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Fantasy The Forlorn Hunted: 1933 [CS]



now i know how joan of arc felt
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Long ago, four families were cursed...
Terrible beasts were sent after them for generations...
Eventually, the families broke the curse and everything was expected to be peaceful until the end times...
Or so they thought........

Goodman: [Full]
Devaux: [1 of 2]
Kraus: [EMPTY]

Family: (Goodman, Devaux, Kraus, Tanaka)
[Devaux= French]


Personality: (1 or more paragraphs)

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Name: Amélie Devaux
Age: 20
Family: Devaux
Gender: Female
Occupation: Secretary/Buiness Partner
Race: French

Personality: Amélie is a woman that you should not underestimate. Something sinister last behind her prim and proper exterior. Her soft voice and kind smile often hide the fact that Amélie is a ruthless woman mostly in it for herself. In order to progress in this world, she isn't afraid to walk over others. Her anger is something to fear, and her silence even more so. Do not be fooled, she is not a woman to cross. There are very few people she cares for, and there are very few times she will go out of her way for someone. Let's just say she likes animals more than she does people. She's just hard to get along with, though it's not impossible.
History: Born in Paris, France, to the wealthy Devaux family, she was raised in the lap of luxury and comfort. However, it became very much like a Cinderella story, when her mother passed when she was 9 and her father remarried soon after. The woman was wicked, and showed Amélie very little affection, despite still treating her like a daughter. She's the woman that truly shaped Amélie's personality. As she grew, Amélie faced various challenges and obstacles, but none as difficult as being recognised as a business woman when she joined her father when she became old enough to work. Her gun, which she's used a few times, was a gift for her 19th birthday.

Extra: Carries a Smith and Wesson .38 special. I'll add a picture. fd573555f4d5d76057df9b37aa466698.jpg
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Name: Kristina Goodman
Alter Ego: Kristopher Goodman
Gender: Female
Occupation: Detective
Race: Mother; Latin American, Father; Caucasian American.

Appearance: Off Duty:

On duty:

She cross dresses while on the job, clipping back her hair and hiding it beneath a hat.

Personality: Kristy is a very thoughtful individual. She always seems to have something on her mind that is not the thing she is currently doing. Distracted would probably do her better justice. She is always think about the possibilities of every situation. Investigating minor details seemingly meaningless to others. She is the type to throw herself wholeheartedly into her interests, goals, or personal missions. Her and her ideas are inseparable from her emotions and sense of purpose.
Kristy is a very free spirit. She doesn't like being told what to do, and ultimately clashes with authority. Dispite this she's a hell of a detective, and she knows is.

Extra: Kristy is a gun nut. Her personal favorite model is an M1911 pistol. She affectionately refers to hers as "Anette." She keeps it holstered underneath her jacket most days.

History: (1930s radio show narrator)
Kristy grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Her father was a cop, Captain Goodman of the 99th precinct. Kristy idolized her father. He died in the line of duty, and that only made her image of him that much more the tragic hero. She wanted to grow up to be a cop, but in 1933 that wasn't a "woman's job." To which Kristy metaphorically replied "Fine, then I'll dress like a man." So she lives two lives, the ace Brooklyn detective Kyle Goodman, and the firecracker girl next door with a strange family secret not even she knows!
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I know virtually nothing about BBCode so I'm just going to refrain from using it.

