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Realistic or Modern The forge characters

| The Human Forge |

First name: John
Surname: Wagner
Title: The Human Forge
Nicknames: Forge, JW
Alignment: LG
Race: Human
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Role: Tank/Bruiser

Voice: Clear, Strong
Eyes: Red
Complexion: Medium tan
Height: 6'7"
Weight: Varies, base is 210lbs
Build: Muscular
Hair: Short, Brown
Tattoos/markings: N/A

Demeanor: Determined, Realistic
Hopes: Peace
Fears: The ocean, the unknown
Likes: Ice cream, milkshakes, swimming
Dislikes: Hot days, heart burn

His suit, which is colored like iron ore, can withstand tempuratures up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit and can withstand pressures up to 5 tons per square inch.

None, unless you count himself.

His strength, quick reflexes, and determination.

His inability to follow a plan, procrastination, and determination.

His family is unknown to him.

John has yet to find or meet his birth parents. He was given to an orphanage as an infant, and this is where he grew up. Other than this, his childhood was normal, and he was reasonably likable, with many friends both in the orphanage and out. When he came of age, he had to leave, and sought his birth parents. In an age of heroes and villains, each with their own powers and agendas, there was no telling what had happened to them. He looked, but never found, any information on them, until the day some was dropped on his lap - or should I say in his chest. One random, normal day, he was bestowed the ancient power of The Flame, also called The Fire, the Forge, and The Red. He had no clue who gave him this power, but there was a burning feeling inside him that it had to do with his mother and father. Eventually, after painstakingly learning that this power leant him certain unalienable skills, he sought the tutilage of one Captain Strong, Opal City's greatest defender, who had the powers of incredible strength and durability. For four years, Benny learned and honed his skills as Strong's disciple and sidekick, helping him take out many a baddie along the way. One day, his nemisis, who Benny had never heard of or saw, killed Strong where Benny was unable to help him. This death hit him hard, as this was indeed the first loss Benny had experienced in his short life. Now, Benny has made it his goal, his purpose, to hunt down and destroy the man who had killed his teacher and, in many ways, father he had never had.

| Captain Strong |
Physical Description: He is tall, towering over most people, with olive skin and deep, complex brown eyes. His face carries sharp features including high cheekbones, a points chin, and a very strong jaw line. Despite his harsh features, his face carries a comforting look, like nobody in the world could hurt you when you're with him. His voice carries easily and is as strong and deep as he himself is.

Personality: Lawful good, Captain Strong always acts in the best interest of the people. He is completely selfless, having never used his powers for selfish things, and has never shown any regret for dedicating his life solely to the service of the people. Talking to him privately, you would be introduced to a conversation with a very down-to-earth individual and would most definitely leave it better than you entered.

Gear: He carries no weapons. His suit is bullet, cut, pressure, fire, and water resistent, sporting bright yellow and blue colors and sharp, jagged patterns that clash with his skin but accent his muscles.
Name: Oni
Appearance: he is a large samurai warrior with 6 arms, all of which are usually holding a blade. His face is a demonic white smiling mask. He wears a hooded cloak that hides his mechanical body
Personality: unlike most samurai he isn’t calm or collected. He’s wild, unpredictable, savage, the only thing he desires is the forge, a power he has stolen from many warriors, making him almost invincible.
Name: Akuma

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Akuma is best described as a dark figure wearing a black cloak. It's head is always covered by a hood that casts an unnatural shadow over it's face, obscuring it and leaving nothing but a dark void. Beneath the cloak, it covers itself in an 'armor' made out of pure shadows that reflects no light, with fingers sharpened into claws and occasional wisps of smoke separate from its body, although they usually banish not long after.

Very few people know Akuma's identity, and those who once knew the story behind it are long dead. Akuma is very intent in it staying that way.

Akuma is difficult to speak to. At some times, it is as talkative as any other person, at others, it simply ignores the ones trying to speak to it. Akuma rarely engages in conversation with those it considers beneath its attention, and has little empathy for the plight of others. It takes no pleasure from the suffering of others, but cares little about them, and even if usually calm and collected, Akuma is not beyond anger.

