He barely felt the weeds curl around their legs as they drifted together, inches apart and it was only with his last words that he noticed the tug. It was quick, strong and before he could draw a breath whatever had curled around their legs tugged the both of them under the inky depths.
Saorise couldn't even let out a scream. She had been so focused on Tristan that the water around them didn't seem to matter much. As they were violently pulled below the waves, Sersh could only grab onto him more tightly, her nails digging into the flesh of his wrist as she fought to be pulled apart from him. The slimy kelp that had them in a vice grip, climbing further up their legs. What little air she had in her lungs she struggled to keep there, her cheeks ballooning in her attempt to hold the breath in.

Let go! She thought desperately, her eyes not adjusting well to the seawater. Her other hand came around Tristan's wrist as another tug from the kelp tried to separate them. She cursed her luck, regretting the moment she started to let Tristan into her heart. Sersh was sure this was some awful thing meant for her. To kill her. She thrashed as much as she could, already feeling lightheaded from lack of air. They were only being pulled deeper and deeper. LET HIM GO!!! She cried inside her mind. If she was going to die here she didn't want to take him with her. He'd done nothing to deserve it, after all. Finally; their hands were broken apart.

Her intense emotion had done just enough wild magic to make the weed's grip on the sailor just a little.
The water was crushing him, and Tristan's lungs burned with the effort to keep from collapsing. Saorise was twisting in the water next to him, and he could feel the panic rushing through her in the way the waters swished through his arms and legs. It wasn't the first time Tristan had been pulled under the perilous tow of the water and it certainly wouldn't be the last- though the kelp pulling them steadily down towards the ocean floor was new.

Panic curled at the edges of his mind, but his sailors brain fought against making any large movements- every millisecond was precious and he didn't want to overexert himself. He curled, freeing his hand from Saorise's frantic fingers and tugged at the kelp around his leg, working his fingers under the slimy cold surface and trying to part it from his limbs. It only worked to tighten around him and Tristan forced back the fear that inched a little closer to his sanity.

Next to him Saorise struggled with all her might, and Tristan felt the wave of her magic crash through him like an explosive shock wave. It radiated out from her in a gust of pure feeling and for the briefest moment he caught glimpses of her terror and her guilt- it was far more crushing than the ocean and his heart lurched in his chest. The kelp had loosened its grip on him giving Tristan the freedom to wriggle his foot out.

He wasted no time, propelling his body up with what remained of his energy, he could feel darkness closing in on his vision as he wrapped a strong arm around Saorise's waist and pushed- they broke the surface together, their bodies gasping and heaving with the effort to fill their lungs with that precious air. The thought that the kelp might find them again had his mind working in overtime, and as Tristan and Saorise worked together to pull themselves out the waves and towards the shoreline his magic grew and grew- shaping like the tides and sweeping behind them.

He didn't know what the hell he was doing, only that every fibre of his being wanted to protect Saorise. There would be nothing that could breach that shield of protection as long as he still breathed. Finally... finally their toes reached the sandy bottom and in a matter of seconds their worn bodies crashed to the coarse shore. Tristan flipped to his back, his chest heaving with exertion as his magic slipped away- leaving him feeling like he'd swam half way around the world. It was a strangely powerful feeling.

"Are you alive?" His voice croaked out, and his head lolled to the side. He'd have her in his arms if they didn't feel like dead weight.
Tristan's magic hit her back like a tsunami. Bit as the waves carried them further, she felt his strong urge to protect wrap around her body. How long had it been since someone wished that for her? Really, sincerely wished for it? How long since someone had really done so? Strangely, she felt safer in those rough waves than she had anywhere in a long time. His magic filled her up, making her skin tingle and her breathing easier, the salt in her lungs didn't burn as badly.

Their bodies hit the shore with a decent amount of force. The air she'd just managed to suck back into her lungs was forced out once more. Rolling away from Tristan a little, she vomited up seawater and sand, coughing. Her lungs ached with the effort of it. Sand clung to her in every unpleasant place, coating her hair, her eyelashes, her tongue. At his question, she heaved out a string of expletives in Gaeilge, weakly. She rolled back over and dragged herself closer, her whole body shaking with effort. She was utterly exhausted. Saorise brushed sand from his face, her fingers clumsy. They were too heavy. Everything was too heavy.