NAME: Richard "Rich" Anderson-Goodman
AGE: Twenty Four
FAMILY: Goodman
OCCUPATION: Teacher (Currently on Strike)
RACE: Caucasian American
PERSONALITY: Predictably nurturing and idealistic given his age and choice of occupation, Richard is every bit the sort of gentleman a mother would hope their son could be. Most days, anyway. The sort to think before he acts, he notoriously tends to talk himself out of more impulsive decisions to avoid trouble (Though, this can be applied to the purchase of something as simple as suspenders as well), mostly because he strongly dislikes conflict. That being said, if confrontation happens as a necessity to uphold his morals, then reluctantly he'll face the matter (ex: Striking). A calm demeanor and the dislike of conflict should not be mistaken for a lack of backbone, however. When need be, Richard is more than capable of pulling himself out of his shell and raising a fist for more than teacher's wages. He couldn't have survived his younger years in Chicago otherwise.
HISTORY: Born and raised in Chicago until the sins of the father grew too great for the family to bear. His mother was a proud seamstress while his father ran a bar - though, his history was far less clean and much more criminal. The latter brought troubles upon an already unknowingly troubled family. Richard himself was a rambunctious child, protective to a fault and encouraged to walk with danger by his father while his mother urged him to behave in a much more mannerly way, a lesson he wouldn't take to heart until adulthood. The only curse he ever knew of was the Anderson name, one that had become synonymous with gang violence. As a teenager he had no true affiliations with anyone, not even in friendship. He spent most of his time alone, wandering the streets with Chicago until he inevitably found someone to take his frustrations out on. Such short-trigger tempers ran in high supply it seemed like and from fourteen to seventeen years of age did Richard opt for being something of a menace on the streets, until he finally faced an opponent with intentions beyond throwing punches. With a newfound stab wound to show for his efforts, Richard and his mother didn't remain in Chicago much longer. The pair left, abandoning his father (whom the mother blamed for the stabbing) and relocating to another state entirely, where Richard chose to pursue academics and leave the unnecessary violence behind.


(NAME) His mother was a Goodman and his father was an Anderson. To settle an argument between the two, as his mother refused to give up her last name and wanted her son to share the Goodman name, they hyphenated his surname.
(FIGHTING) In his teenage years, despite the calm put-together demeanour of the present, Richard was far more violence-prone and got into street brawls with stunning regularity. This came to a halt after a particularly bad injury left him bedridden for a while and sent his mother into such a frightened panic that she nearly was hospitalized for her high blood pressure. The guilt combined with his own fright caused by the nature of the injury led to his dismissal and eventual dislike of conflict. That being said, although he doesn't retain all of his fighting prowess, quite a bit of skill does remain.
(HEALTH) Generally healthy, although he isn't getting the nourishment his body needs because he halves his food portions to ensure that his mother gets the food she needs to maintain her own health. He has a nasty scar on his side from a stab wound received when he was younger.
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:: NAME ::
Lyla Kraus
:: AGE ::
:: GENDER ::
:: FAMILY ::
:: RACE ::
Finding a place to call home has always been a struggle. Born to an addict mother who cared more about her "fix" than daughters well-being, and a father who would only show affection in ways one should never do to a little girl. At 9 she ran away indefinitely, in which landed her in the foster care system. Determined as she was despite the inconsistent home life, Lyla finished high school and even landed a scholarship for a local college nursing program. For once in her life things seemed okay, actually more than okay. She met Jackson, in which she thought was the love of her life, by 19 they even decided to marry. Jackson was the picture perfect husband, that is until he wasn't. The man that promised to take away her past now filled her future with bruises and violence. Again Lyla had no option but to run, landing her in a small town, far away from the man who made her life a living hell once again.
Keeps mostly to herself, often mistaken as shy and timid due to her stand-offish attitude. However shy and timid is not the case at all, she isn't afraid to stand up for her beliefs and values. When pushed to the limit Lyla is extremely capable of making herself heard. She is obsessed with caring and nurturing back to health; whatever that may be (Is a given due to her choice of occupation). Because of her past she trusts virtually no one, if lucky enough to have her confide in you she is immensely loyal. Once involved with someone or something Lyla's completely in, full heartedly, nothing is ever done half way.