Akuma is what some would call an umbrakinetic. It can manipulate- and in some cases, even create- shadows. It can shape them into several forms and shapes, and even give it a physical form similar to glass- brittle, but sharp.

Akuma can also spawn several kinds of "night demons" from the shadows. They come in a variety of shapes, and their strength depends solely on how much energy Akuma deigned to spend during their creation. They all share several similarities though: They are all black in color, with white glowing eyes; while light doesn't hurts them, they are weak to anything related to it; and they are all fiercely loyal to their maker.
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Name~ Amber Holdings

Age~ 8

Gender~ Female

Sexuality~ Has no idea yet, doesn’t think about it.

Species~ Half human, part shapeshifter, part slime

Appearance.~ |
Height: 3ft 10in
Weight: 52 lbs

Hair color/appearance: messy brown hair with a somewhat red tint in bright light. Has long and wavy hair with medium bangs that almost cover her eyes/eyebrows
somewhat pointed, yet small nose; soft, almost pale skin; her eyes have a twinkle that can only be seen when communicating telepathically.

Eye color: they change based on emotion to: Red: rage, disgust, annoyed; blue: sadness, heartbreak, loneliness; green: cheerful, happy, excited, amazed, hopeful, surprised; pink: flustered, embarrassed, affection; purple: scared, shy, concern; yellow: confusion, curiosity; neon: lots of different emotions of different degrees; grey: empty. (skin does this a little bit too, it’s more noticeable)

Body type: usually makes herself look between skinny and average.

Regular clothing: A white T-shirt that is too large, a pair of grey blue shorts hidden under the shirt, usually barefoot or wears sandals. Has a pink wristband. Her clothes are somewhat ragged.

Deep emotional Transformation(s) appearance: an ever changing human-shaped figure that resembles the emotions that she is experiencing at the time. Her clothes disappear, but so do her physical features that are under them. She can not always control when she goes into one of these forms. None of the forms have a nose. The forms are each a solid color.

Rage: she is bright red with pure yellow, sharp eyes, she has spikes that emerge from her head almost like hair, her fingers are pointed like claws, and her mouth is not visable unless she is screaming.

Woe: sky blue with pure green, crescent shaped eyes and a round shaped head that almost resembles a teardrop that sags behind her. Her body moves and reacts to things as if she is a fluid. Her eyes may leak and she doesn't appear to have a mouth unless she is letting out an agonizing cry.

Joy: green with yellow eyes and the appearance of what looks like a ponytail emerging from her head. Has an obvious smiling mouth.

Many Mixed Emotions: pure white/black entity with neon prism colored eyes (ever changing). Her hair grows and turns to a grey color that flows almost as if it were underwater. She emanates waves of power that are colored to indicate the emotions that fill her at the time.

Overwhelmed : a pure grey figure with no expression, blank white eyes with a round head, almost seems motionless. She doesn't know what to think and/or can’t process what is going on around her. She is immune to physical harm, but she is frozen in fear. Can happen after an MME outburst.

Abilities~ Can morph into almost anything (but prefers a human form), can go into people's mind in order to communicate with them and feel/attempt to understand their inner pain. She can project power based off of her own emotions. Her physical form changes involuntary as her emotions do. In deep emotional outbursts, she transforms completely.

Personality~ Somewhat shy, she doesn't trust people easily. She tries not to 'feel' because she thinks her parents abandoned her because of her 'gift'.

She doesn't remember her parents a majority of the time. She has few memories that may flash in and out of her mind, but she looks at most of them negatively due to her perception of her gift.
She knows about the harshness of the world more than one should at this age. She may perceive some aspects the world differently than most adults.

Is an orphan

Likes~ Nice people,

Dislikes~ Loud noises, harsh emotions and attitudes, her involuntary ability to transform, people she sees as rude.


Weaknesses: Young. She doesn't have full control of her emotions. She may begin to 'empathize' with someone's emotions when communicating telepathically, or feel so much that she may transform. She may even turn 'grey'. She can't always sense emotions to a precise extent, causing things to sometimes be misinterpreted.
Voice tone is somewhat higher than average.

She can only communicate with one person at a time when speaking with her mind. However, the other person can also communicate back while they have the link.

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