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Fantasy The Forest Of Souls


Aggressive lesbian
Our life is simplistic, here in the forest and our village is prosperous within... Or, that's how it was.

I can't say, nor remember when they came to this place, our holy forest, but they did. They came and ever since they arrived, things plain haven't been the same. We call them the Hunters - Tall humanoid shadowy beings that kill with claws and flame - but we do not know what they truely are. We have called them so, for what they are. they stalk and murder most things - Faye, spirits, humans, and animals talking or no - Yet somehow selectively. They... Choose their targets from those of "the marked" us who have been cursed with the symbol of the flame. People like me. With the curse, we are marked and certain to meet a grim fate if we venture beyond the village wall. It would be a simple task, to simply stay here, but if we all did as such, the village would soon die without the supplies -medicines and foods - we claim from the forests. That, and not all of us can be here. There are simply too many of us.
Some must face the danger in the wood if others will survive.

We don't know why the Hunters came or why they haunt us so or if there is even a way to get rid of them, so, we're stuck on those questions and the fear. Left to wonder if our gods test us, or simply left us abandoned.



Gods: Gods are the passive guardians of the world. 

Aetas is the god of time. He’s the one to blame if you manage to loose a few hourswhen you’re having a good time and also when the hours drag by.

Fo, the vermin god. He is patron to rats, plague, and the fomerians(feral faye) You don’t pray to this god, so much as beg them to spare you. That said, he is not inherently malevolent. 

Bel, god of nature and patron to animals (both speaking and otherwise) as well as a boon to hunters. They represent “the circle”. 

Flemath, goddess of fire and patron to mankind. She represents creation and destruction. 

Anima, the goddess of knowledge and souls. Patron to the spirits, she provides ancient wisdom through them.

Magi, goddess of the magiks and patron to the faye. They watch over magic rituals and assist those worthy of the craft.

Magic: Magic is split into five different categories, in the world of the forest. Enchantments, blessings, curses, summonings, and rituals.

Enchantments work more or less how you'd expect. An item is chosen for an enchantment, then you must choose something you wish to sacrifice in order to imbue the item with magics. A sacrifice has to be a living creature. You can use anything from an insect to a man. Whatever you sacrifice determines the strength of the enchantment. Say, if you wanted a blade which can also burn things. If you sacrificed a single insect, like a fly, it would only be warm to the touch. But if you sacrificed a man, or even a strong monster, the blade would become flame, sharpened to a fine edge. You can also sacrifice multiple things in order to achieve the same effect, or even a stronger one.

Blessings come from the gods and the royals the gods chose to give the power. Blessings are hard earned. Usually they are a reward for great deeds. Dragon slaying and such. They give the blessed abilities which range from supernatural strength to being able to conjure lighting from ones own body. It is to be noted, a blessing from a king will always pale to that of a gods blessing and will always cause physical strain on the blessed when used.

Curses.... Well, curses work a great deal like blessings save for the fact that any user of magic can place them upon you with the correct ritual. A curse can kill instantly, or bring simple misfortunes. A curse may also be used to give people abilities like those of the blessings. In example, a power over flame. The cursed may use this ability at will, but the power grows stronger and stronger and can very well become uncontrollable. These particular curses always result in the power eventually consuming the individual.

Summonings work by first crafting a body. A simple, featureless body which may be shaped as anything from a round stone to the likeness of a human, depending on what you are summoning. You must also provide a sacrifice. It can be blood, objects, or knowledge. The summoned being will appraise the offerings, and decide whether or not it will take the deal you offer. If it accepts, it will present you with a contract, which must be signed in ones own blood. After accepting, the being will finish shaping the body into whatever you desire and then will serve out the therms of the contract.

And now rituals. They are at the core of all branches of magic, but for the sake of explanation, they refer to the miscellaneous rituals which don't fall into the other four categories. You perform misc rituals to do simple things, like build structures that would otherwise be impossible to create. Of course, one would need to offer up objects for, let's call it “equivalent exchange” as well as make the symbols necessary for what you are doing. Say, if you wanted to create a fire, you would provide timber and draw the symbol for flames, then imbue it with your magical energies. These misc rituals are the most common form of magic in the world and come with the least risk of all.

This seem interesting, though it all depends on how many paragraphs we would have to write if I would actually join when it gets to that point. *Don't know how to get this spoiler box off, if I actually can.*
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Very interested. A couple questions, though: would we be able to play as fae, spirits etc.? Also since magic is detailed in this interest check, would it be common for our characters to know some, perhaps have a summoned creature at our disposal or something like that?
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as far as paragraphs go, id like at least one per post. and it's not exactly common for people in this world to use magic, but it's utilized enough that nearly everywhere has at least one mage or two. also, yes, you can be a faye or spirit. even an animal, if you want. 
I am definitely interested. You have q captivating way with words my Queen.  *removes hat and bows
I'm interested possibly. Especially if a Kitsune counts as some sort of Faye or other playable race. 
A kitsun? A fox girl. Mmm closer to a spirit here, and I'm hesitant on the elf thing, because, like, no what, nevermind. No elves.
yeah, i just wanted people to be a lil more original, rather than just making dwarves and elves and shit. it gets old after awhile.
may i be a woodland spirit? or is this sone other kind of spirit lore?

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