:: EXTRA ::
conceal carries a Luger P08 just in case her bastard of a husband finds her....
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:: NAME ::
Lyla Kraus
:: AGE ::
:: GENDER ::
:: FAMILY ::
:: RACE ::
Finding a place to call home has always been a struggle. Born to an addict mother who cared more about her "fix" than daughters well-being, and a father who would only show affection in ways one should never do to a little girl. At 9 she ran away indefinitely, in which landed her in the foster care system. Determined as she was despite the inconsistent home life, Lyla finished high school and even landed a scholarship for a local college nursing program. For once in her life things seemed okay, actually more than okay. She met Jackson, in which she thought was the love of her life, by 19 they even decided to marry. Jackson was the picture perfect husband, that is until he wasn't. The man that promised to take away her past now filled her future with bruises and violence. Again Lyla had no option but to run, landing her in a small town, far away from the man who made her life a living hell once again.
Keeps mostly to herself, often mistaken as shy and timid due to her stand-offish attitude. However shy and timid is not the case at all, she isn't afraid to stand up for her beliefs and values. When pushed to the limit Lyla is extremely capable of making herself heard. She is obsessed with caring and nurturing back to health; whatever that may be (Is a given due to her choice of occupation). Because of her past she trusts virtually no one, if lucky enough to have her confide in you she is immensely loyal. Once involved with someone or something Lyla's completely in, full heartedly, nothing is ever done half way.
View attachment 435786

:: EXTRA ::
conceal carries a Glock 43 just in case her bastard of a husband finds her....

Accepted! But if you could change your weapon to one that fits the time period, thatd be great! (Its 1933)


Evelyn Kraus

Age: 24
Family: Kraus
Gender: Female
Occupation: Serial Killer/Performer
Evelyn grew up in Germany, her family was well off with several elegant estates scattered across the beautiful country; that was until the Great World War had started. She was just a girl of five when it began, her family having to constantly move due to soldiers taking refuge and commandeering most of the estates because of the expansive space they held. When the war ended in 1918, Evelyn was already Nine years old, and the family returned to their estates, only to find them in ruin. The Kraus's then decided to flee the country to America, where some of their cousins have been living for years.

Evelyn's teen years were boring, being stuck in a small apartment in the slums with a junkie of a cousin and her constantly exhausted parents. Her only peer that she could have gotten along with had run away before they even arrived in America so she was never really around other people her age (couldn't afford school.) New York was a tough city to live in during the Great Depression, but Evelyn quickly began to learn how to play it. She became a performer at 17 and usually snuck out at nights to dance and sing at the local Speakeasies. Prohibition also gave her many opportunities, she sometimes helped the mobsters and dealers smuggle alcohol around, using her small frame and misleading innocence to trick the police and seduce anyone in her way.

By 20 she was practically in control of her small block in the slums, which she appropriately named Bourbon Street. She took her first blood at 21, an older man by the name of Marcel. Marcel was in her speakeasy one night and decided to get a little... frisky while she was on stage. So Evelyn slyly played along for a while, then when the night was getting slow, she brought him up into her room. After a few minutes of charming talk, Marcel began to get comfortable on the bed. Evelyn then took this opportunity to take out her Luger and hold him at gunpoint. After ranting, raving, and instilling as much fear into her victim, she quickly puts one bullet into his head.

Evelyn gained the thirst for blood that night, a thirst that has yet to be quenched. Victim after victim, Evelyn lures men, and women, into her lair. She takes patches of skin from her victims as trophies before disposing of the rest. The city papers dubbed her Patches the Butcher due to the missing skin to connect the bodies of each of her victims. She continues her spree on Bourbon Street to this day...

Personality: (1 or more paragraphs)
Evelyn grew up in a disturbed and terrible time, and this has had an effect on her personality. Her earliest memories were of war and death, shes witnessed men being gunned down in the street and cities being burned to the ground. She killed a German soldiers dog when she was seven, then attempting to chop it up before being caught by her parents. Her excuse was "I'm preparing dinner mama!" She now has violent tendencies, sometimes freaking out and going off at random. She is also very sadistic, usually laughing at and being attracted to gruesome things like workplace incidents or people starving on the streets. Oddly enough, she is very outgoing and charming even though she spent a grand majority of her life moving from place to place or inside of a small apartment.

She has a specially crafted Luger, it was made with a barrel that deafens the shot slightly, not quite a silencer due to lack of technology, but it is close.