They laid on the beach for a long time, just breathing beside each other. When the moon had almost sunk back into the horizon, they managed to help each other up and stumble back to their cottages, leaning on each other for support. Sersh dragged them to her place, then up the small stairs and into her bathroom. The light flickered on and they both blinked at it's harshness, needing to adjust after being in the dark for so long. There wasn't enough room for two in the shower, but Sersh didn't think she could stand anyway. She began to fill the tub, then grabbed a clean towel. When Tristan shied away slightly from her, she rolled her eyes.

"You'll clog up the drain if you go in like that." Her voice was quiet and hoarse from the sea. "Plus, we've already seen everything, right?" He stilled and she wiped him off with the towel, her movements slow with tiredness. He was as sand free as he could get when the tub had finished filling, and she pointed. He tried to protest, but she shook her head. "You need it more than me. You used much more magic than I did. Don't fight me on this, Tristan, please." Saorise using his name seemed to strike him, and he climbed into the bath. She could see how exhausted he was; his skin was pale and his eyes were sunken in, like he hadn't slept in days. She sat on the toilet after sprinkling a handful of herbs in the water. Lavender for relaxation, Comfrey for the skin abrasions and Eucalyptus for sore muscles and joints.

Sersh used a washcloth dipped in the water to wipe off his face, gently. She scrubbed the brine from his arms and shoulders, washed his hair with her infused soap. Saorise was humming softly, though it sounded like a scratched record. It felt good to take care of someone. She handed him the bar of soap once she was finished. "I'm assuming you can was...the rest. Unless you'd like me to?" His deep flush at her teasing made her laugh. It felt normal. He took the soap from her and gave her a look. She rolled her eyes again. "Really? You need me to turn around? After all that?" She did so anyway, her bare back facing him. The deep blue ink of her tattoos stood out like stains on her fair skin under the light. Many runes and symbols, seemingly arraigned in no pattern or order.

"You'll have to do me, after." She said, yawning. "I cannae keep my eyes open much longer." Her accent came out in full as her words slurred, slightly.
Saorise took care of him like it was the most natural thing on the planet to do so. He'd been so used to his own routine and schedual he'd completely forgotten what it might be like to have someone worry about him for once. There was no arguing with her as she demanded he step into the bath, nor was there the option to take the wash cloth she dutifully ran over his sea soaked skin- not until she reached parts of him he'd rather her touch in an entirely different setting. He couldn't help the prude modesty that still governed him, sure she'd seen him as naked as the day he'd been born- but he'd wanted those first touches between them to lead to something more pleasurable. As it was he could barely keep his eyes open as she bathed him.

He finished off the job as quickly as he could before he got out of the murky sand filled water and emptied the tub. Once there was clean warm water filling it once more he ushered for Saorise to take a seat. He'd slipped on his underwear but nothing else as he settled himself next to the tub. Gingerly he filled a new washcloth with soap and gave it a few good suds before he dragged the cloth down her tattooed back. He marvelled over the patchwork art, finding power in the designs she'd inked there.

As Saorise dipped her hair beneath the surface of the water, Tristan ran his hands through it's glamoured strands, freeing her from the salty brine and coarse sand that had burrowed deep there. Her eyes closed as his calloused fingers worked through her scalp and soon Tristan was pulling the plug on the bath and helping Saorise out of the tub. His arms ached as he pulled the towel around her body and rubbed it's fluffy surface over her- every muscle was pushed beyond his breaking point. Saorise slipped on her sleep shorts along with a shirt and the two of them staggered through her bathroom and into her master bedroom.

"Let me just close my eyes a moment, and then I'll make my way back home." He didn't have it in him to even walk next door. Tristan snuggled under the blankets that smelled of Saorise and his body instantly relaxed into the plush mattress. He felt the mattress dip next to him as Saorise settled. He could already feel his dreams creeping in on him as sleep took him- it felt so real as he dreamt of hooking an arm around Saorise's waist and tugging her back against his chest.

"Right where you belong." He murmured in his sleep... or was it aloud? Either way- he slept better than he'd ever slept in his life.
Sersh was too tired to tease him. Tristan seemed perfectly happy to be acting intimate now. She followed him into sleep, lulled by the unfamiliar warmth of someone beside her.

