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Realistic or Modern The Fort - Zombie Apocalypse


The First of Her Name

The Fort is a zombie apocalypse roleplay based on the popular world of The Walking Dead. The Fort is based around a small community of about 25 survivors, and after one month since the breakout of the zombies the group has found its way aboard The Yankee Freedom, a ferry boat that once shuttled Key West tourists to Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. The boat currently has enough fuel to make it around 200 miles, and Fort Jefferson is 70 miles out from the Keys. Meaning once they make it to the Fort, the next run for supplies boat fuel will be their top priority, other than not dying of course.

Food will no longer be a problem once they make it to the Fort, as long as no one has an allergy to fish of course. While fresh water could be, considering the the Dry Tortugas are exactly that, dry. No fresh water can be found there, making the ability to boil water a top priority. The group is currently being lead by Emmett Reid, a former Marine Sergeant, who with his skills and leader like qualities he very quickly fell into the role as soon as the group began to look to him for direction. It was his idea to come to the Fort, but is he making the right decision or sending the group to a watery grave?

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General Rules
  • My Word, Is Law! - Exactly that, I can add, change, delete, anything I want. I'm generally a really nice person so don't worry about this too much, unless of course, you break this rule, then watch out!​
  • Post Length- I would like to see at least one nicely fleshed out paragraph for each post. New players will get a bit of leeway but veterans ; I will call you out.​
  • Activity - Try to post enough to keep up. Since this is somewhat of a slice of life (horrible zombie life, but still, life), I don't want to be too harsh here. Just try to keep up with the story and if you're currently working with another player on a scene don't keep them waiting. This is the apocalypse, it's kinda fast paced.
  • Know What You Signed Up For - I repeat, this is the apocalypse. Your character will die eventually. Weather it is sooner, later, by walker, by a human, or even natural causes. I am going to try to avoid plot armor as much as possible, so no one is really safe and don't be butt hurt if your character dies. You're allowed to have more than one.
  • Post Limit - Wait till two people post before posting again. Although you can obviously post multiple posts at one time if you have multiple characters.
Rules for In Character
  • Don't Say Zombie! - This is modeled after The Walking Dead universe, which means it is placed in an alternate universe where the word zombie was never created and the idea of a flesh eating reanimated corpse was never a thing. You can call them anything else you can think of, expect for zombie. Our group may even have formed our own word for them that we use.
  • No OP/Unrealistic Characters - Your character cannot be perfect, good at everything, proficient in all weapons, or be a completely normal person and have a huge secret arsenal of weapons. All weapons and skill must come from your past or from what you have learned trying to survive, or of course from learning from your comrades. Again, I will call you out and I won't accept your character if that is the case.
  • Absolutely No Anime/Art/Drawn Appearances - We are keeping this as realistic as possibly and to keep things flowing and the same across the board, I am only allowing real photographs or, my favorite, GIFS. I don't care if you "always draw your character", this is not the RP for that.

FireMaiden FireMaiden , Pavan Pavan

Do you want help with the code? If so I can gladly input the information in the code and send it your way!

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