Screenshot (11).png

Her Theme song:

(Hair Down when not performing)​
Name: Jonathan Goodman
Age: 24
Family: Goodman
Gender: Male
Occupation: Detective
Race: American



Personality: Johnathan is calm, friendly, and a good man to have at your back. He is also a bit quiet on attempts to join the military as his father pressed him not to do so, but not wanting to be rude, Johnathan quietly nods at such conversation. If he sees something, he will act, but with caution, he doesn't want to step on anyones toes. He has a tolerance for authority, but will distance himself because sometimes laws have to be bent to do good. When he is investigating, Johnathan is quiet and calculating and will share what he knows if it helps the case and if he can get credit for it. There are times in which he has to keep secrets, something he is rather good at.

History: Growing up in Brooklyn New York, Johnathan experienced how the war was dreadful in that his father enlisted as soon as the option came up. While his father was gone, his mother was forced to raise him all by herself much to her dismay. Keeping Johnathan out of trouble was another thing she had to learn how to do. Thankfully, Johnathan's father came home from the war effort in one piece, but not so much mentally. Over the years, and upon Johnathan's persistent prodding, his father with much difficulty told him about the horrors of war and pleaded with him to never join the military. That would not stop him from joining the police force at 18 and to mark this celebration, his father bought him a colt 1911 .45 ACP to protect himself better than the standard 38 Smith and Wessons the police would carry.

During the next two years his father insisted that Johnathan learn how to use a Springfield rifle which struck him as odd. Why would a police officer need to use a rifle? Adding Rifles to his repertoire Jonathan soon became involved in a major triple homicide and was tasked to solve it. Impressed with how quickly he solved the case and arrested the perp, the department decided that he would be a much better fit in the detective division and was promoted promptly. When The Great Depression began, he also prevented his father from committing suicide which earned him more training with the weapons that his father learned during his time in the trenches as Johnathan's life was about to get a lot harder now that the depression was setting in.

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Name: Jonathan Goodman
Age: 24
Family: Goodman
Gender: Male
Occupation: Detective
Race: American



Personality: Johnathan is calm, friendly, and a good man to have at your back. He is also a bit quiet on attempts to join the military as his father pressed him not to do so, but not wanting to be rude, Johnathan quietly nods at such conversation. If he sees something, he will act, but with caution, he doesn't want to step on anyones toes. He has a tolerance for authority, but will distance himself because sometimes laws have to be bent to do good. When he is investigating, Johnathan is quiet and calculating and will share what he knows if it helps the case and if he can get credit for it. There are times in which he has to keep secrets, something he is rather good at.

History: Growing up in Brooklyn New York, Johnathan experienced how the war was dreadful in that his father enlisted as soon as the option came up. While his father was gone, his mother was forced to raise him all by herself much to her dismay. Keeping Johnathan out of trouble was another thing she had to learn how to do. She was hesitant to tell him about the mark on his chest above his heart as it would force him to grow up too fast as she had read the stories about what it meant. Thankfully, Johnathan's father came home from the war effort in one piece, but not so much mentally. Over the years, and upon Johnathan's persistent prodding, his father with much difficulty told him about the horrors of war and pleaded with him to never join the military. That would not stop him from joining the police force at 18 and to mark this celebration, his father bought him a colt 1911 .45 ACP to protect himself better than the standard 38 Smith and Wessons the police would carry.

During the next two years his father insisted that Johnathan learn how to use a Springfield rifle which struck him as odd. Why would a police officer need to use a rifle? Adding Rifles to his repertoire Jonathan soon became involved in a major triple homicide and was tasked to solve it. Impressed with how quickly he solved the case and arrested the perp, the department decided that he would be a much better fit in the detective division and was promoted promptly. When The Great Depression began, he also prevented his father from committing suicide which earned him an explanation about the mark on his chest, something that Johnathan had been trying to figure out as it was not a normal birthmark. His father, a member of the goodman family explained what he knew about the hunt and that there were others that would work with him. It would only be a matter of time though before they showed themselves.


Accepted; though could you change knowledge of the hunt, the hunt was forgotten about due to its inactivity and secretness for over 100 years. Also a retcon to the original post; The mark appears when a certain...event happens.
Been soooo busy this week, try to make the post tomorrow

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