She woke late in the day--the clock by her bed read 3pm. Saorise felt better, but still drained of energy. She supposed it was a side effect of using so much magic. Gently, she managed to work her way out of Tristan's vice grip, intent not to wake him. He'd used much more magic than she had, she was content to let him sleep a while longer. Wrapping herself up in her robe and slippers, she made her way downstairs with a very impatient Puck. She gave him a breakfast for kings, as he'd not had dinner last night but had not bothered them. She pet his soft head as he chowed down.

"Thank you for being patient." She murmured. Sersh was about to start cleaning when there was a soft knock on the door. She found Fae there, and the other woman went pale at the sight of her.

"I was worried when you didn't show for your shift." Fae explained, coming inside. "But you look awful, hun. Something happened last night, didn't it? You're almost completely depleted of magic, I can feel it." Saorise just nodded.

"It'll be easier to explain when the sailor gets up. Mind waiting a while?" Fae shook her head, then helped Sersh around the house. They cleaned up the trial of sand and seawater that wound through the house, along with the bathroom. Sersh cleaned Puck's area and reset it while Fae started a simmer pot for rejuvenation. Sersh ate something small and Fae brewed some lavender tea made with moonwater to help with the magic depletion. Around 6, a simple dinner was being cooked and Sersh went to wake Tristan. He was still sleeping soundly snuggled in her covers, and she couldn't help but giggle a bit. Feeling more like her old self, she crawled onto the bed behind him. Saoirse laid a sharp bite onto his exposed collarbone, then began to kiss it, creating a hickey. Tristan woke with a small start and then a groan at her ministrations. He turned over as she pulled away, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Good evening, Eeyore." She crooned softly, her face hovering above his. "Much as I'd like to pick up where we were interrupted, dinner will be ready soon. It's time to get up."
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Sharp pleasurable pain dragged him from the depths of his slumber, focused on that sensitive spot along his collarbone. Tristan's groan filled the air and if he didn't feel so heavy with sleep he would have captured that temptress that hovered just over him and damned whatever dinner she had put on. Her husky voice promised so much more and when he finally cracked an eye open to see her she told him the time of day and he recalled that she had said dinner. A harsh intake of breath filled his lungs and he forced himself up into a sitting position, though it took a lot of old man moaning and groaning to do achieve it.

"Dinner?" He looked absolutely flabbergasted. Tristan lifted his phone off the nightstand and looked down at the time like it and Saorise were conspiring against him. "But..." He trailed off, looking up and meeting Saorise's eye once more. "I never sleep in." He confessed- one didn't become a sailor without a regimented schedual and complete discipline. Saorise looked at him like he was a lost puppy and perhaps in a way he was one for the moment. She gave his cheek a friendly pat before demanding he get dressed and meet her and Fae downstairs.

His body ached as he pulled a shirt over his head and his back let out a cacophony of pops as he bent to pull on his pants. Tristan didn't think he'd ever felt more run down and ragged in his life. He took his time descending the stairs, holding tight to the railing and with each step down the rich scent of citrus filled the air. It invigorated him in a way, and with each deep breath he drew he felt a smidgen better. At the bottom of the stairs he was met by Fae who pushed a steaming mug of tea in his hands and directed him to sit at the kitchen counter. It's warmth on the pads of his fingers was genuinely one of the most comforting things he'd ever felt, aside from Saorise as she laid next to him (But he wasn't about to admit that).

"I hear you had quite the night, sailor." Fae chuckled as she shifted back to the stove and pushed around the seasoned and oiled vegetables until the gleamed a bright appetizing green. "I'd like to know exactly what happened, if you both have the energy." The bookstore worker pushed Saorise to sit next to Tristan and she pushed two plates filled with protein and veg towards them. "There's some ginger in here, it's really going to bring you to two back to life." Fae chuckled and prepared her own plate.

"Well, we were... swimming." Images of Saorise and her moon kissed skin flitted through his mind and he forced his eyes down to his plate and took a big bite. When he was finsihed he shot Saorise a look. "Liz told me that the sea might bring some clarification, but when we went out into the waters something tried to drag us down. It felt like kelp but I couldn't be sure- it was too dark to see anything." He remembered Saorise's guilt then- the pure terror that had flowed through her magic. He hoped she still didn't think it was her fault. "Oh an the Wellspring gave us both visions." He added in an after thought.

Fae's cutlery clattered to the plate, slipped free from her fingers as shock paled her features.

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